My Five Night Fling by Maci Dillon





Once again, I wake up in Shoreditch, change into last night’s clothes, and have to catch the subway home like a dirty tramp. And I don’t give an ounce of fucks. In another week, I’ll be able to go back to my apartment close to the speakeasy. I’m more excited about the move today than I was yesterday, even with a hangover from hell.

“Thank you for the spare toothbrush. I don’t think I could survive another second without one,” I joke. “I really should get back to my room and pack my things.” Pulling up my emails on my phone, I add, “I should probably find out where I’m moving to, I guess.”

Jarett grabs me from behind and spins me around to face him, pushing me against the island in the kitchen. “I have a meeting at the gallery at ten, but I can head over afterward to help with your stuff if you want,” he says this while nuzzling my neck, his woody aftershave invigorating my senses.

“Yes, I whisper.” Wait. I shake my head to clear out the static. “No!” I laugh, “I don’t need any help. I have the same luggage I arrived with, plus an extra shopping bag or two. I can get a town car to my next destination and text you the address, so you know where to find me.” I reach up on my tiptoes and kiss him.

“Mm…” he moans into my lips, both of us smiling and not wanting to let go.

“Do you want me to be able to find you, Kassidy?” His voice is deeper than usual, and it arouses me.

I close my eyes and pull him into a hug, scared to look at him the way I’m feeling at the moment. “Yes, Jarett, I think I do.”

“Okaaay,” he says, stringing out the letters. “You let me know if you start to think differently at any time. Agreed?”

Chuckling, I agree. “You promised whatever happens, we’ll remain friends, right?”

“Always,” he whispers, planting another kiss on my lips before letting me go.

It was only then I notice the new additions to the apartment.

“Jarett,” I say as he’s almost out of the kitchen. He spins around. “You’ve started to move into the apartment finally?”

“Yes. I thought it was time.” He smiles slightly and rubs the back of his neck before he disappears down the hall.

On our way to the city, Jarett explains the movers came on Friday to pack up his home in Soho and prepare his wife’s belongings to be shipped to her parents in Italy. He hired a decorator to decorate the apartment with his choice of colors and design to make it feel like a home much different than he shared with Helena. All his items are now in his new apartment.

“I’m free of that part of my life now. I’ll never forget or regret a moment of it, but it’s in the past, and I’m ready to move on.” This pleases me so much. Jarett deserves a life of love and joy after enduring so much pain and sorrow. I squeeze his hand resting in mine and has been for the duration of the trip so far.

“I’m so happy for you, Jarett. You deserve to move forward and live your life.” I rest my head on his shoulder, and we sit in silence the rest of the way.

As we walk off the subway platform, people rush past us eager to get to work or wherever they are headed, and Jarett pulls me to the side.

“I couldn’t have done this without you, Kassidy. I hope you understand what it means to me.” I know what he’s referring to, but it’s not my doing. This is all on him. “Meeting you, a woman I can be myself around without limitation or judgment, it’s restored my faith in women and helped me to move forward.”

“You’re welcome, Jarett, but you’re stronger than you believe. You should give yourself more credit.”

My new apartment is first-class compared to the tiny shoebox at the Country Inn. It comes fully self-contained with bright artwork on the walls, abstract vases, and statues adorning the floors and shelves. With colorful throw rugs and cushions on the sofa, it looks like a unicorn threw up—in the best way.

I see myself at home here, but there’s no point in getting attached when I’ll have to do this all over again in a week.

Thanks to Malcolm and his clever thinking, he secured me this place in Shoreditch, knowing it’s where I’ll end up. For all I know, the apartment may be in this building.

After unpacking my clothes, I tap out a quick text to Sophia. One, to see how she pulled through, and two, tell her where my interim home is located. I’m dying to know how far I am from her. I’m a few blocks from Jarett’s apartment, and so is she, but I’m not sure in which direction.

The dots bounce across the screen as Sophia drafts a response.


Sophia: Feel like roadkill – is that what you Aussies would say?


The bitch, she makes me laugh.


Kassidy: Close enough lol 


Another message follows quickly after.


Sophia:You’re on the same block as me! Opposite ends!


I fist pump the air and let out a squeal.


Sophia: What apartment? I’ll stop by on the way home for wine and scrummy nosh. Can we eat in?


Gah, the British lingo. Both Jarett and Sophia are over the top with it. They believe I should be localized and learn the lingo. So yeah, insert delicious food. Eating in sounds brilliant. I have a whole years’ worth of nights to indulge in the nightlife, and I’m in no rush to get out. An early night in is exactly what I need.


