Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



I did not think this through. I hate waking up early. And I absolutely despise waking up early on the weekend. What was I thinking? Oh, right. I was thinking that an early morning meeting with Zach would somehow make me less lustful. The truth of that remains to be seen.

Nearly there, I try not to think about how I’m running ten minutes behind. I hate being late almost as much as I hate alarm clocks. It’s super unprofessional. But considering that the man I’m meeting has had his face buried in my vagina, I’m not going to dwell on professionalism.

Damnit. Now I’m thinking about him going down on me!

My goal was to make this meeting the exact opposite of our date. We’re meeting in the early morning. I am wearing a pair of stretchy skinny jeans, brown ankle boots, and a sky blue peasant top. My hair is in a high ponytail and I’m wearing simple gold jewelry. No cleavage. No bare legs. No easily untie-able dress.

To top off the opposite vibe, we’re meeting in a coffee house. But since I’m not the type of person to skip a chance at breakfast, I chose a place that serves pastries to die for. The design of the space is nearly as good as the consumables. Based on the house from Beetlejuice, the floors are white and black tiles in a checkerboard pattern. The walls vary from lime green to purple to wood paneling, and the furniture is a mix-match of Art Deco and stuff you’d find at a garage sale in the 80’s. It’s bizarre. And brilliant.

Stepping through the front door, I inhale the glorious mix of roasting coffee and sugar. The din of voices mixed with  metal clinking ceramic accompanies the scent. Even though it’s god-awful early, there’s already a crowd.

My gaze feels drawn to the right, and I instantly lock eyes with Zach. He’s claimed a small table that’s smack dab in the middle of the room. He rises from his seat as I near, looking handsome as ever in jeans and plain grey t-shirt.

“Good morning, Izzy - ” Zach greets me with a small smile.

“Good morning.” I fidget.

Crap. How do I do this? Shake his hand? Give him a hug? Lick his face?

Going with the “do as I would for any other client” mantra, I stick my hand out.

Zach’s smile falters a little, at my weirdness or at the formal greeting, I’m not sure. But he takes my hand. And I have to force myself not to purr at the warmth of his touch.

No. Bad Izzy. Bad! Do not roll over and show this man your belly. You can not survive such a sacrifice.

Zach releases my hand and pulls out the second chair for me to sit in. Damn him and his manners. A sexy bad boy, who’s secretly a chivalrous gentleman. He’s a type I didn’t know I had.

No! He’s just a normal client.

Clearing his throat, Zach gestures to the table, and for the first time I notice that the entire surface is covered with small plates showcasing pastry heaven. “I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so I got a variety. But I do recall you liking caramel lattes, so that’s what that is.” He indicates the steaming mug in front of me. “If you want something else though, I won’t be offended. I promise.”

His normal cockiness is missing this morning. He almost sounds nervous. I’ve only been worrying about how weird this is for me. I haven’t given any consideration for how he might be feeling. Yeah, he did a way better job dealing with our unexpected reunion in my dad’s office. And he did kiss me that day. But in all fairness, I kissed him too. And then I did nothing but push him away. I met him. Slept with him. Met him again. Kissed him. And then treated him like a leper. I’m such a jerk.

With a deep breath, I release the tension that’s been gathering in my shoulders.

“This all looks great. Thank you. And I’m sorry… I was such a spaz on Monday. And I’m sorry I never called you back after hanging up on you. Twice.” I wince. “And I’m sorry I was avoiding you all week. I’m just… I’m not… I’m not good at this stuff.” With my final admission I look up from the table and meet his eyes, giving a small self-deprecating smile.

Zach watches me for a moment before his lips turn up in a matching expression. And I realize that I just gave him almost the exact same line as I did before we went up to his room for the sexing. Ugh, see? I really am no good at this stuff.

Feeling color warming my cheeks I try to play it off with a huff. “You know what I mean. Just take the apology, please.”

“Apology accepted, as long as you take mine as well.” I start to shake my head, but he holds up a hand. “To say that I was shocked to see you Monday, would be an understatement. And in your dad’s office, nonetheless. I may not have thrown things at you, but I should not have been as forward as I was. I know I was making you uncomfortable, and for that I’m sorry. That’s what I was calling you for that night. I wanted to apologize. And when your forceful friend said I’d driven you to drinking, well, I wasn’t proud of that. I thought it was her that hung up on me. But either way, I figured it was best to leave you alone.”

Now I feel bad about how bad he’s feeling. “Apology accepted. And please, don’t feel like you drove me to drink.” I roll my eyes. “Meghan is a force of nature and she can’t always be trusted not to exaggerate.”

He cocks a questioning eyebrow at me. “Are you going to try to tell me that my appearance was not the reason for your going out and drinking?”

“Okay, fine. Yes. You played a role, but so did I. My feelings about you… it… I just needed to vent and drink and let’s never talk about it again. Okay? Good.”

Zach just grins at my frustration.

Needing a moment, I pick up my latte and take a sip. I can’t help the sound of approval that hums out of me. Savoring the taste, I shut my eyes.

Zach’s voice is quiet. “In the spirit of honesty, I wanted to see you this weekend so we could clear the air.” I open my eyes and see that somewhat nervous expression on his face again. “I would love your help in buying a house, but if you don’t want to do that, I’d completely understand.”

The look in his eyes breaks my heart a little bit. He looks resigned to my denial already.

I’m looking forward to surprising him.

Keeping my eyes on his, I slowly set my drink down before replying, “I’d love to help you, Zach.”