Rough Ride by Piper Stone

Chapter 12


A beast.

A true savage.

Jake had warned me that he was taking everything he wanted, but he was different tonight. More powerful.

More dominating.

I found myself surrendering on every level, which confused the hell out of me. As he eased me to my feet, I continued to have difficulty catching my breath. He was that overwhelming, his needs insatiable. The look in his eyes was carnal, as if he was no longer a man, just a beast ready to consume his prey.

He grabbed me by the hand, returning me to the bed. This wasn’t an act of romance, although I could feel the strong emotions and desires in everything he did. This was about primal fucking and nothing more. He was satisfying his needs just like he’d fulfilled mine. When he propped me onto all fours, I was taken back to the first night we met, his unforgiving methods of taking me like some wild animal.

I didn’t fight him as I’d done before because I craved his domination in some kinky, dark way. He wasn’t just dominating, he was all consuming, ripping open the bandages I’d used to cover my earlier wounds. He refused to allow me to succumb to the sadness and anger I’d wrapped myself up in for the past few years.

The rugged cowboy was allowing me to explore the intense cravings that had never left, opening up my eyes to what extreme and unbridled passion could feel like.

And I craved more.

Maybe I should do everything in my power to push him away and out of my life, but I couldn’t resist him any more than he was able to do with me. What would happen from here I couldn’t guess and didn’t want to. I simply longed to feel his strong arms around me, his unrelenting kisses and controlling tongue. And I wanted this to last for hours on end.

He yanked my legs apart, running his fingers down the length of my spine. His touch alone was enough to sear every inch of my skin. We weren’t just electrified together. We were a firestorm that would never be extinguished. Panting, I closed my eyes as he smacked my already aching bottom several times. They weren’t swats of punishment, only reminders that he was serious about his need for my obedience.

I was still swooning from the way he’d licked me furiously, driving me to the most incredible state of nirvana. Every part of me was extra sensitive, but I no longer cared how rough he was in his methods of satisfying his needs. I just wanted to be fucked long and hard. Did that make me a bad person? Maybe. I almost laughed as he snapped his fingers against my aching pussy, my entire body tingling to the point I could no longer feel my legs.

As I arched my back, preparing for my darkest hole to be violated, he caressed my heated ass cheeks gently. I knew he was holding back, elongating our time spent together. He’d been my protector, wanting nothing more than to take Trevor out to the parking lot, ensuring the man knew that I belonged to him.

And a part of me had wanted him to do just that.

Everything remained a blur, my heart hammering against my chest as he slipped the tip of his cock into my asshole. I wrapped my fingers around the comforter, trying to control my breathing. No man had fucked me so long or so hard, instinctively knowing exactly what I needed from his tongue slicing across my aching pussy. I hadn’t needed to instruct him on anything in order to please me, not that he would have listened. He knew my body, which was crazy and wonderful.

When he released a series of growls, I closed my eyes, expecting him to thrust his entire cock inside. Instead, he pushed in an inch at a time, allowing my muscles time to get used to his wide girth. The ache was intense, the moment of pain almost blinding, but within seconds there was nothing but sheer pleasure.

When he was fully seated inside, he wrapped his body around mine, cupping and squeezing my breasts.

“So tight. So damn hot, little filly.”

His words were like thunderbolts in my ears. I wiggled against him, teasing him relentlessly. I was rewarded with two more smacks on my backside, but I didn’t care. I’d already been pitched into another stratosphere altogether.

He breathed across my neck, nuzzling against my skin then nipping my ear. When he reared back, gripping my hips, he pulled almost all the way out. I knew what to expect, the hard fucking pushing me against the comforter. I fought to remain aloft, meeting every brutal thrust, one after the other.

His growls permeated the air around us, his actions becoming even more forceful. As my body rocked with him, the pure ecstasy from what he was doing continued to shock me. How could I like what he was doing, let alone crave his savageness? I doubted there were any decent answers.

He refused to stop, his guttural sounds continuing as he fucked me long and hard. I was exhausted but electrified, every muscle aching. I had no idea how long he drove into me, but when his breathing changed, I knew he was close to coming. Smiling, I squeezed my muscles, enjoying every moment of his intense roars.