Kassidy: Yes, let’s do it.


One problem. I have zero food and no local knowledge of grocers.


Kassidy: Uber Eats, okay?


A thumbs-up response comes through as I’m messaging Jarett. I have plenty of time to go to the store, but truthfully, I can’t be fucked. Still basking in the effects of the bubble bath Jarett ran for me this morning, I’m considering another in my new tub.

Okay, in the spa bath. Not an ordinary tub.

I’m not sure whether to invite Jarett for dinner or whether Sophia wants a girls’ night. But when he messages back, he mentions Uber Eats, so crisis diverted. Sophia must have told him. Not for the first time, it crosses my mind that Sophia is more invested in the outcome of our relationship than either of us are.

Only time will tell, and there’s no point fretting the small stuff. For now, I’ll embrace my new life to the fullest.



Sophia shows up before Jarett with a basket full of snacks. All of London’s best, she assures me. “Woman, you didn’t have to do that. I thought you felt like roadkill.” I laugh.

“I didn’t go out of my way, I assure you. Our clients bring in so many of these things a week, I have half an office full of the shit.”

She places the basket on the bench and kisses me hello. “Give me the tour,” she cheers. “I can’t believe we’re on the same block. Is this the same block of apartments you’ll be in for the length of your stay?”

“Honestly, I have no idea. I’ve not had any contact with the hotelier yet. I’m waiting on an email with instructions about where to meet this weekend, but more exciting than that, is your birthday.”

“Yes, I can’t wait.” She fills me in on all the details. Fancy dress, Gatsby style in a private event at the speakeasy.

“Two hundred people?”

I imagine us dancing like tinned sardines at Maxine’s, but she assures me their biggest nights have hosted two hundred and fifty plus.

“Okay, you’re on. But there’s one problem.”

“I have Friday off to prepare,” she cuts me off. “We’ll shop for your outfit and enjoy an afternoon at the spa with some of my girlfriends after that.”

Sophia is all over this. She’s an avid planner, and I love that about her.

“It will be a great opportunity to meet some of my circle of friends before the night.”

Jarett texts to say he’s ten minutes away if we need anything. It’s only half-past five, so we decide to crack a bottle of wine that was in the fridge when I arrived. When Jarett gets here, we’ll decide on the dinner menu.

“Full disclosure,” Sophia adds, plopping down on the sofa beside me. “Bella is a good friend of mine, and she’s been hot for Jarett since high school. She probably won’t appreciate your relationship with him very much.”

“Should I stay clear? Is she contagious?” 

“She’s a catty attention-seeker, but I’ve known her forever. We just nod, agree, and ignore. But if she’s less inviting than the others, that’s why.”

“Thanks for the heads-up. I don’t see why a fling with Jarett would cause any issues, though,” I respond, taking a sip of the wine, savoring it in my mouth.

“You’re still calling it a fling, then?” Smiling, she observes me over the rim of her glass.

“We both agreed a five-night fling would be the most it would ever be,” I answer pointedly, not sure now is the right time to enter this discussion.

“Yet, this will be night six, and he’s joining us for dinner.” She bats her eyelids innocently at me.

I fake a cough. “And I believe that was your doing.”

“Maybe, but can you honestly say you wouldn’t have seen him tonight? Shown off the new apartment, broken it in, perhaps?”

“I plead the fifth.”

Saved by the bell.


Jarett swoops in with a large arrangement of flowers, greeting me with a peck on the cheek on his way past. “Honey, I’m home,” he yells.

I spin on my heels to find Sophia giving me the eye from the living room, snickering at Jarett’s greeting. Rolling my eyes, I follow Jarett to the kitchen, where he places the box of flowers.

“These are beautiful,” I tell him, rolling my fingers over the petals. “I’ll grab a vase when I go out tomorrow.”

“No need, that’s why I got the self-watering ones in the box, so you don’t have to worry about them.” This man, he thinks of everything.

“So, ladies, I looked after you both last night and today, and I’ve had one hell of a day in the art world. What’s for dinner? I’m buying.”

“You are not,” I scold him. “This is my home, and dinner is on me. Thank you very much.”

“Exactly. My buying dinner is your housewarming gift. No arguing, it’s already decided.”

There’s no point discussing this further, he’ll always win. I can’t let him continue this, though. Five nights is one thing but treating me everywhere we go for the rest of the year could be a libido killer.

“Well, if you’re paying, I’m choosing. You both like Indian?”

Sophia laughs. “You can’t ask questions now, you said it’s your decision.” She tsks me playfully, and Jarett agrees with his earth-altering grin.

