Sought by Aline Hunter

Chapter Five

Shane didn't removeher hand from his pulsating erection until they made it to their destination. He'd remained completely hard, revealing he wanted her like hell on fire, and she'd been reluctant to let him go because she was afraid he could still back out. After he told her they'd made it, he'd said he'd take Max and her things inside and come back for her. He must have known she remained anxious and uncertain because he'd lifted her hand, rubbed his bristled chin over her palm, and told her he'd be right back as he'd departed to get things indoors.

He wasn't at all what she expected.

Where she was timid and aloof, wanting to protect herself if he shunned her, he was open and honest that their mating was a done deal. She'd been introduced to mated pairs in her former pack, and they seemed devoted to each other. They were also kind and understanding in matters concerning each other. Her Alpha, Dice Montrose, wasn't mated. She felt sorry for whoever ended up in that position. Even in early childhood she'd felt his dominance and immediately submitted. He ruled with an iron fist, and he expected unmated females he was interested in to fuck him whenever he pleased.

All the wolves in his pack feared him.

That's why she didn't fuss when her father had reached out to his parents after she'd lost control, asking them to take her in and keep her safe. Dice had told her mother and father to get her out of his pack for a reason.

The remembrance still made her tremble.

She heard movement outside the vehicle and focused on something else that had happened during the drive. Her wolf was actually responding to her as she once did, behaving much the same as she had after Luna's first shift. She was there, and she was aware, but she wasn't fighting for control anymore. The potential for violence remained, but the animal didn't have the want or need to lash out and cause harm. Luna didn't know if Shane had made that happen or if her life was finally starting to shape itself in a positive way.

Her door opened, she felt him cup her elbow. "Take your time. I've got you."

She bit back a grin. It wasn't his fault he assumed she'd need constant care. In truth, she was perfectly capable of getting out of the large vehicle and making it to the residence despite her blindness. She let him help her down, guide her up a porch, and quietly followed him as he led her into a home. She identified Jackson's scent straight away, along with Chloe's.

Since her wolf was behaving itself for a change, she said, "Let me walk and feel around, and please don't move anything. No matter what. If you do, you'll have to show me where things are again. Once I know where everything is, I'll be able to move around freely."

He hesitated but let her go.

It took a bit of time, but Max stayed with her, helping her as she inspected the space. Once she had a good idea of the layout, having gone into the living area and kitchen, she'd made her way upstairs to the bedroom and bathroom. By the time she'd finished, she felt confident she could move around without help. The place was small and compact, but it wasn't crowded with things that could trip her up. She returned to the living room, able to locate Shane by his scent.

Holy hell. The man smelled amazing.

"I meant what I said earlier." He moved as he spoke, which told her he was coming to her. "You need to shift, and you need to do it now."

Terror struck, and she wrapped her arms around herself. "Can't we take some time and get to know each other?" Things were going so well. She didn't want everything to be ruined. "She's calm now. If I shift, that could change."

"I want to know everything about you, Luna, but we have to take care of this first. She won't hurt me. You don't have to worry about that." He grasped her arms, standing directly in front of her. "I'm going to change with you. She's beginning to recognize me in this form, but she'll know who I am for certain in the other. I'll show her she doesn't have to be afraid of anyone or anything. She'll gain confidence." His voice changed, turning soft. "I asked you to trust me. Will you do that?"

"I'll try. I just don't understand why we have to do it now."

He moved quickly, coming right at her.

She jerked and gasped as he placed one arm around her waist, slid his fingers around her nape, and pulled her to him. Just as suddenly, his full lips pressed against hers. It was her first kiss, the contact more amazing than she ever imagined. His tongue darted out, flicking against her lower lip, and she wasn't sure what to do. He repeated the motion, gentle as he pulled her closer and pressed his chest against hers. She relied on instinct, parting her lips, and the tip of his tongue darted into her mouth. The flutter in her belly intensified, her sex and nipples throbbing. A warm and intense heat built between her legs.

Then her wolf was there, pushing as always to get out.

The arousal faded, her worry about Shane taking over.

He lifted his head, speaking softly. "That's why you need to shift. When I take you to my bed—and I will be taking you to my bed, Luna—she should be able to enjoy things just as you do. Instead, each time she surfaces, you push her back. It's not fair to her or to you. If she knows you're not going to put her in a cage each time you sense her, and you show her you'll let her take time with her mate, she'll behave in the manner she's supposed to. She'll find common ground with you and figure out she's safe with me."

