Rough Ride by Piper Stone

Chapter 3


What. The. Hell?

I was dumbfounded as the sexy cowboy walked out of the bar, acting as if what had occurred during the last twenty minutes had all been in my imagination. Blinking, I tried to focus, but remained stunned at my body’s reaction. I was trembling all over, my nipples hard as diamonds and my pussy clenching and releasing.

All because of an asshole cowboy who thought he was all that and a bag of chips? What the hell was wrong with me? I’d never had a man treat me that way. How fucking dare he spank me in the middle of a crowded bar? Who did he think he was?

The questions rolled through my mind like a freight train even though a part of me knew that my behavior had been ridiculous. Little did the handsome, rough and tumble cowboy know that I’d been quivering inside the entire time I’d been in the ring. I’d always felt the need to prove myself, no matter the cost or the circumstances.

However, what the bastard had done to me, humiliating me like that was unacceptable. Anger furrowed inside of me, the kind that made me do unspeakable things. I took several deep breaths, continuing to hear the jabs of the customers as they made fun of me. I wanted nothing more than to lash out at all of them. Fuck it. They weren’t worth it.

But… the asshole who’d done this to me was going to catch more than just a piece of my mind. I refused to be treated like some bad little girl who needed to be spanked on a regular basis. As I shot my way through the doors, my shorts scraped against my bruised backside, creating a slice of pain.

No one had ever dared to lay a hand on me the way he had. Hell, I wouldn’t be able to sit down comfortably for a day or longer. Tears formed in my eyes out of frustration and increasing rage. The chiseled man with the two-day stubble, angular jaw, and a body meant to model tight blue jeans was going to pay for what he’d done.

As I scanned the parking lot, I finally noticed him getting into a truck. I took long strides in an effort to get to him. When he started to pull out of the parking lot, I realized it was too late. I took a deep breath, eyeing his taillights. Then I smiled. Like hell it was.

I took off racing back into the restaurant, moving to the bar as I tried to catch my breath. Jennifer couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “I need my keys. Now!”

“That was some show you put on,” Jennifer said as she reached onto the surface, fisting my keys and keeping them away from me.

“I don’t have time for this. Give. Me. My. Keys.”

“What are you planning on doing?”

I snagged them from her hand, snarling under my breath. “Showing him whose boss around these parts.”

As I turned to race back out the door, I heard her laughing. It was a good thing she was my best friend.

“Good luck, sweetheart. I think you bit off more than you can chew.”

Even though Jennifer and I had been friends for years, she had no idea what I was made of. Maybe I didn’t either, but in this case, I was tired of playing games with wannabe cowboys. I ran to my truck, jumping inside and starting the engine. At least I’d seen which way he’d gone. I knew almost everybody in town. The dude had to be a visitor. Why? I didn’t care. I’d simply give him a hearty welcome.

The thought fueled my anger as I pressed down on the accelerator. I hated the way my body had responded to him, the kiss so damn powerful I’d been knocked off my feet. That couldn’t matter at this point. Nope. Even though his shaggy dark hair and insanely gorgeous eyes had kept me aroused from the moment I’d laid eyes on him, I could tell he was nothing more than a typical Neanderthal.

I tried to control my emotions as I thought about where he could be going. There was only one hotel close by. Since he’d gotten such a huge head start, I’d have to follow my instincts. When I noticed the hotel sign in the distance, I sucked in my breath.

What are you doing, girl? You should know better than this.

Should and would were entirely two different things.

I pulled into the parking lot, scanning the area, more anxious than ever. Just when I thought he’d gotten away from me, I noticed he was exiting his truck, heading toward the side doors leading into the first floor. I wasted no time finding a parking spot, the engine barely cut off before I jumped onto the pavement. From there, I ran, ready to cut him off at the pass, stopping short when he was only a few steps in front of me.

“I didn’t say I was finished with you.” My choice of words made me cringe. I wasn’t even certain why I’d bothered. The man meant nothing to me, other than I wanted to take a piece of his flesh as some sort of retaliation for embarrassing me so badly.

He took a deep breath, his broad shoulders heaving. In the ugly wash of illumination from the hotel’s overhead lights, I was able to get a better look at him.

At least from the backside.

He was built like no other man I’d met, much better looking than the typical cowboys who frequented the bar. Even the way he carried himself was entirely different. As if he was somebody important. Like hell he was.

