Rough Ride by Piper Stone

Chapter 11


What the hell was I doing laying claim to the woman? Sure, she made me feel alive for the first time in years, but I could tell by her continued silence that I’d pissed her off. Besides, I didn’t know much about her. The rest of the dinner conversation had been stilted at best, her eyes constantly darting to see what the jerkoff was doing.

It had taken everything in my power not to pummel the guy’s face.

I’d seen the way he’d looked at her, the same kind of leering expression that I’d likely used more than once. I also had the distinct feeling he’d been sent to figure out what the hell I was capable of, nursing the same damn beer for a full hour. I’d seen the look of fear in Madisen’s eyes, something she tried to hide from me. She’d remained uncomfortable for the entirety of dinner and only some had to do with my pushy behavior.

One thing had become certain in my mind. The assholes were prepared to escalate their threats, doing everything they could to sabotage Big Horn. I refused to allow that to happen.

“You’re not my keeper, Jake, nor are you going to own me,” Madisen said after we’d been in the truck for a few minutes.

“That’s where you’re wrong.”

“How dare you act like we mean something to each other. I never want to care about anyone ever again.” She groaned after saying the words, returning her attention out the passenger window. I could tell she was cursing under her breath.

“Listen to me, Madisen. While I don’t know the full score on either Cunningham or Whitehorse, I’ve done enough research to know they’re bad news.”

“I already told you that.”

“I don’t think you fully understand the extent of what we’re talking about. I delved into their past, checking with a few buddies of mine, one of them pretty high up in the world of law enforcement.” The few calls I’d made confirmed what my gut had told me. They were into some pretty unscrupulous activities, several men who’d challenged them disappearing out of the blue. I had a feeling the land meant more to them than anyone was aware of. At least I had one friend in particular who might be able to sort through government red tape, finding out if my suspicions were correct.

“What the hell does that mean?” she asked, an incredulous sound to her tone.

“It means that it would appear the FBI is looking into certain practices involving both ranches. I don’t find that a coincidence. Whatever the reason is they want to acquire Big Horn, my guess is that it’s vital in order to keep their operations open. Until we find out the reason, they’re going to keep pushing.”

“Which is why threatening them isn’t in our best interest. I know you’re a bull in a china shop and nothing more, but Jesus Christ, Jake. You’ve been here for a freaking day and you act like you own the place. And me. You’re wrong on both counts. You seem to forget that both of us have a lot riding on continuing production.”

“I’m well aware of that, but it won’t mean shit if they manage to destroy the rigs, which is where I think they might go next.”

“Then we’ll hire additional security.”

“That might be our best option.”

“I’ll arrange it in the morning,” she insisted.

Her idea wasn’t a bad one, although the best thing to do would be to catch them in the act. I had a plan brewing in my mind, but I wasn’t going to upset her anymore until I had it fully laid out.

Hissing, I tried to figure out what it was about this girl that brought out the beast inside of me. She was one beautiful girl, but the need to possess her had taken over at the restaurant. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel as I glanced into the rearview mirror. I’d always followed my gut on everything, my body’s reactions to situations alerting me to possible concerns or even dangers.

My muscles tensed, my heart racing as I realized the same set of headlights had followed us from the restaurant. While the road was public, there were very few ranches between the location and Big Horn. My hackles remained raised. I pressed down on the accelerator, shifting my attention constantly from the road to the rearview mirror.

After a few seconds, Madisen looked in my direction. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure but it looks like we might have company.”

“Trevor left a good thirty minutes before we did.”

“That doesn’t mean he didn’t wait on the outskirts or that he doesn’t have some friends, sweetheart. Just hold on.”

She jerked her head around, staring out the back window.

I pressed down on the accelerator again, shifting around a curve. We had an upcoming turn. If the bastard took it, I’d know we were being followed. I glanced at the gauges, keeping both hands on the steering wheel. I was going seventy. Eighty. While I was well aware I didn’t know the roads, I wanted to find out what we were dealing with.

“Slow down, Jake. You’re going to kill us.”

“You need to learn to trust me, sweetheart.”

“Trust. You toss that around like it’s easy for either one of us.”

“We can argue about this later. Just make certain your seatbelt is firmly in place.” The dark night was oppressive, the moon hiding behind a bank of thick clouds. Since I knew shit about the area, I could have easily missed the turn.

