Breaking Lucia by Raissa Donovan



Emilio Pavone. That was the last name I expected her to say. Pavone is a big power player, but historically he hasn’t been involved in Benton City. Having his resources added to Bellini’s would make taking back control of the city next to impossible.

An entire deal, resting on one beautiful woman?

If Lucia is telling the truth, then Bellini’s an idiot. So is Pavone, for that matter, but maybe Pavone doesn’t have much to lose if the deal doesn’t go through. Lucia is stunningly beautiful, even as dirty as she is from Santino and Angelo’s crude games, but she’s hardly worth this kind of alliance.

I’ll need to verify what she’s telling me, and I need her to stay cooperative. “You’ve just won yourself a suite fit for a queen,” I tell her. “Follow me.”

I open the door and usher her out. Angelo is leaning against the wall, playing on his phone.

“Angelo, take Ms. Bellini to the guest suite on the second floor,” I order.

It takes Angelo a few seconds to put away his phone and move. He’s testing the boundaries, hoping I’ll snap at him or give him an excuse to lash out. But I see through his childish tantrums and ignore them.

“The guest suite? You want to fuck her on the nice bed?” He winks at Lucia. “Maybe I should warm her up for you. Get her cunt nice and sloppy.”

Lucia flinches and steps closer to me. I don’t think she realized she did that. Right now, I must seem the lesser of two evils to her. I’m not the one who was pawing her the entire time. It’s crass, but I can’t deny I felt a thrill of excitement when we had her tied down and legs spread wide.

Regardless of how enticing I find her, I refuse to let baser instincts get in the way of my goals.

“Keep it in your pants. Ms. Bellini has won herself a few privileges. For now.” I gently push Lucia toward Angelo. “Go on.”

There’s a brief moment where it seems like she’ll balk, but she finds her courage and, head held high, walks over to his side.

“Keep your hands off me, you ape,” Lucia says when she gets close to him, shooting him a glare.

He laughs and tries to put a hand on the small of her back, as though to escort her, and she slaps his hand.

Once they’re gone, I head back to my office. On the way, I text Santino to come meet me.

Between Angelo and Santino, Santino is the one I trust more. I can count on Angelo to descend upon our enemies in a bloody fury, but I don’t know how long he’ll stick around once his revenge quest is met. I’ve known Santino for longer, and he owes much of his life to me. His technical expertise is a boon too. I know the basics, but it’s easier to let Santino handle that side of the business.

Santino is already waiting at my office door, laptop tucked under his arm. I fill him in on what she told me.

“You think she’s telling the truth?” Santino asks.

“About Emilio Pavone?” I unlock the door with my passcode and step inside, Santino at my heels. “She has to know that the consequences for lying would be severe. I’m inclined to believe her. See if you can dig up anything about this supposed deal.”

I sit down in the armchair while Santino claims the couch. I text Angelo to come join us, along with a strict reminder not to bother Lucia.

“Supposing she is telling the truth, what’s our play? You’re not going to tell me we’re actually going to keep her here?” Santino opens up his laptop and clicks around on it.

I think about our choices. If Bellini agrees to my terms exactly, we’ll have him out in the open, with Angelo’s rifle aimed at him. But I sincerely doubt Bellini is going to play nice. I’m more interested in his reaction to the threat. You can tell a lot about a man based on his panicked actions. Hiding his assets, all-out war?

If it’s war, we’re evenly matched… as long as Pavone doesn’t assist him. If Lucia is telling the truth, and if Pavone values the deal that strongly…

So many ifs. I don’t like it.

“We’ll see. It depends on how she behaves herself. We might be able to make more use of her if she’s willing to talk.”

Angelo walks in then, a satisfied smirk on his face.

“I hope you didn’t—” I begin, but he immediately cuts in.

“Of course not, Boss. I was a total gentleman. Even though I would have loved to tear the panties off her.” He settles on the couch next to Santino and spreads his arm across the back of the seat. Santino glares at him and moves as far away from him on the couch as he can.

“Hands off unless I say otherwise,” I tell him, eyes narrowing. “She says Emilio Pavone wants her and is willing to make a trade. If that deal is legitimate, we’ll need bargaining tools.”

“Come on, Saint, you agree with me, right?” Angelo whines. “Nice little breasts, tight ass, soft stomach… Handing her back would be a waste. I’d rather see her with swollen lips and tears in her eyes.”

“We need her cooperative, not crying,” I interject, but I can’t help but wonder what it would take to make her cry. She certainly hadn’t been crying when I’d gone down to see her, and she hadn’t seemed willing to let Angelo push her around, either.

“She’s hot, yeah. I liked her all soft and pliant. But she’d have to have a golden pussy for a deal like that to actually go through,” Santino says. “You thinking there’s more to this, Victor?”

I agree with Santino that no woman is worth this much… but I don’t actually know what this much is. “There has to be a reason why Pavone is interested. Not just because Lucia is attractive. Only an idiot would agree to something in exchange for a bride.”

Angelo flips me off, and I ignore that gesture too.

“All right. So, you still want to send the ransom vid?” Santino turns his laptop around to face me. “I’ve finished putting it together, but we can wait to send it until we have more information on Pavone’s plans.” Before I respond, he hits a button to make the video start playing.

Although I was there, it’s different watching the video now. For one, I’m actually paying attention to Lucia rather than narrating for Bellini or maneuvering the camera. Santino’s video editing skills make everything seem even more immediate too. Angelo’s hands roaming over her body, Santino getting between her legs and licking her cunt…

This is homemade porn, pure and simple.

“If Bellini doesn’t want her back, maybe we should sell vids of her,” Angelo says, his attention rapt on the screen and his hand on his crotch, massaging himself through his jeans.

Not a bad idea. We don’t have a huge hand in the online porn businesses, but it’s one I’ve long considered expanding into.

Not with Lucia though. She’s much more important to us as a bargaining chip.

“Send it. We want to control the flow of information here. Set up whatever you need to monitor Pavone, too,” I order.

Santino nods and turns his laptop back around. Angelo leans in close to keep watching the vid, and Saint ends up forcefully pushing him away.

They used to be more comfortable with each other, but I don’t care what changed. As long as they can both still do their jobs, their personal relationship is unimportant to me.

“Angelo, go check on security. I need to be sure that Lucia can’t escape.”