Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



I make it through the rest of the work week without seeing Zach again. I manage this by not stepping foot on Sleet property. I have a few meetings scheduled with other players, but I'm able to conduct them over the phone. I know I’m being a coward, but I honestly have no idea how to handle myself around Zach. Just having him within sight makes my thoughts scatter. He makes me feel so sexual. Sexy in a way that I’ve never felt before. Seeing how I was worried I’d never feel sexy again, that’s quite the feat.

And that’s the problem. I need to keep avoiding him, at least until I become infatuated with someone else. When another man can hold my attention the way he does, then it’ll finally be safe to be near Zach again.

It’s nearing 5:00 on Friday afternoon, and I’m moments away from closing my laptop, when a new email pops up.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Prettiest of Pleases

Dear Isabelle,

I would very much appreciate your expertise in finding a house to purchase. I know a brilliant mind, such as yours, would be of great assistance as I undertake this challenge. I’m flexible on my wants and desires. I just want to stop living the life of a traveling buffoon. Please, I’m begging you, will you be my house buying advisor?

Sincerely, Zach

I press the heels of my palms into my eyes. Of course he would be kind and polite, if a bit over-the-top. I can’t say no to someone who asks nicely. Add in the fact that my dad already thinks that I’ll help him, I can’t really refuse. What excuse would I give him? And what excuse would I give Zach? He didn’t call me Sugar, or any of the other endearments that he’s used for me, in this email. He kept it professional.

Ugh! I have no idea what he wants from me, and that’s the worst part!

On the other hand, he kissed me like his long-lost love in a darkened room, and stared at my tits over lunch. Does he want to date me? Does he think I’ll be his fuck buddy? Does he actually just want my help finding a place to live?

Shit. Crap. Damn.

Okay. I can do this. I’ll agree to the house buying thing. I can do that at a distance, and I can use that as an easy out for why we can’t be anything more than friends. I don’t date my clients.

Who am I kidding? I don’t think I can be friends with Zach. I want him too much. I need to drop him like a cold turkey.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: I accept

Hello Zachary,

Thank you for your correspondence. I would be happy to become your financial advisor as it pertains to you finding a home to purchase. We can set up a phone call to discuss your list of needs and I can start arranging for a realtor from there. I have availability on Monday afternoon. Is there a particular time that would work best for your schedule?

Thank you, Isabelle

Zach’s response is immediate.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Monday is no good

Thank you for the quick reply, Isabelle.

I’m sorry but Monday is not going to work for me. This weekend would be ideal, and I much prefer that we have this meeting in person. I will gladly meet you at any location and time of your choosing.

Sincerely, Zach

I roll my eyes. He’s trying to make this into a date. My first instinct is to refuse him, but if he were a regular client, I would meet him over the weekend. Deciding that he won’t get preferential or deferential treatment, I agree. But I also won’t give him the opportunity to turn this into date night.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: I’ll see you Sunday

I will see you Sunday morning, 8:00am, at Bean-nal Juice.

Have a nice night, Isabelle