Sought by Aline Hunter

Chapter Three

Luna took several deeps breaths,stroking Max's head, trying to remain calm. She didn't know why Jackson Donovan, the predominant Alpha in Atrum Hill, wanted to speak with her. She'd never met the male and wasn't sure she wanted to. She hoped his visit didn't have anything to do with what had happened on the full moon.

Maisy hadn't meant to hit the werewolf in the road, and she certainly hadn't meant to kill her. Despite that, everyone agreed it was best if the vampire stayed out of sight and out of mind until the dust settled. Vampires and werewolves didn't mix in general, and there was no telling how things would go if tempers ignited. Maisy indicated she'd venture out of town for a couple of weeks but would check in as soon as she returned. Everyone had hoped the entire fiasco would become a distant memory, but perhaps that wasn't the case.

Luna sighed, attempting to relax.

The last couple of days had been odd.

First, there was the accident, which had riled up her wolf more than usual. She'd worked to keep a level head and maintain control, trying not to call on the wolf unless she had to, aware that the issues with the beast were growing worse. Its behavior was dangerous, and she couldn't risk anyone finding out she had significant lapses when she changed. She'd insisted she be drugged each evening after the accident, riding out the cycle of the full moon, not wanting a repeat of the events that had forced her from her parent's home.

Then her dreams had changed.

She'd been reaching out to her mate for months, trying to find him, praying he'd come to her. She'd learned about dreamsharing in her teens, long before her first shift. Her mother and father had tried to prepare her and her sister for it, not wanting them to be afraid when the time came. She was aware that was the first step females took to find their life partners. Unfortunately, he'd stayed away, filling her with despair and desperation. Matings between werewolves weren't anything like human pairings, where people met and fell in love.

With werewolves, it was all about fate.

She'd been shocked when her mate had come to her the last couple of nights, breaking through the haze of the medications, telling her to get ready because her life was about to change. It was also the first time he'd spoken, his voice clear and concise. He didn't say more than that, merely offering a warning. Since she'd kept quiet—wondering why he'd shown up in her dreams after so much time had passed—she had no idea what he meant. The only thing she did know is he remained in her dreams until she woke. The hopeful and romantic side of her wanted to believe he stayed to watch over her.

The glove she'd been given in an attempt to see if his scent struck a chord hadn't triggered something within her. But if it belonged to the same man who'd spoken to her grandparents with good intentions, he had every right to stake his claim.

Only mates were capable of dreamsharing.

She heard voices in the living room.

Her grandparents had sounded tense when they told her about her visitor. She could scent the apprehension coming from them even though they weren't nearby, the bitter aroma so strong it carried through the house. She wondered if that was because they weren't invited to take part in the conversation. She'd been warned this meeting was for her and her alone.

Footsteps approached, and she paid attention, honing her hearing, listening closely. In seconds, she knew Jackson wasn't alone. He'd brought others with him. Two masculine voices and a soft feminine laugh hit her ears. She used her nose, discovering four unique scents. She identified Wade's immediately, placing the Alpha she'd met on two occasions. The identities of the other guests were a mystery. She went still when one scent tickled her nostrils, equal parts earthy and masculine, and her wolf stirred.

She tried to disregard the reaction, pushing the beast back, getting her head on straight. She listened to their shuffling to gauge how close they were to her.

Then something strange happened.

Everyone stopped at the entranceway except for one individual. The male with the appealing scent strode into the room. He came closer, his tempting fragrance growing stronger. He stopped right in front of her. Knowing her misty eyes and vacant stare could unnerve others and looked wrong, she kept her head down.

"Hello, Luna," he said softly. "I'm sorry I'm late."

Her breath caught, and she froze.

She knew that voice. "Am I dreaming?"

"No, lovely. It's not a dream. This is very real."

He moved even closer, his scent washing over her. At that moment, she realized the glove she'd been given didn't belong to him. The garment was the property of someone else. No wonder she hadn't placed the smell. She sensed something even more startling, power and energy that told her the male wasn't to be trifled with.

The Alpha was her mate? That didn't make sense.

He'd recently announced his pairing with another female. She wouldn't play second fiddle to another woman. She'd heard of it happening before with Alphas—when it was necessary to have a mate for love and a mate for power—but that sort of situation was rare.

"You already have a mate."

"Who do you think I am?" He sounded amused.

"Jackson Donovan?"

