Daddy’s Temptation by Kelly Myers



I honestly don’t know how much more I can take, I think. I haven’t had sex in a very long time and Hailey is driving me into a frenzy. She’s so damn responsive and all I want to do is slam into her and release this ache. But, I know I need to take it slow and be gentle.

And, I’m trying my damndest. But, it is not easy and takes every ounce of my self-control.

I slip a hand down between our bodies and she’s dripping. “So wet,” I whisper. This time, instead of one finger, I slide two into her body. God, she’s tight. She pushes against my hand and I circle my thumb around her clit.

“Ryan,” she cries.

“I’m right here. I’ve got you.” Orgasm number two hits her hard and she’s like a pile of jelly when I pull my hand back up. My cock throbs painfully and I can’t wait any longer. I slip out of my boxer briefs and reach for the condom on the nightstand. I roll it on and look down into her glazed eyes.

“Hold on,” I warn her. I plan to be as gentle as possible, but for fuck’s sake, my dick is hard as steel and I have a feeling this could turn into a wild ride.

Hailey throws her arms around me and I move between her legs, weight on my elbows and hovering at her wet entrance, when she starts kissing my earlobe. Fuck. I’m literally going to explode, I think, as I grit my teeth and begin to push into her.

I feel her body tense and I freeze. “You’re really, um, big,” she says.

“Just relax,” I say. I pull back out and then start to slide in again. Her body begins to loosen up more and I look into her big, brown eyes and thrust deep. I smother her cry with a kiss and pull her leg up higher, adjusting our position. Then, I start to move, trying to keep a slow, steady rhythm, but when she scratches her nails down my back and makes this sexy little mewling sound in the back of her throat, my control snaps.

Hailey wraps her legs around my waist and I pump my hips, driving into her tight, little body like a man who’s possessed. Sensation overwhelms me and desire makes me lose my mind a little. She feels so fucking good and my hard kisses match my hard thrusts.

I reach down between us and stroke her. I need her to climax before me. This night is about her, not me. But, hell, I hope she gets there fast or that’s not going to happen.

After a minute, she’s writhing and arching and then her body trembles with release. Good girl. The pressure building at the base of my spine shatters and, with one final thrust, I explode with a loud groan. It’s like the heavens open and angels serenade me. Nothing ever felt so fucking good.

I drop down beside her, breathing hard, and realize that this little virgin just made me come harder than I ever have before in my life. It catches me completely off-guard and I study her profile. She turns her head, chest still moving up and down hard, and gives me a crooked smile.

“Wow,” she murmurs. “I didn’t think it would be like that.”

I reach out and gently push the hair back off her face. “Like what?” I ask.

“Like a lot of shooting stars all at once.” I give her a quizzical look and she explains further. “Hot and bright and beautiful.”

Huh. No one has ever described sex with me quite like that before. It’s flattering. And, even though I had my doubts and plenty of misgivings at first, I’m glad I slept with her and was her first. I roll out of bed and get rid of the condom.

But, now it’s over. No more, I remind myself.

Suddenly, I’m not so happy that I made that rule.

I have to think about Hailey, though. I don’t want it to get around the complex where everyone knows that we’re sleeping together. She doesn’t deserve to have that kind of reputation because she’s a good girl.

I get back in bed and pull the sheet up to my waist. “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” I say.

“I more than enjoyed it.” She traces a finger up my arm.

I reach over and grab her hand. “Hailey. One time. That was our agreement.”

She pulls her hand away. “I know.” She eyes me and then looks down and picks at the blanket. “I’m sorry if it wasn’t that good for you, though.”

“Why do you think it wasn’t good for me?” I ask carefully. Is she kidding? She just rocked my fucking world. Tilted it completely off its axis.

“Because I didn’t really, you know, do much back...for you.”

“You were perfect.”

She rolls her eyes. “You don’t have to lie to try to make me feel better. I know I just laid there and let you do everything.”

“Do you know how responsive you were? How passionate? I feel honored that you chose me and I just hope that I was good enough for you.”

“You were more than good, Ryan.” She looks down again, suddenly shy. “Honestly, I didn’t think I was going to even like it.”

“Why didn’t you think you’d like it?”

Hailey lifts her hand and covers her face. “You’re embarrassing me.”

God, she’s adorable.I pull her hand away from her red face and lace my fingers through hers. “It may have been your first time, but you didn’t disappoint. You actually surprised me.”

“I did? How so?”

“You’re just very...refreshing.”

“I just didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“Baby, I didn’t want to disappoint you.” I kiss the back of her hand and smile. “Taking someone’s virginity is a lot of pressure.”

“Have you before?”

“Slept with a virgin?” She nods. “The last time was when I was a virgin.”


“We were both 17 and she was my first girlfriend.”

