Sought by Aline Hunter

Chapter Eight

Shane leftLuna with her food, indicating he was taking Max outside while she refueled and relaxed. While that was true, he had a reason he wanted to be out of earshot. He took the canine to a cluster of trees and retrieved his phone. With the mating official, it was time to talk to Jackson.

The Alpha answered on the second ring. "Everything good?"

"No," Shane growled, thinking of what Luna had revealed to him, eager to draw blood. Wade had offered some information about Luna, but he'd neglected a very important fact. Perhaps he knew what had transpired, perhaps not. Either way, Shane was dealing with the matter. "The timing isn't good, and I know you have enough shit to deal with, but there's something you need to know."

Jackson sighed. "Go ahead. Tell me. I'm listening."

"Luna's former Alpha has to go."

"Go where?"

"In the fucking ground."

"Give me a minute." Jackson told Chloe he'd be back. Thankfully, Shane hadn't called when they were in the middle of something. If he had, the Alpha would be pissed. Seconds passed and Jackson said, "All right. What's going on? Explain."

He'd do that, but he had a question to ask first. "Did Wade tell you who Luna attacked when she lost control?"

"No," Jackson answered, sounding confused, "should he have?"

"If he's aware of the entire situation, he should have. The one she went after knew she'd found me and that she'd gone into her mating heat. He was aware that being around her was dangerous for both of them. He didn't give a shit."

"What does that have to do with her previous Alpha?"

"He's the one she tried to kill."

Jackson exhaled roughly into the receiver. "Fuck."

"Now you understand why I called."

"When are you going to challenge him?"

Jackson understood right away, which was good.

There was only one problem.

Shane didn't mind facing the asshole on his own, but the male's previous behavior indicated he didn't do things fairly. Likely he'd have his beta at his back in the event things went sideways. While he'd gladly fight the two at once, knowing the Beta would be weak since the Alpha didn't have the balls to accept others equal to him in his territory, Luna needed to be protected.

He'd be a fool to take her anywhere near that kind of action.

"I'm not waiting for a full moon, so the sooner, the better. He not only came after my mate, he's taking advantage of other females in his pack. My understanding is he gets around, and it's an established fact. I imagine he doesn't keep males that can oppose him in the pack. He's flown under the radar for a reason."

"Wade did indicate his pack is small. I thought that was odd, since he's been in charge for so long. I assumed he preferred to keep things simple until he found his Lupa."

Of course the asshole wanted to keep things simple.

He reaped the rewards from it.

If Shane's hunch was correct, the male was happy he was unmated. He'd probably been lying to Luna's sister if he'd indicated there was potential for a mating if they slept together.

The sorry sack of shit liked fucking around.

"I'm not sure if you know of an Alpha that's ready to take on a pack, but if you do, now would be a good time to reach out to him."

"You're not interested in the position?"


He wondered if Jackson would ask, having a good idea the Alpha might.

"I thought about it, but Luna needs my complete attention. I can't give her that if I'm taking over a pack with members I don't know. They'll require a lot of time. I'm also not willing to risk another female challenging her if they want to take her place at my side. Her wolf is strong enough to defend her, even if she can't see, but the fucker went about teaching her all wrong. I have to untangle the knots he's created."

"There's a solid chance you can do both at the same time. You're strong enough."

"It's not a matter of my strength." Jackson didn't understand. Time to clarify. "She's shifted before, but today is the first time the animal and the woman communicated and explored. Fuck, man. It's the first time they've played. That's why her wolf is unstable. It welcomed me because of who I am, but it would have attacked me if I'd been anyone else. It's going to take time for the wolf to learn she doesn't have to lash out at pack or strangers."

There was more to it. Jackson had a right to know.

"Luna also needs time to acclimate. I don't know how she was raised, but I can tell you she's been confined to her home for God knows how long. When I took her to town today, she acted like I'd brought her to an entirely different world. Everything was brand fucking new to her. She was so happy to be free. I felt like shit when I had to end the trip." He recalled what she'd told him and he growled, "She's only been able to shift a handful of times, and she's been limited to minutes. She still thinks like a human and doesn't understand her bestial side at all. Their communication is nil. Her sister took her to the goddamn back yard to shift like a dog."

"Damn." Jackson's tone changed, his anger evident through the phone. "No wonder her grandparents are so protective. She might as well be a newborn."

"So you understand my dilemma."

If he killed an Alpha, he'd assume the role himself. He didn't want to do that as he couldn't guarantee Luna's comfort and safety. While he'd still take the male out—his very nature wouldn't allow the insult heaped on his female to stand—he didn't want to be a complete bastard. Killing an Alpha and ditching a pack was a cruel thing to do.

