Bear by Lily J. Adams


Chapter Nine:  Bear Intentions




I was throwing back one of my morning concoctions of black seed oil, cucumber, pear, spirulina and apple when my phone buzzed and I picked it up.

“Bear, I missed the calls on the Store phone. Rocky threatened me in the first and second call. Then he kept calling and calling, and I don’t know if it’s the customer’s calling or whether it’s Rocky. I’m in so much trouble. I can’t do that. Customers were staring at me and if my boss finds out, I might lose my job.”

Delphia’s distress was hard to take. My blood reacted to her voice as soon as she spoke. I had real feelings for her and I was at the point where if anyone harmed her, I would have to harm them right back. Rocky had already been shot and beaten bloody enough times in my head. If we didn’t have this case to worry about, I would be hunting him down with my army buddies and plotting his descent to hell. “Hey, I know it’s a little rough right now, but record the calls and tell your boss. Don’t keep this a secret. The more people you tell, the better. You should have called when it happened.”

I didn’t want to sound so authoritative, but if Rocky had followed up the calls with his presence, she would be dead by now. Chills ran down my spine as I removed that train of thought quickly. “We need to spread the word about Rocky. If Angie gets the case reopened and you can deal with the calls, a stack of evidence can be compiled against him.”

“You’re right, but I hated hearing his voice! I can put my phone next to the main phone when he calls and record it maybe… I can put him on speaker.” Delphia sounded shattered.

I cringed, wanting to take the fear away. But I couldn’t. “Exactly. You can do it.” I wanted to ask how she was doing other than the calls from Rocky, but this harassment was the priority.

“Bear, I don’t know how to live my life anymore. It’s one step forward, two steps back.”

I wanted to hold her and let her know on my watch Rocky had zero chance. “Do you want to come to my house for a few days?” I offered what I could. I had to get it right this time. I couldn’t lose this girl.

“I would love that. I might be able to sleep better,” she agreed.

“You will be, in my arms,” I added in a low voice, giving her a hint.

“I’m sure I would,” she admitted.

Tingles ran down my spine as her floaty voice caressed my ears. Delphia reminded me of a sultry slow burning night in Holbeck, and she was only in early twenties. I wondered if she realized her innate sex appeal. “Pick a day. I can take you to work. That work for you?”

“It does, can you pick me up on Sunday? I have Monday off, but I have to work on Tuesday and Wednesday night.”

“Then you’ll see this big bear-like man at your doorstep on Sunday.” I flirted.

“I like your bear-ness.” She didn’t seem to mind too much.

If it helped take her mind off her troubles… “I have plenty of it for you.”

“You’re silly.”

“I can be, but I’m serious when I need to be. Like now. Call me straight away next time.”

“I will. I was too—I don’t even know. I was freaked. Thanks for looking out for me. Angie is coming around on the weekend, so I will call you after I speak to her.”

“Okay, don’t let her bombard you. She can sometimes, but she’s passionate about this case and she’s been running with it for a long time,” I reminded her.

“That’s what I’m worried about. The longer the case runs, the more chances I think that Rocky has to kill me.” She sounded anxious again.

“I’m not going to let Rocky come near you. If I see him, I’m coming for his head. The police can work on a case for that, and it’s going to be self-defense.” My savage words flew quickly, and I meant every single one of them.

“I don’t want you going to jail for me. I want you to stay alive.”

“Your heart is too pure, Delphia. It’s a trait I admire about you, especially after all you’ve been through.”

“It’s not pure anymore. It’s damaged. I don’t know how I can be anything to you, Bear. I’m just a mess right now.” The sadness that I’d tried so hard to lift was back after a few stalker calls from Rocky, that demon.

If she only knew how I looked at her, she wouldn’t be letting these insecurities flourish inside of her head. Not about us anyway. Easier said than done, when a guy who murdered your brother calls your workplace.

“You’re not damaged goods to me. I can’t wait to see you and hear about the interview with Angie. See you on Sunday okay?”

“Bye Bear.”



Sunday afternoon crept up quickly, and I spruced up the house for Delphia. I was keen to hear what Angie and she discussed, but as I’d done the whole time, I wanted her to tell me first. Military habits led me to tucked-in corners and pencil-straight bed sheets. I was a clean guy who appreciated order, part of my disciplinary background.

By the time she arrived, the house would look and smell like an Airbnb. I didn’t want her to worry about anything.

