Sought by Aline Hunter

Chapter Two

Luna turned from the doctor,gazed at the wall where a window was located and tried to focus on the vibrations outside the house. There wasn't enough sound to generate color or shadow through the glass. Despite that, she clearly heard her Papaw yelling in a way that indicated he was well and truly pissed.

Another, far deeper voice, was challenging him.

It didn't sound like any pack member she'd spoken with over the phone. Of course, the drugs in her system were making it hard to think clearly. They'd given her a dose that worked quickly but didn't last long. In another hour, she'd be back to herself again. A car door slammed closed, and she heard a truck engine roar to life.

"What's the ruckus about? What's going on?"

"I'm not sure." The doctor's voice was further away, indicating he was leaving the room. "Don't get out of the bed. You need to rest." Her bedroom door opened with a creak, and he said, "I'll speak to Gertrude. Maisy's bringing Max home. The vet gave him the all-clear. They should be here in the next hour."

Thank God.She'd been terrified. She thought she might actually lose him. Her relief was short-lived. Maisy.Oh shit. She remembered sinking her teeth into the vampire's arm. Then she'd heard a loud snap and knew her jaws had broken bone. She hadn't meant to hurt her.

"How bad is she? Is she going to be okay?"

"Don't worry. That girl's hard as nails. Get some sleep."

The door closed with a snick.

She sank into the pillows and closed her eyes.

What a nightmare.

At least Maisy was all right. And Max. The van had been totaled but could be replaced. All things considered, she'd been lucky. Everyone had. Things could have been much worse. If her grandparents hadn't shown up when they did, her wolf wouldn't have stopped. When she'd shifted the first time, the beast hadn't been so bloodthirsty. The feral portion of her had been lonely, eager for a mate. Then the mating heat had come, and he hadn't arrived to ease the agony raging inside of her. Other males had shown up, forcing the animal to defend itself as it refused to be touched by another, creating havoc and chaos in the wolf.

After that, the beast changed.

The wolf no longer had an ounce of control.

Just as she started drifting to sleep, she recognized footsteps approaching her door. Her grandmother had a soft and steady walk. When she wasn't wearing shoes, she could easily sneak up on anyone.

The door opened and Gertrude said softly, "Luna, honey?"

"I'm awake, Gramma."

"I need to talk to you before your grandfather finishes up with the doctor." There was tension in her voice. When Luna sniffed the air, she smelled the older woman's anxiety. "Something's happened. It's important, and you need to know, but I'm not sure where to start."

Trying to lighten the mood, she offered, "The beginning?"

"Do you remember what happened?"

Bits and pieces."Mostly."

"When your wolf took over, were you aware of your surroundings? Did you know what was taking place?"

"Yes, when I first came to. At least at a little." Lowering her head, she continued, "I didn't want to hurt Maisy. I really didn't. I wanted to let go. I tried to. The change came too fast. I didn't have a say in anything."

"What about after?"

Something in her grandmother's voice worried Luna. "After?"

"After we got there. When we made it to you. Do you remember anything?"

Vaguely."Someone else was there. He tried to stop me. He used influence." The wolf hadn't liked it—at all. She froze, recalling more than she wanted to, cringing as she remembered snapping at him when he'd pulled her from Maisy. "I tried to attack him. He had to hold me back." Then there'd been a hard, painful jab in her hip. An injection. In seconds, the wolf lost momentum, and she'd become groggy. She remembered losing control of her muscles and being lifted from the ground. "I think he picked me up."

"He did."

Was there more? "I don't remember anything else."

Gertrude hesitated, drawing an uneven breath. "He brought you home."

That didn't make sense. "He did?"

"He wouldn't let you go. Even when the doctor got here."

Luna recalled the fight she'd heard coming from outside. "Was he the one fighting with Papaw?"

"He was."

Which begged the question. "Why?"

"He says he's your mate, Luna."

That got her attention. Sleepiness evaporated and she was immediately alert. "He what?"

"He said he came here to find you. He's been searching for you for months. He seemed genuine."

