Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



As the door to the room clicks shut behind us, it takes every ounce of my self-control to keep myself from ripping Sugar’s dress off and thrusting inside of her. This girl has had my senses going haywire since the moment I first saw her standing downstairs. Every fucking inch of her screams Sex. Her body is poured into that dress and I want to sink my teeth into those glorious tits. How someone who looks like her could be as self-conscious as she seems to be is beyond me. But that ends tonight.


I let her enter the room first, so she’s standing with her back to me, taking in the space. I have a suite, so it’s bigger than a standard room. Boasting couches and some open wall space that I plan to utilize.

Hearing her name, she turns to face me.

I hold her gaze. “I need to hear you say it, out loud - that you want this. I’m not trying to embarrass you. I just need to know that we’re on the same page.”

Her head moves in the slightest nod. “I appreciate that. I really do.” Then she smiles, and it lights my blood on fire. “I want this, Zach.”

I take a step towards her. “What exactly do you want, Izzy?”

She holds my eye contact. “I want you to fuck me.”

Holy. Shit.

I knew that’s what we were here for, but hearing it like that, out of her sweet mouth, I can no longer hold back.

I stride towards her, palm the back of her neck, and bring her lips to mine.

I’m not gentle. I don’t take my time. I claim her mouth.

I use my tongue to open her lips to me. Our breaths are mixing, and I can’t tell if the pounding against my chest is my own heart or hers. My grip on her neck tightens, and my other hand presses into her lower back, crashing our bodies together. My cock is already rock hard. The way it’s pressing against her stomach means there’s no way she can miss it.

Her hands come up and grip my biceps, causing me to flex my muscles. Her hands seem so small on me. And I love it.

Her lips taste like sugar and her warmth is seeping into the darkest parts of my soul. I need more of this woman. And I need her now.

Without losing contact, I back her towards the big reading chair. I have plans for how we’re going to start, and I want her sitting up so she can watch. When the back of her legs hit the chair, I move both my hands to her shoulders and guide her down.

As our lips break apart, I see the lust filling her eyes. The look brings me to my knees. Literally.

“What are you doing?” Her voice is breathy, and it makes my already stiff cock ache.

“I’m going to taste you.” She still looks confused. “Baby, if there’s anything I do that doesn’t feel good, you tell me. Okay?” When she doesn’t reply right away, I ask again, more firmly. “Okay?”


“Good. Now I’m going to put my mouth on this sweet pussy of yours and find out if you taste like candy everywhere.”

She glances down at her lap, with a look of panic. “No one has ever…”

This makes me pause. “Izzy, have you had sex before?”

She huffs out a laugh - “Yes.”

Her answer is a relief, but the caveman part of me also rages at the idea of another man touching her.

“But no one has ever, um, tasted me before.” She sounds hesitant but her breathing is getting faster. She’s excited, or at least intrigued by the idea.

“Good. You’re going to enjoy this. Almost as much as I am.”

I pull her knees apart, and slide my hands up her thighs, pushing her dress up. When my hands reach her hips, I slide them around to her ass and pull her forward. I need her on the edge of the seat so I can spread her legs wider.

This position presents her pretty pink pussy, hidden beneath pretty pink panties. With absolutely no shame, I bury my face against the lace of her panties and groan. I feel Sugar go tense, so I open my mouth and swipe my tongue against her in one long lick.

This time my Sugar releases a groan to match my own.

Sitting back, I grab the top of her panties and start to peel them off her body.

“Lift your sweet ass for me, Sweets.”

When she doesn’t comply, I nip at her inner thigh. This gets her cooperation. I have to back up a little so I can get the garment off her completely. But I can’t stop staring. I can see the glisten of her wetness from here. She might be inexperienced, but her body knows how to respond to me.

With nothing in my way, I lean back in. “Fuck Izzy, you have the prettiest pussy.”

She’s shaved with a strip of blond curls leading the way to where I want to be. Following its direction, I waste no time.

At the first touch of my mouth to her clit, she wraps her legs around my neck. Her moans are getting louder with each swipe of my tongue, and her hands are in my hair, pulling harder than I think she means to. It’s okay, the pain doesn’t bother me. I’m taking it as a compliment.

I can tell she’s close. I haven’t been down here long, but she’s soaking wet and grinding against my face. Sensing that she’ll break at any moment, I slip a single finger inside her and latch my lips around her clit and suck.

Feeling how tight she is around just one of my fingers makes me even more eager to tear my pants off and bury myself inside her. I groan into her at the thought and in a matter of moments, I feel her convulsing around my finger.

“Oh, shit… Zach… Oh my god. Zach… ”

The rest is unintelligible.

I smile, with my face still pressed against her sweet spot. And I was right. She tastes like candy.