Rough Ride by Piper Stone

Chapter 10


Damn it all to hell.

The fire had caused enough damage the rig needed to be shut down for at least another day. The cut in production couldn’t have come at a worse time.

“I know, Marcus, what my… what Rutherford promised you, but we have a contract and according to what I read, we haven’t breached any of it.”

“You’re coming damn close, Madisen,” Marcus hissed. “I’m not trying to be disrespectful. I know you’ve been through a tough time lately, but business is business. Rutherford made promises you can’t seem to keep, and I just might have to go somewhere else.”

“Marcus, I have a degree in accounting with a minor in finance, but I also have a master’s degree in bullshit. If you dare and try to pull out of this contract, I will enjoy every second of taking down both you and your company to court. Now, do I make myself clear?”

His hesitation was fabulous but wasn’t allowing my heartrate to go down. I was angrier than I’d been since… last night with the fire. Maybe my rage was going to be a continuous thing.

“Fine, Madisen. Have it your way. I’ll give you one piece of advice. I’d stay away from playing hardball if I were you.”

“Why does that sound like a threat, Marcus?”

“You know me better than that.”

“I thought I did. Now, I’ll give you a piece of advice. Don’t fuck with me. Got it? Good.” I didn’t wait for him to answer, ending the call then tossing my phone. I jerked up from my desk, beating one fist against the other. Too bad I didn’t have a boxing match tonight or I’d use the asshole’s image as my target.

“Ugh!” The rig had to get back online in a day, or I had serious doubts the production quantity would be met. The last thing we could tolerate was losing this contract. If we did, others might follow. Word of my father’s death had spread wide and far.

I glared at the mountain of paperwork then moved toward the kitchen for a cold drink. When I heard a light tapping on the front door, I sucked in my breath. Visitors I didn’t need. Payroll was almost finished, one employee to go. Then I could send everything off to the company and be done with it.

Until two weeks from now.

I took long strides, throwing open the front door. I certainly didn’t expect to see a bouquet of flowers pushed into my face. While I couldn’t see the sexy cowboy, every molecule in my body knew he was standing inches away. Goosebumps popped along every inch of my skin, my nipples immediately hardening, pushing against the thin material of my tee shirt. My immediate reaction was to drag the material away.

Sighing, I closed my eyes, my patience shot. “Should I ask what the hell you did?”

He slowly lowered the flowers, his expression more like a sappy puppy dog than the angry man he’d portrayed early. “I saw these and thought of you.”

“Uh-huh. Why don’t I buy that?” I took the flowers out of his hand, uncertain of what else to say to him. “What are you doing here?” While he usually brought out the vixen in me, I no longer wanted to fight with him.

He shrugged as he pushed his way in just like he’d done before. “I’m serious.” After pushing the door shut, he held out his hand. While his eyes still twinkled, there was no real bravado in his voice. I was afraid to ask what had happened during the day.

I always hesitated around him, but maybe I needed his sincerity at this point. When I clasped his hand, all the heat we’d experienced before remained powerful, although I was able to control a certain portion of my body’s reactions. “What are we really doing, Jake? Does that mean you’re leaving? Are you here to tell me goodbye after last night?” I heard far too much apprehension in my voice for my liking, but at least I managed to keep direct eye contact with him.

“I came here to let you know that I’ve decided to stay for the long term.”

“You’re serious.” Excitement roared through me.

“I never joke about a beautiful woman or about business.” He winked as he squeezed my hand. “It’s in both of our best interests to work together in order to protect everything Rutherford built. I know you might not believe I give a damn, but I do. Last night really pissed me off.”

“Me too.” I pulled my hand away, uncertain about how I felt. My stomach was already doing flipflops while what little rational side of me I had left was snarking that he’d try to take over everything. “I don’t know what to say.”

Jake rubbed his hands against his jeans, drawing my attention to his muscular thighs. Damnit, I had to shove aside what had occurred between us permanently, especially since we would be working closely together.

“Look, I know I’m not your favorite person, but we are in this together. Whatever the hell ‘this’ means. I thought it might be a nice idea if we went out to dinner just to get away from the ranch and talk.”

Words seemed to be stuck in my throat.