"I need to find someone who can take the responsibility." Shane hesitated before he asked, "Do you think Gavin would be interested?"

"I'm not sure. He's strong enough to face any potential challengers, and he could repair the damage. You'd have to help out if wolves get out of line if he decides to go. Declan helped me bump some heads before I took over Gavin's pack. They know what'll happen if they get antsy, but I can't guarantee there won't be any problems."

"Would Chloe agree?" She was finally getting to know her father and might not like the idea.

"She will when I tell her what's going on. It's not like he'll be that far away. The issue will be with him. You know how he feels about her."

"Talk to him. See what he says."

"Hold up," Jackson growled, his voice changing once again, this time in agitation rather than fury. "I do this for you. You need to do something for me."

Of course things wouldn't be that easy. "What do you need?"

"Wade's fallen in line, but his daughter has caused enough damage. I want her gone. If we can get your female situated, you could eliminate that issue."

Fuck.He was dodging becoming the Alpha of one pack only to be guided to another. "You're asking me to challenge him?"

"If you consider things, it makes the most sense. The mated pairs in Wade's pack are ready to have children. I also have a few in mine who are ready to try. The females that are mated almost outnumber those that aren't. If someone wanted to challenge Luna, they'd have to go in order of dominance to get to her, and that won't happen. Too many females want to expand their families. They'll get involved if a sweaty bitch tries something."

Wade had been in arranged mating, hence his only child Simone. Things didn't work out, and he'd denounced his mate decades ago. When that happened, the pairs in the pack weren't allowed to have more children. In general, a Lupa was required to balance an Alpha and watch over the interests of the pack's young.

Jackson continued, "You'd ease the tension while keeping Luna protected. She'll be covered on all sides, and the packs will steer clear and give her room. She'll also have Chloe and Rachel to look out for her. They know the situation, and they understand how it is to be newly mated. Luna will have friends she can talk to and trust."

"You could take him out yourself."

"And have thirty more wolves on top of the fifty-five I'm already responsible for? I'd rather fucking not."

Now for the big question. "If I say no?"

"I'll still help. I owe you for what you did for Declan. But it won't change what you are, Shane. One day your instincts are going to take over. You might have your mate, but you're not going to be happy without a pack of your own. It can't be helped. I'm offering you something you won't find anywhere else."

Jackson was talking sense.

He might not want to take over Luna's former pack due to the danger it posed, but removing Wade was an entirely different thing. The Alpha would be challenged eventually. It was a miracle he hadn't been already. If Shane took the position, certain problems would go away. He and Jackson respected each other's roles and had the ability to discuss situations and come to agreements. Between the two of them, they could make things far more harmonious.

"You never told me about your former pack," Jackson said quietly. "Did someone fight you for it, or did you hand it to someone you trusted?"

"I'd never leave those in my care to chance."

"If you remove Wade, you decide who stays and goes. Who you bring into your pack is entirely up to you."

Damn it.Jackson was really upping the ante. "You're willing to let me bring them here? Are you sure about that?"

"You wouldn't allow problem members in your pack. Take a minute and think about it. We wouldn't have to worry about another Alpha coming into the territory and creating tension. I don't have to remind you how things were with Gavin and Wade. I didn't like playing mediator then, and I certainly don't feel like doing it now."

"Someone else could come along and balance things."

"Even if someone else takes out Wade, I'll have to deal with potential alliances that threaten what I have. The number of wolves I control creates temptation. If others know the predominant Alphas in the area have reached an agreement and have a commitment to each other, they'll fuck off. We'll have the power to stop all the bullshit."

"There is that."

"If you'll do it, I'll guarantee a replacement for Luna's people."

Since he'd had shitty luck as of late, he didn't find that likely. "Gavin's just getting to know his daughter, and his presence keeps the wolves that dislike you in line." That was the bitch and truth of the matter. "I probably shouldn't have asked, but he was the first Alpha that came to mind. Even if he knows the circumstances, he'll probably say no."

"I'm aware of that, which is why I'll also talk to Merrick."

Merrick was an Alpha in a nearby county. He had a handful of wolves and took his role seriously. To Shane's knowledge, he was content right where he was.

"What makes you think he'd do it?"