When he finally erupted, filling me with his seed, I realized that he’d broken through every barrier. There was no such thing as love at first sight. No chance. But was there such a thing as needing someone exactly like you would need air in order to breathe? I dropped my head, unable to stop from moaning.

Whatever was happening between us was caustic and ridiculous, yet beautiful and amazing. Sadly, I knew one day he’d walk out of my life. Maybe it was for the best.

And just maybe I’d be able to get over him.

* * *

I watched as Jake slipped from under the covers, brushing hair from my face before winking. As he walked away, I couldn’t take my eyes off his incredible butt. The man had the kind of perfect physique that was meant for magazines, yet so many scars mottled his skin. He’d lived a hard life, but only some of it had to do with the career he’d chosen. He’d never be able to feel satisfaction from running a company, no matter how profitable.

Exhaling, I shifted closer to the pillow he’d been lying on, taking a deep whiff of the pillowcase. His scent covered almost every inch of the bed. My inner voice told me I’d have difficulty washing the sheets any time soon. God, I was pathetic. He was just a man, not a freaking god. But he’d awakened the woman I thought would remain all alone.

At least he felt comfortable being in my surroundings. I shifted my gaze toward the dresser, eyeing the gun Dad had purchased for me a long time ago. He’d made certain I knew how to use it, forcing me to practice for hours. Now it seemed like a menacing device, a reminder that the ranch and all the work that had been put into making Big Horn a success was under duress.

I’d been terrified when Jake had jumped out of the truck, ready to accost whoever was behind the wheel. My gut told me that the terror I’d felt was about to escalate.

I closed my eyes, refusing to fall into a catacomb of fear. No one was going to take away what Rutherford had built. No one.

A few seconds later, I heard his footsteps, but I kept my eyes closed, unable to keep a smile from my face.

“Sleeping beauty. I brought refreshments. You need to scoot over.”

I opened one eye, able to see he was already hard again. The man was utterly insatiable. I did as he asked, smiling as he placed two glasses on the nightstand before crawling under the covers. He yanked me against him, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, his deep sigh indicating he was comfortable in his surroundings.

“What did you bring me?” I finally asked.

“Bourbon. Thought we could both use it.”

“Good choice, cowboy.”

“You know, I would have thought you were a white wine girl.”

I tilted my head, wrinkling my nose. “Then you didn’t have a clue. Did you?”

“I guess not.” His grin was far too adorable. He handed me a glass, settling in against the pillows.

After shifting to a sitting position, I studied his pensive face. “What are you thinking?”

“Nothing that matters right now.”

“What do you think is really going on?”

He turned his head, his eyes piercing mine. “I don’t know, Madisen. That’s what bothers me. What is the point in destroying even a portion of the ranch? What do they have to gain?”

“If we’re forced to sell the property, the worth will drop significantly. My guess is they want the ranch to go to an auction.”

“Maybe they need the access road.” He took a sip of his drink then returned his glass to the nightstand.

“You really think Devlin might be involved?”

“What’s his full name?”

“Why? Are you going to talk to those law enforcement buddies about him?” I asked as I glanced into his eyes.

He shrugged. “Maybe. We can’t rule out anyone.”

“Devlin Sanchez has lived on the property for years, Jake. His house is just down the road to the right. He’s worked for fourteen days straight more often than I can remember in his efforts to keep the rigs going. Just give him a break.”

He squeezed his arm around me, taking deep breaths. “I have no intention of doing anything but finding out information.”

“Okay. I… I mean we can’t afford to lose anyone right now.”

“Don’t worry. I know. We’ll talk more tomorrow. You should get some rest.”

“What are you going to do, keep watch just in case the big bad wolf comes through the front door?” When he didn’t say anything, I gripped his arm. “That’s what you intend on doing, isn’t it?”

“I want to keep you safe.”

“We’re on the ranch. I doubt anyone will dare try and do anything after the display earlier.”

“You never know. Greed does many things to a man.”

Sighing, I took a sip, relishing the slight burn in the back of my throat. “Maybe you’re right. We shouldn’t talk about it right now.”

“Like I said, get some sleep.”

“What if I’m not sleepy?”

Jake lifted a single eyebrow, the provocative look he gave me sending a shower of shivers down to the tips of my toes. “Then what do you want to do?”

