Where We Found Our Home by Natasha Bishop



Iwant her.

There is no denying that anymore. I’ve long accepted that I want her in my bed, but I’m starting to get hopes of the real deal with this woman. I want it all with her.

I don’t know if I can fully trust the things she was saying about dating someone in my line of work, because Erica used to swear it didn’t bother her at all in the beginning—but God, the conviction in her words and the sincerity in her eyes hit me square in the chest.

I just have to convince her to take a chance on me. I know she’s still fighting her own demons, and she still hasn’t given me every part of herself, but I’m willing to fight for it.

“All the smoke alarms are in good shape, Mrs. Townsend. Jenny said your blood pressure is much better than last time we visited. I’m impressed,” I say to my favorite woman outside of my family and a certain Angel.

Today I’m visiting a few people in the community on my Red Angels shift. Red Angels is a program comprised of a few of us AFD firefighters and some licensed nurses. We go door-to-door offering free in-home safety and wellness checks. We do this every few weeks. It’s one of my favorite things the station does because I get to be a part of my community and connect with them without an emergency taking priority.

Mrs. Townsend is one of my favorite people to visit during these shifts. She’s an elderly white woman with hair so platinum it looks like a White Walker from Game of Thrones. Every time I come here, I’m guaranteed to leave with a batch of freshly baked cookies, new sweet stories about her late husband, complaints about her son Billy, and at least one pinch on my ass for having such a “cute butt.”

I checked all of her smoke alarms and conducted a general home hazard assessment, and Jenny, the nurse working with me on today’s shift, just finished checking Mrs. Townsend’s blood pressure, glucose, and pulse.

“Yes, well, Billy has been up my ass since the doctor said my blood pressure was high last time. He cleaned out all the good stuff from my house and ordered that damn Hello Fresh service to come weekly. Like I can’t prepare my own meals.”

“Well pasta Bolognese, meatball subs, and hushpuppies are not meals you should be preparing every day.”

“Bleh, you sound just like Billy.”

I shake my head trying to hold in my laughter. “You gotta give Billy a break.”

“Oh, you know he’s the apple of my eye, but he treats me like an invalid now. I am not too old to put him over my knee, you know.”

“Oh, you’ll never be too old for that.”

“Damn right. You know how in all the old movies the wives would say ‘wait until I tell your father’? Not me. My Harold used to say ‘wait until I tell your mother.’ I’d lay down the law, and he’d hand out the candy behind my back.”

I smile. I wish I would’ve met Harold. He seemed to be a good man, a great husband, and a fantastic father. Everything I once wanted to be. Everything I find myself imagining more these days. “Sounds like you two were the perfect team.”

“We sure were. Come on with me to the kitchen before you go. I got a fresh batch of cookies for you.”

I raise my eyebrows at that. “I thought Billy cleaned all the good stuff out of the house.”

“Ha. I have my ways. You think I wouldn’t have cookies ready for my favorite fireman? The day I don’t have cookies ready for guests will be the day I go to reunite with my Harold.”

“You sneaky woman. Lead the way.”

“Alrighty, dear. I’ve got chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin this time. A dozen each.”

“You’re too good to me, Mrs. Townsend.” I’m probably going to eat at least one in the car. No one makes cookies like she does. I’ll bring the rest to the fire station for the guys, so I don’t have to be the only one putting in work at the gym.

“Maybe you can share some of these with your lady friend,” she says as she wiggles her eyebrows.

“Who said anything about a lady friend?”

“Oh, please. You don’t get to be my age without learning a few things. Before my Harold I’d been around the block a few times, ya know.” She puts her hand on her hip, and I bite the inside of my cheek.

“Your smile was a little extra perfect today, and you whistled while checking the smoke detectors. I know the look of a smitten man, and you, my friend, are as smitten as they come. Now are you gonna share these cookies with your lady friend or am I taking a batch back?”

I can admit when I’ve lost. “I’ll make sure she gets some.”

“I knew it.” She smiles as she walks me to the door. “Thanks for visiting an old hag, Lincoln. Tell that lady friend I said hello, and keep that butt nice and tight. She’ll appreciate it too,” she says with a pinch on my ass. It never fails.