“You know, two people sitting across the table from one another, enjoying some good food and maybe having a nice conversation? I’ll even throw in a bottle or two of wine.” Jake’s deep baritone sent a flutter into my stomach.

Why was he bothering? We’d already agreed we weren’t going to be friends.

“Not necessary, Jake. We’ll go through with the plans as discussed. You’ll learn rigging and I’ll handle the business side. We will make certain no one sabotages us, and life will be peachy keen.” I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm, yanking me against his chest. “What are you doing?”

“I wasn’t asking you to marry me, Madisen. I was asking you out to dinner. I think you might be able to find time in your busy schedule to spend a little time with me.”

I pushed my free hand against his chest, loathing the tingles rushing all the way up the length of my arm. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, at least not right now.”

The man wasn’t taking no for an answer, He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, keeping me exactly where he wanted as he lowered his head. “And I think it’s a damn good idea.”

As he captured my mouth, I realized that a lot of my fighting spirit had flown out the window. I gripped his shirt, arching my back as he slipped his tongue inside. I was parched, suddenly almost desperate to quench my thirst.

He caressed my neck as the kiss continued, his more intimate actions soothing in a way I hadn’t expected. Jake was the rough and tumble cowboy. Was it possible he had a gentler bone in his body? My inner voice was screaming a resounding no. However, I couldn’t seem to resist the taste of him or the way he made me feel.

Finally, common sense took over, allowing me to finally break the kiss seconds later. “We can’t do this if we’re going to be working together, Jake.”

He exhaled in an exaggerated way, sliding his hand around until he was able to finger my jaw. “Then what do you suggest?”

“Maybe we should try and be friends, or at least cordial with one another. There’s a lot going on.”

The light seemed to fade out of his eyes, but he nodded. “All right. I’ll agree to that on one condition. You will go to dinner with me.”

I had a feeling he’d drag me to a restaurant if necessary. “Only if you’ll allow me to make another two computer entries and send an email.”

“Deal, but if you try and get out of this, I will turn you over my knee.” He laughed as he let me go, his usual teasing manner returning.

Somehow, I had a feeling he wasn’t kidding.

“Fine. Try not to break anything. I’ll need to change too.”

“Not on my account.”

I laughed as I headed for my office. I wasn’t going anywhere wearing shorts and a tee shirt.

* * *

No one would ever consider me a girly girl on any level. I didn’t covet stuffed animals or frilly dresses. I’d never had a desire to have any shade of pink in any aspect of my life. My toys were statues of horses and basketballs. Maybe because I’d grown up in an environment entirely filled with men. That hadn’t always been the case. I could remember dollhouses and Barbies, pretty pink baby dolls and stuffed bears. That had all changed the day my parents had been killed.

Why I stood glaring at myself in the mirror after changing clothes three times was beyond me. Maybe it was time to get an entirely new wardrobe. I certainly wasn’t going to negotiate million-dollar deals wearing jeans. I took a step back, eyeing the pretty red shirt and almost tropical skirt I’d finally selected. At least the color was good for my complexion.

I groaned before brushing my hair, giving a final nod of approval after putting on a hint of lipstick. At least I looked like I was heading to dinner. Sadly, I owned cowboy boots, tennis shoes, and scruffy work boots, and one pair of heels that I refused to wear two days in a row. No cutesy open-toed sandals. Cowboy boots were going to have to do.

After making faces at my reflection one more time, I opened the bedroom door. I had to remind myself that this wasn’t a date. This was just two people forced to work together having dinner. Nothing more. Nope. I was determined to stick to my convictions.

When I walked into the living room, Jake immediately stood. What surprised me was the sheer look of awe crossing his face. As he walked closer, he shook his head.

“You look… fabulous.” His words were throaty, dripping with sensuality.

“I appreciate that.”

“You don’t take compliments well, do you?”

“I don’t usually have men compliment me.”

“Because you’re likely to cuff them?”

I gave him a hard look. “Very funny.” When he lifted a single eyebrow, all I could do was laugh. “Okay, maybe you’re right.”

“I know I am.” He rubbed his jaw for emphasis. “I will say this. All the men you’ve been around are stupid.”

Now he made me blush.

