Daddy’s Temptation by Kelly Myers



When Sunday rolls around, I find myself out by the pool with Jasmine on one side and Taylor on the other. Cody and Mason splash around in the pool and Ryan just fires the grill up. I watch him closely behind my sunglasses, but he’s focused on messing around with a package of hotdog buns.

I roll my eyes and start to feel bad about myself. I practically threw myself at him last night. I basically said, “Hey, here’s my virginity. It’s all yours if you want it.”

And, he didn’t want it.

I know I’m a pretty girl and I’ve never had any low self-esteem issues, but Ryan’s rejection is making me doubt myself. I’ve always been under the impression that most men like younger, innocent women.

But, Ryan Fox isn’t like most men.

When he bends over and scoops a soda out of the cooler, my gaze drops to his perfect ass. Then, Jasmine squeals beside me. She jumps up and hurries down to the curb where a Mustang just rolled up.

“Savvy!” she cries and embraces a tall, thin, drop-dead gorgeous blonde. An even taller, dark-haired man walks around the car, leading a dog on a leash, and slips his hand into hers. Then, the trio starts toward us. Jasmine and Savannah chat a mile a minute.

“Is that Savannah?” I ask Taylor.

“Yep,” she says and waves to them. “Isn’t Nick scrumptious?”

The former model looks like he just stepped off a runway, but I can’t help but look back over at Ryan. Less pretty boy and more rugged, Ryan is more my type. As they walk up, Jasmine introduces me to Nick and Savannah.

They remind me of Brad and Angelina when they first started dating. So good-looking that you can’t look directly at them or you’ll die from the sheer beauty. “Hi,” I say. “I just moved into your old place.”

“So nice to meet you,” Savannah says. “Isn’t Sunset Terrace great?”

“I love it,” I say and laugh when the shepherd mix sniffs me with his big, wet nose.

“This is Paul,” Nick says.

“Hello, Paul.” I pet him and he gives me a kiss. Savannah pulls up a lounge chair, lowers herself down and places a hand over her lower stomach.

“How are you feeling?” Jasmine asks.

“Well, the morning sickness has been morning, afternoon and night sickness. So, I’ll try not to throw up while I’m here,” she promises.

“You’re pregnant?” I ask and she nods. She wears a loose-fitting shirt and still looks thin to me. Probably because she’s so incredibly tall and slim naturally. “Congratulations.”

“They’re having twins!” Taylor announces.

“Oh, wow.”

“Tell me about it,” Nick says and we all laugh.

After a few more questions about the babies, Savannah launches into a story about vet school while Nick and Paul wander over to talk to Ryan. They shake hands and after Nick grabs a cold drink, they sit in a couple of chairs in the shade, the dog stretched out in the grass by Nick’s feet.

I look from Nick back to Savannah and their age gap is no secret. It’s clear that she’s in her early 20s and he’s in his early 40s. Yet, it works. From what I can tell, and from the sly looks they keep exchanging, it works really well.

I really hope that Ryan notices, too. I can tell he’s hung up on our age difference for some stupid reason, but Nick sure isn’t bothered by that at all.

Of course, there’s also the possibility that Ryan just doesn’t like me. That I’m not his type.


I look back over at the girls around me. Someone just asked me something and I’m not sure who or what. “Hmm?”

“I asked if you booked any gigs yet?” Jasmine adjusts the stack of bright, fun bracelets on her wrist, but her gaze is too keen and I’m pretty sure she saw me watching Ryan.

“What kind of stuff do you sing?” Savannah asks.

“Oh, um, I like a lot of things, but especially jazz standards.”

“You should try to get a gig at the Magnolia Club. Nick took me there last week and the place was packed. It would be a great place for you to sing.”

“I just sent them an email with a demo song.”

“You’ll get it,” Taylor says. “I heard you singing the other night and you are really good.”

A blush creeps up over my cheeks. “Thanks.”

“When did you start singing?” Savannah asks.

After my parents died. The moment I realized I had no one left in the world who loved me. When my uncle started beating on me. “I think I was about 16,” I say. “I guess it was my way of escaping everyday life.”

“I always wished I could sing,” Taylor says.

“You are a fantastic dancer. You don’t need to sing, too,” Jasmine says.

“Yeah, leave something for the rest of us.”

They laugh and it’s nice to be surrounded by a group of girls, a potential circle of new friends. I didn’t leave any friends behind in Indiana. I was too busy working down at the diner, taking every available shift and saving every penny so I could escape.

