Accidental Neighbor by Sharon Woods

Chapter 7


Walking through the doors at work, heaviness in my eyelids and lack of energy in my body has made me regret staying up late the last two nights. I have been up until the early morning binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix.

I slowly make my way through the hall yawning, struggling to stay awake. I wish, at this moment, I drank coffee. I'm sure the caffeine kick would help me right now. Settling with a nice cup of tea, I mosey toward the staff room, noticing the lights on inside. I peek in and spot Emma sitting down at the table, hugging a cup between her hands.

Emma’s head rises at the sound of the door creaking open.

“Hi, Jen.”

“Morning, Emma,” I grumble back as I walk to the cupboard for a cup. My eyes are still half-closed as I reach for a mug, my mind still distracted with what happened this weekend, or rather who happened. How could he be my new neighbor? Of all the houses, it had to be next to mine. It is going to be hard to ignore the hot neighbor. Shaking thoughts of Thomas from my head, I grab a mug from the cupboard, but as I’m pulling it from the shelf, it knocks into the one beside it. Everything happens in slow motion. The mug hits the edge of the counter, smashing on impact before falling to the floor and shattering into even more pieces.

I wince at the sound and the mess now covering the floor of the break room. Oh, come on, really?

A chair scratches against the floor and small footsteps squeak closer.

“Are you okay, Jen? Did the cup cut you?” Emma squats down and starts helping me pick up the pieces from the floor.

“Surprisingly, no, it didn’t.” I place the big pieces in the bin and inspect my hands. I step over to the sink, opening the cupboard doors to reach for the dustpan. I close the door, then sweep up the splinters of the mug. I empty the contents into the bin before turning to Emma and making a cup of tea.

“What happened?”

Not sure what she is referring to, I ask, “Sorry?”

She points to my chin. “What happened to your chin?”

“Oh, that.” I blush at the memory. “I fell while running Saturday.”

“Oh, Jen, trust you to fall.” She laughs with a light shake of her head before putting her cup away and leaving the room. “Take your time; I'll be out here.”

“Okay,” I mumble back. If I had a little more time, and hadn’t stayed up so late, I could have dabbed some makeup on it, but I just washed my face and brushed my teeth before driving myself to work.

Emma arrived at the center one year ago, and we bonded straightaway over our love of movies and Netflix shows. She is funny yet kind, always offering to help another staff member. This center is special to me. After my studies and my student time here three years ago, I went to the boss and asked for a job.

I love the way Helen runs the center so efficiently; it’s a clean, fun, and happy environment to work in. I knew not all centers were like this. So I was relieved to be accepted full-time. There isn't a high turnover in staff; we have the same set of staff that have been around for many years. It’s like a second family to me.

After making my tea, I turn slowly to the table on autopilot. I lower myself into the cold leather chair and enjoy the hot liquid hitting my tongue. The sweet drink warms my body, waking me up.

In a few minutes, I have drained my cup, so I wash the cup in the sink before slowly exiting the staff room. Strolling in the direction of the reception desk, I can see Emma hunched over, scanning the pages of the assignment book.

“Where am I today, Emma?” I call out as I approach.

She raises her head at the sound of my voice with a relaxed appearance. “We are both in the toddler room today.”

I smile at her with a soft dip of the chin. The toddler room is my favorite. A lot of girls enjoy babies or the older children. Personally, I love the little personalities each toddler presents. The little imaginations and the way they grow so quickly at this age is utterly fascinating.

“Okay, great. I'll start preparing the room.” I move around the center, turning on lights, setting up play stations in each room, and turning on the computer before the parents start arriving for the morning drop-offs.

Just as I walk back, the door swings open and I notice the time is half past six on the dot. Some parents count the seconds to when they can drop off their child so they can head to work.

Emma moves to the room as I welcome them this morning. The next few hours pass quickly, and Helen is due to arrive soon.

The work phone rings, and I lift the receiver and say, “Welcome to the Spring Side Childcare Center, how may I help you?” I'm no longer sleepy; I’m awake and alert now.