“You ready to go?”

“Sure. Why not? I’m driving,” I insisted.

“No, you’re not.” His words were dominating, a man who refused to take no for an answer. When he inched closer, I was thrown by just how excited I was. That didn’t make any sense to me. “However, you know this town. As long as we don’t go to The Boxing Ring, it’s your choice.”

“What’s wrong, cowboy? You can’t handle a little competition?”

He chuckled as he led me to the door. “What I can’t handle is bad food and a ridiculous atmosphere.”

“Then I know the place.” I shouldn’t have been surprised when he opened the door, ushering me inside his truck. Maybe there was a chivalrous bone in his body after all.

When he got inside, he gave me a long, hard look before starting the engine. I felt more uncomfortable than I had before. “When you get out onto the main road, take a left.”

“Will do.”

We both remained quiet for a full five minutes, but the awkward silence was driving me crazy. “What made you change your mind, about staying I mean?”

“I dunno.”

“Don’t do that, Jake. I’m not trying to pry, but there has to be a reason. I do believe you were bothered last night, but you have a chance at something special.”

He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel before answering. “My mama wanted me to come here for a reason. I think it was to find myself. Besides, this is a very special place.” The look he gave me was explosive, sending a wave of desire between my legs.

“Do you really think being here is going to find yourself?”

Laughing, he turned his attention to the rearview mirror for a few seconds. “Maybe. Maybe not. But it won’t be for the lack of trying. You were right that my time in the rodeo was nearing an end anyway. One more injury could be devastating. I’ve had more broken bones that I can count on two hands.”

“This isn’t about you getting injured. You and I both know that.”

“No, you’re right.”

I could tell he wasn’t interesting in sharing anything with me. Fine. We didn’t have to discuss anything other than business. He drove for at least five miles before I tried another question. “Do you want me to set up something with Devlin?”

“Absolutely. I intend on learning. What were you working on?”

“Payroll since I’m behind. I’d also just gotten off the phone with one of my… I mean our clients. He is very unhappy I’m not my father.”

“You need to tell me the asshole’s name.”

I gave him a hard look. “You’re not going to beat up every person who issues a nasty word. Besides, I think you know I can take care of myself. It’s the contract I mentioned last night. Marcus is angry, but he’ll get over it. We’ll make the terms. One way or the other. Turn right at the next stop sign.”

He made the turn, shooting me a look as well. “Any room for renegotiation?”

Another three miles went by. “Somehow, I doubt it. Anyway, I think I got it figured out. We’ll shift our priorities to two of the other rigs. We’ll make it work.”

“It sounds like you’ve done this before,” he said then glanced into the rearview mirror again.

“Rutherford ensured I knew how to adapt as necessary. As long as nothing happens to those rigs, we’ll be fine.”

He concentrated on driving, his breathing as shallow as mine.

By now, the sun was already setting, stars filling the sky. I gazed out the window, realizing that if we weren’t fighting or fucking then we had nothing to talk about.

“Did you leave a coat in the guestroom?”

“A coat? No, why?”

“I found one with tags along with a box today and no, I wasn’t snooping. I was hanging some clothes in the guest bedroom closet.”

His words were startling. “What was in the box?”

He clenched his jaw, and I was easily able to tell his grip on the steering wheel was tighter. “Letters from my mama.”


“Yup. It would seem they continued their love affair but just from a distance.”

“That’s… tragic.” I searched my mind, trying to remember if Dad had ever told me about them. He was so private, almost never mentioning his past. I was stunned by the news, but it answered so many questions I’d had in my mind for years. No wonder Rutherford had never entered into another relationship. He hadn’t been able to get Jake’s mother off his mind. I felt a rumble in my system, an ache for the man sitting beside me that had nothing to do with the desire I usually felt.

I couldn’t imagine what the cowboy had gone through or his mother for that matter. Was Rutherford trying to make things right before he died? My mind remained cluttered with the possibilities. Dad had always told me that God had a plan. While I’d never been able to buy into the concept after what had happened to my parents, his words held new meaning at this point.

“Yes, it is. What I don’t understand is why my mother didn’t tell me. She seemed so sad all the time, as if she was hollow inside.”

