Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



I feel like my turtledove has been dancing on cloud nine since last night. I can’t say that I regret my decision to try to date other people. Sure, it would’ve been easier to give in to Zach from the get-go, but then I wouldn’t have all the wonderful memories from the past few weeks. And I’m glad that he showed up at the toy party last night. I’d been wondering why Meghan had told me to wait until the end of the weekend to reach out. Now I know.

I owe that crazy girl so much for what she’s done for me. Yeah, it was a bit of a shady move to work with Zach behind my back, but it was also kind of brilliant. She knew how dug in I was, and that I wouldn’t have listened if she’d tried reasoning with me like a normal person. Someday I’ll have to thank her, but not yet. First, I’ll need to confront her. She was probably expecting me to call her on it today, but I’m going to hold off until the perfect time. For my maximum entertainment.

Zach… He’s so damn wonderful. I can’t believe how chill he was when he saw how close we live to each other. At this point I don't think there's anything that will fluster that man. Aside from other men that is. He was pretty protective at our speed dating night. And he acts like he wants to kill my ex-boyfriends. And he nearly cracked a tooth last night, he was clenching his jaw so hard during the groping conversation. But honestly, I’m okay with it. I’ll take his cool calm for everyday occurrences and his red hot heat regarding me and my safety. I’ve never had my very own knight before.

I’m still torn on how to feel about Zach kissing me on my doorstep and leaving. I understand what he’s trying to do. He wants to start over, as if we didn’t meet on a one night stand, but I’m ready for some time alone with him. Of course - my timing is shit, so I won’t get that anytime soon.

This morning I woke up to my phone blowing up. The girls started our group text at the break of dawn asking for all the dirty details from last night. I gave them the rundown of our conversation and how he drove me home. When I didn’t have any sexy tales, they all booed me, sending angry gifs and loser memes. Then they all showed up at my house with a new Hunt jersey for me to wear to tonight’s Sleet game.

It was a different feeling, watching the game, watching Zach, knowing that he’s mine. Every other game I’ve felt like a Peeping Tom, keeping such a close eye on him, since he wasn’t mine to fret over, to cheer for. But now he is. And I can yell and shout and openly smile at him as he skates past.

Of course there’s the detail that I haven’t told my dad yet. I will, but I mean we literally just had the “will you go steady with me” conversation last night. I figure it’s better if we can have at least a few legitimate dates under our belt before I talk to my dad. As of right now, I’m not sure I’d be able to explain how we know each other so well, because there are some things that a father just doesn’t need to hear.

The players start to trickle out of the locker room. I’ve situated myself partway down the hallway. It’s not weird for me to be back here, so the players that see me just wave or say hi.

They’re all  heading straight to the airport to catch a flight for some out of town games this week. But since Dad usually takes up the back of the pack, I should be able to congratulate Zach on his win and maybe steal a small kiss.

As more players file out the locker room, I start to second-guess myself, wondering if this is maybe a Stage Five Clinger move. But then I see Zach.

He looks as handsome as ever. His hair is damp, his eyes are locked on mine, and his mouth is turned up in a smile. Scratch my previous doubt, this was definitely a great idea.

“Hey, Peanut!”

Freaking Hell.

The sound of my dad’s voice pulls my attention away from Zach, and I see my dad. Right behind Zach.

Dammit all.

“Hey, Daddy!” I try to hide my disappointment. While also feeling like an asshole for being annoyed by my dad.

“Come to see me off?” Dad asks.

“Yep!” My voice sounds a couple octaves too high.

Zach has slowed down a step and started a conversation with Ash, who was at his side. Allowing Dad to walk past him and up to me.

I give Dad a hug. “Just thought I’d stop back and say congrats for a game well played.”

Over my dad’s shoulder I can see Zach grinning at me. What a brat.

“The boys did great out there,” Dad says as he pulls back and steers me down the hall. “We have to head out, but you can escort me to the bus.”

“Gee, thanks.” I chuckle.

As Zach and Ash walk past us, Ash calls out. “Nice jersey, Izzy!”

My face flames red. While Dad cranes his neck back to read the name Hunt written across my shoulders, Zach looks back at me with a devilish smirk.

“Hunt, huh?” Dad asks.

“Yeah. Katelyn brought it over today. Said Jackson found it in the garbage.”

The bark of Zach’s laughter drowns out whatever response Dad has.