She jerked forward, clamping her hands on the dashboard, the lights from the oncoming vehicle creeping closer. “What the hell does he plan on doing?”

“We’re not going to stay around to find out.” I narrowly made the turn, skidding around the corner with enough force the truck was jerked to one side. While the vehicle fishtailed, I was able to bring it under control in a matter of seconds.

“He’s getting closer.”

“Don’t worry.” I pushed the truck’s limits as far as possible, trying to figure out what the hell to do. I had no freaking weapon, other than my damn Swiss army knife. However, I was pissed off enough the adrenaline rush was kicking my ass.

The bastard was clearly enjoying his game of cat and mouse, accelerating until his bumper was merely inches away from the rear of the truck then backing off. While I contemplated slamming on the brakes, I couldn’t risk injuring Madisen. When he backed off for the third time, I gave the truck all the gas it could handle. “Just hold on.”

“Jake. No. Don’t. Jake!”

Her scream was drowned out by the roar of the engine seconds before I slowed down just enough that I was able to jerk the steering wheel, shifting the truck all the way around and slamming on the brakes. I’d taken a huge risk, although I doubted the fucker had a death wish. I threw the gear into park, immediately reaching for the doorhandle.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she demanded. She’d had enough wine I could tell she’d allowed her emotions to get the better of her, capable of doing something stupid. The woman was like a wildcat, refusing to back down to anyone.

“Taking matters into my own hands. Stay here and I mean it, Madisen.” The fucker revved the engine, goading me. He had no idea what kind of man he was messing with.

“I’m not staying here.”

Reacting instantly, I grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer. “While you might not like taking orders, this time you are going to listen to me. I’m not joking around.”

“Then why are you doing this?”

“Because we need to continue sending messages of our own. Do not fight me or so help me God.”

She snarled, jerking her arm away. “Fine.”

I wasted no time unbuckling the seatbelt and jumping out, taking long strides in the direction of the other truck. The massive bruiser of a vehicle was elevated by huge tires and a lifted suspension system. I pushed up my sleeves as I headed in the bastard’s direction, able to make out his silhouette. There was only one guy behind the wheel, and I was easily able to tell it wasn’t the same jerk who’d been in the restaurant. My anger got the better of me, enough so I taunted him.

I smashed my hands on his hood before beckoning with several fingers. I should have known better than to think Madisen would actually follow orders. The interruption of light as she burst behind me riled every last nerve.

The feisty woman almost made it to the driver’s door before I managed to grab her around the waist, yanking her back. I caught a single glimpse of the man, memorizing as many details as possible.

“Let go of me,” she demanded, fighting me with every ounce of strength she had.

“That’s not going to happen.” As she wiggled in my arms, I was forced to pull her back to the truck.

“We need to find out what he wants.”

“You already know what he wants, Madisen. To terrify you. Now, get inside the damn truck before I tie you inside.”

The mystery guest used the opportunity to back away, his tires squealing as he did a one-eighty in the road. I shoved her onto the passenger seat, slamming the door then heading back in that direction. The damn license plate had been swiped with some kind of dark substance. But there was no hiding the make and model of the vehicle.

“I’ll find you, fucker. And when I do, you will face my wrath.” I kept my glare as well as a smile on my face, waiting to return until after I could no longer see his headlights. Whatever the hell was going on, I knew instinctively it was about to get much worse. I stormed back to the truck, jumping inside and slamming the door with enough force the entire vehicle swayed. I waited for a few seconds, trying to curtail my anger. However, I was furious with her for risking her life.

“That bastard could have killed you,” I said as quietly as possible.

“He could have killed you too. You had no idea whether he would ram our truck or pull out a shotgun. That was stupid.”

“I’m the one who can handle himself, Madisen. I told you to stay in the vehicle.”

She exhaled, folding her arms. “Just take me home. Okay?”

“I plan on it.” I reversed for a hundred yards then rolled into the entrance to the ranch, half expecting the access road to be blocked. She remained quiet as I headed for her house, not bothering to glance in my direction. The truck was barely stopped when she jumped out, racing toward her front door. Before she had a chance to close the door in my face, I pushed her aside, looming over her as I closed the door behind me.

“Just go. Okay? I don’t want to talk about this any longer,” she demanded as she flipped on the light.

