Tamed By The Alien Barbarian by Celeste King



“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” the mining director began, “after much deliberation and negation, I’m happy to announce that Mars has been deemed clear for mining.”

While this was far from an entertainment spectacle, the crowd reacted in a professionally equivalent manner. A choir of yells and murmuring filled the great all the press conference was help in. From what I’ve gathered the architecture was in tribute to a century old empire. Personally, I found all the white columns and hard marble floors obnoxious. All it proved to do was make every whisper a dull roar, and the clicks of talon-tipped feet sound like the hammering of nails.

My attention went back to the director. He was an old portly human whose remaining hair was brushed over his shiny head in thin wisps. The sweat dripping from his forehead a combination of his dark suit under bright lights and his visible fear of the attention now on him. Poor bastard. I wasn’t an unempathetic man. While men such as him made my job a hell of a lot easier, it still sucked that he’d be getting the short of it at the hands of men like me.

I was already confident in my next step, but I figured it’d be best to let the man elucidate further on the exact terms of the red planet’s new status.

“If you’d please settle down, I’d greatly appreciate it,” the man’s voice trembled. He clearly needed the room to be quiet. He was overwhelmed to say the least.

Eventually the crowd’s clambering hushed and the man continued to speak.

“Now,” he continued, “we’ll publish the exact signed documents at a later date, I can provide you with a few key inclusions.”

“Firstly, that for the sake of uniformity, we’re going to contract a singular company to mine the planet. They’ll be working in tandem with the Earth government to ensure the process is done in the most responsible and efficient manner. You’ll be embarking on a landmark event in our species history, and as a representative of our great planet, it’s paramount that this step is both bold and precise.”

I could feel my eyes rolling into the back of my head as I internally challenged the speaker to utter the words ‘synergy’ and ‘actionable’. Thankfully for the people standing shoulder to shoulder with me, the speaker was so milquetoast that he couldn’t be that insufferable.

I figured that this was the best time as any to put him out of his misery.

“Not to interrupt your thrilling presentation, director,” I said as I began walking through the crowd of VIP’s and up towards the podium. “But I’m proud to announce that my company, Consolidated Mining, will gladly accept the contract,” I continued, keeping my smile broad but controlled. Cameras flashed and more clammer than before started to drown out my words.

Mr. Director, please take notes.

“Now, while I’m sure all of you are aware of my firm, allow me to remind you of our great feats. We were among the first Sanax to venture out into this solar system and have already participated in many of the foundational agreements between our races. Before that we’ve headed some of the most thorough and ecologically friendly mining ever to grace the Milky Way.”

I heard the timid voice reverberate meekly over the spear system. “Apologies, Sir Jaxil, but we’ve yet to choose the company we’d be contracting. If I could now continue from where I was cut off.”

The man nervously went through his prompts before clearing his throat. “Ah, yes. Given the significance of this venture we’ve deemed it appropriate that we proceed with the utmost caution…”

“Indeed, caution is endlessly important, but without backbone that first step can hover above the ground for perpetuity. My company while act swiftly and deliberately to extract the bevy of riches that The Red Planet has to offer.”

It was present to everyone who the more interesting speaker was. The portly man hardly came up to my chest and while his confidence seemed to wilt like a malnourished weed, I stood tall amidst a sea of curious watchers.

“I’m sure you all are chomping at the bit to ask questions, so please ask away.” I gestured to the audience, as if I were the one set to give the announcement in the first place.

“What are the key resources are you hoping to mine?” a studious looking Sanaxian asked from the back of the hall.

“Our first priority would be the plentiful amounts of nickel. It’s already in high demand but as human technology continues to skyrocket in the coming years the mineral will only be in greater demand.”

A skeptical looking human male in the front row next asked. “Why are you so sure that your company alone could single handedly mine an entire planet? That would seem like an impossible feat, no?”

My smile only broadened. “It would seem so, yes. But my company is the best and our resources are second to none. Truth be told I’ve been waiting with baited breath for the all clear from your government to single-handedly help humanity pull itself up to the peaks my kind have managed to reach.”

The people always love a hero. Thanks to my powerful stature and the comparatively small humans, the only difficulty was in not projecting an heir of superiority. You had to seem like of their own. A fellow struggler hoping to aid one another to a shared goal.

I high pitched piercing voice cut through the air like a whip.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Jaxil, but I’m sure you’re aware of the conflict of interests your presenting.”

The crowd’s, myself included, attention was seized by the voice as we turned in its direction.

I was met with bright green eyes that nailed me in place. They rested in a relaxed face exuding a confidence I don’t think I’d ever seen a human possessing. Her features were sharp, almost Sanaxian in how harsh they looked on a face so much at ease.

My vision gradually descended down her body, as the crowd yawned open to reveal her more and more. Her figure wasn’t particularly curvaceous, especially compared to the women I’d grown accustomed to entertaining, but that did nothing to diminish her effect on me.

Her slight build seemed to glide through the crowd as she made her way to podium. Her movements were graceful as if she were weightless. As she came closer more of her assets became apparent. Her long legs were visibly toned underneath her pantsuit legs. While she wasn’t the most well-endowed, her slender waist gave her a serpentine physique. She was mouthwatering; so much so that I couldn’t stop myself from licking my lips.

I wanted her.