Tamed By The Alien Barbarian by Celeste King



Cameras flashed and clicked behind me, reporters droned on with boring commentary, and that scrawny mealy-mouthed mining director still pretended to be in charge by begging for calm into the microphone. So I was aware, vaguely, that I was still on stage. I knew there was a crowd of people watching. People with cameras.

I just couldn’t make myself care.

Candi stood beneath the camera lights with a taunting smirk on her face, like she’d just won.

No one spoke to me like that. I was known across the galaxy as someone not to cross. And there Candi was, flipping her hair like it was nothing. Like I was nothing.

Her insult echoed in my ears. Just because I enjoyed the company of strippers didn’t mean I could only be with strippers. I had to turn women down, there were so many clamoring to fuck me. Some of them were in this very room if that was the mountainous helmet hair of Jana from Channel Six in the third row.

Fury carried me towards her, and I used every inch of my height to tower above her small, slim frame. I would have left it at that, but her smirk turned into a fake pout.

“Aw, I’m sorry, did I hurt your feelings?”

I wanted to shake her. Were other businessmen watching this? If I let her talk to me this way, I would never hear the end of it. What, I thought, would my dear friend Xxuric do, if insulted by such a woman?

“You,” I kept my voice even, “need to learn respect.”

“Respect, huh?” Her eyebrows climbed up her forehead. “Are you going to teach me?”

Tension coiled in every muscle. Red clouded my vision. It wasn’t anger; I’d fought many battles with Xxuric at my side before I’d found my calling on Earth as an entrepreneur. This wasn’t the clean, glorious rush of violence.

A delicious scent filled my nostrils, and they flared to try and bring more of it in. Was it Candi? It smelled like everything I’d ever loved, like fresh jactar bread and slia nectar and Earth honey. It made me dizzy to smell it. She must have slathered on too much perfume.

A deep, primal urge forced me closer.

I waited for her to step back. I clenched my hands at my sides and forced myself to remain still. The tips of my fingers buzzed restlessly. A strand of her blonde hair had fallen across her eyes, and I itched to brush it away from her face.

She took a step closer until the tips of her breasts brushed against my chest. Were her nipples hard? I glanced down to check, and she caught me. Her hands walked themselves up my chest and gave me a shove.

“I don’t have anything to learn from you.”

The strange tension within me broke free. I heaved her across my lap. Nothing to learn from me? This disrespectful, delicious-smelling harpy of a woman needed to learn her place. She couldn’t just mock me to my face and then saunter off-stage to laugh about it.

I pulled my hand back. Her eyes widened with surprise, but she didn’t move. I held my hand still for a good ten seconds, sure that she would crawl off of me and either shout at me for acting like a savage, or march off stage.

“You don’t have the balls.”

She didn’t walk away. Candi sprawled indolently across my knee like it was a throne, daring me to spank her. Her arrogance was outrageous.

I brought my hand down against her with a smart smack, just enough to make her ass jiggle.

A collective gasp whispered through the press room, but I was more concerned with the breathy gasp of the woman perched on my knees.

What the hell was I doing?

I set my hands at my sides to allow her to climb down from my knee. Whatever point I’d been trying to prove had been made, right? Her ass pushed towards up, and when she looked up at me through her long eyelashes it was with a challenge. One eyebrow rose.

I spanked her again.

Her cheeks flushed.

“Is that all you’ve got? Geriatric g’tchiks hit harder than that.”

Whatever shreds of self-control I’d been holding onto, which were admittedly few, vanished. My hands moved of their own accord, smacking her ass again and again. I couldn’t look away. It was a beautiful ass, pert and round and hungry for my touch. Seriously, as something of an ass connoisseur, I could professionally attest to the fact that her ass was like a rare vintage wine. I’d traveled the galaxy and had yet to see an ass as perfect as hers.

“Well?” My voice sounded like it had gravel in my throat. I swallowed, but it was difficult with my mouth so dry. “Have you learned your lesson yet?”

She shook her head and pushed back against me again. The friction was unbearable, and I realized I was hard as steel beneath her.


Were there other people there any longer? The entire room spun and shrank until it was just me and Candi. I was desperate to make her break, to see her fiery eyes melt into submission. Instead, it seemed that I was the one submitting, the one out of control. It was my hand smacking her ass, but I wasn’t sure it was doing it because I chose to spank her, or because she chose to be spanked.

I tried to slow my breath, to think, but she moved against me again. I couldn’t let her know how out of control I truly was, so I tried to adjust my erection away from her hip. It slid against her instead, and I felt moisture.

Was she wet?

I had to shut my eyes. Gods help me, I was minutes away from mounting her onstage like some sort of animal. My thoughts were scattered and weak. All I could think about was that she was wet, and pressed against me in that tight dress, and it would be so easy just to twist her panties to the side and…

“Really? You’re done already?”

The disdain in her voice wound me up again. How could she sound so nonchalant? Her voice rang out clear and bored like we’d just had a mild disagreement over what to order for dinner. Meanwhile, I had to gulp oxygen because all of the air had been stolen from my lungs and all the blood had traveled down to my dick.

“I haven’t even started with you,” I said. “You wouldn’t be able to walk by the time I was done.”

“Big promises,” she yawned. “I bet they’re as empty as your proposal plan.”

Stillshe mocked me? I spanked her with renewed vigor, and finally, the smirk disappeared from her face and the challenge in her eyes glazed over. Victorious, I pulled her even closer. Inaudible to the crowd at large, I could hear the small sounds of pleasure she made with every sharp slap, could see the flush of her cheeks spread to her chest.

Her hips rolled, restless, and I released a breathy laugh. I would make her beg before I filled her. She would serve me on her knees first, and regret the day she tried to humiliate one such as me. I was no human boytoy to tease at her every whim.

Her scent carried me away, and I was lost in her. Every inch of me was tuned into her panting little breaths and helpless little moans.

I was as joyous as I had ever been after a battle. Candi had tried to go toe to toe with me, and here she lay, conquered. Won.