"Since he took Gunner as his Beta, he's ready to increase his numbers. He'd have challenged Wade by now, but he doesn't want to chance an arranged mating if Wade makes Simone part of the deal. In this case, you'll take out the Alpha in charge, and he can challenge any males that want to take his place when you hand the position over. If Luna's former Alpha has been pulling this kind of shit for as long as I think he has, he obviously doesn't have competition. Merrick won't have to enter a mated alliance in that area. That alone will appeal to him." Jackson sobered and said quietly, "You can stay at the cabin until you've found a place and get settled in. I'll even loan you one of mine to act as Beta until you choose one of your own. It can be a smooth transition. It'll give you time to sort out your female."

"Why are you pushing this so hard?" Shane felt like an addict being offered the ultimate hit. "You have to have another reason."

"Declan told me some of my wolves have been conspiring with some of Wade's. They think they can get me out, and they're trying to figure out a way to do it. If you remove Wade, you can tell the ones causing shit to pack up and leave. I'll make sure I do the same with mine. Things will settle down, and everyone will be grateful for it. Both of us would benefit from this."

Fuck.If Jackson lost control of his pack, there would be chaos.

That meant potential danger for Luna if they stayed.

There was no way he could say no. "I have to talk to Luna."

"Then do it, and make it snappy. I'll get in touch with Gavin and Merrick. I'm assuming you'll be wanting to leave to address your problem as soon as possible?"

Thinking of an Alpha male coming at his mate had him growling. "I'd prefer to do it before I take care of Wade."

"Wade isn't going anywhere. We'll make sure you're straight before we venture into that territory. Let me know when you're planning to leave. I'm not letting you go to Rhodes without backup."

"Would you be willing to loan me Declan?" That would be ideal. The Beta was tough as nails.

"If you take me up on my offer, I'll loan you my fucking self. I'll find a proper replacement for you, and we'll go in and clean house. I hate bastards Alphas. I'll bring a shovel and help you dig the son of a bitch's grave."

If Luna agreed, it was a done deal.

He'd be an idiot not to take what Jackson was offering.

He'd not only have his own pack to care for, he could bring those he'd been forced to leave into his fold. He hoped that, if he reached out, they'd at least be willing to consider coming to him. The majority had understood and supported his need to go, aware of how much it had hurt him to say goodbye and leave them in the first place.

"I'll get back to you."

"Do that."

He ended the call and whistled for Max. The dog responded right away, bounding over to him. Despite the car accident, the canine didn't seem any worse for the wear. He gave the animal a firm pat on the side and strode toward the cabin.

Luna had already been through hell, and he was about to hit her with this shit. She deserved better. That stated, the Alpha that fucked with her had to pay. If he didn't confront the bastard, he'd never forgive himself.

For once, he wished things were simple.

Luna listened,aware that Shane had ended his call and was coming inside. As much as he indicated she didn't know him, he also didn't know her. She'd learned how to filter through sounds a long time ago. While he'd kept his voice low, and she'd been unable to make out the voice on the other end of the line, she'd managed to follow the conversation for the most part.

Something big was about to go down.

The sliding door opened, and she tilted her head. "So what do you have to talk to me about?" she asked softly, not getting upset or agitated, ready to be the mate he needed and deserved. "Who were you talking to?"

"You heard that?" She detected the shock in his voice.

"I smell and hear better than most." She smiled and hoped the shock turned to understanding. She'd told him that she wanted him to inform her when he planned something, and she'd meant it. "It's best to get everything out in the open, don't you think?"

He walked around her and went to the other side of the counter. "How much do you know about the packs in Atrum Hill?"

"I know most of them were small until Jackson merged his pack with another one. His pack is the largest and strongest."

"Jackson assumed control of a pack that belonged to Gavin Worthington. That's Chloe's father."

"Jackson's mate?"

"One and the same."


"To keep Chloe safe, which is another story altogether. The short version is two females stirred the pot, and one tried to have Chloe killed. In doing so, Chloe's best friend was bitten and changed. Jackson needed to avoid a physical confrontation while Chloe came to terms with her new life and adjusted. With Gavin's wolves, the primary threat went away. He was able to maintain security with numbers alone." His fingers stroked the back of her hand. "Actually, that's not entirely true. The threat went away when she got hit by the car you were inside, not that it matters."

Holy shit."That's who Maisy hit?"

"It is."

"What does that have to do with you?"

"Wade's daughter is the other female who started shit. She stirs up trouble and creates problems. Her father always protects her, so she gets away with it. Jackson wants her gone. To make that happen, Wade has to go."

Oh my God.

Adrenaline spiked, her concern for him taking control and overriding everything else. Her wolf roused but, this time, she didn't battle for domination. The woman and animal came to the same conclusion, worried for their newly established mate. She clutched at his hand, afraid to let him go.

She'd only just found him.

She didn't dare think of losing him.