Luna tried to recall him, hoping she could recollect a scent.

She couldn't.

At the time, she'd been trapped in the beast's madness. The wolf hadn't cared about scents or logic. It had risen to protect Max and herself. The only thing the beast wanted was to lash out. It vented its anger without regard for the consequences. It had been that way since her first season when the mating heat had come and changed everything.

Was it possible? Could it really be him?

Hope flared, and it was a dangerous emotion.

Just as quickly, doubt manifested.

This wasn't the first time she'd been duped.

The moon had been full. She'd shifted. Despite not actively being in season, a hint of the scent would remain for several more weeks. The male might have reacted to that. It didn't mean shit. Besides, her mate didn't want her. She knew that. Even if it hurt to admit, she'd been forced to come to terms with the truth. He'd have come to her otherwise. He wouldn't have let her suffer for so long, experiencing so much on her own. In her dreams, he never touched her. He didn't even try. She called out to him over and over again, only to sit in the dark in silence.

Mortification swept through her, making her queasy.

She'd experienced the first moon heat, thinking he'd come to her. How could he not? She'd known it could cause problems with unmated men in the pack, but she hadn't been prepared for her mate's absence, followed by the single male onslaught. The sexual ache had been agonizing, driving her mad with need. The wolf lashed out with deadly force if any male aside from her mate tried to touch her. Judging by the response to his nearness, the beast felt his advances were most unwelcome.

"He's wrong." He had to be. "My wolf didn't respond to him."

"Are you sure?"

Was she? She reached out for her other half.

The animal was exhausted, barely registering in her mind.

"It doesn't matter." Her grandmother approached the bed, took a seat beside her, and grasped her hand. "He made it clear he's not going away. He's coming back with his Alpha and formally making his claim."

Damn. No wonder her grandfather had been outraged.

Other males had done the same, claiming she belonged to them. It had been the prince looking for Cinderella with a shoe. She had to meet each one, determine if they were the right fit, and send them on their way when they weren't.

Luna felt something soft brush her palm, and her grandmother said, "I took this from his truck when no one was looking. Hold it. Smell it. See if anything happens."

Again, hope surfaced. She felt the object, moving it around until she could identify it. She'd been given a glove. "It's his?"

"Yes." When Luna didn't lift it toward her nose, her grandmother gave her a nudge. "Go on. It won't bite."

No, it wouldn't. But her response to it could.

If it was him, things could change for the better.

If it wasn't...

Giddy with excitement yet full of fear, she brought the soft material to her nose and inhaled. Beneath the vague scent of leaves and motor oil, she centered on a deeper fragrance. It wasn't offensive. A mixture of the outdoors spliced with something masculine.


Well, nothing. Fuck you hope.Fuck you.

Luna fought back tears. "It's not him," she said, lifting the glove, indicating her grandmother should take it back. "He's wrong."

"Oh no. I'm sorry, honey." The older woman sounded horrified. "I shouldn't have given you this. I wouldn't have. But..." She exhaled softly. "I really believed him. He was so worried about you. He stayed at your side until the doctor told him he was getting in the way and had to go. He didn't want to leave."

Luna didn't know how to respond. She was not going to cry unless she was alone. "I'm really tired, Grandma." She laid down, tucking her arm under her head. By now, she'd learned to master outward emotion. Even if a werewolf could smell it, Luna refused to show it. "I think I should get some sleep."

"Of course." She felt her grandmother's lips graze her temple. "Call if you need anything. I won't be far away."

When she heard the door open and close, indicating she was finally alone, she wept silently, grieving for something she wanted but would never have, mourning the loss of something that hadn't been hers in the first place. Her eyes were burning. Her throat on fire. She wanted to scream.

The wolf finally stirred, sensing her misery.

Nothing was up to them.

They were pawns on a chess board.

Yearning to take the king but destined for sacrifice.

Jackson Donovan was havingone of the worst nights of his life.

First, he'd had to wait to address the new members of his pack.

Then he'd been interrupted by the car crash in the distance.