A snort and chuckle in the distance drew her notice. Before she could focus on the source of the sound, the male in front of her gained her attention. "I'm not Jackson, but he is standing right behind me. My name is Shane Heyward. You have no idea what a pleasure it is to meet you." She instinctively jerked when she felt a hand on her knee, recalling the males that had come at her during her mating heat, stunned he'd moved so quickly. She hadn't anticipated the touch, thinking he was a couple of feet away. Despite her reaction, he maintained the gentle contact, stroking her leg. "I told you to get ready, that your life was about to change. I meant it."

His fingers slid around hers, and a wave of fire speared through her body, spreading from the area he touched, traveling to her nipples and sex. The wolf inside her wouldn't be denied, coming to life, causing her to lift her head as she gasped. She couldn't make anything out visually, but her sense of smell informed her that he was definitely the male she'd met in her dreams. The mark she'd been born with, a small crescent shape that decorated the side of her neck flared and throbbed.

She panicked, afraid to lose her tenuous grip on her wolf.

Before that happened, Shane took charge.

He commanded the animal, not backing down even as it roared to life and fought the compulsion to submit. Since she couldn't communicate with the beast, there was no way to know if the wolf wanted to be affectionate or aggressive with the male. She used all her willpower to assist him, clenching her teeth, shaking with the effort as she fought her other half. Several tense seconds lapsed, the two of them caught in a battle with her beast. Eventually, they overcame the other side of her. They forced the wolf back, soothing the inferno raging inside her heart and mind until Luna was in control.

Thank God.

He might not be Jackson, but he was definitely an Alpha.

"You're mine, Luna. And I'm yours. We were made for each other." He didn't sound like he exerted an ounce of energy in facing her wolf, stroking his thumb over her knuckles, the caress light and gentle. "I've talked to Wade and your family. I've announced my intentions and have their blessing if you agree that this is what you want."

She always thought she'd be relieved when the moment finally arrived, putting her face-to-face with her intended. Now, in the grips of that very thing, she experienced alarm and doubt. The last few months had been hell on her, but there was a chance he could end that, feeding the wolf's desires and needs. Controlling that part of herself would be such a blessing, but she wasn't sure she wanted him.

He'd left her on her own for so long.

She thought about what he'd said. "I'm sorry I'm late."

Did he mean it?

"Why did you wait so long?" It wasn't easy to keep her volatile emotions in check. She felt as worried as she did exhilarated. "Where have you been?"

"Looking for you." He lifted her hand, and she felt his lips as he pressed a kiss to the back of her fingers, sending goose bumps up her arm. His heated breath caressed her skin. "It's been hell, lovely. You weren't easy to find, and it took more time than I thought. I'm sorry for that. But I finally made it. I'm here."

She had to know something. "You didn't reject me because I can't see?"

"Absolutely fucking not." Anger distorted his voice, making it harsher and deeper, the words coming out as a low growl. The grip on her hand became painful. She realized she hadn't masked her uncertainty well enough. He'd scented the emotion, and he didn't like it. "I would have tried to locate you sooner if I'd known that. I didn't know why I couldn't find you until a couple of nights ago." The fury in his voice decreased, his anger diminishing. "Never think that, Luna. It's not only an insult to me. It's an insult to you. I won't have that."

She couldn't help but ask, "And your pack?"

"What about them?"

Was he being intentionally stupid? "They're not going to challenge you for taking a weak mate?" Although she couldn't see him, she knew she'd shocked him. She could detect the citrusy scent wafting from him. "Most members would. They wouldn't stand for it. They'd want to kill you or me if you tried."

He didn't say anything, but she felt his hand move as he shifted his body. She thought he was trying to look at someone behind him. The wolf within her was still there, docile and calm at the moment, but she didn't dare use her to take in the room and get an idea of what was transpiring. She had a feeling if she gave up too much control, she'd never get it back. Even now, she had to keep a leash on the beast, only allowing the animal so much wriggle room.

"I want to talk to you about that, as well as other things. We have a lot to figure out, but we'll get through it together," he finally said with gravity in his voice. "Can I take you somewhere to do that?"

"I'm not going to be used and discarded." If that's what he was hoping for, he could forget it. She'd endured too much to be treated like trash now. "I might not be what you were expecting, but I didn't ask to be the way I am. I'm not rolling over and showing my belly to anyone."