In the glaring ugliness of the four bulbs hanging over our heads, I was able to tell she was hiding as much of her fear as possible.

“I can’t do that. The jerk may come back. Are your windows and all the doors locked?” I asked as I moved past her.

“Yeah, I think. Why?”

“Because I have a feeling that this night might be interesting.”

“I’ll be fine,” she insisted.

“Yep. You will, especially since I’m going to be right here the entire time.” I moved into the living room, checking the two windows. After that, I shifted into the kitchen, making certain both the rear door and the window were locked.

“Like hell you are.”

“Lady, you’re not going to tell me what to do. If you have a gun, I need you to get it for me.”

Madisen laughed. “Are you kidding me?”

“I don’t kid about shit like this. Get it, Madisen. Now.”

I could tell she hesitated but when I gave her a stern look, she moved out of the room. She was trembling, which pissed me off even more. I was going to kill the bastards with my own hands.

After checking every room on the first floor, I moved to the stairs, taking them two at a time, finding the window in the guestroom unlocked. I noticed a light on at the end of the hall. When I walked to the open door, I could see her staring down at the weapon she held in her hand, a box of ammunition on the dresser.

She tilted her head, allowing me to see how pale she was, her reflection in the dresser mirror creating both another round of rage as well as blatant desire. “Okay, Jake. Have it your way. I’m frightened. I don’t know why this is happening or how far it’s going to go. I’m the one who’s in over her head, not you. If I can’t keep the riggers safe, they’re going to leave. Then what am I going to do? I mean, what are we going to do?”

“I’m going to figure this out.”

“You aren’t Superman.”

“Maybe not, but they don’t know that. We’re going to take this step by step. Both of us. First, you’re going to tell me everything that’s been going on. The threats, the business arrangements. All of it. In the morning, I want to see every contract and full financials. My guess is there might be a clue. Maybe not.”

“What’s wrong? Don’t you trust me?”

“This isn’t about trust, Madisen.” I groaned, hearing the rather obnoxious tone in my voice. “Our best ammunition against them is a full understanding of what they’re looking for. Maybe Rutherford left something for us to find. You never know but we can’t push aside anything at this point. This also isn’t a game. You and Rutherford should have taken the threats more seriously before they escalated, but maybe he was attempting to help the FBI gather evidence.” I dared to inch closer, trying not to spook her any further.

Exhaling, she opened her eyes wide. “I hadn’t thought of that. He did have several meetings off the property weeks before he died that I wasn’t allowed to ask about.”

“Fascinating. We search tomorrow. Deal?”


She sagged, leaning against the edge of the dresser and placing the gun gingerly on the surface. I was drawn by just how tense she was.

“What haven’t you told me?” I asked as I reached around her, pushing the gun further out of her reach. She gave me a quick look in the mirror, trying to offer a slight smile.

“Rutherford did take the threats seriously, at least after the first rigging accident.” She kept her voice even.

“What happened?”

“From what little he told me, he’d received a call only ten minutes prior to one of the safety harnesses snapping. By the time he managed to get to the site, the accident had already occurred. For that incident, I was out of town on business, so unfortunately, I only know a few of the details. What I do know is that one of the riggers is still recovering from his injuries, out on workman’s comp. With Big Wally out, that will be another claim as well. Rutherford went to the sheriff. They didn’t seem to be inclined to help. Granted, there was no evidence other than an untraced phone call. After that, nothing happened for over a month, at least that I was told. I knew he was angry, but he was also scared, and I’d never seen him like that.”

“He didn’t tell you everything.”

“No, likely because he wanted to protect me.”

“Just like I do,” I told her as I planted my hands on either side of her, crowding her space.

She kept her eyes locked on mine in the mirror, her lower lip quivering. “Don’t, Jake. As I told you before, you don’t own me. No man ever will.”

“We’ll see about that. How long ago was that?”

“Maybe a year. Things calmed down then really started up again about six months ago.”

I refused to listen to her, pressing my body against hers. As she took several shallow breaths, I whispered in her ear, “You know, I should give you the whipping of your life.”

“Don’t try it. I might go ballistic.”

I chuckled darkly as I lowered my head. “I’d like to see you try.”

I nuzzled into her neck, pressing my lips against her soft skin. There was no way I would discipline her after the night we’d had, but at some point, she would be forced to understand neither one of us could go off half-cocked.

