Breaking Lucia by Raissa Donovan



It’s been two days since we brought Lucia in, and I haven’t been allowed to play with her again. It’s this huge temptation, having lovely Lucia with her innocent eyes and plush lips hanging around. I wish I could push her up against a wall and fuck her right there, tearing her completely apart. Saint can film it, and we’ll send it back to her father or upload it online so everybody can see her mewling around my cock.

But Victor’s been pretty clear about how he wants Lucia treated, now that we’re waiting for Bellini to respond to our demands. None of us think Bellini is going to give in easily, not even with that Pavone deal on the line. If Bellini was that gullible, I’d have taken him out years ago.

Now that’s a fantasy that gets me harder than Lucia’s virgin cunt. When I put a bullet through Bellini’s head and have his blood splattered across the floor, I’ll jerk off on top of him too.

A bullet is pretty fast though. Might be more satisfying to slash his throat. Get up close and make him beg for his life and deny him that mercy. I shouldn’t let him have a quick death. I’d rather torture him slowly, until he’s crying and sobbing and in so much pain he’ll thank me when I lift the knife away.

I’m hard thinking about it, and that’s how Lucia finds me when she wanders into the suite’s sitting area. She’s wearing the same jeans from before, but the top has been replaced with one of Saint’s old t-shirts. Maybe we could have run out and bought proper clothes for her, but it’s better like this. I can tell she isn’t wearing a bra under the oversized shirt, but then, there wasn’t much left of the one she’d been wearing. I wonder if she’s bare underneath the jeans too.

I catch her disgusted glare and give her a wave in response.

“Want to help me with this, Princess? It’s definitely not a gun in my pocket.” I motion to the bulge in my pants.

She shakes her head vehemently. “No. Keep your hands to yourself, you, you… lecher.”

As far as insults go, it’s very mild. A big change from her cussing the past few days. She probably doesn’t want to risk losing her privileges. I laugh at her and wink.

“Got it in one, Princess. But what brings you out here?”

The guest suite Victor has her in includes a nice bedroom with a king-sized bed, the second largest bathroom in the house, and this little sitting area. For the past two days, Lucia has mostly kept to herself in the bedroom. There’s a TV in there, and I’ve heard her flipping through the channels.

There’s no phone, of course, and she didn’t have a phone or computer on her when he grabbed her. Made sense, if she was trying to run away. Wouldn’t want Daddy dearest to be able to track her with the GPS. Not that we would have let her keep any electronics anyway.

Lucia grabs her arms, biting her lips like she’s considering whether to answer or not. I’m not in a rush, so I just wait it out.

Finally, she says, “I’m bored.”

That’s just rich. I give her a lewd grin. “I know how we could pass the time…”

She makes a face at me. “Come on, you can be more original than that.” The shirt slips off her shoulder, exposing that enticing strip of skin. It’s begging to be bitten and marked. “Can we… walk around or something? I want to stretch my legs.”

I think about it for a few seconds, but honestly, I don’t blame her. I’m a bit bored too, tasked with keeping watch over her, and I’ve at least got my phone to entertain myself with.

“Yeah, sure. Just inside the house. Maybe if you’re really good, Victor will let you out on a leash.”

“Ha, ha,” she says sarcastically. “From what I can tell, Victor isn’t an animal like you.”

I suppress a laugh. She really doesn’t know anything about Victor. Yeah, he’s got self-control, but I’ve seen the kind of porn he likes. Saint had a lot of fun pulling Victor’s browsing history and showing me. None of those vids were vanilla, and some of them were borderline disturbing even for me.

…But I might have gotten a few new kinks out of them too, though. Victor has good taste.

“Think whatever you like.” I get up and bow mockingly. “Please, after you, Princess.”

She glances at the door. “It isn’t locked?”

“While I’m here? Nah. There’s guards outside too, anyway.” I open the door for her. The two guards outside grunt in acknowledgement. “I’m taking the princess for a tiny tour of the place. You two can take a quick break.”

“Thanks, Angelo.” They both relax a fraction, but I know they won’t leave until I’m gone. I put my arm on the small of Lucia’s back to guide her, although she quickens her pace to get away from my touch.