She heard every word, but one thing had her trembling.

When I take you to bed.

He'd stated they'd talk and get to know each other, but their chemistry was undeniable. In fact, their mating bond seemed to increase with each passing second. Not only had she felt his hard cock in the vehicle, she'd scented how stimulated he was. He wanted to ravish her silly. She could sympathize with his plight, his discomfort mirroring her own. Her clothing had become confining, her body aching and needy. If he'd snatched her up and taken her to the bedroom, she wouldn't have argued or put up a fuss.

Not until the wolf put a damper in things.

"I'm afraid of her," she confessed, recalling when she'd shifted and gone mad. She'd experienced everything when the wolf had gone wild but was unable to do anything about it. In moments like those, she was trapped in the backseat. "You don't know what it's like."

"I've got you, baby. Do this for me, and I'll prove it."

Seconds elapsed, her fears in war with her hopes and dreams.

"Trust me." He inhaled and exhaled roughly. Then he stroked her head. "I can handle this. It's not a problem. We need to get this out of the way. It's important."

"Do we have to?"

"Yes, we do." He took her where he wanted her to go, leading her through the living room area. He stopped, and she heard a door slide open. She stepped outside, the luscious aroma of earth, grass, and trees tickling her nose. It was chilly, but she didn't mind the crisp air.

"Here's how it will go." He reached for her coat and pulled it off. "You're aware but can't interact when your wolf takes control, right?"

God, she felt weak confessing her failing. "Yes."

"Then here's what I want you to do. After you shift, even if you can't get through to her, I want you to think of one thing." She felt him at her feet, his capable fingers removing her shoes. "Play." He removed her socks and continued, "Think that one word over and over again. Because that's what we're going to do."

When he reached for her shirt, she froze.

No male had ever seen her nude.

"Best get over that now," Shane stated, voice level, understanding her reaction. "I'll be seeing every single inch of you soon, and I can't wait. But this moment isn't about that." His hand pressed under her chin, moved down her sternum, and rested against her lower abdomen. "I have to remove your clothes before I shift. I want to change before you, so I'm the first thing your wolf encounters." When her tension and anxiety increased, he whispered, "You're beautiful. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. I always pictured how you'd look, but those imaginings don't do you an ounce of justice. You have nothing to be embarrassed about." He pulled her close and placed his nose against the hollow of her throat. He took a deep breath. As he exhaled, he rasped, "You're my mate, Luna. Don't deny me this."

She took a deep breath of her own but didn't move.

Shifters weren't ashamed of removing their clothing in front of their kind. It was part of their nature, something that had to be done to shift into their other form. Since she wasn't like the others, it hadn't been the same for her.

When she relaxed and nodded, he went back to work.

As adept as he was at undressing her, she still covered her breasts with one arm and placed a hand over sex when he'd finished. He didn't say anything, the boards beneath them creaking as he moved back. She heard the shuffling of clothes and the distinct sound of a zipper being lowered.

Nervous and edgy, she waited.

"Shift for me," he instructed softly. "I'll be here when you're done."

She crouched cautiously, feeling for the wooden beams at her feet. She placed her hands on the porch, bowed her head, and let the change come. Usually, it was slow, requiring minutes, but when the wolf felt threatened, it caused a faster transformation. She grunted as her bones reformed and fur bled from her skin, trying to keep her breathing even and steady when the joints contorted and took on a new form. Right now she was in control, but soon she wouldn't be.

She'd be an observer, not a participant.

When the change was complete, the wolf fully taking charge, the beast did what it normally did. It shook itself, flexing its muscles and gaining its balance. Then it took a deep breath and howled. The noise allowed the animal to decipher shapes, granting colors and shadows to acclimate itself. An enormous dark form was right in front of her, far larger and more formidable than herself.


Play, she thought, repeating the word, doing what she'd been told. She waited for her wolf to go berserk as the shape approached. The wolf took in his scent. A soft muzzle brushed against her side, moved to her throat, and inched toward her nose. Shane licked her face, a low growl coming from him as he drew closer.

To her shock, the beast settled right away.

Luna let everything happen, relieved as she witnessed everything from afar. Her beast was intrigued, desiring the wolf before them, lapping at him with her tongue. In moments, the connection was made. Even if Luna couldn't take part, she felt the beasts strong reaction.

The wolf knew him for what he was.

