Held by Luna Voss



My emotions are mixed as I lead Melyta upstairs, Korva still waiting in the living room. My cock is hard, as it nearly always is when I need to discipline my mate. And really, I’m glad things are starting feel somewhat normal between us again, at least in this respect. But I’m not sure I understand what led us to this point. Not tonight.

“What was that about?” I ask her gruffly, keeping my hand on her upper arm. “Did that really need to end with me taking you upstairs like this?”

“No, but that’s your choice,” she shoots back.

I stop as we reach the bedroom. “It is my choice. And it’s a necessary one. But Melyta, we both know you earned yourself a punishment on purpose right there.”

She doesn’t look at me. “Fine.”

“Fine, what?”

She sighs as though in frustration. “Fine, I did it on purpose. Whatever. Can we just get this over with?”

“No, we can’t. I’m pretty sure this deserves a conversation, vulta, not just a spanking. Why did you earn a punishment on purpose?”

She shrugs, still not looking at me. “I don’t know.”

“Is it about Jenyta? Does it really bother you that much that she might be involved with this?”

Melyta thinks about this for a moment. “It definitely surprised me,” she admits. “I guess I’m a bit protective of her.”

“That’s understandable. Is that all it is?”

She takes a deep breath, and then:

“I’m scared, Vostra,” she says in a small, trembling voice.

Immediately, my protective instinct takes over. I step forward, wrapping her up in my arms, and she melts into me, giving me all of her weight to support.

“What are you scared of, vulta?” I whisper, hugging her as tightly as I can. Part of me almost is a little alarmed. I’ve never seen Melyta like this before.

“I don’t even know,” she says into my chest, her voice muffled. “I thought this was what I wanted. To fight back. To change things. But now all I’m remembering is what it felt like last year, when we were in Dalax City. When it felt like at any moment, something could…”

She trails off, and I can hear the worry in her voice. I kiss the top of her head, wishing I could take it all away.

“And Jenyta…” she continues, her face still buried in my torso. “What happened to her… I don’t ever want that to happen again.”

“It won’t,” I assure her. “We won’t let it.”

“But can you guarantee that?”

“Melyta, nobody can guarantee anything. The galaxy is a crazy place. What I can guarantee is that I’ll do everything in my power to keep her out of danger. Just like I do with you.”

She looks up at me, and I look back. Her eyes are swimming with tears. I kiss them off her cheeks.

“Do you trust me to keep you safe, vulta?” I ask. “Honest answers only. You can say no if that’s the truth.”

She nods, and I feel a surprisingly strong sense of relief. It would have been utterly crushing if she had said no.

“Do you still want to do this?” I ask her gently. “It’s not too late to back out. We haven’t started anything yet.”

Melyta takes a very long ten seconds to think. Then she nods again.

I give her forehead a kiss. “Okay. What can I do, as your mate, to help support you?”

“Just… keep being my Vostra,” she whispers, kissing my chest. “And don’t… don’t get mad at me. If I disobey you, or talk back to you sometimes.”

“If you disobey me, you’re going to be in trouble,” I warn her, although I keep my tone light. “You know that’s the way things work in this house.”

I could swear she gives me a little smile. “I know. And I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Vostra. I just... want you to understand. I’m not trying to disrespect your authority. Sometimes I just need you to overpower me. To remind me that you’re still in charge.”

“I know, vulta,” I say, stroking the hair from her face. “I know. But I wish you would find better moments. Korva is still waiting for us downstairs.”

She blushes at this, for the first time looking guilty. “I guess I’ve gotten used to thinking of him as family.”

“And he basically is. But that doesn’t mean I need to be disciplining you in front of him. Let’s try to keep it in private, okay, Mel?”

She sighs, then nods. I give her an approving smile.

“Okay,” I say, glancing at the bed. “Why don’t you put yourself over my knee. I’m going to have you wear your plug for a little while.”

She looks down sharply, shuffling her feet. “Really?”

“Yes, really. Be glad you’re not getting a spanking. Am I going to have to repeat myself?”

Melyta’s cheeks are very red as she follows me over to our bed.

“We’re going to lose the pants now,” I murmur, unbuckling her belt and as she stands in front of me.

Her breaths come heavy as she allows me to unzip her shorts and pull them down to her knees. Reflexively, she reaches back to stop me as I start to pull down her panties, then she catches herself.

“Good girl,” I whisper, and I’m pretty sure I see her shiver at my words.

We keep Melyta’s plug in a neat little box on our bedside table. I pick it up and coat it with lube, enjoying the sight of her plump bottom over my lap, quivering in anticipation. This is something we’ve done many, many times before. It’s comfortable for us. Familiar.

“Okay, spread for me now,” I order casually, stroking the plug along her crease.

She does as I command, reaching back and using her hands to part her cheeks for me. My beacon flashes gold, pleased by this gesture of submission. Usually it takes a spank or two before she complies with that expectation.

Melyta gasps as I push the plug all the way inside, leaving only the shiny red jewel at the base. I flick it with my finger, listening for the resulting whimper.

“Up, now,” I say, helping her to her feet. I don’t pull up her pants or underwear. “I’m going to have you stand in the corner for a little while and think about things. When you’re ready, you can come down and join Korva and I again.”

“Am I—” she blushes. “Do you want me to still wear the plug when I come back down?”

I raise my eyebrows. “What do you think?”

“Probably yes,” she sighs.

“Probably yes,” I confirm, unable to resist a smirk. “And vulta— no cheating. I’ll be checking you after Korva leaves to make sure you still have it in.”

I help Melyta waddle over to the corner of the room, panties still around her ankles, and I can’t help reaching around her front to check her wetness. She inhales, blushing even deeper.

“Be good, now,” I growl, giving her ass a slap. She squeals in surprise.

Then I head downstairs to finish planning with Korva.