“Maybe she didn’t want to say anything because she knew it would hurt you even more. And maybe she wanted to keep a little of the love affair alive in her soul. Sometimes people do things for the right reason, although they have no understanding of the kind of pain they might inflict later.”

He gave me a quick glance and even in the shadows filling the space, I could see another round of pain in his eyes. “I get where you’re coming from, Madisen, and I appreciate your thoughts. I really do. She would have been right. I’d spent so many years hating the man who’d abandoned us that nothing she could have said would have made any difference. In fact, I might have used the information to try and destroy him. Don’t judge me. We all have our crosses to bear.”

“Yes, we do and I’m sorry, Jake. I wish I could give you some answers. Try and remember what you just said. Everyone has sorrows and fears, anxiety over the past or the future. You’re not alone in your anguish.”

“I’m not suggesting I am. I’m nothin’ special, just a man who wanted to better himself. If you’d seen how hard my mama worked over the years, you’d know why I can’t just forgive him.”

“I know. Maybe there was a distinct reason Dad wanted you here. I don’t know.”

When he reached over, taking my hand into his, the moment was completely unexpected. The hold wasn’t about some sexual desire or the need to require my surrender. The touch was simply a slight thank you for caring. I found myself shifting closer, enjoying the moment when seconds before it had been so stilted.

“You’ve given me plenty of answers, Madisen. I’m not a good man. I’ve never said that I was.”

“No, you’ve done everything in your power to try and make yourself the larger-than-life asshole you portray. That’s sad.” I doubted he actually cared about my thoughts. He had no reason to. He was suddenly rich and even more powerful than ever. The sad truth was he didn’t need me for anything.” I shook my head and glared out the passenger window. Maybe we should stop talking.

“You ain’t gonna believe me and that’s fine. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing or if I’ll be able to stand being here for an extended period of time, but I’m gonna try to carry my load.”

I studied his face, a wave of flutters forming in my stomach. What bothered me more than anything was that I could fall hard for the man and that was the last thing on my mind. “I’m glad to hear you say that. I’m worried about what’s going to happen and I hate admitting it. The restaurant is up here on the right.”

Jake said nothing as he drove in, finding a parking spot near the front. He peered out the windshield, narrowing his eyes. “Looks fancy. I ain’t dressed for it.”

“The Melting Pot isn’t, well, more than The Boxing Ring. While it’s one of the nicer places in town, all walks of life enjoy their cuisine.”

“Now it’s cuisine. You might need to show me how to use a knife and fork,” he teased.

“Goofball. Come on.” I’d neglected to tell him that one of the reasons I loved the place was that Rutherford had brought me here almost every special occasion. The memories were bittersweet but ones I needed to hold onto. I wasn’t ready to let him go.

He took my hand, squeezing my fingers. “I’m going to make you a promise that I won’t allow anything to happen to the oil company or the ranch.”

“I know you mean that, Jake, but don’t promise something you might not be able to provide.”

“I might just surprise you again.”

I shuddered from the sound of his voice alone.

As we walked inside, the sights and scents were exactly as I’d remembered. I also recognized some of the waitstaff.

“Yup, a fancy place,” he whispered from behind me. “At least I wore my clean jeans.”

There were various layers to the hunky cowboy from arrogant to sweet. I wasn’t certain if this was just an act, but at this point I didn’t care. Maybe I needed a nice dinner out including a bottle of wine for a change. I certainly hadn’t been on a date in several years.

Not that this was a date.

As we were led to a table, I was surprised that he kept his hand on the small of my back. I wasn’t his possession and the intimate touch made me feel… tingly all over. By the time he pulled out the chair, acting like a gentleman, I was furious with my entire psyche. When he sat down, he narrowed his eyes.

“What? You don’t like being treated like a lady?” he asked, chuckling as he grabbed his napkin. He scanned the entire restaurant before shifting his attention in my direction. His adorable grin was distracting and he knew it.

I squirmed in my seat, the friction given the recent spankings creating a warm flush along fifty percent of my body. Without thinking, I used the linen napkin to fan my face, a movement that he seemed mighty interested in. “I don’t do this kind of thing, Jake. I’ve worked far too hard to be considered an equal.”