“We need to plan a girls’ night out,” Taylor says. “You guys all need to come to Club Noir when I’m working and I will hook you up with a VIP table and drinks tickets.”

“I could use a night of dancing and drinking,” Jasmine says and adjusts her oversized hat. “What’s everyone’s schedule like?”

“I have class every day, so a Friday or Saturday night works best for me,” Savannah says. “I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to stay out too late, though. I’m usually sound asleep by nine lately.”

“I have a trip scheduled this week, but I’ll be back Thursday.”

“Where are you going, Jazz?”

“The Big Apple. Got a fitting for the Givenchy show coming up.”

Jasmine Torres walks the most prestigious runways for top designers and she doesn’t blink or brag about it. “That’s exciting,” I say.

“It’s just work. No biggie.” Jasmine bumps Savannah’s elbow. “If I see your billboard, I’ll send you a picture.”

Savannah laughs. “Oh, gosh, I don’t know if I want to see myself that big in the middle of New York City. How embarrassing.”

“Savvy booked a couple huge Guess campaigns,” Jasmine explains.

“And, I thank God every day,” she says with a dreamy smile and glances over at Nick.

“Why don’t I ever meet any hot men at my work?” Taylor asks.

“Because they’re either gay ballet dancers or drunk creeps,” Jazz says.

“Sad, but true,” Taylor says. “Okay, so how about you, Hailey? How does Friday night sound?”

“Until I book a gig, I’m pretty free.”

“Great! I’m putting you all on the VIP list and we are going to have a much-needed girls’ night out on the town.”

“What about Morgan?” Savannah asks. “Has anyone seen her lately?”

Jasmine shakes her head. “Poor thing. Last I heard, her Mom wasn’t doing that well.”

“I feel awful for her,” Taylor says. “I wish there was something we could do.”

I look from one girl to the next, not sure what they’re talking about.

“Morgan lives over in number 2,” Jazz says, “but, I’m guessing you probably haven’t met her yet. She’s always working. Her mom is sick and she’s got hospital bills and her mom’s care to pay for.”

“That’s so sad,” I say.

Taylor nods. “She’s an actor, but doesn’t get to go out on many auditions because she’s always taking on extra shifts at her real job.”

I understand that better than anyone and feel a wave of sympathy for the girl.

“I’ll invite her if I see her,” Jasmine says, “but, we all know she won’t come. She doesn’t let herself do anything but work. I can tell that it’s starting to take its toll on her, too. She always looks so tired and unhappy.”

“God, that girl needs a night off more than any of us,” Taylor says.

All of a sudden, Cody and Mason grab Savannah in big, wet bear hugs and she screeches. “Enough girly talk,” Cody says, blocking our sun and dripping pool water all over.

“Hey, watch where you’re dripping,” Jazz says and he instantly shakes like a dog, spraying all of us with water droplets.

We all cry out and then Ryan announces that the food is ready. The smell of burgers and hotdogs on the grill hits my nose and my stomach growls. Everyone grabs a paper plate and bun and then Ryan flips either a burger or hotdog onto them.

I hang back, making sure I’m last in line and everyone else has wandered off and settled down to eat. When I move up beside him with my plate, he spears a hotdog and places it in the bun.

“Thanks,” I say.

“You’re welcome.” He avoids eye contact with me, pretending that I didn’t ask him to sleep with me last night.

And, it annoys me.


Finally, he looks up and those light green eyes seem to simmer. Today, they remind me of the grass in springtime and I want to sink into their depths.

“Have you thought anymore offer?”

I see him suck in a breath. “Yeah, and the answer is still no.”

My heart sinks. Then, I get pissed. “Fine. Guess I’ll just have to find someone else.” When I turn to stomp away, he grabs my arm.

“What’s the damn rush? Take your time. Find someone special.”

“Don’t lecture me,” I snap and pull my arm away. “I’m getting rid of it whether you’ll help me or not.” Okay, that was a bit of a threat, but maybe it would light a fire under his ass.

I walk back over to the group and sit down beside Taylor. I don’t think anyone noticed what just happened between me and Ryan until I glance over and see the strange look on Taylor’s face. But, she doesn’t comment. Just frowns and bites into her burger.

A moment later, Ryan pulls up a chair on the outer circle of our group and sits. It’s clear he doesn’t feel completely comfortable and hangs in the background. And, of course, I feel bad for him even though I’m still mad at him.

Annoying, alluring, infuriating man.

