My Five Night Fling by Maci Dillon





“Drinking on a school night is a bad idea, little bro,” Sophia slurs as we finally leave the speakeasy. The narrow and windy stairs with two very tipsy women on my arm is a tricky feat—two steps up, three steps back.

But we make it.


“I’m making a judgment call and saying you’re both coming home with me,” I tell them as we hit the sidewalk. A man and woman walking toward us glance between Sophia and Kassidy and grace me with a dirty look.

I could’ve jumped on that and explained my life away, but what would be the point of that? Instead, there will be two strangers walking the streets and telling their mates tomorrow that a drunk guy was taking advantage of two beautiful women when they could barely walk.

There could be worse things to be said about me, but luckily these two beauties know and trust me.

Once we arrive at my apartment because mine is a few blocks closer than Sophia’s, and Roman left a few hours ago, Kassidy helps me as much as she can while swaying all over the place to get Sophia into bed. When she’s securely tucked away in the guest room, Kassidy starts to undress in the lounge room.

Amused, I observe her from the sofa as she hops around on one foot, trying to free the other from her boot. She’s talking gibberish about her flight home, which she’s no longer on. It’s comical as hell, but I worry she might fall and break her ankle, or worse, fall headfirst into the plate glass window.

“Come here, love. Let me help you.” She holds her arms out wide as I approach and falls into my chest. Wrapping my arms around her waist, her delicate laugh filters through the semi-darkness in a perfect melody.

I don’t want to let her go.

Tonight is supposed to be our fifth and final night together. I want nothing more for her to stay, to see where this thing goes between us, but I also don’t want her to feel obligated. One thing is for certain, though. I meant what I told her earlier in the evening. I never want our friendship to be lost. She has very quickly become one of my most favorite people in my life.

There’s a sense of knowing and general comfort with Kassidy that I’ve never experienced with another person, male or female. And I don’t want to lose it.

And I’m not some pompous dick who assumes our relationship will continue as it started just because she’s staying.

I respect she has goals and wants to pursue her career and build a name for herself. And I’ll do whatever I can to support her from any place in her life. There are conversations we need to have when she’s sober but not tonight.

“Can we go to bed now?” she whispers into my neck.

“Of course, beautiful.”

I steady her on her feet as best I can with her dress hanging open from one side, one boot off, the other undone and partially removed. Picking her up, I cradle her to my chest and carry her to the bedroom.

Maybe one day it will be our bedroom.

Laying Kassidy on the bed, I remove the second boot and rub her feet. She’s out cold, but it doesn’t stop me from admiring her. Finding a spare tee in the closet, I awkwardly remove the dress without tearing it. How women get in and out of these fucking things is beyond me.

“It’s okay, love,” I whisper as she squirms, making it difficult for me to take her arms out of the sleeves. “I’m taking your dress off, so you sleep comfortably.” Honestly, I doubt it matters what she’s wearing. At this point, I suspect she’ll sleep just as soundly on the hardwood floor. Once I have the shirt partially on, I unfasten the front clip on her bra and leave her panties on.

I don’t want Kassidy to wake in the morning thinking I took advantage of her while she was too wasted to know what was happening.

I’m a lot of things, but an asshole who disrespects women will never be one of them. Turning the lights off once she’s situated under the covers, I crawl into bed and wrap her in my arms. She murmurs contentedly when I pull her closer, then proceeds to snore.

I’ve never known a woman to snore, though my wife is the only other woman I have ever spent an entire night in bed with. Even in college, I was never in a serious enough relationship to justify a sleepover.

Kassidy’s steady rumbles are quite relaxing once she gets into a rhythm. I’m not sure how long I lay there listening to her before I finally drift off to sleep, but like the other nights we have been together, I have the best sleep.





Gremlins in my head are having a dance-off and kicking the shit out of my brain. My skull aches, a full three-sixty degrees of hurt. I groan in agony as I roll to my side. That’s when I notice a hand wrapped around me. A warm body embraces mine, providing protection but taking away none of the pain.


A sweet peck on the back of my neck has my eyes fluttering open.

“Ugh,” I moan.

The light is too much. I squeeze my eyes closed and vow to try again later.

I feel his body shuddering behind me, then I hear a distinct chuckle. The motherfucker is laughing at me.

“You feel a little under the weather, my love?” he taunts.

“Na,” I lie with all the energy I have left.

I must have dozed off again because the next thing I know, he’s standing over the bed with a large mug of caffeine, a cold bottle of water, and some pills. Give me those pills.

“Here you go, beautiful. Some Advil and caffeine will have you back up and running in no time.” Even though he smirks at me, I can sense he wants to say so much more.

Sitting up, I throw my legs from under the covers to the floor at the side of the bed. Clutching my head between both hands, I try to stop it from rolling down the hall. My mouth tastes like I fell asleep feasting on mothballs and candy. I am terrified to wrap my lips around the bottle of water in case I infect it.

Charming as fuck.

I twist my face as I skull the remains of the bottle after taking my pills. I must admit the headache is mild in comparison to earlier. With poorly focused vision, I glance around. What the hell is the time?

“Your phone is in the kitchen charging, and it’s half-past eight,” Jarett answers, reading my mind.

“Thank you,” I respond, taking the coffee from his hands.

“Where’s Sophia?” I hope she makes it to the office in time.

Jarett smiles, oblivious to the fact I’m feeling awful, and we all stayed and got so fucked up last night. “She was gone when I got up. Don’t worry about her, she sets her own schedule at the office.”

Jarett disappears to the bathroom, and the water starts running. “I think you deserve a bubble bath to relax in, while your coffee kicks in. How’s that sound?”

“Fucking delightful.”

I stand slowly and look down at the shirt I’m wearing. Wasted is written across the front in bold letters, and I laugh until my brain vibrates from the movement. “I thought it was fitting… considering.”

I cover my eyes. “Ugh, I’m sorry. Did you dress me?”

“Yes. I undressed you, too, but I remained quite the gentleman, I promise.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it for a second.”