I shifted from foot to foot, waiting to see his reaction. When he slowly turned around, I held my head high. But Lordy God above, the man was stunning, carved in all the right places. Even so, this wasn’t about engaging in any kind of carnal activity. This was about getting my just revenge.

The same shitty grin as before popped on his face, his eyes narrowing as he studied me like some specimen. Then he walked closer, making me uncomfortable as hell.

“You want a piece of this, mouthy brat?”

“I don’t want anything from you, cowboy. In fact, I want to give you something.”

He moved even closer, his eyes twinkling. He thought this was funny as hell.

“Okay. What are you planning on giving me?”

I hated being caught off guard. I honestly had no clue what I could say that would matter in the least. “You can’t go treating people that way.”

“And you can’t continue acting like a spoiled brat.”

He continued to think this was amusing. I balled my fists, placing them on my hips. “You owe me an apology.” When he moved even closer, I held my breath. The last thing I needed to do was become intoxicated from the damn exotic aftershave I’d gotten a whiff of. Everything about the man exuded ultra sex appeal, yet I continued to remind myself that I didn’t care in the least.

“An apology, huh?” he growled. The sound was like a rustle of wind at night, skimming across my naked skin and boosting the electricity I’d continued to feel since the kiss.

When he was only a few inches away, my throat tightened. I was losing steam with what I wanted to say to him. “Yep. Around these parts, men don’t treat women like the way you did.”

He lifted a single eyebrow, allowing that damn heated gaze he’d given me more than once to slide down to my tennis shoes. I must look a fright with my ridiculous makeup and the stupid outfit that I’d decided would jazz the crowd. I stood my ground, refusing to back down to him.

“That’s interesting. Just how should they be treated?” he whispered in a husky tone, sending a wave of chills dancing down my spine.

Oh, my God. I had no real answer. “Like…”

He tilted his head. “I think I know the answer.”

Nothing could have prepared me for the way he tossed me over his shoulder again, moving toward the entrance to the hotel. I was like a ragdoll to him and nothing more. It took me almost a full minute to respond, punching him in the kidneys, which didn’t faze him in the least. When he dumped me in the elevator, pushing me against the back wall, I couldn’t stop from whimpering like some scared little girl.

“What are you doing?”

He lowered his head, taking a deep breath. “Giving you exactly what you want and what you need.”

As he captured my mouth, I couldn’t breathe or move for at least ten seconds. Then my natural instinct took over and I squirmed, doing everything I could to get out of his clutches. He was having none of it, yanking first one then the other arm over my head, wrapping his hand around both wrists. The way he maneuvered my lips was sensual, much more so than I thought the cowboy capable of. But when he thrust his tongue inside, dominating mine, my body betrayed me all over again, my back arching to the point my breasts were crushed against his broad chest.

My heart was beating so hard that I didn’t hear the slight ping of the elevator. However, I did hear some stranger clearing his throat, impatient that we were acting like teenagers.

The cowboy reared back, winking before turning his head in the man’s direction. “We’ll be out of your way in just a few seconds.” When he resumed the kiss, his actions were rougher.



The taste of him was a combination of beer and tequila, surprisingly electric as he swirled his tongue back and forth. I was forced to inhale his masculine scent and the musky fragrance made me weak in the knees. Oh, no. I wasn’t going to allow this to happen without a fight. He might think he was something special, but in my mind, he was nothing but a guy who thought he captivated all women.

I wasn’t just another woman. I was strong. I was independent.

And I was suddenly all alone.

“Can you hurry it up? We are in a hotel after all. Get a fucking room.” The stranger made a mistake. A huge one.

The cowboy broke the kiss, grasping my hand then taking a single long stride until his face was inches away from the stranger’s. As I’d experienced before, he towered over the man, his menacing form making the poor guy visibly cringe.

“You don’t own the place, buddy. You need to learn to wait your turn.”

Fortunately for the stranger, he merely bobbed his head in agreement then stepped away so we could exit the elevator. I had the distinct feeling that if he hadn’t then the cowboy was going to do something nasty.

