Where We Found Our Home by Natasha Bishop



How dare you?

You spent the entire afternoon with that man and those fucking kids. Looking like you didn’t have a care in the world. I’m beginning to think you don’t take me seriously and that pisses me off.

I know you haven’t forgotten about me, though, because you talked about me in your last therapy session. Again. That’s good to know, but it’s not good enough. Your every waking thought should be about me. Maybe I’ve given you too much freedom. You seem to be under the impression that you’re safe now.

Is it because of him?

Lincoln Cole. I’ve learned a lot about your precious firefighter over the past few days. He’s a Fire Lieutenant at the Austin Fire Department. A real hero. Give me a fucking break. He cannot save you from me, doll. You’re my toy to play with. I don’t share.

He’s also the brother of that coffee shop owner you seem so enamored with, Sasha. You’re just blending right in with this little family, aren’t you? We’ll see how much they love you when you’re the reason every single one of them dies.

Their blood is on your hands.