"You're going to challenge Wade?"

"Even if I don't, his time will eventually come, Luna."

Although she didn't know Wade well, he was an Alpha for a reason. Fighting him would come with risks. "Do you have to do it?"

He trapped her hand between both of his, his voice deepening, becoming a threatening growl. She froze, aware of the power and massive amount of strength coming from him.

"The fear I'm scenting pisses me the fuck off. You might not know who I am, but you know what I am. Wade isn't shit. I could have taken his pack a long time ago if I wanted. I didn't consider it because I only cared about finding you. Now that we're mated, I can take Wade's wolves and align with Jackson. The minute that happens, no one will be foolish enough to come anywhere near you."

His low growl continued and vibrated through the cabin. "Before that happens, I'm paying your former Alpha a visit." His wolf rose, his power slamming into her, and she couldn't breathe. He didn't back off, showing her a complete picture even if she couldn't see, revealing he was deadlier than she ever dreamed possible. "I'll rip him apart and give you his head. He is no more of a threat to me than rain is to the ocean."

Raw venom and outrage oozed from him.

Somehow, she was siphoning it through herself.

"You better start having some kind of faith in me, mate," he said softly.

In an instant, aware she'd insulted him in the worst way, she shifted from the counter. She slid from her seat, came around to the kitchen, and started to sink into a submissive position. He prevented her from bowing before him, stopping her and keeping her right where she was. His fury vanished as quickly as it had come. He took her hand and guided her to the couch. Once he'd gotten her in place, he rested his hands on her hips.

He made sure she was settled before he ordered, "Don't ever do that again."

Do what?She wasn't sure.

"I didn't mean to insult you. I do have faith," she said immediately, thinking that's what brought his anger back with reinforcements, wanting to pacify him. "I'm sorry."

"Your fear of me is what insults me, but that's not your fault. What I don't want you doing is bowing down to me." His fury resurfaced, sending tingles over her skin. Then his hands were clutching her face, and she felt the heat of his breath against her nose. "I also don't want you to say you're sorry for something you can't control. You are my mate, Luna. You never apologize to me."

She almost said she was sorry again but caught herself.

What did he want her to do or say?

Confused and unsure of herself, she didn't say a word.

She started shaking as seconds elapsed in silence, unable to prevent her response to the fury and outrage oozing from him and drifting over her. Adrenaline coursed through her system, flooding her veins. She'd stood in the face of anger before, but her wolf usually took charge to take care of threats. This time around, she wasn't rising up to address the challenge. The animal wasn't like her, somehow finding comfort in the violent emotions wafting from their mate, pulling it around her like a blanket.

She wished she could see his face. "I don't know what to do."

"I know you don't, but I'm going to teach you. The most important thing you have to understand is I live and breathe for you," he said quietly, his voice very different from the emotions coming from him. His thumbs stroked her face as he exhaled harshly. "Fear for everyone else when I'm pissed, but never for yourself. I'd shackle myself before I lifted a hand to you."

That odd inner voice returned, revealing what the wolf was thinking.


Relief hit like a strike of thunder, settling her in a flash.

The wolf knew he'd never hurt her and found his fury non-threatening. In fact, the display of strength comforted the animal. By submitting to him when there was zero need, she'd indicated she thought he'd lash out and strike her. As a mated male, that kind of behavior was unacceptable and beneath him.

No wonder her reaction set him off.

"I understand now," she informed him, bringing a hand up and snaking her fingers around his wrists, feeling more confident with the knowledge she'd gained. "The wolf tried to clue me in, but the message wasn't clear."

"That will sort itself in time. The two of you are a unit. You have to start communicating. She'll guide you as much as you'll let her." He kissed her nose and inched back. "I'm not angry at you or the way you respond to things. If anything I'm angry at myself for not finding you sooner." He drew a deep breath and asked, "Did you ever ask your parents why they stayed? They should have gotten the hell out of Dodge, especially with two daughters. You never should have been around an Alpha like that."

"I know they wanted to find another pack. I overheard them talking about it a year or two before I completely lost my sight. I never asked why they didn't follow through with it. They had enough on their minds."

"Don't worry, I'll find out when I ask them."

Well hell.He planned on addressing everyone who he felt slighted her. Her parents didn't deserve a lecture. They did the best they could with what they had. "Mom and Dad aren't bad people. If anything, they're extremely protective. They never left me around other wolves on my own. They tried to tell Moira to stay away from Dice, but she changed when she hit her teens. She got in a lot of trouble at school. They were going to expel her at one point. She was one fight away from losing her diploma."