There was too much at stake. With any additional injuries, word would get out that the ranch should be avoided at all costs. It was just another way of trying to shut down production. Why the fuck were the assholes playing such hardball? If Rutherford was as smart as I’d been led to believe, he’d leave a trail of some kind.

She sagged against me, shifting her hips back and forth. The friction she created instantly drove me wild, enough so flashes of light pulsed in front of my eyes.

“You’re really staying here tonight?” she asked in a soft voice.

“Uh-huh. I’m going to make certain nothing happens to you.”

“But what about you?”

She narrowed her eyes, her chest rising and falling.

“I’m the real creature you need to be worried about,” I huffed as I crawled my fingers down her hips, sliding them underneath her skirt. The feel of her soft skin against the rough pads of my fingers was combustible, an explosion of electricity happening. The second she’d walked into the living room earlier my breath had been ripped away. I hadn’t anticipated just how spectacular she could look in a simple skirt and blouse along with killer cowboy boots. I’d almost forgotten all about dinner.

“I think I can handle you.”

“You’re certain of that.”

Madisen managed to shift around to face me, sliding her arms around my neck. “Can I trust you, cowboy? Are you certain of that?”

“What are you worried about, little brat?”

“Losing my sanity, maybe more. I’m not certain this is a good idea.” Her mouth twisted, her breathing ragged.

“Maybe not, but let’s just enjoy tonight.” I lowered my head, keeping our lips centimeters apart. The feel of having her in my arms was entirely different this time, sensuous and ripe with even more excessive need. I could and would devour her for hours, learning every inch of her voluptuous body.

“So you know, if you hurt me, I will slit your throat.” She purred after issuing the words, her coy smile forcing my cock to throb to the point of utter anguish.

“We’ll see about that.” I captured her mouth, lifting her into my arms. She clung to me like a lifeline, entangling her fingers in my hair. As I slipped my tongue between her lips, she swished hers back and forth, every sound she made arousing me that much more.

I fought the savage man inside, craving the tenderness she’d already shown. Yet as the kiss became more passionate, I found it difficult not to rip off every inch of her clothes. I fisted her hair, twisting my fingers around her long strands, enjoying the silky feeling. My balls were tight, my heart thudding hard against my chest.

Unable to hold back, I dominated her tongue, drinking every drop from her that I wanted, the taste intoxicating as hell. I was pulled into a vacuum, no longer able to control my actions. As I eased her onto the floor, I held both sides of her face, taking gasping breaths. “Undress for me.”

She dragged her tongue across her lips, her entire face shimmering. “What if I don’t?”

“No games, Madisen. I’m far too hungry. Undress.”

Pushing hard against my chest, she backed away, turning in a full circle. I moved against the dresser, folding my arms and enjoying the way she moved her body. At least I could keep her safe for the night. No one would dare try to place a finger on her. I took a deep breath, holding it as I enjoyed the way she danced to whatever music was playing in her mind. What I was forced to realize was that the way I wanted her defied everything I’d ever believed or craved before.

Maybe I should have ignored my longing and kept my distance. That seemed almost impossible, my cravings too dark and intense. Whatever was going to happen, we would need to face it together. After that? I couldn’t make any promises.

Including to myself.

I wanted to own every inch of her, keeping her as nothing more than a prized possession, but she deserved more. Much more than a broken-down cowboy with a penchant for violence. Maybe she could find a way to tame me, but in doing so, would I break her? My thoughts shifted to all the filthy things I wanted to do to her. She was everything I’d ever desired in a woman and so much more.

As she tugged on her shirt, I could feel my patience waning, my entire body tensing from just watching her. I was likely to become even more savage than I had before, stripping her of any innocence she had left. For all the bickering we’d done, the anxiety she’d expressed, I was surprised she was this relaxed.

When she pulled the shirt over her head, giving me a saucy look, I was forced to stroke my cock in an attempt to relieve some pressure. She kicked off her boots, tossing them in my direction, blowing me a kiss in her usual taunting manner before turning to face the other way.

I shook my head with a harsh growl. “Don’t tease me too long. I just might rip off the rest of your clothes, tearing them to shreds.”

“Don’t you dare. If you do, you’ll face a woman’s wrath.” She threw a look over her shoulder as she unfastened her bra, slowly tugging one strap then the other down her shoulders. She pitched it over her head, the lovely purple lace slapping me in the face. All I could do was laugh. The woman had chutzpa.