"I'd never expect you to do that." He didn't sound angry anymore, merely determined. "Can I take you somewhere? If you want me to bring you back here after we have the opportunity to speak, I will. We have time to figure things out. I'm only asking you to give me a chance. I'll prove my worth."

"Max has to come." The canine didn't offer an ounce of protection against a werewolf, but he would make her feel more comfortable. She wanted this so badly, but she was going to be cautious.

"Whatever you want," Shane said, giving her hand a squeeze. "Is that a yes?"

What else could she say?

He'd come to her. She had to give him an opportunity to make things work. "It's a yes."

His heavy exhale informed her he'd been holding his breath. "I have to speak to Ben and Gertrude, but I want to introduce you to someone before I do." She heard quiet footsteps, and a new scent drifted to her nose, a mixture of sunshine and vanilla. "This is Jackson's Lupa. She wanted to come with me and introduce herself. She can help you gather anything you want to bring along."

"Hi, Luna. I'm Chloe." An extremely soft and pleasant voice chimed in her ears. "It's nice to meet you."

Before she could say anything in response, Shane kissed the back of her hand again, letting his lips linger against her skin, causing the heat under the flesh to build. "I'll be back. We'll figure out everything, Luna. You'll see. If you need anything, tell Chloe."

Even though she didn't want him to go, stunned he'd found her and come to her at all, she let his fingers slide away. She heard him move, and alarm swept through her. She experienced anxiety as he left her, wondering if he meant it when he said he'd come back. The wolf tried to break free at the thought, trying to make her follow him. Without his help, the battle with the animal was so much harder. She clenched her teeth, forming her hands into fists. Even as she fought, she knew she'd lose the battle. The animal had always been stronger. She started to rise, her will not strong enough to overcome the wolf who was ready to follow her mate.

Another scent assailed her, as masculine and powerful as Shane's, as another male stepped in front of her. "Easy, girl," a deep voice commanded, subduing her wolf with two words. She was shocked as the animal immediately retreated. That had never happened before. "He's coming back. You stay there and relax. We won't let anything happen to you."

He was so strong he didn't have to touch her to gain compliance, putting her beast back in its cage with ease. When she realized who was talking to her, knowing Jackson Donovan was standing before her, she bowed her head and did as he said. His pack had grown during the last full moon. He could have her tucking tail and running with a simple growl.

Somehow she found the courage to ask, "Why did you come with him?"

The male had tons of power. So did Shane.

The two coming to speak to her felt like overkill.

Jackson didn't respond right away, and she thought he was studying her. "He asked me to," he finally answered. "He wants to make the transition as smooth as possible." He took a deep breath, and she felt his stare on her again. "You should know he's gone through hell to find you."

"Can I help you pack a few things?" Chloe asked, reminding her that Shane had asked her to bring along anything she needed. "Maybe a change of clothes?"

Blindness meant being prepared for anything. She always had a change of clothing, toiletries, and things for Max tucked away in case of an emergency. "I have a suitcase upstairs. It has everything I need inside it. Gramma can show you where it is."

"I'll get it for you, okay? And you," Chloe warned, and Luna realized she was speaking to Jackson now, "be nice."

He chuckled, not at all angry at the order. "I'm always nice, baby."

"If he isn't, you tell me, Luna. I'll handle him."

The female exited the room, leaving her alone with Wade and Jackson. She frowned, noting Wade hadn't said anything. As her Alpha, he should have. She got a whiff of his scent and it was sharp as red pepper. He didn't like what was taking place. She thought he was likely infuriated. Rather than asking questions, she sat in silence, stroking Max's head.

Things kept getting stranger and stranger.

She wondered what would happen next.

"If you hurt her,I'll kill you," Ben growled, just as protective as he had been the first time Shane had spoken with him. "She's been through enough."

"I'd never harm her."

"See that you don't." The man offered Shane a zippered bag. "The red syringes work immediately but only last about an hour. The yellow ones have doses that last the longest. One will knock her out for several hours. They both make her nauseous and groggy when she wakes up. Don't use them unless you have to."

Shane didn't have to ask why they'd used medication anymore.

He'd been stunned when he sensed the power of Luna's beast, and it wasn't even a full moon. Her eyes had shifted color, going from milky blue to muted gold. The wolf was incredibly strong, radiating power that indicated she was the perfect mate for an Alpha. The trouble was there wasn't a balance between the woman and the animal. He wondered if it was due to her keeping the wolf confined or vice versa. If so, that had to change. She needed to develop trust and unity with the creature inside her, especially if she was going to find and create a balance.