I brushed my hand down his chest, handing him the glass then easing my head next to my hand. “I do want to talk, just not about assholes.”

“Okay,” he said as he shifted my glass onto the nightstand. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Tell me about the camp you provided for the boys.”

He seemed to tense, which surprised me. “Not much to tell. I had enough room that I brought out a group of them to learn about ranching. They were able to ride horses, handle the steers. I made certain they enjoyed time swimming and fishing, just being boys.”

“That’s amazing, Jake. That should make you very proud.”

“Yeah, it used to.”

“What happened? Can you trust me enough to tell me that?” I lifted my head, trying to read his expressionless face.

He grabbed his drink again, gulping almost half. “Like I said, not much to tell.”

“Don’t do that. For once in your life trust someone.”

After he took a deep breath, he shrugged. “I was careless, more worried about an upcoming rodeo. I’d agreed to take one of the kids who was especially challenged. He was rough around the edges, hating everything and everyone around him. The boy certainly didn’t trust me, determined to have things his way. Anyway, he wanted to ride one of the horses I’d recently purchased, but the steed was powerful and even I was unable to break him. I was on a phone call and the damn kid snuck away from the rest of the group taking the horse.”

“Shit. What happened?”

“By the time one of my ranch hands got me off the damn phone, almost ten minutes had passed. There was no way to tell where the kid had gone, but I took out after him anyway. I had a hunch he was going to the river, the one place I’d seen him act more like a teenager than a thug. I was right, although by the point I managed to catch up with him, he’d fallen from the horse, the steed terrified at whatever had happened. He was stomping on the boy. Things got ugly from there.”

“Oh, Jake. My God. Was the boy… injured?”

“Fortunately, only a couple of ribs were broken, his body bruised, but I wasn’t so lucky.”

“The accident,” I whispered.

He took another gulp, finally nodding after a few seconds. “I found out later the kid had beaten the horse hard enough there were marks from the whip he’d found. Since the horse didn’t know me very well, he remained aggressive. By the time my ranch hands found me, the horse had already done significant damage. My shoulder was basically shattered, four ribs broken, and a handful of other injuries. The doctors weren’t entirely certain I was going to be able to use my arm again.”

I shifted onto my elbow, taking his hand into mine. The pain in his eyes was horrible, but I doubted it had anything to do with the pain he must have suffered. “The boy?”

“He was fine, sent back to the orphanage. Of course, there were questions. I was scrutinized by the organization, the police, and the press. As you might imagine, I was told my camp was no longer on their list of approved venues.” He snorted, lifting his glass. “What the fuck ever.”

“Don’t say it like that. You gave your time as well as your heart trying to provide an amazing place for those kids. What a little shit he was.”

“He had his reasons.”

“Do I want to know what happened to the horse?”

He glanced down at me, inhaling deeply. “There were those who wanted me to put the horse down, but I refused. It wasn’t his fault, for fuck’s sake. Given my list of injuries, I had plenty of time to work with him, although it took a long time before I was able to saddle him let alone take a ride. He’s my favorite horse, his physical scars healed. Unfortunately, he doesn’t trust anyone but me.”

“What’s his name?”

Laughing softly, he tilted his head. “Indiana Jones and don’t you dare make fun of it. That was my favorite movie as a kid.”

“Why would I make fun of you?” I asked, barely able to hold back the laughter. When I couldn’t do it any longer, I pulled away, dropping my face into one of the pillows.

“You are such a brat.”

I heard the hard thud as he slammed the thick crystal onto the wooden surface. When he started to tickle me, I couldn’t have been more shocked.

“Don’t. Oh! Ugh!” I rolled and pitched, trying to get away, but he was too strong as usual.

When he finally pinned me to the bed, shoving both arms over my head and clasping my wrists in one hand, I gave him nasty glares.

“Lady. You should know by now that you aren’t getting away from me.” He breathed a swath of hot air across my face and neck, the simple actions stirring another wave of burning desire.

“Maybe I don’t want to.”

There was something so dark and ominous about the way he looked at me as he lowered his head. I expected him to devour my mouth, but he only rolled his tongue around my lips.

“Good, cause it’s not going to happen. My turn to ask you a question,” he said in a husky tone.