I ignore them both. “Indian it is. What’s the best place around here for a spicy Rogan josh?” I typically enjoy a night in with Indian curries at least once every ten days back home, and I’m not stopping now. Indian is my comfort food, and although I had a quiet and non-eventful day, I’m feeling exhausted all the same. I want to lounge on my new sofa, curl up under the afghan put some boring television series on, and fall asleep.

“Kassidy, Naan bread?” Jarett asks with the phone in his hand.

“Garlic cheese, please.”

I refill our wine glasses and pour one for Jarett too. He pinches my ass on my way past him to hand Sophia hers. I draw back the blinds in the room to look out at the night view. It isn’t as nice as looking out over the London Eye, but there was a lot to see in Shoreditch. The murals and artwork on the shop fronts brighten the street, and people mill below us on the sidewalks.

“Kassidy, love.” I turn at the sound of Jarett’s voice. “Dinner will be here in thirty minutes. Care to show me around?”

“Absolutely.” I lead him to the back of the apartment to show him the master bedroom first.

“Did I interrupt something between you and Sophia when I arrived?” he whispers in my ear. A look of concern clouds his eyes, and I assure him he didn’t. There wasn’t much to show him in terms of rooms. I imagine he knew this already but was wanting to get me away from his sister to pry.

“Wow, you’ve got a spa bath?”

“It’s lovely, too,” I confirm.

“You had two soaks in the tub in one day?” He laughs.

“What can I say, I’m a spoiled bitch on an extended holiday.”

Besides the small guest room, there’s only the kitchen, living space, and the foyer which is an overly large area filled with attractive but useless dust-collecting floor ornaments.

“It’s good to see you haven’t lost your way in all this extra square footage,” he jokes as we finish the mini-tour. I mock him and reach for him without thinking.

My fingertips graze his arm before I quickly retract my reach. It didn’t go unnoticed by Jarett. He flinches, and a slight burrow of his brow appears before Sophia averts the attention from me to her.

I’m officially a fan of Masala on Fifth. My Rogan Josh is filthy hot and has me sweating up a storm. Thankfully, Jarett thought to order another bottle of wine to enjoy with our food.

Soon after we finish up, Sophia prepares to leave, looking to crash in bed early after last night’s shenanigans. Feigning a slight headache, I mention an early night too.

Sophia flings a questioning glance in Jarett’s direction before she kisses us both goodbye and sees herself out. “Friday, we’re shopping, don’t forget!”

I wave goodnight, yelling, “I can’t wait.”

There’s an uncomfortable silence between Jarett and me once Sophia leaves, and I hate it. It’s as if we’re driving along the edge of a cliff, and a rockslide has blocked our path. Neither of us knows whether to take the plunge into the dark ocean waters or turn back around.

“You look exhausted,” Jarett says, taking my hand and rubbing my knuckles in small circles.

“Is that code for you look like shit, Kassidy?”

Shaking his head side to side, he lifts my hand to his mouth, planting a lingering kiss. “There’s no such thing where you’re concerned, Miss Moore.”

A warmth spreads through my body at his use of my surname in that context. Would it be bad to take him to bed and cuddle up with him for the night? I’m too tired for anything more than a cuddle which makes him staying a very bad idea.

Avoiding any further emotional connection is for the best. To spend nights together sleeping but not fucking would be harder than fucking his brains out and sending him home.

“I should go and let you enjoy your new digs,” Jarett adds before I can say anything further. My heart pings with disappointment, but I know it’s for the best. For both of us.

For a few moments, we stare at each other, neither wanting to be the one to turn away.

“Thank you for the flowers and dinner.” I go to kiss his cheek, but he catches me off guard, and our lips meet in a fiery explosion. Time stands still as we pour everything we are, all that we feel, and all the words left unsaid into our kiss. We moan, chasing the next wave of lust with every swirl of our tongues. We lap at each other like immature teenagers making out under the bleachers at the high school dance. Our breaths quicken, and a gasp escapes my lips as Jarett’s hands explore beneath my clothes.

I’m about to march him to my room and throw him on my bed when he pulls back, starry-eyed like a bucket of ice water landed on his head. “I’m so sorry, Kassidy, I didn’t mean...”

“Me either, my fault,” I say, not entirely sure what we’re apologizing for.

Jarett drags his hand through his thick hair, his eyes hooded. “I should go.”

“Sure, okay,” I answer, my game face on.

I follow him to the door, where he kisses my lips as a best friend would.

As he retreats down the corridor and out of view, I’m left wondering what the fuck happened.