I slowly unbuttoned my shirt, peeling away the edges, never allowing my eyes to leave the sight in front of me. When she shimmied her skirt over her bottom, my cock pressed so hard against my jeans that it was pinched, begging for release. I tossed my shirt, moving to remove my boots, sucking in my breaths as she held her skirt out to the side, dangling it for a few seconds before dropping it.

When she stood in only a G-string, I knew I was going to lose it. My cravings only intensified, my breathing skipping as my heart raced. The adrenaline flow was as heady as before, pushing my pulse into overdrive.

She slowly turned around, her arms crossing over her breasts. Winking, she inched closer, but just out of reach.

I shook my head, narrowing my eyes. “Bad girl. Take them off.”


“Never say no to a cowboy.” My reflexes were too quick for her. All I had to do was reach out, snagging the elastic edge and snapping my wrist.

Madisen gasped when I ripped her panties away, immediately pulling them to my mouth and nose. As I breathed in her sweet scent, my savage nature took over completely. “Come here.”

“I’m not certain I want to.”

I cocked my head, pushing away from the dresser, my entire body electrified as I took deliberate steps toward her. She tilted her head, staring at me with the kind of defiance that had driven me to her in the first place. When I was a few inches away, I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, dragging her closer.

She smacked my chest, her fingers digging into my skin. “Such a brute.”

“You have no idea.”

“Then why don’t you show me.”

“Be careful, little filly, what you ask for. There’s no going back.”

“As I said, I can handle you, cowboy. Try me.”

I shook my head slowly before placing my hand under her bottom, lifting her several inches into the air, forcing her to wrap her long legs around me. “We shall see.” The feel of her in my arms was even more powerful and as I crushed her mouth, immediately thrusting my tongue inside, she moaned into the kiss.

Madisen clung to me, one hand gripping my shoulder, her other fingering my shaggy hair. She continued to undulate her body, her feminine scent wafting between us a wicked aphrodisiac. I found it difficult to control the savage inside, wanting nothing more than to fuck her like the crazed man I’d become. But there was also a part of me that wanted this to take all night, enjoying the time we had together.

I had the distinct feeling that it wouldn’t last. How could it? We were too similar, yet our differences would continue to cause rifts in both the business and in our lives. However, we had all night. The fuckers attempting to destroy us had better not interrupt.

As I dominated her tongue, she fought me every step of the way. There was no way the little filly was going to gain any power. I was in control and after tonight there would never be any additional doubt. I would take her.

Taste her.

Fuck her.

Own her.

The thought was exhilarating, pushing me to my limits of any rational thoughts. I’d never been this possessive, but it felt right. Natural.

My cock was now in utter distress, throbbing to the point I had difficulty breathing. With every touch of her fingers, my arousal grew until it was off the charts. I couldn’t think straight, couldn’t focus and there was no possibility of stopping what was happening between us.

I continued the heated intimacy for a full two minutes before gently lowering her to the bed. When I stood over the magnificent woman, she reached out, mewing her level of impatience.

I wagged my finger as I stared down at her, taking a purposeful step away. “Touch your breasts for me, sweetheart. I want you to caress and pinch those tight nipples of yours.” I unfastened my belt, taking my time in doing so.

She gave me a pouting look, pretending as if she wasn’t going to obey, her eyes never leaving mine. There was no doubt she was enjoying tormenting the beast, her coy smile and glistening eyes reflecting her unbridled need.

Chuckling, I started pulling the belt from the tight loops, curious as to how long she’d disobey me.

“What are you waiting for, cowboy?” she cooed.

“For the little filly to obey. You do realize that you’re required to do so. Correct?”

She dragged her tongue across her lips, narrowing her eyes. “Only if I agree.”

I yanked another few inches until her eyes finally opened wide.

“I guess we’re going to have to do something about that.” With a hard snap of my hand, I freed the thick leather, immediately folding it then slapping it against my palm.

“Don’t you dare.”

“Are you challenging me?”

She eased her arms over her head, rolling back and forth on purpose in utter denial of my orders. I used her playfulness to my advantage and within seconds, I rolled her over, issuing two hard cracks of the leather against her bottom.

“Ouch! That wasn’t fair.”

“I think it’s entirely fair,” I huffed, delivering four more in rapid succession.