“Okay. If it’s about my favorite movie, you might be surprised.”

Jake hesitated, lifting his head a few inches. “Tell me about the man who hurt you.”

Blinking, I was immediately tossed into a moment of the past. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I think you do. You act like you hate all men. Since everything you told me about how Rutherford treated you is as heartwarming as some Christmas card, there had to be another man who pissed you off.”

I struggled in his hold, hissing when he refused to let me go. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Maybe it does to me. I trusted you with something very personal. It’s your turn to place your trust in me.”

Why the hell had tears formed in my eyes? I shook my head until he slipped his hand under the cover, rubbing his fingers across my mound. “Oh, you don’t play fair.”

Grinning, he slipped two fingers inside. “I never said I did. Talk to me, little brat, or else.”

“You are so mean.”

“I just want to know what I’m up against.”

“I assure you that I no longer care about the asshole.”

“Then you won’t mind telling me who he is.”

“Then let me up,” I insisted.

He lifted his head, narrowing his eyes. “If you refuse, you will get a whoopin’.”

While his smile was playful, I could tell by the look in his eyes he was concerned. “Fine. I’ll tell you.”

Jake allowed me to sit up. I dragged the sheet over my breasts, crossing my legs. He placed the glass in my hand before shifting against the pillows.

“Talk,” he said sternly.

“He was a rigger. One big dude with an attitude. Kinda reminded me of you. I hated him the second I met him, but there was chemistry between us. Still, I stayed away, refusing to give him the time of day. He was damn good at his job, able to work the rigs like I’d never seen any of the roughnecks or drillers do. After a few months, I finally agreed to go on a date with him. Things went a little crazy after that.”

“So what happened?”

“I don’t really know, but he started becoming abusive. Little ways at first, then more over time. It was like he’d become a different person. He was demanding and nothing like the guy I’d gone out on the first date with. After Dad found out, which took several weeks, the asshole was fired.”

“Sounds like a real piece of shit,” he growled, his nostrils flaring.

I smiled, enjoying the protective side of him. “I didn’t realize it until later, but I’d fallen in love with him. Hie ugliness as well as his sudden departure hurt me tremendously, enough so I was in a deep state of depression for several months. That wasn’t like me.”

“That’s when you started boxing.”

Nodding, I almost felt embarrassed. “Crazy, huh?”

“You were trying to protect yourself in more than one way. Healing takes time.”

“Are you experienced?” I asked, hiding behind the glass after doing so.

He laughed. “Nope. I was the love them and leave them type. I think my longest relationship, if you want to call it that, was one week. She dumped me. Smart girl.”

“You sell yourself short.”

“No, I don’t think so. I’m not the kind of guy any woman wants to be involved with. I don’t tend to stay around very long. Just not in my nature.”

I found myself bristling. Even though I knew that about him, hearing it from his mouth was tough. “Duly noted.”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t want to be here, Madisen. I’m just not the man you need in your life, especially since what’s his name treated you so badly.”

Maybe you’re just the kind of man I need.

I refused to say the words. “Diego Martinez. That was his name.”

“If you want, I’ll hunt him down.”

Laughing, I could tell the sound was stilted. “No need. He’s gone. Dad made certain he knew better than to show his face around the ranch ever again.”

“Good for your dad.”

“Our dad.”

Exhaling, he grumbled under his breath. “Maybe so. Why don’t we get some sleep? It’s late.”

He didn’t give me an option, removing the glass from my hand then turning out the light.

Tonight in particular I didn’t like the darkness or the ugly thoughts racing in the back of my mind. Jake would leave. Then I’d be forced to face the life I was terrified of doing. However, better now than when it became too painful. As I closed my eyes, allowing myself to envision our passionate round of sex, my body tingled all over again.

But that’s all it was. Sex. This wasn’t the start of a relationship.

And the cowboy they called Thunder wasn’t my knight in shining armor.

* * *



It had evaded me over the years, Mike telling me it had prevented me from handling life like a rational human being. I almost laughed as I thought about the chastising words he’d issued over the last couple of years. He’d been right that I’d allowed my continuing anger to slide into every aspect of my life. I’d never been able to let go of my animosity. Now all the fury I’d harbored for so many years seemed ridiculous. Rutherford had built an amazing life, sharing his fortune with a little girl he’d known almost nothing about.