Even though I avoid looking his way, I can feel his gaze on me. It’s like when you stand too close to a roaring fire. The heat seeps into your pores and feels good at first, but then it suddenly starts to burn. When I finally look up, his piercing green eyes hold mine for a moment too long.

Then, he looks away.

I want to scream. He’s sending me mixed signals, thrusting me away, and then those beautiful minty-green eyes of his tell a completely different story.

I’m going to try one more time, I decide. Then, if he pushes me away, I’m not going to waste another minute on Ryan Fox.

Later that night, my apartment is stuffy and I wander outside for some fresh air. It’s cooler out here and I sit down on the bench beneath the trees. It’s around ten o’clock and the moon is high in the sky and the sting of Ryan’s rejection is like a splinter under my skin. It hurts, but thoughts of him won’t go away.

I look over to the large kitchen window of his apartment and see a light on. I wonder what he’s doing. The window is open, but the curtains hang still since there’s no breeze tonight. Suddenly, my phone rings and I glance down at the caller id. Unknown. Thinking it may be a club, I answer. “Hello?”

And, I wish to God I hadn’t.

My Uncle Wayne’s gravelly voice comes over the line and, even though he’s thousands of miles away, it still makes me shiver as though he’s standing right beside me. “Hailey, girl, where the hell are you?’ he demands.

“Gone,” I say. “And, I’m not coming back.”

“The gal down at the diner said you up and went to Cal-ee-fornia. Is that true?”

My heart plummets. Dammit, I didn’t want him finding out. What does it matter, though? It’s not like he’s going to come out and visit. “It’s none of your business,” I tell him.

“Like hell,” he rumbles across the line. “You were my meal ticket.”

“No,” I say, my voice rising. “It’s not my job to pay off your debts.”

“He agreed to the deal. You didn’t have a say,” my uncle thunders.

I shake my head and tears prick the backs of my eyes. “It’s my body.”

“You’re an ungrateful little-”

I hang up. My phone rings again, but I turn the ringer off and silent tears start to stream down my face. When Ryan’s door opens, I swipe the wetness away and pretend not to notice. But, he walks over and sits down beside me.

“Are you okay? You sounded upset.”

Great.So, the whole complex probably heard me yell at my uncle. I want to tell him yes, that I'm fine, but something inside me finally breaks. “No,” I whisper, unable to look at him. Instead, I focus on my painted toenails and struggle not to cry. But, to my utter humiliation, the tears begin to roll down my cheeks and hit the grass.

Ryan heaves out a breath, reaches over and tilts my chin up. “Hey, it’s alright.” He wipes a tear away and I burst like a dam. “Hailey…”

The next thing I know, I’m in Ryan’s arms and sobbing my heart out. I’ve held my emotions back for too long and now they pour out of me and there’s nothing I can do except let them flow. I tighten my arms around Ryan and cry into his chest. I know I’m soaking his t-shirt with my tears and snot, but he doesn’t seem to care as he strokes a hand up and down my back, trying to comfort me.

No one has ever held me in his arms while I cry. He’s also whispering soothing things in my ear and somehow it’s helping. With a half-sniffle, half-hiccup, I pull back and know I must look an absolute mess. I wipe my runny nose with the back of my hand. “Sorry about your shirt,” I say, but he only shrugs.

“I don’t care about my shirt,” he says and brushes my hair back. “You wanna talk about it?”

God, those eyes of his suck me in and next thing I know, I’m spilling my guts. I’ve never told anyone about my parents dying or my uncle or the terrible things that he did. But, Ryan inspires trust and I know he won’t tell anyone my dark secrets.

“After my parents died when I was 16, I moved in with my Uncle Wayne and Aunt Sylvia. I’d never been close to them, but I had nowhere else to go. They didn’t pay much attention to me, but they fed and clothed me and sent me to school. They’d never had any children of their own.”

I look down and see Ryan holds a lock of my hair, rubbing it between his fingers.

“Things weren’t ever great, but they were bearable. At least until my aunt died. Then, my uncle turned mean. He drank all the time and lost his job. He turned all that pent-up anger on me.”

Ryan is a good listener and finally emptying out all the horror that happened over the past year feels like such a weight off my shoulders.

“He started hitting me and I’d stay away as much as possible.”

Ryan lets go of my hair and lightly touches the crescent-shaped scar at the corner of my eye, right above my cheekbone.

“He threw a bottle at me one night.”


