Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly




uit fucking fussing.” Meghan says as she slaps my hands away from my neckline.

“I can’t help it. This dress was showy before I added to my curves. Now my tits are basically hanging out for all to see.”

I’m telling the truth and she knows it. It’s a wrap dress, of course, but this one is sleeveless, stops above the knee and has a very low neckline. I paired the black dress with my red pumps and layers of rose gold jewelry. And I kept my hair down and curled, in an attempt to cover some skin. It’s not working.

“Yeah, but your boobies look great on display. Why do you think I told you to wear that dress?”

“Meghan!” I gape at her.

“What? You look hot-as-hell. Zach is going to swallow his tongue when he sees you.” She rolls her eyes and turns away from me to scan the crowd. “You’re welcome.”

We’re at the Opening Night party for Players. The new casual nightclub in St Paul is sports themed, like Puck Off, but it has a high end cigar lounge vibe. It’s only open at night, serving all sorts of alcoholic drinks. Half the space is consumed by tables and cozy seating, the other half is a dance floor. I imagine at a certain point in the night it will switch to more bumping music, dropping the casual and owning the nightclub name.

It’s the nightclub feel that got me to let Meghan convince me to wear this outfit. I shouldn’t be complaining though, since her dress is just as - if not more - revealing. But, like always, she's owning it.

Taking a deep breath I decide I’m going to pull from Meghan’s well of confidence.

Zach and the rest of the Sleet players should be here any minute. I already recognize some baseball players and what I think might be some guys from our basketball team. Clearly somebody pulled some strings to make tonight a hit.

“It’s hot guy heaven in here.” Meghan nudges my side.


“Katelyn just texted. She and Steph should be here soon.”

“Right,” I mumble, looking around.

“Ugh, you can stop pretending to care. Your man just walked in.”

My gaze instantly moves to the main entrance. There he is. My Zach. And even in a sea of handsome men, he holds all of my attention. His stance is full of confidence and attitude. His hair is a little more styled than I’m used to seeing, but it’s the sight of him in a full black suit that takes my breath away. Usually I find a casual look the most appealing, but there’s just something about a dangerous man fully tailored and polished. He kept his usual dark theme, with a deep grey shirt and a black tie, and it almost gives him a mobster look. I probably shouldn’t get turned on by that, but I do.

I can see his lips moving as he talks to Ash. Those lips. I can’t look away. We stayed in contact all week. Emails mixed in with texts to start and end the day. But it still feels weird to call him my boyfriend. Our relationship has been so cat-and-mouse, it’s hard to believe we’ve come to an agreement.

With my eyes still watching Zach’s lips, I see them turn up into a smile. The sight makes me smile in return.

Wow, I feel like such a stalker.

Trailing my eyes away from his lips, I find him staring right back at me. Watching me watch him.

Zach pats Ash on the back and heads my way.

As if the universe knows what’s happening, the lights dim, and the music picks up in volume and tempo. The bass vibrates through my body.

I think Meghan says something about going dancing, but I don’t register the words. Because Zach is only a few feet away.

He closes the distance in the space of one heartbeat.


My name comes from his lips in an exhale.

But I don’t have time to reply before his hand is sliding around the back of my head, tangling in my hair, pulling me into him.

Our lips find each other like this is all they were made for. The magnetic pull between us amplified by the time spent apart. My body forgets that we’re in public. I swipe my tongue against his lips, and he opens. I feel his groan. More than hear it. The hand not in my hair is gripping my side hard enough to bruise. I’ve never been a fan of pain, but something about Zach turns me into a madwoman. The thought of his hand marking me has me dragging my nails down his chest. The small pain also reminds me of our brief spanking episode in the photo booth.

The pulse that shoots down between my legs reminds me that we can’t have sex. We’re not at home. I can’t rip his clothes off and climb up his body like I want to.

Gasping for breath, I uncurl my hands from his shirt and give him a gentle push. “Zach.”

He loosens his grip just enough to put a few inches of much needed air between us.

“Hi.” He grins.

I laugh. “You’re adorable.”

Zach scrunches up his face. “Adorable? Uh, no. That’s definitely not what I’m going for.”

I reach up and brush my thumb across the corner of his lips. “Doesn’t mean that it’s not true.”

He pops his mouth open and snaps his teeth at my finger. I jerk my hand back and let out a girly yelp.

“See, not adorable.”

Rolling my eyes, I flick his tie. “Your barbarism doesn’t negate your adorableness. They're just two sides of the same coin.”

Zach raises an eyebrow. “How much have you had to drink tonight?”

I gasp in mock outrage. “I would never!”


“I’m stone-sober.” I feel a blush creep up my cheeks. “I seem to remember a certain someone telling me that he wanted me to be completely clear headed before he would come inside.”

Zach’s eyes widen. “Is that right?”

Hearing myself, I blush. “Come inside My House, you idiot.”

“Oh, how I missed you.” Zach chuckles, resting his forehead against mine.

“I missed you, too.” I mumble, though it’s probably too loud for Zach to hear me.

A loud wolf whistle sounds next to us.

“Well hot damn, new guy! You and Coach’s daughter?!”

We both turn to find Luke Anders, co-captain and best friend to Jackson Wilder, smiling like an idiot. Jackson and Ash know there’s something between Zach and I, but this is the first time we’ve been physical in front of anyone else.

“Luke.” Zach just nods his head.

Luke does not look content in being brushed off. “Uh, nah bruh. You got some ‘splainin to do.” He motions at our closeness.

“First off,” Zach says, draping an arm over my shoulder, “don’t ever say bruh again. Secondly, Izzy is a fucking knockout. What more explaining do you want?”

When Luke turns his eyes to me, as though he’s looking at me with a new perspective, Zach steps slightly in front of me.

“Dude. Don’t just fucking check her out right in front of me. What the hell is wrong with you?”

Luke laughs and puts his hands up. “Sorry man. No need to go all Killer Hunt on me.”

Zach tips his head back in exasperation.

“Hi, Luke. It’s nice to see you.” I try to control the heat in my face.

“Same to you. So, is this like a serious thing?”

“Luke!” Zach growls.

“Oh come on. You can’t just start making out with our Isabelle and expect it to go unnoticed. You’ve clearly been playing this close to the chest.” He waggles his eyebrows. “We’re curious.”

That comment causes me to look around. Sure enough, several of the Sleet players are standing near us. Some pretending not to watch, others openly gawking.

This would be the time for Zach to realize that being with me is a mistake. But Zach doesn’t step away. Instead, he pulls me tighter into his side and brushes a kiss across the top of my head.

His claiming sends a wave of emotion through me and I bite my lip before I make a complete fool of myself.

Zach has to know everyone is listening, but he keeps his attention on Luke. “Yes, this is serious. Yes, it’s been going on for some time. Yes, you bunch of Gilmore Girls can go titter over it on your own. I’d like to go dance with my girlfriend now. If you don’t mind.”

Luke’s grin is so big I fear he might break out into song. “One last question,” without waiting for a chance to be turned down, he continues - “When Coach finds out, and chokes you to death with your own testicles, can I have your truck?”

Zach lets out a laugh and shakes his head. “Bye, Luke.”

Then, without a backwards glance, he leads me out onto the now crowded dance floor.