Shane moved, going to her rear, and gave her a soft nip. Luna braced herself, reminded she needed to tell the bestial entity inside her that this was only play, but there was no need. Her wolf howled again, trying to find and create a clear path. In an instant, she bounded off, using her nose and letting it guide her.

The animal sped past land, heading toward what appeared to be trees. As she did, she howled again. She didn't bump into anything, creating enough noise to guide herself. Luna wished she could take part like she once had, feeling the strength and power of her other half. She didn't dare, letting the beast do as she wished. As much as she loved what was taking place, she also resented it.

A true werewolf had access to the human and animal within.

She'd never have that.

Shane watched Luna dart off,aware of the moment his mate handed the reins to the animal inside her. He gave himself a mental shake, trying not to picture his naked female standing on the porch. She'd covered as much of her magnificent body as possible, trying to shield herself from him. As determined as he was to make everything special for her, he'd waited so fucking long. It had taken all of his willpower not to take her then and there. His own beast wanted to seal the union as well, making the situation even more difficult.

He followed at a leisurely pace, noting Luna howled every few seconds.

While it was normal to howl, there was something strange about the manner in which it was done. The sound coming from the wolf was no longer lonely but reaffirming, which was a good thing. Still, the constant baying was definitely eccentric. Shrugging the oddity aside, knowing his mate had much to learn, he paid attention as she entered a grove of trees. She placed her nose against the ground, taking in scents. Her nostrils flared, her blind gaze darting all over the place.

A branch and leaves shuffled as a squirrel jumped from one tree to another.

His mate jumped like a spooked horse, darting back, bracing her paws to defend herself. She howled again but didn't tilt her head back, keeping it forward, making the sound distorted and rough. She repeated the action, her muzzle darting around, but this time the sound was full of panic and fear. The scent coming from her was acrid and strong, her movements jerky and unbalanced.

She's terrified.

Focused entirely on her, he made sure he created noise as he approached. While he could influence her, using his inborn power to create peace and calm, she needed to understand things on her own. If he didn't help her adjust and gain self-confidence, all the shifting in the world wouldn't help. Her head whipped around, and her nostrils flared, her blind eyes wild as they darted from side to side. Despite the terror radiating from her, she didn't howl again. She stood still as he made it to her, although he saw she was trembling.

He nuzzled her, brushing his nose against hers, and moved so their bodies were flush. She inhaled, knew who was she was dealing with, and leaned into him. He growled in approval. Normally he'd assert his control, reminding her he was in charge, but that wasn't what she needed. Not yet. For now, she'd have time to get comfortable in this form.

He waited until she settled before he nudged her, indicating he wanted her to follow him and made sure she stayed close as he wound through trees and obstacles in their path. Jackson had an enormous open area at the very back of his property, a perfect place to run and frolic. When he made it to the edge of the clearing, he nipped her flank and shot off. He stopped a few feet away and turned.

She hadn't moved, remaining still.

He gave her a playful growl and charged.

She heard him coming and moved just in time to dodge him. She took off, running in the direction he'd come from, gaining her bearings with his scent. When she spun around, her head bowed as her nostrils flared, she repeated what he'd done. He didn't run, moving to the side, giving her another nip. She bit him back but did so carefully. She kept moving, circling him.


Luna's instruction had gotten through.

He kept the play up for a solid twenty minutes or more, allowing the wolf to exert pent-up energy, monitoring her as she lowered her guard. He couldn't believe how long she'd been confined. No wonder she lashed out at everything. As she tired, he decided to take the next step. He was careful as he grasped her throat and took her to the ground. He waited for her to lash out, prepared for an outburst, but she didn't go crazy or fight him. She remained as she was, panting softly and allowing him to see her belly.

The sign of submission indicated she knew precisely who he was.

That was exactly what he wanted.

With that out of the way, he moved back and shifted to his human form. He used a ton of energy each time he did so. It was a good thing he'd planned ahead, eating more than usual, because he needed the fuel. When he finished, he inched over to his female and placed his hands on each side of her head.

"Come out, Luna. Take control from her." The wolf's cloudy eyes brightened, becoming vibrant gold, and he increased his grip. "She's not going to keep holding you back anymore. It's only fair you do the same. I've found you both, and you're under my protection and care. I'll keep you safe. You have my word." As he addressed the beast, he lowered his voice, speaking to her as an Alpha and not just her mate, "You belong to her, and she belongs to me now. You will obey me in this."

Slowly, the gold bled back, revealing a hint of sapphire blue.