When they talked, he'd figure things out.

They'd work through the issue together.

"I'm only taking them because you're insisting," Shane replied, meeting the man's gaze, not backing down. He made sure Ben understood he was an Alpha through and through. If anything, the knowledge should alleviate the male's fears. Not only was he Luna's mate, he had the ability to help her take charge of her beast. "I'm hoping I won't have to use these at all. If she lets me, I'll get her wolf sorted right away."

"She can't help the way she is." Gertrude asked, her eyes brimming with tears. "You'll be kind to her?"

A pang of sympathy swept through him. "Always. Without question."

Jackson had spoken to Wade, making it clear Luna was Shane's mate. As such, she was changing packs. Wade hadn't liked it, as he was steadily losing members, but he was too much of a pussy to fight Jackson over it. When Wade arranged a meeting between Shane and Luna's family, Shane learned Luna's father had sex with a human and had gotten her pregnant. The timing had been terrible. He'd found his mate only a couple of months later, got her pregnant as well, and that created all kinds of problems.

Luna's mother refused to be changed and come into the pack, angry at the man who'd loved her and left her. She'd given birth to his mate, handed her over to her father, and departed after Luna's birth. She'd move on with her life, finding a human partner and starting a new family. Luna's stepmother had readily accepted Luna as her own, raising her alongside her sister. The siblings had gotten along until Luna had initiated dreamsharing, was unable to locate him and had gone into her first mating heat.

Horrible things had gone down as a consequence.

He didn't know all the details, but he knew enough.

He'd noted the way she jerked when he touched her and wished her reaction was due to nerves. If only that were the case. His female had endured suitor after suitor during her mating heat. She had actually been attacked by one in particular—a male that was in some kind of a relationship with Luna's sister. To his understanding, they hadn't mated but hoped that being together would trigger a bond.

Unfortunately, they'd managed to trigger something else entirely.

Luna had shifted, attacked the male, and turned on her sister when her sibling attempted to make her stop. At that moment, to his understanding, Luna's wolf had finally snapped. Despite being blind, she'd almost killed the werewolf male. She'd also seriously maimed her sister. When her family had to face their Alpha after the attack, he'd given them two choices.

Put Luna out of her misery or pack her up and ship her out.

The entire situation was fucked up.

He'd been tempted to ask more questions, but he preferred to find out about Luna directly. Second-hand information was just that. No wonder she was in so much pain. He once thought nothing could compare to the ache he felt when he left his pack, but he'd been completely wrong. What she'd been through made his ordeal seem minimal in contrast.

"If you get worried," he informed Gertrude, facing her, "feel free to call. You're her family. I'll never keep her from those she loves and needs."

He'd given the couple his cell number early on, informing them he'd be taking Luna to Jackson's cabin until Luna found the house she wanted. He could have rushed the process, telling the Realtor to find him a place immediately, but he wanted his mate to have a say when it came to their future home.

The woman struggled not to cry. "I will."

He could have reached out and shaken Ben's hand, but they'd had enough of each other. Ben wanted to protect his grandchild. Shane wanted to claim and protect his mate. Each of them had good intentions.

The issue was they both wanted their own way.

Shane was more dominant and powerful, meaning he could force the male to bend to his will, but he refused to do that to a man who'd rescued his mate from certain death. He owed the couple for caring for Luna when he couldn't.

Giving each of them a nod, he started thinking ahead, moving from the room.

He'd borrowed Declan's SUV to transport the dog's crate and Luna's things.

He wanted to go to the cabin, drop everything off, and take Luna into town. He didn't want her to feel cornered or trapped, so he'd planned ahead. They needed groceries, and taking her to a public place would hopefully ease her tension and allow them to get to know each other.

He was glad he'd listened to Chloe and Jackson.

If he'd let his wolf take care of things, allowing the bestial part of him to drive his mate to cement their union, it would have destroyed their mating completely. Luna would have accepted the sexual act, but she wouldn't have been in full control of herself. When she didn't have the wolf to contend with, she'd have to come to terms with what had transpired. Such a mating would probably traumatize her.

To win her over, he had to take things nice and slow.

He was fairly certain it was going to kill him.