His grip was firm as he dragged me down the corridor, the warm touch of his hand shooting stars in front of my eyes. Even though I tried to pull away, it was like I was up against a massive crane. Within seconds, he slipped the keycard into the slot and opened the door, shoving me inside. A light was already on and as I backed away, I took a quick look around the hotel room. It was nothing special, no penthouse or suite, which meant he was nothing but a cowboy looking for a quick fix.

I wasn’t going to be that fix. No fucking way.

“You’re going to let me go right now or I will scream,” I said as defiantly as possible.

He tossed his keys then advanced like a predator, his actions forcing me to back all the way to the other side of the room and against one of the walls. As he crowded my space, I could barely manage to take any breaths, the slight wheezing sound making me appear even more ridiculous.

The cowboy took his time, gazing down the length of me then tracing his finger along the edges of the stupid face paint I’d used. “I bet you look much sweeter without all that garbage.”

“Garbage? You are such an asshole.”

“Agreed, but I doubt there’s any reason to hide that pretty little face of yours.”

His cowboy twang likely made all the girls swoon. My guess was he was faking it, using his cowboy swagger to hide his true self.

Just like you hide behind the garish makeup.

Jesus. Now my inner voice was getting in on the taunts. I rolled my eyes and pushed my hands against his chest. Damn, he really was hard as a rock. “Fuck you.”

He chuckled, a wry smile crossing his face. “Now, here’s the way we’re going to handle this. If you don’t want another round of discipline, you will cooperate.”

“Oh, yeah? I’m not cooperating with you under any circumstances.” The husky tone in my voice surprised me. I remained aroused, my skin prickling from the sound of his voice alone.

“Then things might have to get ugly. I am going to fuck you. It’s going to be raw and sweaty, rough and passionate. I’m going to take you to new heights of pleasure, giving you round after round of ecstasy until you beg me for more. Then if you’re a good girl, I might just fuck you in that tight little ass of yours.”

I was mortified that he expected me to comply. Was he out of his freaking mind? “You are insane. I’m not going to have sex with you. Not a chance in hell, buddy.”

“The name’s Thunder and I’m not talking about sex. Sex is just the act of sticking my cock inside your pussy for a few minutes. Fucking is something else entirely. And yes, that is going to happen.”

Thunder. The name reverberated in my mind, another round of electricity curdling my blood. He was far too intense, his eyes piercing mine. While a part of me was so aroused my mouth watered, the rational side of me said I wasn’t going to have… sex with a stranger, especially one so arrogant.

And sexy.

And wild.

And dangerous.

Whew. My mind had just slipped straight into the sewer.

He used that to his advantage, wrapping his hand around my throat and pulling me onto my toes. As he crushed my mouth, the kiss wasn’t anything like the one before. It was brutal and needy, aggressive in every way. I wiggled and pummeled my fists, but I was losing the battle with myself. I was far too attracted to him, the hunger bursting inside. I couldn’t see or think straight as the moment of raw intimacy exploded with passion.

His growls were enigmatic, echoing in my ears. I found myself clinging to him, fisting his shirt as he swept his tongue back and forth. A part of me could kiss him for hours, basking in the way he tasted and how he made my skin tingle.

Wait a minute. How he made my skin crawl was more accurate.

Fortunately, my rational side won out. I slammed my hands against him while twisting my body, using some of my fighting moves to kick him in the shin. I managed to use just enough force that he was tossed back a few inches. He might be big and strong, but I was limber as hell.

Before I had a chance to do anything else, he slammed me against the wall, shaking his head as he made a tsking sound. “Such a very bad girl.”

“Such an asshole.”

His laugh sent another wave of shivers dancing all the way down my spine. How could a brute like him have this kind of effect over me? I gave him a seductive smile to put him off guard, taking a finger and trailing it along his chiseled jaw. The touch alone was thrilling, every nerve standing on end. It was as if some god had molded him in the image of a perfect man. Even the feel of the two-day stubble covering the lower portion of his face was sexy as hell.

Snap out of it.

Yes, I had to. I kept the smile on my face, darting my gaze to the bulge between his legs. “Yum. Yum, Thunder.”

“Mmm… Just wait until my cock is buried inside of you.”

He wasn’t just arrogant or an asshole. He was… There were no words to describe him that would be accurate. It was obvious he really believed he could get anything he wanted. Well, I wasn’t for sale no matter who or what he was. He could go fuck himself.

