Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



Stepping into the bar, I scan to see if I can spot my date, Zach. His profile picture was in black and white, so I’m not quite sure what color his hair is. He looked handsome in the photo, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to recognize him.

Looking around, I’m a little distracted by the décor. This is one of those new boutique hotels in downtown St. Paul. It’s not far from my house, but I’ve never been in here before. The bar is open to the lobby and hallway area, and the whole place is eclectic and industrial. There are exposed beams and piping, and the ceilings are probably twenty feet high. The walls are covered in graffiti-like painting and floating shelves holding random items.

Stepping closer, I realize the art is a little pornographic. The drawing nearest me is definitely a nude woman; a stunning woman who has never seen a razor in her life, and - for her - it’s working. A lot of the pieces are abstract enough that it takes a moment to focus on the details, but like a Magic Eye image - once you see it - you can’t stop seeing it. My gaze travels to a statue of two people: mid-thrust, with definite penetration, but somehow they’re standing. I feel like I should look away, but I can’t.

“I can’t quite decide if it’s cringe-worthy or award-worthy.”

I hadn't noticed the man at my side until I heard his deep, gravelly voice. The sound of it scrapes down my spine in the most delicious of ways.

I shut my eyes for a second, needing the darkness to compose myself.

Not wanting to be rude, I break the silence before it becomes awkward. “I guess that depends on what you’re looking at. The drawing on the wall - it’s rustic, but beautiful. I kind of like her. But if you’re referring to those two there - the ones having… intercourse… in that impossible fashion - then I would agree on the cringe-worthy sentiment.”

He chuckles a little. And holy shit, I think the sound of it went straight to my nipples. I don’t want to look at his face. If he sounds like that and is handsome to top it off, I’ll turn into an absolute flustered mess.

“Sugar, if you think having intercourse like that is impossible, then you’ve been wasting your time with all the wrong men.”

I try my hardest to stop my grin at his teasing. “You’re not wrong.”

I can sense him shifting his stance next to me. “Please, allow me to rectify that unfortunate truth.”

My eyebrows raise in surprise. That was bold.

Bracing myself, I turn to face the mystery man. I didn’t brace enough, as I find myself staring into the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes. Before I even look to his mouth, I can tell he’s smiling. The small wrinkles next to his eyes give it away.

As I take a moment to scan his features, I find he’s just as breath-taking as I'd feared. He’s nearly a foot taller than I am. He’s broad. His hair is a bit unruly, but not exactly long. The color is the perfect representation of deer-hide brown, with its many shades of sable, and hints of gold and chocolate. His face has what may have been a five o’clock shadow at five o’clock, but in this evening hour it’s nearing beard status. A scar mars his left eyebrow, but instead of ruining his perfection, it enhances it. There’s also a slight crookedness to his nose, like it’s been broken before. Even that doesn’t temper his appeal, it just pushes across the line into the Bad Boy category.

Good god, this man is fine.

And somewhat familiar looking.

I blink, realizing that I’ve been shamelessly ogling him. But when I look back up to his eyes, I see he’s doing the same to me. Watching his gaze track up to meet mine, I feel the flush of pink start in my neck and work its way up to my cheeks.

“Pleasure to meet you, Izzy," he smirks. “I’m Zach.”

No. Flipping. Way.

Muscle memory has me reaching out to take his offered hand. It’s warm, and calloused, and so darn huge. I can feel the flush on my neck go lower. And lower. I take a brief moment to thank the sex gods that I chose to wear my newly-purchased, bubble gum pink, lacy bra and panty set. If I can manage to find a way into this man’s bed tonight to end my unintentional celibacy, then I will owe Meghan from now until forever.

“Would you like a drink?” Zach asks me.

For the second time tonight, I mentally slap myself in the face. Omg, Izzy, you need to actually speak to this man if you want him to get naked with you later!

“That would be lovely.” I’m pleasantly surprised that my voice doesn’t crack.

He smirks. “Lovely. That’s cute.”

I think he’s teasing me again, but I don’t care. I especially don’t care when he places his hand on my lower back as he leads us towards the bar.