I’ve just gotten back to the station when I see my siblings have blown my phone up.

Reggie: Please tell me you invited Ciara to your birthday cookout on Friday? I’m the last one to meet her! Btw Malcolm said to tell you his favorite Golden Girl is Sophia

Sasha: Sophia will forever be that bitch

Isaiah: Blanche can get it

Sasha: *eye roll emoji* perv

Reggie: You do know Blanche is dead, right? #LongLiveBettyWhite

Isaiah: I said what I said

Reggie: So is Ciara coming or not?

Sasha: She said she’d be there

Reggie: Okay good. At least someone has the decency to answer me

Isaiah: If you wanna have a chance to talk to her you better grab her fast. You know Mom will be pulling her aside teaching her how to make jollof rice by the end of the night

Reggie: *crying laughing emoji* So true

Sasha: Did you tell Ciara that Mom will probably beg you guys to pick Nigerian middle names for your future kids?

Isaiah: Yeah let’s not repeat the NiecyGate drama of 2008.

Reggie: *insert middle finger emoji*

Sasha: Sasha’s a great name for a girl, just saying

Isaiah: No one wants name suggestions from you, sis, that’s how we end up with hippie dippy-ass names like Nevaeh

Sasha: *inserts gif of Tracy Morgan gasping*

Reggie: Oh shit

Isaiah: *three crying laughing emojis* You know I love my short stack but heaven backwards, really? That’s what happens when you marry a white man

Sasha: Oh this bitch

Isaiah: I’m kidding!! LOL I love Carter. Lowkey I love him more than I love you sometimes

Sasha: *inserts gif of Zendaya rolling her eyes*

Sasha: Lincoln get your brother

Reggie: He’s too busy for us

Isaiah: Probably jerking off to Ciara’s picture

These fuckers.

Me: I was doing what some people call working. Don’t y’all have jobs?

Me: Yes, Ciara is coming on Friday. Mom is not teaching her how to make jollof rice and THERE’S NO BABY! Happy??

Reggie: Who are you yelling at?

Sasha: Well I for one hope Ciara is coming in more ways than one on Friday. My girl needs a stress reliever

Isaiah: *crying laughing emoji*

Me: *inserts a gif of Sam from Netflix’s GLOW with the words ‘you’re a fucking nightmare’*

Jokes aside, I am slightly nervous about my half-Nigerian mother scaring Ciara away with talks of future kids’ names. She allowed my father to name all of us whatever he wanted so long as she got to give us each a Nigerian middle name, and when Reggie and Sasha started having kids she forced them to do the same. Reggie wanted Denise’s middle name to be Raquel, and all hell broke loose. We call that period of time “Niecygate” now and Denise Raquel ended up being Denise Oviereya at the end of it. She didn’t even attempt to do something different for Malcolm, and Sasha definitely didn’t try when Nevaeh was born.

As for making sure Ciara comes in more ways than one, what can I say? I want that too. I’ve jerked off so many times in the past couple of months, I feel like a teenager again. All I can hope is that Ciara’s self-control is on the verge of snapping as much as mine.

Kai hands me my second beer of the day on the afternoon of the cookout. Dad is manning the grill. Mom is sipping her sangria, keeping him company. Isaiah and Shane are chasing the kids around. Sasha is stealing potato salad off of Carter’s plate. Michael is fixing a plate for Reggie. Dom is talking to a few of the guys from the station. All that’s missing is my Angel.

Right on cue, the energy in the yard shifts, and I know she’s here. I turn around to be once again stunned by her beauty. She’s wearing orange high-waisted pants that complement her skin tone perfectly and make her ass look even sexier, a tight white V-neck T-shirt that stops right at the dips of her breasts, and sandals. Her braids are pulled into a half-up, half-down style, and those lips I’m dying to taste are painted a nude color.

“Hey, you made it.”

“Of course I did. I wouldn’t miss your birthday celebration. How’s it feel to officially be the dirty thirty?”