Things had been chaotic and shaky, but eventually, everything sorted itself out. Desiree—a bitch who'd threatened his mate and was to be put to death by the pack—had been struck on the road and killed. That meant one less headache. As a bonus, everyone in the vehicle had survived unscathed.

Now he was dealing with something else.

A small, yet equally dangerous, clusterfuck.

Shane Heyward—a male who'd become Jackson's temporary Beta only recently—had found his mate. A female that Jackson knew nothing about until a few hours ago. And Shane was determined to claim her now. Without hesitation or question. He wasn't willing to wait. He'd already confronted Luna's guardian. He'd returned to the hunting grounds to face the pack and the Alpha in charge.

He expected Jackson to make the mating official.

"What are you waiting for?" Shane sounded frantic. Infuriated. Nothing at all like his normal self. "I told Ben I was coming back with you. He can't keep her from me. Pack law dictates the protocol."

"I want to speak to Wade first," Jackson replied, trying to keep his cool. Since Wade was preparing funeral services for Desiree, it could be hours. Even those with a death sentence were formally laid to rest. She had family somewhere, and they had the right to mourn her passing. Also, technically, Luna was part of Wade's pack, not Jackson's. He had to approach the other Alpha as a courtesy unless he wanted blood on his hands. "I barely know Ben or Gertrude. They might not listen to me, even if I pull rank. They'll go to Wade and plead their case. That could create more problems than solutions."

Movement caught Shane's attention.

Jackson turned, braced for more bad news.

Declan approached, holding his mate's hand. That was one relief. The young woman had been bitten by a rogue werewolf and was forced to become something she feared. From the looks of things, her first shift had gone smoothly. Rachel caught his gaze. Her face flushed, cheeks turning red. Her eyes darted down, her shuffling feet revealing her anxiety.

Because she'd changed?

He called on his wolf, allowing it to come to the front. Everything focused, magnified, and became clear. The air shifted, and he scented the pair. Both had shifted recently, and they'd mated, sealing their bond. As a human turned werewolf, of course she was nervous.

She'd be experiencing all kinds of things she didn't understand.

When she glanced up, he shot her a smile. "Welcome to the pack."

"Oh, uh." She tried to pull her hand from Declan, but the male wouldn't allow it, keeping her close. With a scowl directed at her mate, she said, "Thank you."

Another scent crashed into his nostrils. Chloe.

His female. His pack's Lupa.

The center of his world.

"I've been looking for you." She approached him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He tugged her closer, lowering his head to nuzzle her curly blonde hair, and she sighed and leaned into him. "You said you'd be right back. What's wrong?"

"Shane." Jackson lifted his head and ordered, "Enlighten her."

"Luna Lowe is my mate. I want Jackson to validate the claim."

"No shit? Really?" Declan joined the conversation, speaking before Chloe could respond. A shit-eating grin appeared on his face. "Are you sure? You found her?"

Found her?Jackson rounded on his friend. "You knew about this?"

"Not everything," Declan responded and clarified, "I knew his mate was in the area, but I didn't know who she was. He didn't even know who she was." He sobered as he met Jackson's gaze. "He came here to find her. He's been looking for her for months. I told him I'd help if he took over my responsibility as Beta to help you and the pack." After a sidelong glance at Rachel, he said, "I know how he feels, and so do you. I'm bound to my word, Jackson. If he wants to validate his claim, I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. As his Alpha, you have to do the same."

Son of a bitch.This couldn't wait.

Shane wouldn't relent. Neither would Declan.

"How does she feel about it?" Rachel asked, no longer edgy or nervous. She was addressing all the men but had turned her attention to Shane. "She might not want to be mated. She might be terrified of you."

"She's not," Shane snapped, his offense at the statement apparent.

"Watch it," Declan growled, coming to the defense of his mate. He might help Shane when it came to Luna, but he wouldn't tolerate any disrespect to Rachel.

"She's come to me in dreams." Shane visibly tried to soften his tone and get a grip, but it didn't work. He was apparently too amped up. "She wants this. She wants me." His fingers curled, forming into fists. "It's more than that," he growled, his dark blue eyes flashing silver as he looked at Jackson. "She's in pain. I can feel it. Even now." His lips parted, revealing slightly elongated canines. "She needs me."

