Accidental Neighbor by Sharon Woods

Chapter 17


I’m slumped over my desk, which is littered with paperwork. There are a few projects I’m currently working on at the same time, but today’s designs have involved frequent changes between the builder and myself. I rub my brow with the hand that’s holding my head up. I blow out a breath as I finish the edits of the new layout for the wiring. Wanting these to be approved by the end of the day, I send off a new invoice for the additional changes. The building is local to the city so it can be done today. I’m a little tired from the amount of work it has been since I started, but having Jennifer watch the girls on a Wednesday, allows me to be more productive and get extra work in, keeping my weekends free of work. My assistant is helping me so much. When Joshua first mentioned an assistant, I didn’t realize how much help she would be. She is young, with an extremely fiery attitude, but her organization skills are something beyond what I have seen for someone her age.

I'm finishing the edits and stacking the paperwork when my desk phone rings. I snatch up the receiver and holding it to my ear, I answer.

“Good evening, Ward Electrical and Infrastructure, Thomas speaking.”

“Oh, so professional. Look out world.” James' smooth voice blares through the receiver.

I chuckle, leaning back in my chair. “If I had known it was you, I wouldn’t have bothered obviously.”

“Oh, unfair.” James groans.

“Shut up! You're so full of it. I’m almost done with some notes; can I call you back in the car?” I ask.

“Well, I'm just about to see you in your office so I'll see you in five.” He hangs up, not bothering to wait for my answer.

I shake my head and put the phone down. Standing up, I stalk over to the doorframe. “Ava, you can head out as soon as you're done.”

“Sure thing, boss,” Ava replies.

Just then Joshua prowls in, and his eyes widen at a glance of Ava in her chair.

“What are you still doing here? I won’t be paying you overtime,” he spits. She lifts her gaze up at him and raises her eyebrows with a smug grin on her face.

“I don’t work for you.” She returns to her work, clearly brushing him off.

“Ha, technically you do, Ava.” A smirk takes over his face. My eyes bounce between them. What have I missed?

“Whatever,” I hear her mumble under her breath, but she never lifts her head again. I'm sure Joshua heard it too as his face has turned to stone. I press my lips together to prevent a laugh from escaping.

He hasn’t moved. Ava closes down the computer, stands, rips open her drawer, and grabs her bag before slamming it shut. “See you tomorrow, boss.” Her lip turns up in a genuine smile.

“Good night, Ava,” I respond.

She storms past Joshua without another word, her chest high and proud. She really doesn’t give a shit about anyone. I’m rendered speechless over what just occurred. I haven’t seen Joshua riled up like that over a woman before.

“Hey, sugar.” I hear James' voice in the echo of the corridor as he leaves the elevator and Ava enters it.

Ava doesn’t respond as I knew she wouldn’t.

“Fuck, who was that little vixen? I don’t do emo, but if I did, I would fuck her in the elevator.” James comes prowling through the door in his black three-piece suit. Hands stuffed deep inside his pockets, he comes to stand beside Joshua.

“Ava is my assistant,” I say to him when I realize Joshua isn’t answering.

“Lucky son of a bitch.” James winks at me.

I peer over at Joshua who hasn’t said anything; his jaw is clenched, and his eyes are slightly narrowed. “You okay, Josh? You and Ava?” I point to the door she just exited from and back to him.

“I don’t want to discuss it; she is a pain in my ass,” Joshua spits, and his fists ball up again.

Chuckling, I say, “Well, okay then, what’s with the lovely surprise from both of you?” I point at them.

“James said he was coming by to check out your office. I figured I’d come down to see you both,” Josh says, calmer than a few minutes earlier.

“Sure you weren’t checking out the vixen?” James stirs.

Joshua’s head snaps up, his vein in his neck popping. “No! I can’t fucking stand her.”

I clear my throat. “If you two don’t mind, I have two kids to get home to.”

His brows furrow. “Aren't they being looked after?” James tears his hand out of his pocket to check his watch. “It’s only just after seven.”

I shake my head. “Yes, I know, but it's Jen’s first night and she has work tomorrow.”

“Jen?” Joshua and James say in unison. Their interest is piqued. Shit.

“Jennifer, the girl that works at Rose’s center and lives next door.” I try to say it unaffectedly.