“Hmm. When was this built? Last year?” Her eyes catch on the gaudy light fixtures. “You guys can’t afford an interior decorator?”

I laugh in response. “Yeah, I told Victor this place is tacky as hell.” I point down the hall. “That’s where Victor’s got his bedroom. You probably don’t want to go that direction. Or maybe you do.”

“Will he murder me just for stepping into his lair?” Lucia raises a delicate eyebrow at me, but she also starts walking toward the staircase.

I keep pace next to her, crowding her and delighting in how she tenses up. “Nah, he’s not going to murder you yet. Just make sure you stay useful to him. You should have seen what he did to… Well, never mind. You’d probably be traumatized if I told you.”

She rolls her eyes. “You act like I haven’t been in the life since birth,” she points out to me—like she really thinks she’s seen the worst of what we can do to people. Like she really thinks she knows just how bad it can be.

Who knows, maybe her daddy dearest murders his enemies in front of his family. He certainly doesn’t have qualms about killing men and women in front of their loved ones. I clench my fists, and I feel the rage building up inside me.

We should just slit Lucia’s throat and send her back to Bellini in pieces. Then he’ll feel just a fraction of what I’ve felt every day for the past seven years.

I have to remind myself that there’s a plan, that I can’t waste it by being reckless, to calm down.

“Sure, Princess. I’ll let you know the next time we’ve got a beat-down scheduled. I’ll get you front row seats.”

We descend to the first floor entrance way. There’s a guard stationed by the door, and three more just outside. I catch Lucia eyeing the door.

“Don’t even think about it,” I say, grabbing her arm. “The place has cameras, alarms, and guards. Any escape attempts won’t get you very far. That next beat-down could be yours, if you’re stupid enough to try to run.”

“How considerate of you,” she retorts, but her eyes avert from the guard station. It’s exciting to know she’s really listening to my words.

Is she afraid? I stare at her, trying to figure it out. She hasn’t shown much fear so far, but I want to see it. I want to see fear and tears, and if Victor hadn’t expressly forbidden me from fucking with her—from fucking her—we might’ve seen just how afraid she can be. She might think she’s a badass, but she hasn’t come across me yet.

I corral her to the back of the mansion. “Let’s grab food. Maybe if you’re very, very good, I’ll let you see the rec room.”

The kitchen is that ultra-modern sleek, all black and white and gray without a single shred of personality. One of the younger recruits, Freddie, is already in there, grabbing lunch from the prepared sandwiches on the central island. Victor pays a cook to keep a steady supply of snacks flowing for everybody.

“Oh! Angelo, sir!” Freddie stands to attention, but he still has a sandwich in his hands that he fumbles with awkwardly.

“Hi, Freddie.” I gesture at Lucia. “This is Lucia. She’s a… special guest.”

Lucia sneers at that. “So very special,” she agrees, her tone dripping with venom.

I’m about to snark back at her when my phone buzzes. I pull it out of my back pocket to take a look: a text from Saint, asking me to help him find… something. I roll my eyes, but knowing Saint, I won’t have peace until I actually help him out.

“Freddie, I need to take care of something. Shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. Keep Lucia entertained here, in the kitchen.” I wink at her. “Remember what might happen if you try to escape.”

Freddie nods eagerly while Lucia scoffs loudly. Maybe I’m overdoing it, but she isn’t cowed enough for me to trust her.

I head out to the hall and into one of the side rooms. After closing the door, I call Saint. “What? I’m busy.”

“You are? Aren’t you watching Lucia?”

“Yeah. Like I said, busy. What are you looking for?”

“I can’t find my copy of the new Call of Fury game. Do you know where it is?”

For a second I’m speechless. “Really? That’s why you texted me? I thought it was urgent!”

“Well, it’s urgent because I want to play it now…”

“Tell you what. Give me a nice, long blowjob, and maybe I’ll help you find it.”

As expected, Saint hangs up on me. Fucker’s happy to let me blow him but gets squeamish when it’s the other way around. Well, fuck him too. I put my phone away and head back to the kitchen, irritated over the interruption.