"Get your shit together," Jackson snarled.

Shane had to stay in control, especially now. Jackson didn't know Luna, but he knew mates. Chloe had taught him they were more than a male bargained for.

"Your claim is about to be acknowledged," he informed Shane. "You need to prepare for everything that comes along with that. Get your head on straight."

Shane's eyes shone like mirrors. "You don't understand."

"Calm down." Jackson didn't mince words, allowing his Alpha nature to rush to the forefront. It took more energy than usual. Shane was also an Alpha, making him equally dominant and dangerous. Making sure he had Shane's attention, he said, "Your claim will be recognized. I'll make sure of it. But Rachel's right. I heard Ben and Gertrude. Your mate is a halfling." If that wasn't bad enough, the female had another, more serious, handicap. "And she's blind, Shane. She's going to need a safe place to figure things out and adjust. Do this wrong, and you'll ruin your relationship before it's even started." Shane cooled off at the words, and Jackson felt sorry for the male. His frustration at having such a shitty night faded. "Think about things for a minute. After you make your claim, where will you take her? Certainly not the shitheap you call home."

Jackson had seen Shane's place.

The room above Gleason's Laundromat wasn't anywhere Luna needed to be. Too many people came and went. She needed to feel secure and protected. While she was Shane's mate, she was about to become a part of Jackson's pack. That meant it was his job to watch over her. He'd do anything to keep her comfortable. Chloe would beat his ass otherwise. His Lupa didn't tolerate bullshit of any sort.

Chloe studied Shane. "I know how you feel right now. You've found your mate, and you want her. It's understandable." Jackson gazed at her, watching her delicate facial features soften. "We can contact the pack Realtor right now, have him find a place that suits you, and then you can go to Luna. Get to know her while you relocate. Give her time to adjust."

"The moon," Shane reminded her, obviously conflicted, "will still be full tomorrow."

"She's a halfling." Chloe's confidence faded, her tone uncertain. "It's not fair to force a mating during the full moon." Her focus shifted from Shane to Jackson. He hated how torn she looked, her bright green eyes brimming with worry. "Her wolf will accept things, because she'll recognize you and that's the way it goes. But Luna might not. She could be confused. She might not know what to do."

Jackson got the message loud and clear.

Chloe was a halfling and knew what Luna was experiencing.

He made a decision that was non-negotiable.

Making sure Chloe was settled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and holding her tight, Jackson let his wolf come fully to the surface. Anyone who looked him in the eye would see the beast. Especially Shane. "We'll contact the Realtor and make sure you have a suitable home for your female. She deserves no less. As a member of our pack, it's our job to welcome her into the fold." Bracing for the worst, he made sure he had Shane's undivided attention and stated, "Until the full moon passes, you're not to have contact with Luna or her family. I will sort things out. As soon as the moon isn't an issue, I'll make sure they know you're coming for her."

For a split-second, Jackson thought Shane would argue.

The male's eyes changed color again, shifting from dark blue to silver. Energy filled the air, and Jackson shoved Chloe behind him. If Shane lost his head, Jackson would be forced to fight him. Since they were equals, there was no way to know how the match would turn out.

"Don't rush her," Chloe said, clearly annoyed, trying to push Jackson away. "I've been in her shoes. I know what she's going through. You're right. She does need you. But she needs you, Shane. Not the wolf. Not yet. Not like this."

Unexpectedly, the glow in Shane's eyes diminished.

The pulse of fury evaporated.

Shane went from powerful to drained. "I apologize. You're right." He shook himself and bowed his head, obviously at war with his nature, avoiding everyone's gazes. "My home isn't adequate. Not even close. She deserves more." As he lifted his chin, he said, "I want her to be happy. She's been miserable for so long. I have to make this good for her."

