Sinfully Devoted by Amber Torney

Chapter Fourteen - Stryker

She was awake.

My Firecracker had woken up. I couldn’t say how that made me feel. I was elated that she had woken up, but it fucking tore me apart watching her break in front of me. For a whole     week, if we weren’t at the hospital, we’d been at the warehouse, sifting through all the videos. It had helped us deal with the helplessness that we were all feeling. Our only worry was how much this was going to change her.

When she asked what had happened to Kyle, I couldn’t answer her. I didn’t know what to say. She remembered everything. And it broke me, as she sat there crying and she told Logan and I everything. All I wanted to do was drive to that damn warehouse and put a bullet in his brain, but I couldn’t leave her side     .

“You know you need to tell her that you have the sick fuck at the warehouse.” I’d almost forgotten that I’d brought Paige with me. I knew she had a point, but the need to protect Phee was stronger, and the way she’d reacted when she saw Logan had me concerned.

“Yeah, I know that. But right now, she doesn’t need to know.” It was blunt, but it was the best way to deal with Paige. “She needs time to heal, time for things to get back to normal.”

“Are you even hearing yourself right now?” Paige’s mood swings were quick to give you whiplash; she’d go from happy-go-lucky to angry quicker than a race car driver accelerating to full-speed. “Stryker, you can’t do that to her. Keeping her in the dark like that; it won’t do you any favors. Remember how I was when you did the same thing to me?”

“She doesn’t need to know right now, Paige. I get what you’re saying, but seriously, it’s not your decision to make.” I had my reasons for not answering her question earlier, which were the same reasons I hadn’t filled Paige in. I knew my cousin, and she would want a hand in everything if she knew I’d found a link to her own assault, and Phee didn’t need to know that we were holding the psycho captive. Not yet, anyway.

“That’s not yours to make either, Stryker.” I hated the look she was giving me. It was the same look my own father gave to me when I’d gone  to see him two weeks before. The Lennox Family knew how to make you feel like shit when they wanted. “How can you say she’s your Anam Cara and want to keep her in the dark?”

“It’s because I fucking love her that I need to do this.” I hated getting in Paige’s face, but it was the only way to get her to back down. Having this out in the halls of the damn hospital wasn’t going to do anyone any good. “You’ll understand when you find yours, but until then, don’t tell…”

I felt the sting before I heard it. My mouth froze in mid-sentence as she backhanded me across the face. If looks could kill, then I’d be in the fiery depths of hell. It was a low blow, one I shouldn’t have dealt, but I was trying to make my cousin see where I was coming from.

“Fuck you, Stryker, fuck you very much.” I’d known as soon as the words had left my mouth, I’d fucked up. The hurt in her voice resonated through me like a tidal wave. I’d brought her there to help, not to upset her.

“Paige, wait.” I reached out to stop her, but she shrugged me off. I signed. “I’m sorry.”

“Save it, asshole, for someone that gives a fuck. Just know I’m only staying because of her, because she needs someone that won’t hide things from her. Not some overgrown neanderthal walking around beating his hands across his chest  going ‘Me Tarzan, You Jane.’” Throwing me the one finger salute, she continued to walk away.

“Damn it,” I cursed, punching the wall.

“Whatcha do to make Paige angry?” Jonah came up and sank into the chair beside me.

“Don’t ask, brother. Don’t ask.”