“Oh, so that’s the real reason you want to hurry this up?” James asks, mocking me.

“You're reading too much into this,” I respond, shaking my head, feeling a bit hot and stuffy. I tug at the collar of my shirt, feeling it too tight around my throat.

Joshua laughs. “You can’t even look us straight in the face.” My gaze shoots to Joshua.

“You are reading way too much into this. Just remember I’m a single dad with two kids and she is far too young for me. I need to focus on the girls.”

“Doesn’t mean you don’t have needs.” James quirks an eyebrow.

“I can’t be fucking around like you playboys. I can’t have anybody over, and leaving the house is impossible—and before you say it, no, you will not look after them.”

Joshua slaps his chest with his hand and lifts his chin into the air as if I have wounded him. “The audacity.”

Rolling my eyes at the fake dramatics, I spin around and stroll to my computer and shut it down. The boys are still in conversation in front of Ava’s desk.

“Alright, I’m off,” I say.

“How about the game on Sunday; are you are free to watch it?” James questions.

“If we can do it at my place, then yes,” I offer.

“Done. We will bring the beers and we can order food when we get there,” Joshua says.

I nod and we all stride out to the elevator.

It’s eight thirty when I pull my Range Rover in the drive, park, and enter inside. I wanted to be home a while ago, but the boys stopping by the office held me up.

Closing the front door, I scan around. Everything seems quiet; the soft mumbles of the television can be heard. I enter the kitchen and dump my keys and wallet gently on the counter. Tiptoeing down the hall, I check on Rose and Lily—both are out like a light.

I then proceed to trek through the house, looking for Jennifer. When I step into the living room, my gaze lands on the sleeping beauty on my gray sofa.

Her face is soft and relaxed, compelling me forward. Her body is curled up on the side with the television on low. She wears her black work pants that hug her hips. Her basic white long-sleeve top has ridden up on her stomach, where I can see some creamy white skin peeking through. I stand hovering, but she hasn’t moved so I squat down in my all-black suit.

She is sleeping peacefully, her breathing faint, barely making a sound. I reach out with my hand and touch her cheek softly, brushing it with just my knuckles.

“Jen,” I whisper, trying not to startle her.

Her eyelids snap open and her stunning eyes stare back at me with horror, her cheeks turning pink. “I’m sorry I kept you so late,” I whisper.

I watch as she pushes herself up into a seated position, blinking rapidly and gazing around before her gaze returns to me.

My lips twitch in fascination. “Did you want some tea or do you need to get home?”

Rubbing the back of her neck, she croaks, “Tea, please.”

Standing from my squat position and walking to the kitchen, I notice how tidy everything is. When I turn around in the kitchen and open the fridge, there is a bowl of stir-fry noodles wrapped in cling. My heart beats hard. “Is this for me?” I question, touching the bowl.

She strolls over, eyes glassy.

“You didn’t have to come over; you could have relaxed on the couch,” I say.

“No, you worked. You eat and I'll make some tea. Do you want one?” She walks into the kitchen and scans the cupboards for a cup, placing it gently on the counter before stepping into the pantry. I watch her ass move in those black tight pants, and I can’t help but groan inwardly. This girl has me twisted. How can one person turn you inside out? I was fine without her… but now—

Now I want her.

I shake my head. “No, thank you.” I refocus on my food, taking the bowl in between my hands and stepping to the microwave to heat it up.

Once it’s warm, I sit down at the counter to eat. Jennifer is already sitting on a stool, hugging her cup of tea.

I begin to twist the fork in the bowl and scoop a large portion in my mouth, moaning out loud. “Mmm, this is delicious. Thanks for cooking for me. I didn’t expect it. It’s a lovely surprise.”

Peeking over at her, she twists her face in my direction and her cheeks have a cute flush of pink.

I continue to eat the stir-fry, not realizing how hungry I was. In between bites, I ask, “How did it go with the girls?”

Her eyes meet mine and they squint from her mouth curving up. “They were a dream. I feel bad that you are paying me for this.”

I snort. “It’s a lot of work and you could be relaxing at home tonight instead of working a double shift.”

Her face goes slack and a flash of shame—or is it an embarrassment?—washes over her.