I shrug. Getting hit with a beer bottle isn’t the worst part of this story and I almost stop right there. But, one look into Ryan’s concerned gaze and I keep going. For better or for worse, I tell him the part that I try to forget and lock deep down in my soul.

“My uncle has a lot of debt and he owed some guy a few grand. He was going to sell me to his friend for the night. Guess he figured my virginity would pay it off.”

“Christ,” Ryan hisses and everything about him darkens-- his eyes, face, energy.

“That’s why I had to run away. No one is going to use my virginity and I’m never going back there. It’s mine and I should be the one to choose who I give it to. And, I want the first man I sleep with to be gentle and kind. Not the highest bidder.”

For a long moment, Ryan absorbs my story without a word. Then, he simply says, “Okay.”

“Okay, what?” I ask, confused.

“I’ll help you with your...request. At least if it’s with me, I know it’ll be a good experience for you.”

My eyes widen.

“But, just the one time.”

I don’t have any words, can’t believe that he’s agreeing to take my virginity. I just nod.

“And, it can’t be here. None of the residents can find out.”

“Tonight?” I ask.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

“Tonight,” I say. I’m not giving him any time to change his mind.

I feel like a horse chomping at the bit. I’m so ready to go, but Ryan tells me we’ll leave in about half an hour. “Take a shower, get ready. Wear something special,” he says.

Special?What does he mean? I don’t have anything nice or fancy. I feel a wave of panic as I start to comb through the meager clothing in my drawers and closet. I end up choosing my nicest black bra and matching panties and a little sundress with flowers on it.

In exactly 30 minutes, I step out of my apartment and see him waiting by the pool, hands in his pockets, gaze on the water. My heart skips when I notice his thick, brown hair is damp from a shower. And, when I step up beside him, he smells so good. Like soap and fresh laundry and a hint of something spicy. Cologne, maybe? I bite my lip and think it’s really cute that he wanted to get ready when he could’ve just pushed me up against a tree and been done with it.

I get the impression that it’s really important to him to make this special for me. I have no idea why, but I appreciate the sweet gesture.

“Ready?” he asks.

His voice is husky and I know once we leave and get to the hotel that there’s no turning back. For me, anyway. I have no doubt that Ryan would stop the moment I asked. “Ready,” I say in as firm a voice as I can muster.

Ryan takes me to a well-known hotel chain that doesn’t scream sleazy hook-up joint which I appreciate. It’s quiet and there are a few other cars in the parking lot. I wait in his truck while he checks us in. God, I’m suddenly nervous. I wipe my sweaty palms down my dress and swallow hard.

I know I’m making the right decision and I know I’ve chosen the right man. But, still, I can’t suppress the fluttery sensations in my stomach. I feel like I’m about to jump out of a plane and skydive or step off the end of a bridge and bungee jump into nothingness.

He returns a few minutes later and I get out. “Second floor, room 212,” he says and we walk over to the staircase. He motions for me to head up first and I feel anxious and edgy. But, I push the feelings aside. I stop in front of room 212 and Ryan opens the door.

I step inside and flip on the light. There’s one large bed in the middle of the room and I swallow down my nerves, trying to get them under control. I want this, I remind myself. I hear Ryan set his keys on the table and I can’t seem to slow my rapid breathing.


I turn around and take a deep breath.

“If you’ve changed your mind-”

“No,” I tell him and move closer. “I haven’t.” I reach out both hands and place them on his hard chest. I curl my fingers into his t-shirt and pull him to me. Then, Ryan leans down and captures my mouth in the best kiss I’ve ever received. His lips move over mine, slowly at first, but then something happens.

Something like an explosion.

Everything becomes hot and hazy and I lean into him as he angles his head over mine, deepening the kiss.

Oh. My. God.

I’ve never been kissed like this and when his tongue slides into my mouth, I tentatively answer back with mine, tasting him. My hands still clench his t-shirt and I let go and slide them up, my fingers slipping through the hair at the base of his neck. I like that it’s a little too long and I circle my fingers through it.

After kissing me thoroughly, Ryan pulls back and his green eyes glow bright with desire. He wants me. Need is stamped all over his face and knowing this eases my nerves. He’s not just doing me a favor. There’s a hunger there and, together, we’re going to satisfy it.

“If at any time you want to stop-”

“I won’t,” I interrupt.

“I want you to know that I will,” he finishes.

“I know. I trust you, Ryan.”

He gives a nod then cups my face and begins to kiss me again. My God, the man can kiss. He’s very thorough and when his lips move down to my neck, I suck in a breath and my knees go weak.