“Not nearly as dirty as it could be,” I say, allowing my eyes to travel down her body before snapping back up to those chocolate eyes. She shivers and I smirk.

“Where should I put your gift?” She holds a box I honestly didn’t even notice before.

“Oh, you didn’t have to get me anything.”

She shoots me an incredulous look. “Did you think I would show up here empty-handed? Please. I brought wine for your parents too.”

“Trying to score brownie points, I see.”

“It’s your birthday, so I would hate to have to pop you in your arm again, but I will.”

“Oh shit, slugger’s back. Okay, save your strength. You may need it for later.”

“You are trouble.”

“Only for you, Angel.”

“Can we say hi to her now, or do you want to hog her all to yourself?” I turn around to find Sasha watching us with Reggie right on her heels.

“No respect for the birthday boy.”

“No one cares past the age of twenty-one. You’re lucky you got this cookout.” She turns to Ciara. “Hi, I’m Lincoln’s sister Reggie. I’ve heard a lot about you. Mostly from my kids. Lincoln’s very tight-lipped.”

Ciara chuckles. “Nice to finally meet you, Reggie. Your kids are great. Although, Malcolm made me feel like an old-ass woman for my TV shows.”

“Yeah, he’s a little shit like that. But I have you to thank for his new obsession with Golden Girls. Excellent choice.”

“Oh, and who’s his favorite?”


“I knew I liked that kid.”

Reggie beams at Ciara, and I know she’s been won over.

I escort Ciara over to the grill, and my mom immediately perks up.

“Mom, Dad. This is Ciara. Ciara, these are my parents, Trinity and David.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Cole. What I’ve seen of your home is beautiful.”

“Aww, thank you, sweetie. We don’t need formalities here, though. You can just call us Trinity and David.”

“Okay, thank you. I brought you a bottle of wine.” She holds out a bottle of merlot.

“Ooh, perfect timing. I’m all out of sangria, and I need a refill. Here, come with me to the kitchen.” Mom practically drags Ciara in the house, and I’m left saying a silent prayer that she won’t send Ciara running for the hills.

“It’s out of your hands now, son. She can handle it though. I can tell,” Dad offers.

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“Cheers to the love of a good woman.” He holds out his beer waiting for me to return the cheers.

“Dad, we’re not—” He cuts me off and clinks my bottle with his before winking and turning back to the grill. Alright, old man.

After Mom spends way too long in the kitchen with Ciara, she still looks happy and not looking for the exits so I guess we’re okay. Although, I consider asking her if my mom shared any recipes with her while they were in there. She catches my eye and walks over to me. I try to keep eye contact with her, but I fail miserably and continue to trace her curves the entire way over.

I gesture toward the assholes in front of me. Might as well get this introduction over with. “These are my dickhead friends, Dom, Kai, and Shane. Ninety-eight percent of what they say is complete bullshit, so feel free to just tune them out.”

“But it’s that two percent you really don’t wanna miss,” Dom says.

“Nice to meet you, Ciara. I’m Shane. Also known as the handsome one of these ugly motherfuckers.”

“I mean I’d say you’re definitely in the top five of this group,” Ciara retorts, and I love that she immediately jumped in to give these guys shit.

“Ha! I bet you’re number five too. You dumbass,” Isaiah laughs.

“I’ll never share my rankings.” She turns to Dom. “I never got a chance to thank you for your help that day, but thank you and nice to officially meet you.”

Dom blushes. Yeah she has that effect on people. “No thanks necessary, I was just doing my job. I’m glad you’re okay, even though I think you may have some residual effects if you’re hanging with this guy by choice.” He points to me.

“Oh yeah, the doctor told me poor life choices were a side effect of the head injury.”

“Very funny, you assholes,” I joke.

This cookout is exactly what I needed. Time to just relax with the people I care most about in this world. Nevaeh is sitting on Ciara’s lap whispering secrets in her ear. I imagine Ciara’s belly swollen with our child, and the thought is not so scary. Would our child have her eyes, her cheekbones, her giving spirit? I’m getting way ahead of myself, but it doesn’t feel so wrong.