“I don’t do that much after work. I kind of hang out with the family or in my bedroom.”

“Still, you don’t have to be helping me, so thank you.”

She nods but doesn’t say anything; she just brings the cup to her mouth and sips.

I scrape the bowl before sliding off the stool and stacking the bowl and fork in the dishwasher. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, I twist the cap and pull half in one go. I wipe my mouth before spinning on my heel. My gaze hits hers. Her eyes are a shade darker and her mouth hangs open. Rolling my lips together, I try not to embarrass her too much.

I don’t want her to leave just yet.

Clearing my throat, I say, “Did you want to hang out for a minute before you head home?”

My gaze doesn’t leave hers; I’m not ready for her to leave yet. She swallows hard and her eyes are wide. I can see her trying to work out what she should do. The air is thick and I know she feels the electricity between us. I’m a package deal; it’s a lot to handle.

She lifts her cup and drains it. “Sure, why not.”

Speechless, I blink a few times and nod. I amble to the sofa and hear the beep of the dishwasher as she pulls it open to place the cup in the rack before closing the door. Sitting down, I grab the remote to scroll through Netflix to find a show or movie. Feeling the couch dip beside me, I look from the corner of my eye and I can see she has left a gap between us.

“Can you see anything that takes your fancy, or have you been into anything recently?” I ask.

She shrieks with laughter. “I don’t think you would be into what I have been watching,” she answers honestly.

Ha! Try me! You do realize I get kids’ channels and reruns of Bluey, right? Is the show girlie?”

She moves her head up and down. “Yeah, you wouldn’t like it.”

“You will be surprised; you are finding out all my secrets. Just don’t tell my friends; I wouldn’t hear the end of it.” Her mouth opens into the biggest grin, showing off her beautiful smile. She is so pretty. I wish I could reach over and kiss her.

Would she let me?

“Firefly. Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she answers, cutting off my thoughts.

“What is it about?” I ask.

“These two best friends, Tully and Kate, go through some good and bad times from their teens to their forties… Cheesy but addictive.”

I scroll through to find it. “What episode are you up to?”


“It doesn't sound that bad. I have seen worse things.” Bending down, I take my shoes off, then my suit jacket and tie. I feel her eyes on me, burning a hole through my skin. The pull of attraction is getting harder to resist.

“Don’t be complaining to me if it’s shit. Remember I warned you,” she jokes.

I laugh. She is so easy to be around. I lie back comfortably and rest my legs in the opposite direction of her. The couch is soft and I sink into the gray material after a long day at the office. She follows and tucks her legs under her and relaxes back too.

The electricity is felt between us, but we keep our distance during the episode which went on for close to an hour. I have to concentrate on the show and not how much I want her. It’s great that I can feel so relaxed in her presence even when we are doing something as simple as watching TV together.

She slides her legs off the couch and stands, whispering, “I better go.”

“Yeah, you have work tomorrow; you need to sleep. Thanks for tonight. It’s going to help me so much.” I stand.

“Of course, they are angels.” She wanders to the front door and I follow her to let her out.

“Not always!” I chuckle.

“Of course, that’s normal. They are kids.” She shrugs.

She is reaching out for the handle. I take a giant step and say, “Let me grab that.”

My face is near hers, the vanilla scent consuming me. Her breath hitches from my sudden closeness. I freeze and turn my head in her direction, gazing down at her bottom lip. She is nibbling it with her teeth and there is a rush of pink staining her cheeks.

The nearness is overwhelming my senses and my restraint snaps. My hand reaches out to take her face and tug her head gently toward mine before I seal my lips onto hers. She lets out a little gasp and crushes her lips back to mine. Our lips move in perfect tune; her mouth parts and I dip my tongue inside, massaging it along with hers in a drugging kiss. I groan from her taste and the desire running through my veins. I tug her toward me so we are flush up against each other, the need for her to be near cutting off any sensible thought. Her hands roam my neck and face in exploration and when she slides her hands down across my chest to my torso, I tear my lips from hers, staring down at her under my heavy hooded lids, taking deep shaky breaths, trying to slow my rapid pulse. The sudden onslaught of passion is burning me up and I want more of her but I don’t know how much she wants me in return.