I hear Lucia and Freddie talking, and I pause just outside the kitchen to eavesdrop a bit. Maybe she’ll be more forthcoming with him than she was with any of us.

But it isn’t a friendly chat I hear.

“Come on, girl. Just a small peek. The shirt’s half hanging off you anyway.”

“I told you, no! Don’t touch me, you fucking pervert! Is no one in this house capable of keeping their hands to themselves?”

I’m suddenly inexplicably angry. Who the fuck does Freddie think he is, trying to touch Lucia?

I walk in and slam my hand against the kitchen wall. Both Lucia and Freddie startle.

Freddie has Lucia trapped between him and the kitchen island, one hand on her slim waist.

Yeah, fuck this.

“Freddie, did I say you could molest her?” I growl, slowly walking over to them.

Freddie scrambles away from Lucia, shaking his head vehemently. “No, sir, sorry, sir.”

“You think that it’s right to touch a woman without her permission?”

Lucia bursts out laughing, taking the opportunity to put space between her and the new recruit. I wonder if he’d bleed as green as he is.

“From you? Oh, that’s rich,” Lucia snaps.

I ignore her and stop in front of one of the knife holders, pulling out the long bread knife with the serrated edge. “One of the things Victor values most is respect. Not just respect for our brothers, but respect for everybody under his care. Do you think what you did was respectful?”

Freddie’s eyes grow wide. He’s frozen in place, probably wondering if he can talk his way out of this or if he should bolt.

Truth is, there’s no way out of this for him. I close the distance between us and wrap my hand around his throat, squeezing tight. He tries to fight back, but I bring the knife up and he slices himself on the jagged edges.

He opens his mouth and lets out a thin, quiet scream, as much as he can with me blocking his airways.

“Christ,” Lucia mutters. “You’re going to kill him for doing less than you did? You’re a fucking hypocrite.”

She’s not wrong, but I’m not going to let her dictate what I do. I place the knife against his neck and loosen my grip just enough that he can breathe again. “Now, I want you to think very carefully about your position here. Do you think Victor would care if I slowly sawed your neck open?”

He’d be extremely annoyed, probably, but only because he hates cleanup. Saint would bitch about being forced to hide the body with me, but I’ve helped him clean up messes often enough that he owes me.

Tears start leaking out of Freddie’s eyes.. Fuck, that’s hot, actually. Too bad Freddie isn’t anywhere near as sexy as Lucia. I look over my shoulder at her and grin.

“Didn’t you say you could handle seeing things like this?”

“Cut his throat open with a plastic knife for all I care,” she retorts. “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re a fucking hypocrite.”

I have to admit, I’m a little impressed that she hasn’t lost her cool. I shove Freddie to the floor and drop the knife in the sink. There are a few jagged lines on Freddie’s throat, and his arm is bleeding from where he cut himself, but overall, it’s not a lot of damage.

“Fine, I think you get the point, Freddie. Don’t touch Lucia—or any of the women here—without their permission.” I pause, then add, “Or Victor’s permission.”

“Such a feminist,” Lucia interjects, her voice dry. If she’s affected in any way by this beyond being utterly pissed off, it doesn’t show. “Don’t rape the women unless Victor says you can, Freddie,” she says sweetly.

“It’s his house, his rules.” I grab a sandwich from the tray and take a bite. “Hey, this is good. Did you get to eat, Lucia?”

“You mean before your friend here decided to try to stick his hand down my shirt? No. Must’ve slipped my mind.” She glowers at both of us then plucks her own sandwich from the tray. “May I have your permission to eat now, oh high and mighty one?”

I can’t help but laugh at her sarcasm. The little hellcat act is pretty cute. “Of course, Princess. That’s why I brought you here in the first place. And if you’re still bored, we can go to the rec room. I think some of the men might be taking a break there?”

Lucia gives me a dubious look. “You think I want to be around more of you perverts?”

No, I don’t think she does, but I’m getting a thrill imagining her clinging to me while the others leer at her. This was probably enough excitement for her for the day though. I’ll rub one out in the shower later, imagining a knife against her skin and tears rolling down her cheeks.

One way or another, I will see her cry before Victor hands her back over to her father.