I picked her up, idling outside her house until she came out. “Hey, made it through the week?” I asked softly as I placed my thumb over the bottom of her chin.

“Yeah, I made it,” she answered mildly as her eyelashes fluttered.

I moved my finger up to the edge of her lip and a little glint of happiness formed on her sweet mouth. I stopped for a second to capture our moment, kissing her on the lips gently, wanting to kiss away her troubles. Her hand rested on top of mine as I pulled away from her, looking into her beautiful eyes. “I hope that makes it a little better.”

“Sure helps. Talking with Angie helped too.”

Her admitting this made me feel a little lighter on the inside. “Are you okay? What do you think now, since you’ve spoken to her?”

“I think it’s going to be hard, but she has this way…I don’t know, that makes me feel as if everything is going to be okay. I felt anger, hope—” She shrugged her shoulders. “A bunch of emotions that brought up bad stuff and some good stuff, but I want to get rid of Rocky. He has to go.”

“He will. It might take some time, but it will be worth it. She’s going to get the case over the line. Anything specific you wanna talk about, or are you all talked out?” I asked, trying to gauge her.

The weary slump in her shoulders showed me where she was at. “I’m all talked out. I just wanna chill.” A sleepy smile lifted on her lips.

The sun was going down in Holbeck and we were together, that was the main thing to me. I could give her a breather from having to look over her shoulder all the time, especially now since Rocky was applying pressure by calling Delphia at her job.

Delphia slid her slight frame in behind me and linked her arms around my back as we sped off to my house.

We got there in no time. I helped her unload and we moved inside.

As I guided her in, she gingerly entered my space. She sniffed the air as she walked in. “What is that smell? That’s so nice.” Her head swung from side to side as she looked around the house. “Wow, you are so neat, this is incredible.”

“It’s a military thing. I can’t help it. I think the air freshener is Fresh Linen or something like that.” I lifted her bag out of her hands. “Here, let me take this and I’ll show you the room I have set up for you.” I wanted nothing more for her to be sleeping in my bed, but I was a gentleman and Delphia would have to make that move first.

“Thank you.” She followed me to the spare bedroom that had the most light. As we walked in it streamed on the double bed. Nothing fancy, a desk in the corner with an LED light, a couple of books and a chair with a window and sparse curtains.

“Perfect, thanks again.” Delphia looked at me with hopeful eyes.

“If you want a shower, the bathroom is right across the hall. All the towels and stuff like that are in there. I can make some dinner in a minute, if you want.” I couldn’t help but touch her softly as I spoke. She was like this delicate flower, but one that bloomed even when darkness surrounded her life.

“Thanks, I had something to eat before I came. It’s fine.”

“Okay. Hold tight, I have to throw a few things into the laundry. Help yourself to anything in the fridge and look around. Mi casa es tu casa.”

Delphia walked forward into the living room.

I threw the clothes I had in the basket into the washing machine. I wanted to give her a few minutes to acclimatize to my place.

By the time I reached her she was fingering a dog tag on my mantelpiece. “Bear. This is hot. Mr. Army Man,” she said in awe.

The whispery tone in her voice drove me to slip my hands around her slim waist and slide them down the front of her thighs. My breathing sped up as I blew breath in her ear. My erection came alive as it pressed into her back. It was hard to control myself around her. My lips found the curve of her neck as she bared it to me. Pushing back the tendrils of her wispy hair, I pressed several kisses into her neck.

“Let me know if I’m moving too fast for you,” I growled into her ear as I slid the tip of my tongue over the top of it.

“No, don’t stop. You’re not moving too fast.” She stood on her toes and her lips opened to a wide smile.

The green light. I lightly turned her to face me. “I don’t want to—”

Delphia placed her finger on my lips. “I’m a grown woman. I’ve made the decision myself. Do you have protection, Bear?”

“I do. Wait here.”

She tapped my butt as I walked away.

This was another side I was seeing to Delphia. She was playful and carefree.

My feet couldn’t carry me fast enough to get the condom I’d stored inside one of my jacket pockets. I had a few left from dalliances I had after late nights at Wheelz months back. I’d had a good time with the lady, but it was nothing serious. We’d gone on a couple of dates, but nothing started to cook between us, and I was glad. If it had, I wouldn’t be here with Delphia.

I wanted to caress all her worries away and to hear her moan my name, if only for a night. She was waiting and her eyes were inviting me right back to where we left off. I scooped her up, curving my large hands under her ass.