“And, was it amazing?”

I burst out laughing. “No. It was bumpy and awkward and over in a couple of minutes.”

Hailey smothers a laugh and I look down and realize I’m still holding her hand. And, it feels really good. Dare I say, right?

“Guess you’ve learned a few things over the years,” she says in a low voice.

“A couple tricks, anyway.”

“Have you been with a lot of women?”

I shift against the pile of pillows, not really wanting to talk about my sexual history, but what the hell. Hailey is now a part of that history and has a right to know, I suppose. “I don’t think so, but I’m hardly a saint.”

“Go on,” she says.

“Well, there was Alyssa, my first girlfriend-”

“B and A?”

When I frown, her mouth tilts up. “Bumpy and awkward,” she clarifies.

“Right,” I say with a chuckle. “We eventually figured it out. That lasted a couple years and then I met Paige. We dated for a year, she got pregnant and we decided to get married.” I don’t know what possessed me to tell her about my ex-wife and daughter. “After my divorce, there have been a few more women, but nobody special.”

“The girls say they never see you bring anybody home.”

“Because I don’t need everyone at Sunset Terrace to know who I’m sleeping with. I’m a little more discreet than that.”

“Hence the hotel room,” she says with a wave of her other hand.

“Exactly. It’s no one’s business.” I finally slide my hand out of hers. “That’s why this is going to remain our secret, right?”

She doesn’t say anything for the longest time. Then, she finally utters a very unconvincing, “Sure.”


But, she moves away from me, pulling the sheet with her, and swings her legs over the opposite side of the bed. Hailey stands up, reaches down and grabs her clothes off the floor. Laying there, naked and uncovered, I watch her head toward the bathroom.

I can’t tell what’s going on in that head of hers. Is she pissed? I just let her go and while she gets dressed, I do the same. We had a deal and now it’s done.

Time to go, I tell myself as I zip my jeans up and pull my shirt over my head. I followed through, took her virginity like she wanted, and now it’s over.

Fuck. There’s a really big part of me that wants to drag her back under the covers with me and do it all over again. But, no, I can’t think like that. It’s dangerous.

When I pull my truck up alongside the building back at Sunset Terrace, right alongside my apartment, Hailey finally looks over at me. She didn’t say a word the entire way back and I don’t know what the hell to think.

“Thank you, Ryan,” she whispers. Then, she opens the door and walks away.

I can’t move, just watch the way her flowered dress swishes around her legs as she heads back over to her place. She looks so young and, despite just having had sex with me, completely innocent. I suck in a breath, pry my ass out of the car and look up at the dark sky above.

I don’t think I’m going to be able to forget this night or Hailey Lane as easily as I’d hoped.

Back in my apartment, I drop down on the couch, pull out my cell phone and see I have two new messages. The first one is from Ryker Flynn, an old friend from when I was a Night Stalker. He was a Navy SEAL and is one of the best guys I know. I had the pleasure of flying him and his team on several missions. Now, he works at a security firm and has a new wife and baby daughter. Ryker says something about catching up and asks if I want to grab a beer with him and Griff, another one of the guys who works at Platinum Security.

It’s late, so I’ll text him back in the morning. It’s been awhile so I look forward to catching up with him. I don’t know Griff quite as well, but he’s funny as hell and seems like a good guy.

When the other message plays, it’s Bella and I sit up straighter.

Hi, Dad. I know you wanted to see me and I’m free on Tuesday. You know, if you still want to meet up. If not, no big deal. Talk to you later.

I play the message again and realize how much I miss my daughter. I haven’t seen her in a couple of months and it feels like forever. And, even though it’s after midnight, I text her back right away: Yes, Tuesday sounds great. Look forward to seeing you and catching up. Love you.

Bella hasn’t told me that she loves me since she was probably about five. My heart twists up in my chest at the thought and I’d give anything to hear it. But, I’m always careful not to push her too hard. I know Paige blames me for our divorce and, in turn, so does Bella.

I’m the bad guy and I don’t necessarily believe our failed marriage was one-hundred percent my fault, but I take on the majority of the burden for things not working out. I just don’t want Paige talking shit about me to Bella.

The notion of having an estranged daughter kills me, but that’s where we’ve somehow found ourselves. With every passing year, it feels like she’s pulled further and further away from me. I understand that she has a busy life with work, school and friends, but I wish she would make time to see me more.

Who am I kidding?

I get the feeling that Bella would rather sit home and do nothing than spend time with her old man. But, that doesn’t mean that I’m giving up on her. It just makes me want to work harder at improving our relationship.

And, I’m really hoping that our lunch this Tuesday is a step in the right direction.

As long as she doesn’t cancel,I think. Because, unfortunately, she tends to do that an awful lot.