Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



Little Benny has done a good job tonight of keeping the booze flowing. My guess is he’s closer to Zander’s 21 than he is to the 24 that he claimed to be. But I’ll let him put miles on his shiny new ID if it means I get to keep drinking.

We’re on our third round of drinks and our second round of bowling. Well, everyone but poor Meghan is on their third drink, she’s the DD tonight. I can tell she’s regretting that choice, but at least her sobriety is helping to keep her bowling game strong. I finished last, big surprise, and I’m solidly in last place again.

Grabbing my ball, I step onto the wood floor to take my turn. I make the mistake of looking over, and see Zach getting ready to bowl at the same time. Up here, on the polished floor, there are fewer barriers between us. He seems closer. I want to touch him.

The alcohol has settled in my core. My turtledove is drunk, and she wants to cuddle with Zach.

Snapping out of it, I try my best to focus on my throw. It doesn’t work. I gutterball it, again.

“Can I offer you some tips?” Zander is standing next to the ball return, a small smile on his face.

It sounds like a line, but he has been kicking all our asses. Plus, this is a date after all, so I can’t really blame him. Plus-plus, Zach is messing with my head by being here. It’s only fair that I return the favor and mess with his.

“Please do,” I say.

When my ball appears, Zander grabs it and walks with me back up to the lane.

“Okay, watch me as I explain what I’m doing. Line yourself up with the little arrows you see there.” He points at the lane. “Then take a little step to your left, since you’re throwing right handed. Now when you aim, look at that next set of little arrows.” He points further down the lane.

“Okay.” This might be useful.

“Now keep your eye on the center arrow, as you step forward and swing your arm. The follow-through is the most important part. Don’t go half-assed on your throw. You need to be all in.”

“Did you just say you want to be all in Izzy’s ass?” Meghan shouts.

“Ignore her. She’s an idiot,” I tell Zander, even though he’s already turning pink.

“I heard that!” she yells.


I look back to see that she’s sitting on Benny’s lap. That’s a typical drunk Meghan move, sitting on laps - female or male, but since she’s not drinking I can’t even begin to guess what she’s doing. Poor Benny is staring at her like she hung the moon. I’d feel bad for him, since I don’t think Meghan has any intention of actually dating him, but I think he knows that. And I think he’s just enjoying whatever contact he can get.

“Okay. You try.” Zander hands me my ball.

I move so I’m the one in front of the lane. Zander comes up and stands behind me. He puts his hands on my shoulders and guides me so I’m standing right in the center.

“Now step to your left.” His voice is close to my ear. “And then take a few steps back.”

His hands are still on me, helping me to line up exactly where he wants me. I don’t know if it’s our time together or beer that’s given him courage, but his grip on me is much firmer than his handshake was.

“Okay. Now remember to look up there.” He reaches around me to point at the arrows. “And then it’s all about the follow-through.”

Zander steps back, giving me space. I think about all his advice, take a deep breath, do what he told me, and swing my arm, and follow through. I watch, wide eyed, as my ball rolls right down the center of the lane. When it connects with the front pin, causing all of the other pins to drop, I throw my arms up in victory.

I can hear Meghan whooping from the seats.

Turning, I find Zander right in front me. I’m so excited about my strike that I hug him. The grin on his face tells me he’s excited about my performance. The extra squeeze he gives me before releasing the hug tells me he’s excited about my boobs pressed against him.

“Nice toss, Sugar.”

Zach’s voice is low. And close.