"Dice?" Shane huffed in disgust. "That's the bastard's name?"

"I don't know if it's his real name or not. Before Moira started fooling around with him, our paths didn't cross. Like I said, he had a reputation. My parents might have been overly cautious when it came to me, but I told you my ears are better than most. I didn't have to see things to understand. I made sure not to go anywhere near him."

She recalled the night her mother and father had sat Moira down and told her to stay away from the Alpha. When she refused to listen, they told her she'd have to move out. They might lose one daughter to him for a time, but they weren't going to lose the other. Moira indicated she'd pack her things and leave within a week. As it turned out, if she'd left a couple of days earlier than her deadline, the entire ordeal would have been prevented.

Since she was on the subject, she told him the truth. "She didn't start messing around with him until she found out I'd been dreamsharing. She didn't like that I'd found you so early in my life, not that it surprised me. As she got older, she resented how things work with halflings."

She also resented the special treatment Luna had been given.

He waited a moment before he asked, "Is she still a hellion?"

"I wouldn't know. She hasn't talked to me since the night I left. Since she got an apartment, my parents can't get in touch with her most of the time. She left and didn't look back." Even as a child, she understood her sister's outbursts. Moira had been born the right way, the pureblooded child of werewolf mates. Yet, she'd felt shunned for a sibling who was half-human, might not ever shift, and would eventually go blind. "You can't be mad at her, Shane. I almost severed three of her fingers when she used her hand to protect her throat. She has a right to be angry. It's one of the reasons Mom and Dad didn't ask to join Wade's pack. They know one day she'll need them, and they want to be there when it happens. She reacts first and thinks later."

"I'm not mad at her, just trying to understand." He slid onto the couch, shifting his large and muscular form, sitting beside her. "My brothers are a hell of a lot younger than me. Since I had branched out and was starting to find myself, I only got to know them when they were older. I was able to avoid sibling rivalry."

"How many brothers?"

"Two." His hand clasped her thigh, his fingers firm as he gave her a reassuring squeeze. "Nicolas and Benjamin."

"How much younger are we talking here?" The atmosphere had relaxed, and the scent coming from him had her mind going to naughty places. She leaned into him, relieved he wasn't angry any longer, resting her hand on top of his.

"Twenty-five years."

Surprised by the answer, she questioned, "Twenty-five years?"

"They're twins, but that's not what you're asking, is it?" His chuckle sent tendrils of pleasure through her ears. "If you want to know how old I am, you only have to ask."

"How old are you?"

"Way too old for you," he stated playfully. "One hundred and three."

"You're older than my dad." Her father was in his eighties, while her mother had just hit her sixties. She was only twenty-two and wasn't sure what they'd say about the age gap. "It's probably best to keep that part of things to ourselves."

"Whatever you want." He flipped his hand over and slid his fingers through hers. "I have to call Jackson with a yes or no. You're new to Wade's pack and don't know him, but my understanding is he lost his edge years ago. Sooner or later, someone is going to challenge him. If we want to make this place our home, it might as well be me. I know the wolves here. More importantly, they know me. You'll be comfortable and safe. Jackson said we can stay at the cabin until you choose a place for us."

As though Max understood the conversation, he came to her and placed his head on her knee. She stroked his head with her free hand. "What about Dice?" If he killed him, which he obviously intended to do, he'd assume control of that pack as well. "Are you going to ask his wolves to come here?"

"Jackson's taking care of that as we speak."

That wasn't answer enough. "Taking care of how?"

"There's an Alpha that's been ready to take on a larger role for a while now. He would have challenged Wade for his position, but he doesn't want to risk Wade offering an arranged mating with his daughter in exchange. I've met Merrick and have spoken to him several times. He's responsible and gets shit done. He's capable of giving the pack the stability it needs. This way, everyone gets what they want."

Except for Dice and Wade."What do you want?"

"To get things sorted as soon as possible. I want you settled and happy."

She considered asking him if he knew for certain he'd win both fights but didn't dare. He asked for her to have faith in him, so she would. He already knew about her blindness. If he thought it would be a problem, or that there was any sort of danger, he was the kind of male that would have brought it up.

There was only one question to pose. "When?"

"If that's a yes, we'll go to see your family in a couple of days. I'll deal with Wade after we come back. I'll need to meet with Jackson to hash out details before anything happens. We'll need to have everything sorted before we make a move."

Her mate was sheer perfection, everything she'd ever dreamed of. If she wanted to be the female he'd sacrificed so much for, there was only one way to respond.

"If that's what you want, it's a yes."

He hummed in approval and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. "That's my girl."