I darted out around him, racing toward the door, taking the time to toss one of the lamps in his direction. I could tell he shoved it aside as if the hindrance was nothing. When my hand reached the lever, he caught up to me, fisting my hair and dragging me back. Hissing, I took several swings, managing to catch him under the jaw. His head flew back, the guttural sound he made making me smile.

“Get away from me,” I snapped, realizing I was caught between the brooding man and the edge of the bed, the door seeming yards and yards away.

He grinned as he’d done before like this was just a game and took the time to unfasten his belt buckle. The action made me watch him as if in some kind of awe. I gathered a glimpse of his intricate buckle and squinted. It was from some rodeo. That much I knew given where I lived. Thunder. Why did the name suddenly ring a bell?

That moment of confusion was all he needed. He’d already slipped the thick leather strap from the belt loops on his jeans.

“You really are a bad girl. I thought you understood that when girls get naughty, they need to be taught a lesson. Remove your clothes.”

He wasn’t just out of his mind. He was a sick, depraved man. I’d never been treated this way. Well, maybe to a point since the last two guys I’d bothered to go out on a date with had been even bigger Neanderthals, groping me within seconds. But this guy took it to an entirely different level. I realized I was just staring at him, my mouth twisted in anger and frustration.

“Not going to happen. If you let me go now, I won’t press any charges.”

He was so alluring as he narrowed his eyes, his chest heaving from his heavy breathing. For a few seconds, I envisioned him naked. Broad shoulders leading to a narrow waist. A twelve-pack abdomen, his muscles rippling. Perfectly chiseled hips and muscular long legs. And a long, thick cock that would barely fit in my aching pussy.

I shook my head, taking another giant step away then tumbling down on the bed.

“Then I guess I’ll have to take care of it myself.” He placed the belt on the bed then reached down, able to tear off my shirt with almost no hesitation. The look on his face was like an animal in heat, his eyes searing my skin.

I was in la-la land as he reached down, tugging at my shorts. I finally reacted, trying to kick out. All he had to do was lean over, planting his hands on either side of me.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s entirely up to you.”

“Not a chance.”

“Okay. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He tried to flip me over, but I was too quick for him, scrambling off the bed. While I’d expected a quick reaction, when he yanked my arm, pulling me against his chest, the wind was knocked out of me. “You’re not just a bad girl. You’re my bad girl.”

The shot of electric current rolled through me like a wildfire. I was pushed into a level of nirvana that didn’t make any sense to me. As he stared into my eyes, I took several shallow breaths.

Then there was no holding back the rugged man. He yanked on my braid as he tugged me closer, shifting one hand down my back them yanking on my shorts. After he managed to rip them past my bottom, he cupped my heated flesh, digging his fingers into my skin. He yanked my head, exposing my neck then growling as he licked across the seam of my mouth before dragging his tongue down my chin to my neck.

A series of stars floated across my field of vision as I continued struggling with him, realizing that all I was doing was grinding my hips back and forth. He was so hard, his cock throbbing and the rush of adrenaline and excitement flowing through me pushed my mind into another place. As he nipped and licked my neck, all I could do was stare up at the ceiling, digging my fingers into his arms. There was no doubt given my shaking legs that I would fall to the ground if he wasn’t holding me.

Every guttural sound he made, the husky growls erupting from deep within him, further enticed the hunger furrowing deep inside. I couldn’t understand my attraction to the man, my willingness to allow this to happen.

As if I could stop him from ravaging me.

Everything was a beautiful, massive blur as he brushed the tip of his tongue between my breasts, taking his time to savor the building sexual tension between us. Nothing about this was right, but the filthy sin he was about to require remained tantalizing. I barely realized he’d let go of me until I heard the rustling sound as he dragged his shirt over his head, tossing the unwanted material halfway across the room.

The look on his face was carnal, as if he was going to devour me. He wasted no time yanking my shorts all the way down to my knees, giving me a stern look before lifting me into the air, managing to reach down and removed one tennis shoe then the other. I was stunned at his dexterity, barely moving as he forced my shorts to the floor.

Now as I stood in only an ugly baby blue thong and matching bra, I’d never felt so self-conscious in my life. There was no admonishment on his face, just a look that told me he would feast on every inch of me.

“Remove your underwear,” he said in a commanding tone.

I was struck by just how gorgeous he was, his chest exactly as I’d pictured, although he had several ragged scars. What the hell had the man done to himself? “No.”