I’d been far too judgmental about a man I’d never meet. I stood in the middle of Madisen’s living room thinking about the box of letters I’d found, trying to figure out what I would say to my mama. Maybe the letters would give her some level of comfort or maybe they’d provide nothing but heartache. Still, she deserved to know. As I shifted my thoughts to the brand new coat, I was surprised a smile crossed my face. While the style was outdated, I knew she’d love what was likely to have been a gift for her. I also had a feeling the coat provided an interesting story.

It was late, or maybe very early in the morning. I’d left Madisen in bed curled under the covers. She deserved a good night’s sleep. As I took a sip of the drink in my hand, the bitter taste was a reminder that the danger level had increased. I needed rest in order to think clearly, but I was still jittery all over. The remaining bourbon wasn’t providing any relief to my insomnia, but I wasn’t certain there was a drug or anything else in the world that could do that.

Maybe with the exception of the beautiful redhead who’d allowed her guard to fall. What troubled me more than anything was that my gut continued to churn. Whatever Rutherford had been trying to tell us in subtle ways we just hadn’t figured out.

I yanked my phone from my pocket, chuckling given the time. My buddy would hate me for calling so late but someone from the inside was playing a game. I dialed his number, polishing off the rest of my drink.

After three rings, when he answered it was easy to tell he was pissed by his guttural grunt. “What the fuck, buddy? It’s like three in the morning.”

“Yeah, but I have a couple other names you need to check out.” Greg Abbot had once been a rodeo man, but his first love had always been law enforcement. He’d grown up in Montana, the scrawny kid who refused to be hindered. Somehow, he’d grown six inches and gained almost seventy-five pounds after he turned eighteen. Being recruited by the FBI had been his dream.

“Jesus. Let me get to my office.”

I took a deep breath as I stared out the window, my entire body still feeling the effects of the amazing night I’d had with Madisen. I wasn’t the kind of guy who ever believed he’d fall in love, especially not with a woman who fought every word out of my mouth. A smile crossed my face, my cock aching all over again. She was the one.

The perfect woman.

The only person who could satisfy my emotional and physical needs.

Damn it, Thunder. You’ve fallen in love with the girl.

Yup. I had.

When I heard a grumble in the phone, I chuckled.

“Okay. Who are they and why do you think they might have anything to do with the case?”

“You mean the case you’re not telling me jack shit about.”

Greg exhaled. “You know I can’t. I could lose my job. Just give me their names and I’ll see if they have any role in the investigation. And I’m not promising you a damn thing. I already told you that.”

“Yeah, I know. Devlin Sanchez and Diego Martinez.”

“And what role do they play?”

“Devlin is the main supervisor of the rigs. Diego just an old love interest.”

“Buddy, you never told me you changed flavors,” he said as he laughed.

“Fuck you. I’m serious that these guys might be important to your case.”

“Then I’ll find out everything I can. Don’t go off halfcocked, Jake. There’s more at stake here than you know.”

My entire body tensed. “You’re going to need to tell me what we’re talking about at some point.”

“I will when I can. I am going to warn you for the second time to stay away from Cunningham and Whitehorse. They’re not playing. They have a lot to lose.”

“So do I. I’m not allowing this ranch or the business to go down. Hear me, Greg. I don’t give a shit what I have to do in order to protect the place.”

“Sounds like you might have found your home, Jake.”

There was no concept of home without Madisen involved. “Maybe so. Just don’t let me down on this. I have a bad feeling things are about to get ugly.”

“You and me, Jake. Now, can I go back to sleep?”

“Thank you.”

“You know what? I think this is the first time you’ve ever said that. I need to meet the woman who’s changing your tune,” Greg said as he laughed.

“Who says there is a girl?”

“I’m in law enforcement. Remember? We know things.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Get some sleep.” After ending the call, I took another deep breath. For the first time, I wished that I could have met Rutherford. I had the distinct feeling we were exactly alike.

After returning to the bedroom, I remained a few feet away from the bed. Even in the slender illumination of the moon, I was able to make out her delicate features. She had to be the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. I was determined to keep her safe.

And I was even more determined to spend the rest of my life with her.