“You taste so sweet,” he murmurs, hands now on my hips, tongue leaving wet kisses down the curve of my throat. He pulls me closer, right up against him, and there’s no mistaking the hardness pressing into me. A part of me freaks out a little and another, larger part of me gets excited.

His hands move down my hips, slip down to the hem of my dress and he fists the material. But, he doesn’t pull it up any further, just licks up my jaw and kisses me again in that slow, deep, sensual way that's making me breathe harder.

I need more. When I slip my hands under his shirt and begin to trace the grooves of his six-pack abs, I feel him tense up. But, then, he takes a step back and whips the shirt off. “Go ahead,” he says. “Touch me.”

He’s ripped and I let my hands explore the hard ridges of his stomach then move over to his rock-hard biceps where there’s a tattoo of a pair of wings split by a dagger. The number “160” is inked right below the dagger’s tip. I like it. A lot.

I also decide that I like touching his body. It’s so warm and smooth, yet hard at the same time. I glide my hand back over and circle my fingertips lightly over his flat nipples.

“Can I taste you?” I ask.

His nostrils flare and he gives me a sharp nod. When I lean closer and trace my tongue over his clean skin, he sucks in a breath and drops his head back. His chest begins to rise and fall in jerky movements and it amazes me that I have this kind of effect on him.

When I pull back, he’s staring at me and the intensity in those green eyes is deep and a little intimidating. Then, he reaches down, grasps the bottom of my dress and slips it up and over my head. I feel exposed and fight the urge to cover myself, but Ryan quickly makes me feel comfortable when he tells me how beautiful I am.

“Lay down,” he says and I scoot back on the bed while he unbuttons, unzips and then drops his jeans to the floor. I can’t help but look down and his boxer briefs look ready to burst. Ryan slides up over me and I let my nails trail down his smooth back.

His tongue flicks along my neck and then lowers. “You smell like vanilla ice cream. Taste like it, too.” When his lips graze my breast, I let out a little gasp and arch beneath him.

“Funny,” I say, struggling to breathe as his mouth covers my bra and sucks, “because your eyes are usually the color of mint chocolate chip ice cream.”

He looks up at me. “Usually?”

“Now, they’re darker like wet, green grass.”

Somehow, my comment makes them turn another shade darker. I give a small whimper when he unsnaps my bra and tosses it aside. “You’re perfect, Hailey,” he murmurs, moving his mouth from one breast to the other, sucking and laving and making me squirm beneath him.

I feel his mouth move lower, lips tracing around my navel, and I suck in a breath, waiting to see what he does next. And, just when I’m about to burst from anticipation, Ryan drops his mouth over the front of my best black underwear and kisses me.

“Ohh,” I moan as a fire stokes between my legs. He knows exactly what he’s doing and I’m at his mercy. I feel his fingers slide beneath the elastic, slowly drag my panties down and then they wind up on the floor next to my bra.

When his mouth drops again, there’s no barrier and I bite my lip hard as all these strange, exhilarating, pulsing feelings begin to fill me. He’s licking and stroking and sucking and my hips buck up off the mattress. “Oh, my God,” I say.

I think I feel him smile between my thighs, but I’m not sure. The only thing I’m sure of is his mouth is making a part of me come alive that I never knew existed. A pressure begins to build and it’s intense and my breathing is all ragged and I don’t know what to do. When I try to squeeze my thighs together, he pushes them further apart, lifts my hips up off the bed and sinks his face back down between my thighs. When he blows on me, I try to twist, but he holds me tight.

“Let go, sweetheart.”

“I...can’t,” I say. Something is building, but I don’t know what to do. Until one of his fingers slips inside me and his lips wrap around my clit and suck. Holy hell. My whole body vibrates and I thread my fingers through his hair and pull it hard. Wave after wave of pleasure rolls through me and I feel my body spasm.

My eyes slide shut and I feel like I’m floating as I sink into the softness of the bed. Wow. Ryan Fox has a mouth that knows how to please. I feel him move back up over me and I let out a content sigh. When I finally open my eyes, I see his mouth edge up.

“You like that?” he asks.

“Oh, yeah.”

Pure, masculine pride fills his face and he leans down and kisses me. But, it’s not slow like before. It’s harder, more demanding and hotter. So very hot.

“Good,” he says and moves between my legs. “Because we’re just getting started.”

Oh, my goodness. After that, I’m not sure how much more I can take.