Nevaeh demands I open presents, so I get down to business. When I get to Ciara’s gift, I lock eyes with her, and she shoots me a sneaky smile.

Oh shit.

“What is that, Uncle Linc?” Malcolm asks.

“It’s a bug-out bag.” A zombie apocalypse bug-out bag just like the one I told her I wanted as a kid. It’s packed with dried food, a first aid kit, an extra pair of clothes, and a bunch of other essentials. On top of the bag is a book titled The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks.

“I figured you should be all set with this. I still expect a pin with the meet-up spot, by the way,” she teases. I laugh, but all I really want to do is pick her up, carry her inside, kiss that smart-ass mouth senseless, right before sinking inside her.

You’re playing with fire, Angel.

The guys suggest we continue the night by heading over to Neon Nights, and I’m excited Ciara agrees to join.

“I’m too old to go drinking with you fools, so I’m heading home,” Reggie declares, which earns an eye roll from all of us.

“You’re thirty-six. Stop it.” Sasha scowls.

“Okay, fine. I’m not too old but I’ve had four drinks which is more than my tolerance will allow these days, so I’m gonna go put my kids to bed and then fuck my husband if that’s okay with you.”

I blanch at that. I do not want to hear about my sister’s sex life. “Oh. Well, you should’ve just said that then. Carry on.” Sasha blows her a kiss.

“I could’ve done without that,” Carter says and wrinkles his nose.

“Aww, babe, well, you’ll get the same treatment if Nevaeh is in bed when I get home,” Sasha promises him with a wink.

Carter throws me a quick good night and grabs Nevaeh to find and catch a ride with Reggie and Michael. This family really needs some fucking boundaries.

Sasha turns to Ciara. “Ciara, I’ll follow you back to your place. That way we can just drive one car to the bar.”

“Sounds good.” Ciara throws me one more look over her shoulder as she walks out with Sasha, and the look I give her is a promise of things to come.

The energy between Ciara and me could set this place on fire, and this time she can’t hide behind the bar.

I notice Isaiah and Nina arguing. She walks away from him, and he wipes his hand down his face in frustration. I make a note to ask him about that when I’m not so focused on the temptress in front of me.

We keep finding reasons to touch each other. I place my hand on the small of her back when she speaks to me. She grazes my arm with hers when she walks by. She puts her hands on my neck when she asks me a question. Her touch sets my soul ablaze, and I’m ready to burn.

At the end of the night, Sasha offers Ciara a ride back to her place, but I’m not ready to pour water on our flames just yet.

“I’ll drive her home.” I’m speaking to Sasha, but I never take my eyes off Ciara.

“Riiiight. Okay, good night, you two. Happy birthday, Linc!” Sasha scurries away. I don’t even say good night to everyone else. I just rest my hand on the small of Ciara’s back and lead her out.

Ciara clenches her thighs three times during the ride home, and I can imagine how wet she is for me, but I have to let her lead things with us. I can see she’s still hesitant to let me all the way in, so the ball has to be in her court. The sound of Snoh Aalegra’s melodic voice fills the car. The tension in the air is palpable. My hand aches to reach out and graze her thigh. To drive her as crazy as she’s driving me.

I manage to keep my hands to myself, and soon I pull up in front of her apartment building. “I’ll walk you up.” She doesn’t argue as I run around the front of the car and help her out. She’s quiet on the elevator ride up to her floor, and I’m pretty sure our flames are about to be put out.

“Thanks for tonight, Linc. I had fun.”

“Thanks for coming. And for the gift. Can’t tell me shit now.”

She shakes her head and laughs. “Look out, Rick. There’s a new sheriff in town.”

She’s so fucking cute. “You had to make it sound corny.” She laughs with her whole body, and I drown in the sound.

“Good night, Linc. Get home safe.”

“Good night, Angel. Sleep well.” I lean in to kiss her on the cheek, and her breath hitches.

I wait until I hear the click of her lock to turn for the elevator. My self-control is hanging on by a thread. I know she wants me, but I don’t know if that’s enough.

Take a chance with me, Angel. Let’s burn together.

Fuck it. I head back toward her door.