“Hi, Jen, it’s Helen. I have a flat tire, so I'm waiting for help to come and change it. Do you mind doing the tours until I arrive? I just don't know how long they will take to arrive and then fix it,” she huffs.

“Oh no, are you okay? Of course, I can do that. Is there anything else?” I offer.

“I’m fine; it's just a big nuisance really. The tours would be great. I will log on to the work emails from my laptop and do some work while I wait. I will see you as soon as I get in. Call me if there are any problems.”

“Yes, of course. Stay safe. If there is anything else, let me know. Otherwise, I’ll see you soon.”

“Okay, I’ll see you soon, Jen. Bye.”

“Bye.” I hang up.

I pop my head back into the room. “Emma, Helen has a flat tire so she needs me to do the tours until she gets here. Will you be okay with that?” I ask.

Concern etches her face. “Yes, that's fine. What time are they booked for today?”


“That’s now.” Emma giggles.

“I best go get myself organized. I'll catch you soon.” I close the door and walk to Helen’s office. I grab the information packs for the parents today and return to the main desk to fill in the sections required. I’m about to get started when the bell above the door rings and I peer up. No way!

I duck my head down to avert my gaze, buying myself time to try to collect my thoughts and hide the heat rising to my cheeks. I hear the click of shoes—fancy work shoes. I haven't looked up again to know what he is wearing. I can't avoid it much longer as the click stops right in front of me. My heart is beating erratically.

He clears his throat. “Good morning… Jen?” he questions.

I thrust my chin up from my desk and my eyes widen. He is holding a younger child—one I didn't see the other day. I'm trying to absorb the new information as a quiet reply leaves my lips. “Morning. Yes, it is. I work here.”

Duh, I think he knows you work here, idiot.

His brows go from pinched to lifted. I slowly back away from the book and glance at his outfit until I reach his eyes. He is wearing a navy suit and crisp white shirt, with a matching navy tie. The outfit isn't what makes me melt; it's the little girl wrapped tightly around his neck, wearing a purple tutu dress with the most beautiful blond curls.

Lily, the little girl from Saturday, is in a school uniform and is hugging his leg, but I see her face change as soon as she registers who I am.

“Daddy.” She tugs at his navy pants and repeats it until he lowers his eyes to her. “Yes, sweetheart?” His soft voice causes my mouth to rise in the corner.

“That lady is the one that fell over my blocks.” I inwardly cringe.

“Yes, okay.” He doesn't indulge in her further, which I appreciate.

“Sorry, Jen. I’m here for a tour for my little Rose.” At the mention of her name, she squeezes his throat and clings to him.

I walk around the desk and over to the little girl clutching his side. “Morning, Rose. Would you like to come see all the toys we have here? We have so many. I'm sure you will find one you love.” Unfortunately, she doesn’t move an inch.

The smell of Thomas’s spicy vanilla scent wafts in my nose, causing my nostrils to flare. I didn’t realize I was standing so close. The heat in my cheeks burns hotter. I shake my head to focus on Rose to avoid giving any further thoughts to my new feelings.

“Why are your cheeks now red? Did you hurt them too?" Lily questions me.

Shit, really, Lily?

Why does this keep happening to me? I know I’m clumsy, but this is damn, well, embarrassing.

“Ah, well, no, Lily. It's just a little warm here.” When the words leave my lips, I want to kick myself. How awkward. I decide to cut the conversation from going down a no-go zone. I shuffle my feet from side to side. Rose has gently lifted her head out of the crook of his neck and takes a glance at me before diving back, burying her face back into the safety of her dad.

“Rose.” He chuckles at her response.

To help, I ask him, "How about we start walking around and I'll go through the tour of our center and when we get to the toys she may want to hop down and play then."

“Good idea.”

Spinning on my heel, I grab my folder and pen and begin to show him around. Lily decides she will stand on the other side of me. She seems extra confident for her age; I wonder about her mom. Is her mom like this? I bet she is confident, intelligent, and beautiful. A pang of jealousy hits. I want to slap myself for thinking of being jealous of the mother of these girls.