He folded his hands on the table, studying me curiously, waiting until the waiter asked what we’d like to drink. Before I had a chance to answer, he held up his hand, lifting his head. “The finest merlot you have.”

The waiter seemed befuddled, giving me a quick look. “But sir, it’s very expensive.”

“I don’t care how much it costs. Can you provide us with a bottle, or should we go somewhere else?” Jake growled.

“Of course, sir. Right away, sir.” The waiter scuttled away, even more flustered than before.

“If you’re trying to impress me, don’t waste your time,” I snarked.

“If I were trying to impress you, Madisen, I would have arranged for a flight to a fabulous seaside city for dinner. Now, I’m going to strongly suggest we cut all the animosity for the evening. After we leave, you can be the little brat you’ve been as much as you’d like. However, I think we both need some peace even if it’s just for a night. Don’t you?”

The way he talked was entirely different than his usual banter. He’d managed to put my spoiled brat side in her place without being the asshole I knew him to be. Damnit if he wasn’t right. “I agree. I can be a little overbearing.”

“You have your reasons.”

“As you said, we all do.”

I tried to take several deep breaths, but my heart was racing to the point a lump formed in my throat. I’d never been so nervous or self-conscious around a man before and it bothered the hell out of me. When the wine arrived, Jake didn’t even bother to take a taste, just advising the young man to pour away.

“I’m surprised you drink wine,” I finally managed.

“I’m full of surprises. Don’t think you know me just yet.” He smirked, his eyes twinkling as he raised his glass. “To the future, whatever the hell that means.”

I slowly allowed our glasses to clink together, really looking into his gorgeous eyes for the first time. The flickering light of the candle highlighted the gold flecks in his irises. “You have soulful eyes.”

“No one has ever said that to me before. Sadly, yours are beautiful but cold. I’m not trying to insult you.”

“I didn’t think you were. You’re probably right. I don’t think I’ve been the same person since I came to live here.” I took a sip of wine, surprised at the amazing taste. “This is fantastic. You have excellent tastes.” I knew he must have spent a small fortune on the wine. Whether or not he was trying to impress was beside the point. He wanted to share a special moment, which threw me more than I wanted to admit.

“I hope so,” he laughed. Almost a full minute went by of agonizing silence. “I’m really sorry about your parents. I just can’t imagine how difficult it was for you.”

“It was nothing but a nightmare. My parents were all I had. There was no other family, no grandparents or anyone who cared. Just the Three Musketeers like my daddy had called us since I could remember. Sadly, my memories are scattered at best. When I came to live with Rutherford, I was a shell of a little girl, holding a damn teddy bear like a lifeline, the foster care worker carrying a single suitcase for me. I’d never felt so alone or terrified in my life.”

“At least your father had Rutherford as a friend.”

“I know. My daddy grew up in Oklahoma. He was from a poor family, but he and Rutherford became fast friends. I’d met him once when he came to visit us in Ohio, my daddy telling a few stories about his time when he was younger. I don’t remember the majority of the details, but I do remember lots of laughter.” I looked away, blinking back the tears. I refused to show any additional emotion around Jake.

I was surprised when he reached over, intertwining our fingers. I immediately stiffened, uncertain how to react.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Madisen, if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

“I’m not afraid of anything. I managed to figure out how to survive. Don’t get me wrong, the man I came to call my father did everything in his power to show me love and attention, but it took me until I was an adult to really give a damn.” I realized I hadn’t pulled my hand away. The comfort and warmth helped with the quivers I felt.

“You put a wall around yourself just like I did.”

“Maybe so.”

“I know so. Take it from someone who’s done everything in his power to keep people from getting too close.”

I finally managed to look him in the eyes without bursting into tears. “You didn’t want to lose them.”

Sighing, he nodded several times. “Yeah.” He fingered my hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth across my skin. While another round of silence slipped between us, there was no tension, just a quiet understanding that we were two broken people fighting to find our way in life.

As the usual heated and insane electricity began to pop all around us, I finally pulled my hand away. “Are you sure you want to give up your career?”

He smiled, giving a slight laugh. “I honestly don’t think I have another choice, but finding those letters felt like a sign. And no, I don’t believe in all that crap, at least usually. But I swear that Rutherford left them for me to find. You know?”