“Do not tell me no, little bird. I won’t accept that. If I rip your sexy undies off of you, I assure you that you will never be able to wear them again. Is that what you want?”

What I wanted and craved were two entirely different things. I’d come to accept there was no way I was getting away from him. Swallowing, the lump in my throat remained, my heart skipped several beats. I could barely think straight, let alone come up with some nasty comment. As he started to unzip his jeans, I blinked several times, unable to take my eyes off him. When he peeled away the two sides, pushing the dense material down his hips, I bit my lower lip to keep from whimpering.

“You have five seconds to comply, or I will be rough with you,” he growled.

How could this happen? How could I allow this to continue? I thought about racing for the door but there was no doubt in my mind that he would stop me. What then? Every part of me shaking, I slowly eased one bra strap down my arm then the other, turning in a stilted manner to avoid any additional embarrassment. As if that would matter in a few seconds. When I shifted my arms, fumbling to unhook the clasp, I realized I was shaking like a leaf.

His breathing remained heavy as I dropped my bra to the floor, several shivers coursing through me as I slipped my fingers under the thin elastic of my thong. Why did I have to wear seductive underwear? The thought was ridiculous, almost making me laugh as I removed my panties. When I was completely naked, I found it too difficult to turn around.

He didn’t give me the time to reconsider anything, pulling on my hand and shifting me around to face him. The sight of his naked body took my breath away. The man was built like the perfect model for rugged clothing, every inch of him bronzed and carved out of the finest stone.

Thunder cupped both sides of my face, shaking his head as he shifted closer. “You are one hot woman. I don’t even know your name.”

“And you’re not going to learn anything about me. This will never happen again.”

His laugh was deep, accentuating his dangerous persona. “That’s fine, but tonight you belong to me.”

Nothing about this man should shock me, but as he walked me backward, shoving me against the wall, I raked my nails down his chest. He seemed delighted, even fueled by my response, yanking both my legs around him. There was nothing about this that resembled anything romantic. This was primal fucking and nothing more.

“Now, I fuck you,” he half whispered, his engaging green eyes darkening. His cock was already pressed against my swollen folds and with one hard thrust, he plunged every inch of his thick shaft deep inside.

“Oh!” I smashed my head against the wall as my muscles clamped around his cock. Breathless, my fingers dug into his shoulders as I held on, no longer able to make sense of anything.

“Tight and wet. Just the way I like it.”

Every word out of his mouth was possessive as hell, but my rebellious side refused to be denied. I tried to push away, giving him a nasty look. His scattered laugh was nothing but a reminder that he’d already taken what didn’t belong to him. As he pumped in and out, rolling onto the balls of his feet, I was immediately pushed into an incredible moment of bliss. No man had ever satisfied me, none taking the time to learn what I enjoyed.

The way he was taking me was savage, the hard fucking exactly as he’d described. We were two animals mating in the wild, our hearts beating wildly and our needs only increasing with each passing second. I was sickened that I enjoyed even a single second of his brutal actions, trying to shut down my mind as some form of protection.

How could I allow this to happen? Why was the heat between us building to a firestorm?

The force he used slammed me against the wall over and over again. He was so damn powerful, pistoning into me like a crazed man. Breathless, the vibrant lights flashing in front of my eyes made it impossible to focus.

“Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh.” Every sound out of my mouth was as guttural as his. Thunder’s growls permeated my eardrums, echoing like a rumble of… thunder. I closed my eyes, trying to hold on as the pleasure became a giant wave. Within seconds, I could feel an orgasm ready to rush into my system.

“Come for me, baby. Come on my cock.” His whispered words were a command, not a request.

As if I could hold back.

I squirmed and moaned, tossing my head back and forth, and as the climax smashed into me, I let out a ragged scream. “Yes!”

He pumped harder and faster, driving so deeply inside that I knew I would be able to feel him for days. His scent of musk and testosterone already covered every inch of my body, staining my skin. There was no stopping him, but he was ready for a change.

As he jerked me away from the wall, I clung to him, entangling my feet together. The look in his eyes was nothing short of primal, his gaze piercing my very soul. When he dumped me onto the bed, he lifted and pushed my legs away, dragging me to the edge then plunging his shaft back inside.