We enter the toddler room. “Emma, this is Thomas and his girls, Lily and Rose. Rose is going to be in the toddler room.”

“Hi and welcome.” She returns to playing playdough with the kids. I did catch Emma’s eyes sparkling with delight at Thomas.

He barely glances back in her direction, his eyes finding mine again, just as quick as he left them. “Thanks.”

Emma is a beautiful redhead with crystal-blue eyes; most guys are instantly drooling over her. Thomas, though, doesn't give her a second glance, which I won’t lie, makes me feel good. I hide a grin and watch as Thomas rubs Rose's back and crouches down in front of some toys. She still clutches on to him, not wanting to let go.

“Rose, darling. There are some fun toys here. Turn around and just have a look. I won't put you down. I just want you to see the toys they have here,” he says gently, coaching her.

She slowly peels her head out of his neck and peers around. Her eyes light up and she begins smiling at the fluffy teddies on the table—clearly her weakness. “Teddies,” she says, and she has the sweetest honey voice. I walk over and pick one up and bring it over to her. Her head leaning back into Thomas, I pause, and stretch my hand out so she can grab it. She peers down at it and slowly reaches out and snatches it. A small win.

“What time does she nap? We like to stick to home schedules here.”

“Around eleven but can be up to one.”

I nod and write it down.

“Any food allergies?”

“No.” I scribble that down too.

“Okay, it's almost the end of the tour. I just need to finish the rest of the questions at the desk.”

He dips his chin and I lead the way. Thomas and the girls trail behind me. I sit down at the desk, and he stands with Rose still in his arms and Lily standing beside him.

I pull open the phone book for families and with my pen ready, I ask, “In an emergency, if we can't contact you, who can we write down for permission to pick up Rose? And there are times other people may pick up Rose. We need to write down those contacts.” I grip my pen to the point my knuckles turn white. I hold my breath, afraid to meet his brown eyes as he delivers his wife's name.

“That makes sense. It would be my mom and dad, Margaret and Geoff.”

My brow furrows but I quickly scribble down the details he calls out. I’m still so curious as to why he makes no mention of their mother. It would be rude to ask now so I push the thought from my mind.

I lean forward, sliding my chair closer to the desk.

Lifting my eyes to meet his soft-brown irises, I say in my most professional voice, “Thank you for the information. We are all set for Rose. When you are ready to book her in for a few hours for a trial, let us know and we can arrange it.”

He rubs his clean-shaven jaw. “I'm due to start work next week, so could I do one later this week at all?”

I peer down and scan the intake book. “What day would suit you? We normally suggest an hour or two max for the first day and build her up. That's if you can?”

“Makes sense and I'll work around it. How about Thursday for a trial?"

I check the book before confirming. “Yes, Thursday will work. Bring Rose in at nine, and we can see how she settles in and work up from there.” I glance back to look at his face.

His chin dips in approval. “Okay, thanks, Jen. We better get Lily to school now, but thanks for your patience. Girls, say bye to Jen, please.”

“Bye, Jen.” Lily is waving so fast at me. I wave back at her with the same excitement, which makes her beam.

“Bye, Lily,” I call out before gazing at Rose, who has turned to stare at me but hasn’t said a word. “Bye, Rose.” I gently in her direction. She is watching me, but she never utters a word as she assesses me.

“Sorry. She is shy with new people,” he mumbles to me from behind her head.

I wave it off. “It’s fine, really. I'm sure she will be warming up to us in no time. It's normal for her age, when they go to a new place,” I say, trying to appease the guilt etched on his face.

“Bye, Jen.” His lip rises in a sensual smile, instantly sending tingles down my spine.

“Bye,” I croak out. I watch him leave with a smile that reaches my eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I get up out of the office chair and trek back to the room to give Emma a hand with the toddlers.

“My God, Jen, who was that delicious man? He was watching you like a hawk. You two know each other? I need all the details. Spill the tea right now," Emma insists.