Wiggling, she did everything in her power to roll away from me, even managing to crawl toward the other side of the bed.

“Oh, no, you don’t.” I yanked her all the way back by her ankle, exhaling in an exaggerated manner. “I can see I’m gonna need to break you like a prized horse.” I smacked her already rosy bottom three additional times, unable to keep a grin off my face. My strikes weren’t hard, just a playful reminder.

She thumped down on the bed, beating her fists against the comforter. “You’re as terrible as I thought you were.”

“Yup. You’re right. Now, are you going to be a good girl and do what I say, or do I need to continue?”

I could tell Madisen was cursing under her breath, shifting back and forth as she kicked first one then her other leg out.

“If I gotta ask you again then I assure you, little lady, that I won’t stop the punishment to ask you a third time. What’s it gonna be?”

“Fine. You win.”

“I already did the minute I walked into that ugly restaurant, finding the most beautiful woman in the world.”

I was surprised that her entire body stiffened. She slowly rolled over and gone was the teasing look in her eyes. While they continued to shimmer, for some crazy reason my words had affected her more than I thought they would. She swallowed, allowing a bashful smile to cross her face then moved her hands to her breasts.

Watching her in silence was excruciating, my heart slamming against my chest wall. She was so damn beautiful in an unassuming way, but I had the distinct feeling some asshole had hurt her in the past. That was the reason she was so closed off, fearful to care about another man even to a limited degree. Maybe I’d find the asshole and beat him to a pulp.

Her breathing scattered, she obeyed my command, swirling the tips of her fingers around her perfectly pink nipples, pinching them with enough pressure she jerked up from the bed, arching her back. Her moans were the sweetest music a country boy could ever hear. I was mesmerized as she twisted both hardened buds, her mouth twisting as pain sliced into her system. She was even more gorgeous when she came.

And I planned on making her come over and over again.

My patience was shot. I unfastened my jeans, ripping them down to the floor and kicking them away. I was now the one having difficulty breathing as I closed the distance to the bed, shifting her further onto the covers then crawling on the surface. As I took her legs into my arms, I gave her a heated look.

Her entire face blushed and I was even more drawn to her. “What are you doing?”

“Feasting, sugar. I can’t wait to drink every drop of your sweet cream. That’s what happens when good girls obey. But when you’re bad, you’re going to know what stern discipline feels like.” I pulled her legs as wide open as possible, dipping my head then burying my face into her glistening pussy. She was already wet and hot, trickles of juice staining the insides of her thighs. I licked her furiously, swirling the tip of my tongue around her clit then sucking on the tender tissue.

She bucked, smacking her hands on the bedding then clawing the material as she tossed her head from side to side. “Oh, yes. My… I…” Laughing, she closed her eyes, her mouth remaining pursed open.

I growled as I continued licking her swollen folds, dragging my tongue up and down ferociously. I was an uncaged beast prepared to feast on her for hours. While she wiggled in my hold, her entire body shaking, her moans and dark whimpers indicated how aroused she’d become.

Shifting one arm, I pushed a single finger inside, teasing her muscles as they tried to clamp around the thin invasion. This was just the beginning.

“You’re so bad.”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet, baby doll. I am that bad boy you feared.” My words were little more than guttural whispers, almost inaudible, but I could tell she’d understood every word. I added a second then third finger, thrusting into her with wild abandon. Sucking on her clit was sweeter than anything. The slip of tissue was already swollen, sensitive from my rough actions.

I no longer had to keep her legs in position. She kept them open and ready, allowing me to take what I wanted. Every time I pushed her to the edge of a climax, I pulled back, barely allowing the tip of my tongue to slide against her pussy lips.

She bucked harder, her moans more like an animal’s. When I repeated the actions again, she jerked up onto her elbows, her entire face shimmering from a glisten of perspiration. “Don’t tease me, cowboy. I need to come.”

“Have you been a good enough girl?”

“God, you’re infuriating.”

“Are you going to obey my every command from now on?”

Bucking and hissing, there was no doubt she was doing everything in her power to avoid answering. I darted my tongue across her clit then pulled away, pressing my lips against first one inner thigh then the other.

“Bastard,” she mewed.

“I can wait all night, sugar.”

“Fine. Yes. Yes. Yes! I’ll obey you.”

I wasted no more time, once again burying my face, using a combination of my tongue and fingers to drive her to a powerful orgasm.