I threw my arms over my head, watching his contorted face as he thrust brutally. Every muscle in his arms was tense, veins pulsing on the side of his neck. And I could swear he was swelling inside of me. The sound of skin slapping against skin overpowered our savage moans, floating all around us like a cyclone.

This was sinful and filthy, immoral as hell. I was rocked by a combination of disgust and excitement, the various emotions swirling all throughout my body. I knew I would hate myself after this.

But I would hate him even more.

Thank God this was only one night. There would never be another time. Never. I made that promise to myself as he pulled all the way out, flipping me onto all fours.

His chuckle was dark and dangerous, creating wave after wave of shudders skipping into every cell and muscle. He acted as if he owned me, a possession to be stroked and kept on a leash. The visions popping into my mind were repulsive. Submitting to his every need. Being punished for the slightest infraction.

Begging him for more.

No way.

I clamped my fists around the comforter, yanking in some crazy effort to get away from him but within seconds, he’d slipped his cock inside. The angle was entirely different but when I arched my back, there was no doubt he was hitting my G-spot.

“You’re going to come for me again,” he demanded, the tone of his voice almost unrecognizable.

“I… can’t.”

“You will.” It became his mission to make me raw and fulfilled, his actions so brutal that I could no longer breathe.

And as he’d expected, I couldn’t hold back, the orgasm so powerful that I slapped my hand on the bed, rocking my body to meet every hard thrust. I was tossed into ecstasy, my mind a blur. I slowly lowered my head, gasping for air as the heat became explosive.

“Yes. Yes. Yes.” I wasn’t certain I muttered the words out loud, but his deep chuckle was confirmation.

He rolled the rough pads of his fingers over my bottom, slowing his actions. “Such a bad girl. I do love your spunk.”

What the hell was I supposed to say?

When he cracked his hand against my ass cheek several times, I issued a bedraggled moan. The pain was more of a sting, but I was humiliated that it also made me wetter. He smacked me again then rolled his finger down the crack of my ass. I tensed, biting back another scream.

“Do you know what bad girls get?”

“Na… No.”

The second he plunged a single finger into my asshole, my scream was loud enough that I knew some other guest would call the police.


“Fucked in the ass.” Thunder brought his palm down several additional times, making certain each strike was harder than the one before.

At this point nothing made any sense, especially the way my body rocked toward him, not only accepting the punishment he was giving me but begging him for more. What the hell was wrong with me? The moment continued to be surreal as he alternated spanking my aching bottom then pumping one then two fingers into my dark hole. The sensations were incredible, pushing me into another stratosphere.

God help me.

“That’s it. Are you ready for the ride of your life?” he growled.


When he leaned over, I could feel his heated breath, but his words stunned me. “One day you’re going to call me Master.”

Over my dead ass body.

He didn’t give me any time to object, pushing the tip of his cock into my asshole. I tensed, whimpering like some stupid child, bracing for sheer anguish.

“Oh, God. Oh. Oh!”

“Easy, baby girl. This boy ain’t gonna hurt you, at least not this way.” I was shocked that he was almost gentle, sliding his shaft in an inch at a time, waiting until I was able to tolerate his wide girth.

Panting, I twisted my body as the rush of pain extended to the backs of my legs. But as the agony shifted, morphing into the most unreal kind of pleasure, a smile crossed my face. Who cared about breathing or what time of day it was? When he was fully seated inside, he let off an intense roar. Purring, as he started pumping into my tight hole in even strokes, I pushed against him.

“So damn tight, the kind I’d expected.” While I wanted to accuse him of only pleasuring himself, I’d been given some of the best orgasms of my life. In fact, I couldn’t remember the last one I’d had other than using my tiny vibrator. I was pathetic.

He growled and grunted like the animal he was, his actions becoming more brutal. I lolled my head, a few beads of perspiration sliding down my nose. I was wrecked inside, my muscles aching. I had no doubt I would have difficulty walking.

When I was able to tell he was close to coming, I threw my head back, squeezing my muscles. At least for a few precious seconds I was in control.

“Fuck. Fuck!” he roared. “Yes!”

The explosive nature as he came was just as I’d expected and as he filled me with his seed, a small part of me wanted to learn more about him.

Thank God it was only a very small part. The rest wanted to put a pitchfork straight into his tight, perfectly shaped, and delicious ass.

And… thank God he didn’t know my name.