Luna didn't move a muscle, her anxiousness apparent.

"We're in a small open meadow. There's a pond nearby, but we won't go near it. Nothing can hurt you here, and you won't run into anything. I'm going to change back, and we're going to play again. This time I want both of you to take part. Don't hold her back. Let her be part of this."

He didn't groan when he shifted yet again, but he wanted to. His body was already pissed at him, his muscles quivering from the effort. When done, he took a moment to collect himself. Then he went to his mate and gazed at her. Her eyes were a mixture of blue and gold, precisely what he'd asked for. This time when he initiated play, he scented relief and mischievousness. Luna growled, snapped her teeth in his direction, and darted past him.

She was quick on her feet, limber, and graceful.

In truth, she was the most glorious thing he'd ever seen.

They ran together, knocked each other down, growled, and snarled, but it was all in fun. He experienced relief of his own, thankful that this part of things transpired so quickly and easily. He'd worry about her reaction to other werewolves later, after he'd given her time to adjust to who and what she was. He hadn't been around many halflings. The only one he'd gotten to know personally was Chloe, but her situation with Jackson had been different. Not only had she found the Alpha, she'd gone into her mating heat. In some way,s that made things easier, as the instincts were too strong to deny.

He wished they could play all day, but they had things to do before they shared their first evening together. The important thing was she'd discovered this aspect of her life didn't have to be scary or difficult. She could embrace who and what she was. He got her attention, slowing his movements, nuzzling her throat. Once she'd calmed, he started walking toward the area they'd come from. She understood, remaining behind him, letting him lead the way. As they neared the porch, he made her go first, staying on her ass, making sure she didn't stumble.

They shifted together, only this time she beat him with ease.

Since he'd transformed four times in under an hour, he'd need to recharge his batteries. She didn't say anything, but she did reach down to sort through her clothing. He didn't detect an ounce of fear or insecurity coming from her. She slid on her panties and put on her bra as he went from wolf to man. He didn't bother with his own clothing, making her as comfortable as possible, grasping her jeans to help her slide them on. She remained silent, letting him assist her in dressing.

Wanting to end the quiet, he informed her softly, "See? I told you everything would be all right."

"She's never been that happy," Luna confessed, her voice full of wonder. "It's the first time she's ever been that way."

As much as he hated pushing for answers, he needed to know more about the pack she'd come from. When a werewolf changed for the first time, it was imperative they not be alone. Not only did the wolf need assistance, so did the human inside of them. In her situation, she really would have needed the guidance and support.

"Who was with you the first time you shifted?" He started getting dressed, hurrying to put on his clothes. He wanted to take her into town while the day was still young.

She drew her lower lip her teeth, pondering the question. After a moment, she sighed and said, "My sister."

The one she turned on. Damn. "Your Alpha and Beta weren't there?" She shook her head, and he asked, "What did she do?"

Her brushstroke brows furrowed, creating a frown he didn't care for. "What do you mean?"

"Did she run or play with you?"

"No, nothing like that. She waited while I shifted and let me wander around for a few minutes. Then I had to change back."

He didn't like the answer. "Where did she take you?"

"Our back yard."

He hoped her parents owned a decent amount of property. "How big?"

"How big is the yard?"


"I'm not sure. Half an acre or so? I had to stay near the deck."

Double fucking damn."Were all your shifts like that? You never had a chance to play? You never went on a run or hunt with the pack?"

"They were always like that." She tucked her chin to her chest. "I lost my sight before I changed. Our Alpha insisted I stay at home during hunts. He couldn't guarantee my safety."

What the fuck?

The person running her pack was not only selfish, he was stupider than hell. He'd left her on her own to shift, and then he'd kept her from the very thing she needed early on. No wonder she behaved the way she had. She'd been left to fend for herself. Her former Alpha might as well have chained her up like an animal.

One thing was for certain, he'd be talking to Jackson about the situation.

Technically, the issue wasn't their business. However, Alphas from different communities would get involved in shitty situations when it reflected on the werewolf community as a whole or caused irreparable harm. He didn't know Luna's former Alpha, but he planned to gather as much information as possible.

A male like that wasn't worthy of a pack.

"We have some errands to run, but first..." He came to her, wanting a taste of her again. He cupped her face, and a tremor shot through him when he felt her silky hair against his skin. It was slightly darker than her coat when she shifted. "I'm going to show you what's in store for you, Luna."