“As Rutherford Wallace told me from the beginning, there are reasons for everything in life, but sometimes we have to endure pain and heartache in order to find it out.”

His laugh more boisterous, he pulled away. “A wise man. Why don’t we order?”

A strange series of sensations swept through me; a different kind of warmth that was relaxing instead of sexual. Maybe I did want to get to know more about him.

After we ordered, he leaned over the table. “When did you get into boxing?”

“Ugh. About three years ago. It helped with the tension at first. Then it became a vendetta. When The Boxing Ring opened, I was dared by one of the riggers to enter the contest. I actually won and after that I was hooked.” Hissing, I looked away. I hadn’t thought about the asshole who’d jeered me from the audience for a long time. “Don’t worry. I never allow it to interfere with business.”

“I’m not worried. I just don’t want it to mess up that gorgeous face of yours.”

I cocked my head, giving him a look, my nipples hardening as I concentrated on his dimples. Whew, it was getting hot in the restaurant.

“Why did you get into the whole rodeo thing?” I asked in a purposeful haughty tone.

“Same kind of reason, I guess. I loved riding horses. I had a lot of anger. My mama told me to take up a hobby or I’d end up in a bad crowd. I was eight at the time. The rodeo was in town, which I begged her to take me to, and that was it.”

“So you were a bad boy from the beginning.”

“You bet I was and proud of it.” His laugh was genuine, the sound creating another series of prickling sensations dancing all the way to my toes. “Just like you were a hardheaded vixen.”

“Yeah, I was. So what?” We laughed together and for the first time, I didn’t feel like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I could tell he was glancing over my shoulder. I quickly turned around, uncertain what he was looking at. “What is it?”

“So, I’m curious. Do you dance?”

“Excuse me?”

He took a sip of wine, immediately moving to a standing position. “I asked if the lady would like to dance with me.”

When he held out his hand, I stared at it. “Here? Now? Are you serious?”

“Well, there is a piano player in that corner over there and a small but nice dance floor right in front. So yeah, I think it’s allowed.”

My throat tightened, my pulse quickening to the point I was lightheaded. “I don’t… I mean I’m not sure. I mean…” A nervous laugh popped from my mouth. I had a feeling he wasn’t going to let me get out of this one. “Okay, fine, but I’m not very good at it. Don’t make fun of me.”

As he pulled me from the chair, cradling me against his heated body, his nostrils flared. His look was just as predatory as before, the slight smile curling on the corner of his mouth sexy as hell. “Lady, I have no intentions of ever making fun of you.” He took a few seconds sliding his palm down the length of my hair before pulling me toward the dance floor.

Of course, we had to be the only couple on the cheap parquet floor. I was surprised that he seemed to know what he was doing, holding my hand in a certain way as he slid his arm around my waist. While he kept me close, there wasn’t the crushing feeling from before. Just a man holding a woman for a sensual dance.

While I’d recognized the musical piece the pianist was playing at first, I was absorbed in the moment, trying to lose the awkward feeling and remaining tension between us. He was so masculine, his carved features adding to his allure. While he still maintained a dangerous persona, I’d seen a crack in his armor, a hint of the man underneath. I really could like that rugged cowboy far too much.

“You’re a natural,” I said after a few seconds. He spun me around in time to the music, his eyes never leaving mine.

“You say that like it surprises you.”

“I already told you that many things about you surprise me.”

“You need to know I’m a possessive man.”

“I figured that out, Jake. Just keep in mind I’m not the kind of woman who will accept a dominating man.”

When he laughed, the husky sound filtered into every cell and muscle, increasing my hunger to the point I had difficulty thinking clearly.

“We will see about that, darlin’. I take what I want.”

I allowed his words to pass, a part of me wanting to push him away but finding it next to impossible.

He pulled me even closer, enough so I could tell just how hard his cock had gotten. I eased my arm around his neck, fingering his shoulder-length hair as I gazed into his eyes. There was something almost magical about the way he held me, his hold protective and reassuring. While falling for the cowboy couldn’t be a good thing, I found it difficult if not impossible to resist him.