She released a sigh as my fingers found the end of her silky top. Effortlessly, I lifted it up and over her head, revealing her floral lace bra. As my hands moved over her skin I felt her shudder. I wanted to possess her and at the same time gently break her open. Her eyes stayed on me as our lips blazed together in a collision of fire. I tugged her closer to my hard body.

She gasped and giggled simultaneously. “You are a Bear.”

Grinning into her neck, I scooped her up to carry her to my room. When I got to the bed, I set her down on the carpeting. I stopped for a minute putting my hands on her shoulders as I let the fire shift to a slow burn. “Let me see you. You are so beautiful, Delphia. Do you know that?” I stated softly as my eyes bored into hers.

“I haven’t heard that for a long time. Thank you. You make me feel beautiful,” she said gently.

“I only speak the truth.” I kept my eyes on her as I unclasped her bra and cupped a handful of her breast. She breathed in and her head dropped back slightly. I was tall, so I had to bend my knees to move my mouth over her beautifully round breasts. I moved from one to the other as her small gasps turned me on more and more.

I helped her roll her jeans down and let out a low growl as I tugged her floral lace panties from her body. She was naked in front of me and I was fully clothed, which I rectified quickly by discarding my shirt and unbuttoning my jeans with Delphia’s help. My jeans and briefs then hit the floor.

Delphia’s feathery lashes hid her eyes as she looked down at my length.

I grabbed her chin to kiss her waiting lips. Laying her on her back, I moved my mouth down along her body, putting her in a state of pleasurable panting. Her body responded with shivers as the heat between us escalated.

Delphia dropped back on the bed, so I would have better access to her core. She opened her legs, and I brought her to the peak of a climax with my mouth and fingers, satisfied that I rocked her world due to her whimpering and cries. I entered her and took her on another pleasure run as we tangled on top of the sheets. She became wild under my touch, just as I had guessed and we were well-matched. As I plunged deeper into her, I couldn’t hold back anymore as I crested the same wave she was on and we climaxed together. I held her close to me for several breathless moments. Then I moved my weight to her side.

I was lying on my back and Delphia put her hand on my thumping chest. I wrapped my arm around her waist and tugged her over on top of me. “You are a tiger, little girl. You’ve worn this soldier out.”

She giggled as she kissed my nipple. “I think you have enough stamina.”

I stroked her hair lightly. “For you, I do, Delphia.”

We lay there for a little while longer, enjoying one another in the silence. With her warm sweet body lying on top of mine, we both fell asleep.



The next day, I had to go into Wheelz and I was on cloud nine. As I sat at the bar, my phone buzzed.

“Hey brethren!” Keys was on the other end.

My mood was as bright as the sun sitting up high in the Holbeck sky. Delphia had a lot to do with that. “Hey Keys. What’s cracking?”

“I was going to ask you the same thing, have you started working on our night out?”

“I have, bro. We’re going to hit up the casino. I know that part, so you need to scrub up on your gambling skills because I know for sure you’re not any good.” I laughed hard as I said it remembering the last time Keys and I played the slots at the casino near him. He lost every single cent that he came into the casino with.

“Hey! I’m ready for a comeback, man. You can’t count me out over one time. That was then and this is now. You sound good man. Real happy. I’m glad to hear it.”

“Yeah, I am. Life is good.” I thought about kissing Delphia goodbye after I dropped her off at the gas station and knew she had a big impact on my mood.

“Good. What else you got for us? Hot girls? Strip clubs—what? Line ‘em up.”

“You are on one today aren’t you? Give me some time, I'll keep you entertained in Holbeck.”

“Good, looking forward to it. I gotta run, man, but I wanted to check in and touch base.”

“Bases touched—no, don’t say anything stupid. I put my foot in that one.”

“Right, you know because the bases I want to touch are two round ones.”

I laughed at Key’s cockiness. Some things never changed. “Alright Keys. Bye, brother.”

Bones came down the stairs with a cold look on his face. “Hey, Bear. How you doing?” he asked gruffly.

“Better than you by the looks of things. You’re in here a lot lately. Bidding?”

Bones grimaced as his face tightened. “Yup, and things at home aren’t the best. This bidding war is feeling more peaceful than there right now.”

“Shit. Is it that bad?”

“Yeah, it is. My son is acting up lately. We’ll see how it goes. Anyway, don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it, no problem.” Bones patted me on the arm then moved past me.

I was hoping he worked it out because he was under a lot of pressure right now with the club. He didn’t need family trouble, too.