This time he kissed her hard and heavy, his tongue darting into the moist cavern of her mouth. He wasn't gentle, nor was he polite. The succulent scent of her arousal punched into his nose, and his body came online. His cock hardened, his arms quaking. He brought a hand down, cupped her ass, and parted his legs. With that done, he made sure she straddled his thigh and pressed her against him. God, he wanted to bury himself inside her, fucking her until neither of them could breathe.

She moaned, grasping his shoulders, those sharp little nails of hers sinking into his shirt. He didn't have to slide his fingers into her panties to know she was drenched. He could smell her spicy scent, knowing he aroused and excited her. He guided her, pulling her up and down his thigh, making sure he hit her clit with each pass. Her soft cries had him seeing red. He thought he'd come then and there. He pulled back before he became a complete asshole, noting her lips were slightly swollen, her cheeks a gorgeous shade of pink. Her eyes remained that beautiful golden-blue color that indicated the wolf and woman were taking part in things.

"Let's get those errands done as soon as possible." He released her ass and cupped her face between his hands. "I want to get back here and pick up where we left off." He studied her, taking in how beautiful his mate was, thinking he was the luckiest bastard in the world. Her pale skin contrasted perfectly with her ebony tresses. "Is that something you want, lovely?"

A mating without a female's blessing was due to be cursed.

She brought her hands up cautiously and placed her fingers on his face. She moved them around, feeling his mouth, nose, cheeks, and chin. Her touch was a delicate thing, cautious and precise, exploring every contour. She whispered the tips of her fingers over his brows, giving them several strokes, a look of concentration etched in her face. She followed that up with a lingering caress over his forehead, her nails gently scraping his skin. Her fingers drifted down, and she slid them into his hair. He kept it short on the sides and back but long on the top.

Her lips curved, forming into a cock-rocking grin. "I knew you were lying."


Her cheeks flushed. "What you look like."

Damn.Her shy response was adorable. "You like the way I look?"

"You're gorgeous."

He wanted to argue the point but didn't. "You think so?"

"I know so."

"Is that a yes?" he questioned.

Lowering her hands, smile fading, she asked, "Are you sure you want me?"

"I'll have no other, Luna." There was only one female in the world for him, and she was standing right in front of him. "You're my one and only."

She used her hands to guide her, placing them against his chest, and leaned against him. When she got her bearings, she wrapped her arms around his waist. The scents that came to him signaled she wanted this. He didn't push for a response, waiting for her to tell him what she wanted. She didn't answer right away, taking measured breaths, but he didn't say anything else.

He would do this right.

For her, he'd wait an eternity.

Her quietly murmured, "Then I'm yours," sealed both their fates.

He mirrored her, sliding his arms around her, closing his eyes. As he rested his chin on her head, he basked in the moment. Fuck, he'd waited so damned long. How many nights had he dreamed of this very thing? He'd lost count. The only thing that mattered was they'd found each other. This was the beginning of their lives.

He couldn't wait to seal their union.

He wanted everyone to know he'd found the female meant for him.

"Come on, lovely." He kissed her forehead, grasped her hand, and guided her back into the cabin. "I got basic staples before I brought you here, but I want you to pick out what you'd like to eat at meals."

"I haven't been shopping in ages," she admitted, her happiness evident.

"Really?" She might not be able to see, but she could still go to stores. There was nothing to prevent her from venturing to town. She had a guide dog, after all. "Why not?"

"Things got done faster if I wasn't there," she answered, a bit of that happy glow in her expression fading. "It takes time to load Max up and get things sorted."

"I don't want anything to go faster. I want to take in every single second with you." He patted her rear and went to make sure Max was set. It was such a small thing really. His mate obviously planned ahead, making sure she had things she needed when venturing out. She had a bag that carried the dog's essentials, complete with a small bowl and water bottle. All he had to do was grab a leash and the harness. "We left early and have all day."

"Where are we going to go?"

"I don't know," he answered and went back to her, taking her hand. "There are several stores. Some are specialty. It depends on what you're in the mood for." He noted the frown he disliked returning to her radiant face. Wanting to remove the worried look, following his gut, he said, "I thought I'd take you to all of them. If we're lucky, they'll be handing out samples. You can try new things and see what you like."

"All of them?" That sense of wonder returned to her expression, and he was smitten.

He'd take her shopping as often as she wanted if it made her happy.

"All of them." He led her toward the door, knowing that soon everyone would see him out and about with his female.

His female.

The thought made him happier than hell.