"Then you will," Chloe said, jamming her elbow into Jackson's side, wanting to make him move so she could see Shane clearly. "You're not alone, Shane. All of us are here for you." When she attempted to move, heading toward Shane, Jackson grasped her arm. She didn't argue but shot him an aggravated look as she kept talking. "If you want, I can go with you two when you speak to her grandparents. I can get to know her. She'll have a friend in the pack, which should help things."

Shane's head darted up. "You'd do that?"

"Absolutely." Chloe, being the amazing woman Jackson adored, soothed the savage beast. "She's part of us now, right? She deserves to be welcomed."

"I'd appreciate that."

"Good. I'll get the car," Chloe said, reading Jackson's thoughts, knowing he'd come to a decision. She lifted onto the tips of her toes, kissed his jaw, and said, "This isn't a bad thing. We need him, and he needs us. You smooth things over, and I'll work on things on this end. I'll be right back."

Jackson scented uncertainty coming from Shane, and he wanted to know why. He decided to wave him over, making it clear to everyone that this part of the conversation was intended to be private. Declan took the hint, pulling Rachel away. As Shane approached, Jackson studied the male. He'd remained steadfast and loyal, easily assuming Declan's role when asked to do so. Jackson felt obligated to the male for that reason alone.

As usual, Chloe was correct.

The pack did need Shane, especially now.

"There's more to what's going on," he said quietly. "Tell me what it is."

Shane didn't look away, but his blue eyes glowed silver. "Something's wrong with her wolf. The beast didn't react to me, even when I influenced it. She was drugged before I had an opportunity to find out what it is."

Jackson absorbed the information. That definitely was odd. "The wolf didn't respond at all?"

"She listed to my command to let go of the one she was attacking. I was preparing to use my beast to control and calm her, but she came at me like a rabid dog. Ben warned me the wolf was in control when I went to her. I knew that at the time because I only sensed the animal. When she attacked, I realized I wasn't facing Luna at all. That's why they have to drug her. It's also why she can't be out during the full moon." He hesitated, taking a moment. "I'll tell you the rest, but I want you to put yourself in my shoes. I want to think about what you'd do if this was Chloe. If you try to put my mate down, you'll have to put me down too."

Not good."I'm listening."

"Luna can't control the wolf when it takes over."

So fucking not good. Son of a bitch.

In situations like those, werewolves were usually destroyed. They were a liability and a danger to those around them. That was the very reason newly shifted or changed werewolves had to be closely monitored. If the beast assumed control during shifts, it couldn't be trusted. The balance between the person and the wolf had to be mutual, becoming something shared to create harmony.

Wade might have been aware of that aspect of things. He'd indicated Luna was a special case and therefore had permission to forgo monthly hunts. Then again, he might not have a clue. Ben and Gertrude could have kept the information from him and created another excuse to keep their grandchild from attending. Since she was blind, they could indicate she'd be disoriented and unable to hunt with the packs. It wouldn't be that all far-fetched.

To be safe, he couldn't bring the issue up with Wade.

Truth be told, he was ready to see that Alpha gone. Wade created too many problems, and Jackson was tired of cleaning up his messes. He'd been trying to think of a way to get him out of the area all together. If he mentioned something like this to Wade, the male would talk. He truly believed his wolves didn't repeat what came out of his mouth, but in that, he was very wrong.

Jackson had to proceed with extreme caution.

Due to Luna's blindness, there was a chance her wolf was like one in the wild. They had to be violent and deadly to survive. Pack members would take advantage of the flaw, as weakness wasn't tolerated. Werewolves were much the same, controlled by their level of dominance. The human aspect helped, but ultimately the bestial entities inside of them often dictated behavior and actions.

Shane already knew these things.

There was no reason to bring them up.

"Chloe could be wrong about waiting to see your mate again," Jackson offered slowly, pondering things. Shane had come to Luna in his human form, not the animal one. Things would have been different if their wolves had come face-to-face. "Is that why you mentioned the full moon is tomorrow?"

"It is," Shane confessed.

"It could work, you going to her in wolf form." Luna's wolf would recognize her mate when he ditched the skin and sprouted fur. The problem was, the human inside her might feel violated by not having a choice in what happened next. "It could also fuck things up."

