Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Lucky #13


You looked so fucking perfect wearing my number tonight. Too damn bad Coach had to stop my plans before they even started. I do appreciate you coming back to congratulate me on my win. *wink* I know that was meant for me. Sweet dreams, Sweets.

Your boyfriend, Zach

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Good Luck

Boyfriend, (I like the sound of that.)

I know you’ll do great tonight, but I’ll still send you all the winning vibes I can anyways. I’m sorry for my dad taking over last night. And I’m sorry that I haven’t had time to talk to him yet. I just want to give it a moment to settle before I break the news.

Skate safe, your girlfriend.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: My Lucky Charm

Baby, I’ll take your winning vibes all day long. And so I’m dedicating tonight’s win to you. I wish I was heading home, to OUR neighborhood, rather than heading on to the next city. Pretend I’m spending the evening by your side and tell me something I don’t know about you. (And we can talk to your dad together, when you’re ready.)

Your lonely man

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Secret

Hmm, something you don’t know…

This first part might not be a secret. I tend to overthink things. Big surprise, I know. But what that also means is that it’s hard for me to get to sleep. I’ve done all the popular things and I’ve only found one that seems to really work. Better than pills, gummies, yoga, meditation… Want to know what it is? (Insert dramatic pause.) It’s you. The night we spent together was the best sleep I’ve gotten in years. As soon as I curled against your big warm body I passed out. Or, well, maybe it was the orgasms? Either way, you get credit. The only reason I was able to wake up and sneak out on you was my tiny bladder. I knew I’d wake up early for that reason alone, and that’s when I made my getaway.

Your turn

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Isn’t that interesting


It’s settled. As soon as I get home, we’re spending every night in bed together. I love that beautiful brain of yours, but I’m sorry that it keeps you up at night. I will graciously offer to help in any way I can. I’ll gladly give you one of my shirts to put on a pillow for the nights I’m away. But my secret. . . drum roll please … I don’t sleep well either. I usually do okay with the falling asleep part, but staying asleep is my problem. It’s a combination of being a light sleeper and having frequent nightmares, but I wake up a few times every night. I don’t often remember my dreams, but depending on my heart rate, it can be hard for me to fall back asleep. Interesting fact - our night together, I slept like the dead. Your sneaking out of bed trick shouldn’t have worked. But you appear to be the sedative that my weary body needs. This is a theory that I think we should test extensively.

Your Snuggle Bear

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Well would you look at that

Dearest Snuggle Bear,

I agree. A testing schedule must be implemented. I hate that you also have sleepytime troubles, but I like the idea of us helping each other. I also like the idea of a Pillow Zach. Don’t tell anyone, but I tried it with your jersey last night. It didn’t work. I think it needs to smell like you.

Your sleepy girl

P.S. Good job on your win

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Will you go to a bar with me?

Thanks, Sleepy Girl.

I pretend you’re in the stands and it motivates me to kick some ass out on the ice. It’s been fun, but I’m ready to come home and see my girlfriend. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but some place is having an Opening Night party that the team has to attend Friday night when we get home. Coach was telling me it’s the same owners as that lunch place we went to. But I think this is more of a nighttime joint. What I’m trying to say is, will you go with me? Or meet me there rather, since we’ll be heading over as a team? If it helps to sway you, I heard Coach say he won’t be able to attend. So we’ll be able to make out like teenagers. If you want.

Pretty Please, Zach

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Let me think about it


I thought about it and I’ll be there. I can’t wait. I miss you.

Yours, Sugar