“Oh, God. Oh. Oh. Oh!” A scream erupted from the depths of her being, filling the entire room with the melodic sound.

I continued my savage actions, driving a fourth finger inside, curling the tips until I knew I’d hit her G-spot. Madisen tossed on the bed as a single orgasm shifted into another. Her actions were mesmerizing. I adored the way her body shook, every emotion crossing her face. When I began to slow down, she took a deep breath, laughing softly.

Her sweet nectar was incredible. As her delicious juice slid down the back of my throat, I realized my thirst would never be quenched. I could do this every morning and every night and still be parched.

When I started all over again, she went wild. “No. No! I’m too sensitive.”

“Remember what you promised.” I gripped her legs, holding her in place and purposely bringing her to another wild climax.

This time, her scream was bedraggled until the sound was nothing more than a scattered whisper.

After she orgasmed a second time, I pulled away, licking and kissing one leg then the other. As I moved onto my knees, she tried to look at me with dilated eyes.

“So bad. So…” Another nervous laugh escaped her mouth. She covered her eyes, mewing as her breathing continued to be labored.

“Now, I’m going to fuck you, sunshine. Are you ready?”

“Uh-huh,” she managed after a few seconds.

With a low-slung growl, I hovered over her, my palms planted on either side. As I peered down, she nibbled on her lower lip then traced one of the scars on my chest.

“You must be tough,” she whispered.

“Not as tough as the bull who tried to gore me.”

“And this one?”

I glanced down, smirking from the memory. “That one was from a bar fight. At least I won.”

“What am I going to do with you, Jake?”

Her question was interesting. “I don’t know but I’m looking forward to it.” As I lowered my head, pressing my lips against hers, she rolled her hands over my shoulders.

“Then fuck me,” she mewed.

The invitation was one I would never be able to pass up. “Only if you scream my name.”

She yanked me further down until our lips were crushed together. I allowed her a few seconds of control and as she swept her tongue inside, I could swear I heard music playing in the background.

Why the hell was a beaten-up cowboy like me falling for such an innocent, vulnerable woman? Granted, she was one feisty filly, but I had no business adding bullshit to her life. Somehow, I wasn’t certain I could ignore my desire for any length of time.

I felt her hand as she wrapped it around my cock, sliding the tip up and down her swollen pussy. When she eased it just past her slickened folds, I wasn’t able to take this slowly any longer.

I plunged the entire length inside, yanking one leg up to my chest. As I pounded into her, she pushed hard against me, breaking the kiss. She kept her eyes locked on mine as I fucked her, the mischievous look she gave me only drawing me further into my sadistic needs. I was one filthy fuck of a man, the thoughts I had brutal and vile. And I wanted to do things with her that could possibly blow her mind.

After a few seconds, I pulled her up from the bed, enjoying the look of surprise on her face.

“What are you doing?” she huffed.

“I already told you, taking what I want. I’m just changing the location.” I gathered her into my arms, never allowing my cock to slide free. Then I slammed her against the wall, immediately thrusting hard and fast.

“Oh, yes. Oh. Oh…” She tossed her head, scrambling to keep hold, her chest rising and falling from my rough actions.

“I’m going to fuck you everywhere.”

“So bad. Oh, so bad.”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet, sweetheart.” My muscles tensed as I drove into her incredible heat. The way her muscles clamped around my cock was about to blow my mind. We were exploding from the round of electricity, pushing to the outer limits of pleasure.

Yet I wanted more.

Madisen lolled her head, her face flushed as I drilled into her. I was like some crazed barbarian, claiming my mate as well as asserting my authority over her. Every cell in my body was on fire, my skin singed from the heat of her body. There was nothing like fucking her. Nothing.

Panting, she dug her fingernails into my shoulders, cocking her head. “What you do to me.”

Her pussy spasmed and I could tell she was close to yet another orgasm. I pushed harder, everything in close proximity rattling from the power I used. As her whimpers increased, so did my actions. They were brutal and unforgiving, pushing her harder.

When she erupted, I threw my head back and roared.

But I wasn’t finished with her yet.

Seconds later, she finally opened her eyes. They were glassy and unfocused, but the smile on her face remained seductive. “Come inside of me.”

“Not yet.”


“Because now, sweetheart, I’m going to fuck you in your ass.”