“I could do this all night,” he whispered as he lowered his head, brushing his lips across my cheek.

“What about dinner?”

“Who cares about food? If I could, I’d fuck you right here on the dance floor.”

“What about the bathroom?” I teased.

His nostrils flared and as he ground his hips against me, I let out a distinct whimper. “Don’t tempt me, Madisen. You know what kind of man I am.”

I laughed softly, shuddering when he nipped my earlobe, sliding his tongue along the shell of my ear. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment as another wave of electricity burst between us. My pussy ached, my mind longing for a man I should resist at all costs. I’d never expected to see a romantic side. Maybe this was as amorous as he could get, but I relished the moment.

When the song ended, he refused to stop moving, keeping us in motion. As he lifted my chin with a single finger, I fell into a wonderful abyss of longing. There were no words needed as he captured my mouth, his lips pressed firmly against mine. I clung to him, arching my back even more as the intimate moment built into an ignition of flames. I was hot and wet, my desire rushing to the surface.

As he slipped his tongue inside my mouth, I rose onto my toes, getting as close as the dance would allow. He was dominating in every way, his hold possessive. Nothing was going to get between the two of us.

Not now.

Not ever.

I found it difficult to focus, trying to keep from moaning into the kiss. His growls were savage, his heated body explosive, and I couldn’t care less about where we were.

Jake finally broke the kiss, licking across the seam of my mouth. “You are one amazing little filly, Madisen.”

“Hmmm… And you are still one aggressive, rugged cowboy.”

Laughing, he pulled away, taking my hand. “Let’s enjoy dinner.”

As he pulled me off the dance floor, I brushed my fingers across my lips, resisting allowing the stupid cooing noises to escape my mouth. This wasn’t my dream come true, the knight on a big ass steed ready to take me away from all my troubles. He was a tortured man with an ax to grind, hatred for the man who’d given him a gift and the inability to accept reality.

But he kept me on fire, my body craving his.

A sudden chill trickled down my spine. I almost pulled away as I scanned the restaurant, hissing when I noticed a man sitting at the small bar, his angry gaze directed at our return to the table. I hadn’t realized I’d slowed down until Jake stopped, glancing over his shoulder.

“Is there something wrong?” he asked, slowly following my gaze.

“One of Whitehorse’s crew is here. He’s the kind of man who won’t take no for an answer.” The bastard had the audacity to ask me out more than once, his aggressive behavior ending with me punching him in the face.

He issued the kind of growl that would scare the majority of people. The harsh sound gave me comfort. “Where?”

“The barstool in the corner.”

“I’m going to have a chat with him.”

“Don’t. It might make things worse. He’s not worth it.” I grabbed his arm, struggling to keep him from doing anything rash. Trevor’s presence worried me after the fire the night before.

Huffing, he took a deep breath before finishing guiding me to the table. After getting me seated, he turned and glared at the man. When he sat down, he snarled as he grabbed his glass of wine. “Who is he?”

“Trevor Blackhawk. I’ve known him for years. He does Whitehorse’s dirty work. He’s tried to get me to go out with him more than once.”

“That asshole will never be allowed to touch you.”

“You’re not my protector, Jake. I can handle myself. I just don’t understand why he would be here. He’s more of the raunchy bar kind of asshole.”

Jake took a deep breath, holding it for several seconds. “I guess my threat didn’t go over well.”

“What the hell did you do?” I wasn’t shocked he’d asserted his dominance, but my gut told me his actions would lead to another nightmare.

“I had a chat with good ole Bob Cunningham.”

“Saying what?” I demanded. “I asked you to be very careful. These are dangerous men.”

“I told him in no uncertain terms not to fuck with the ranch. And you don’t have any idea what I’m capable of.”

I sucked in my breath, realizing Trevor was still watching everything we did. “You don’t know what you did. We don’t need any additional trouble, Jake. We’re up against time constraints.”

“Darlin’. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m not a man who follows anyone’s rules. From this point on, I will be Big Horn’s enforcer.”


The single word both terrified and tantalized me. When he reached for my hand, squeezing my fingers, the darkness in his eyes returned.

“And Madisen, I will keep you safe at all costs from assholes like that. After tonight, you will belong to me.”