Tamed By The Alien Barbarian by Celeste King



Was this guy serious?

When he first pulled me across his knee and I had to stifle laughter. Like, what was he going to do? Discipline me?

Full disclosure: I didn’t mind a bit of rough play. If anything, I’d needed it with Trent so I didn’t fall asleep during the act. Ugh, just thinking about him highlighted how wrong we’d been for each other. I was a strong personality, and I needed someone just as strong in bed.

And I couldn’t deny that Jaxil, with his wicked horns and wide shoulders, was certainly strong.

That didn’t mean I wanted to be spanked on a stage. The audacity of it infuriated me. Somehow I didn’t think he spanked any of his other business competitors.


It would certainly spice up the boardroom.

He pulled his hand back and looked at me. His pupils had swallowed the iris of his eyes, and they glowed dark and wanting. Still, he hesitated. I could see that he knew he’d miscalculated. Had he expected me to march away in shock? Now that he had me in his grip, it seemed like he was almost scared at how much he really wanted me there.

A dark thrill chased my outrage. Could I make him lose control on-stage? He’d thought that he could intimidate me, but I’d have him panting in front of the entire crowd. I’d show them all what had Jaxil so bothered about my past as a stripper. It wasn’t that I was incapable, but because he wanted me so bad it made him look stupid.

I told myself it was about winning the contract, but I couldn’t deny that my ass pressed itself up in his lap. Almost like I wanted this.

He removed his hand from my waist. I was free to climb down from his knee if I wanted. Instead, I glared at him.

“You don’t have the balls,” I said.

It was a blur after that. I clung to control, but it seemed my body was hell-bent on betraying me. My nipples had been tight, hard buds since I first watched him step on stage, and now the rest of my body had followed suit. My skin tingled and ached beneath his massive hands, and the knowledge that I was so much smaller than him was less intimidating than it should have been.

I was the one being spanked.

So why did it seem like I was the one in control?

Every time I arched my back and pressed against him, he chased my ass with a delicious smack. He hit me when I chose, and he had no idea. One look at his face showed how lost he was. Endorphins rushed through me, turning the slight pain into another sensation entirely. A tightness spiraled in my core, and I realized I was gushing wet.

Every spank brought me closer to release.

What the fuck?

I took a deep breath and brought myself back to Mars. You know, where an entire press corps was watching me get spanked by some Sanax caveman.

He tried to adjust himself, but I felt his erection press into my hip. I had to get the upper hand again. I pressed against it and winked at him.

It was like I’d doused him in cold water. He cleared his throat, loud, and stood me in front of him. The microphone had long been moved by the mining director, but Jaxil’s booming voice needed no amplification.

“Honor,” he began self-righteously, “is a virtue that must never be forgotten. Even in business.”

Oh my God, was he seriously making a speech right now? I couldn’t hold back a laugh, and I laughed even harder at his furious growl. This dude was out of his mind if he thought he could spank me and then talk about honor of all things.

“Like in the battles of the X-A1 asteroids, when the cowardly Reensa lizards thought that they could win a contract with libel, and when branding me a coward didn’t work, they brought pulsar grenades. They learned the hard, ah, way,” he cleared his throat, “that I am a Sanax war, eeh…”

I circled my hips against his hard dick until he closed his hand across my waist to hold me still. I tried not to think about how hot it was that he could pin me with one hand.

“...warrior. And I will be respected. Thank you.”

Jana from Six News clapped a few times. The rest of the news crew looked at each other awkwardly. I didn’t think there was any way to gracefully transition from what probably looked like (and definitely felt like) soft-core porn into a typical business meeting.

Well. I’d transitioned from stripping to CEO. This was my wheelhouse. I kept my voice professional and asked, “When will you be awarding my company the contract?”

The beleaguered mining director held a binder over his waist as he sat in a chair behind the stage. He spoke into the microphone, but his voice was still almost too soft to hear.

“After consulting my colleagues, ah, we’ll be awarding mining rights to all companies currently bidding for thirty Earth days. Whoever produces the most ore wins the contract.”

I knew my grin was vicious. I let it slash across my face with glee. I knew my company. I’d built it from the ground up. My people would deliver the results, and we’d make Jaxil’s behemoth of a company look as efficient as a glorg worm.

And if I needed to play a little underhanded to speed things along, then I’d do whatever needed to be done. Nobody had handed me my company and fortune; I’d had to fight for everything, from the company stock in my account to the fresh pedicure on my toes. Jaxil thought he could just waltz in, bully the mining agency to grant him the contract, and humiliate me onstage? Please. I’d make him regret ever landing on that red planet.

With that in mind, I wiggled once more against him, unzipped his fly, and rushed offstage. Mandy handed me my briefcase.

The press roared in laughter as Jaxil’s tented pants became obvious. Photographers gleefully captured him in all his glory. Stunned, it took him a moment to even realize what I’d done.

He scowled as he turned around to adjust himself.

“What the hell is even going on right now?” Mandy demanded. “Is this like some kink thing? I don’t have a problem with it, but I wish you would have let me know first. I would have prepared. That Sanax dude was hung. Speaking of hung, that guy from HDN News is hot, right? I gave him my number after your little show warmed everyone up.”

“It wasn’t my show,” I said.

Jaxil turned to watch me just before I stepped outside. I blew him a kiss.

“Uh-huh. So whatever thing you two have going on, it’s not going to mess up our business, right? Because we need this contract.”

“Please.” My heels clicked on the sidewalk outside. Mandy handed me a sweater and I shrugged it on aggressively. A group of tourists stood in my path, taking pictures of the changing leaves in Central Park. I quickly zagged through them.

Okay. Fine. My body was somehow attracted to him. He’d smelled amazing; maybe it was just some pheromone thing. Or maybe I was just detrimentally into obnoxious alpha Sanax. After dealing with Trent’s whining for so long, maybe I just craved a rebound with someone the exact opposite.

Well, my body would just have to deal. I didn’t have time for a rebound. Business would always take top priority until I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would never end up stripping for a meal again.

“I mean. I guess he’s cute if you like them with horns.”

“Cute,” I scoffed. “I’m about to destroy him and his company. We’ll see how cute he looks then.”