"I'm aware."

"What a fucking tangle," Jackson growled, attempting to formulate a strategy. There were so many things to sort through, making the entire ordeal messy and complicated. He took a moment, considering it all, and admitted, "I was going to speak to Wade first, but it's probably best if I go to Ben and Gertrude. I'll tell them I know what's going on and want to help. I'm not their Alpha, but they'll know if I scent dishonesty." As much as he hated being a bastard, he had no issue assuming that position when the need arose. "If they don't listen, I can force answers from them." Luna had been kept hidden from Jackson, her inclusion into Wade's pack only brought to light when she was needed. That had to mean something. "If her beast is an issue, that's probably why they brought her here."

"I don't know what to do." Shane didn't bow his head this time, his Alpha nature unable to break the stare, but Jackson could see the torment in his expression. "She came to me in dreams like she should have, but I could never see her. I heard her but didn't respond because I thought she was playing games and wanted me to chase her. I thought she was teasing me. At least at first. When she started becoming desperate, I knew something was wrong." He looked miserable as he whispered hoarsely, "I didn't know she couldn't find me because she couldn't see. I had no idea she couldn't come to me even if she wanted to. Her dreams after that were so deep she couldn't hear me responding." The male somehow found the willpower to lower his gaze then, staring at the ground. "I didn't know she was blind."

"Of course you didn't." If Jackson knew anything about Shane, he knew the male would never torment or abandon his mate on purpose. "How could you have known?"

"I came here for a reason." Shane's head came up, his eyes silver again, making it evident he wouldn't let anyone or anything keep him from his female. "That's Luna. I'll follow protocol and give her time, but you won't keep me from her. You're mated, so I don't have to tell you what I'm feeling right now."

"If you want to be there when I talk to Wade, you have to agree to a conversation later. I respected your privacy when I accepted you into my pack, but I need to know your long-term plans. Your choices will influence the wolves I've taken charge of. If you haven't made a decision, it's time to consider your options."

"I'll have to ask Luna before I can give you an answer. It's as much her decision as it is mine."

"I won't allow you to join Wade's pack." Jackson didn't growl, but there was a definite warning in the statement. If Shane got behind Wade, problems would definitely arise, and blood would be spilled. Currently, Jackson's pack remained the dominant one, which kept things peaceful for the most part. "There's enough tension already. I won't have more of it."

"I have no interest in being one of his." Shane sounded offended, and Jackson realized the male felt the same way about the other Alpha in the area. Wade might have been a powerful at one point, but he'd lost his grit somewhere along the way. He allowed his daughter to do shit that would eventually get those around her killed. He should have stepped down and left Atrum Hill years ago. "I'd leave the area before that happened."

"We'll speak to Wade." Jackson held Shane's level stare and said, "You're still one of mine, so fucking remember it. It'll serve you better if you stay quiet and let me handle it. He's already sensing the shift in power. If he's set off, I'll have to put him in his place. You know what that means."


"You can do the talking, but I'm meeting with my mate as soon as the moon breaks. I will talk to her and give her time, but she's mine. You have to make that clear."

"I certainly will."

Shane simmered down and asked, "What do we do next?"

At least that answer was simple. "We contact a Realtor and get you a place. Until that happens, you can use my cabin. You can take your mate there and get a handle on things. If anyone can get through to her beast, it's you."

Shane didn't say anything, looking forlorn in the dark cascading around them, the moon giving its siren song from above.

Poor bastard.

"When the full moon passes, I'll go with you to claim your female." Jackson felt sorry for the bastard. "Go to your place and pack your things. We'll sort the shit out."

Shane didn't respond, visibly trapped in his concerns and musings.

Jackson watched him go, praying for the best but bracing for the worst.

If a werewolf couldn't control the beast, there was no other option but to end their misery. He hoped it wouldn't come to that, aware Shane would lose his own mind in the process and have to be taken care of as well.

Despite being an Alpha, Jackson found no pleasure in destroying his own.

He only killed when all other options had been exhausted.

There was no way to know how things would turn out.