My Five Night Fling by Maci Dillon





To ascertain my independence, I opt to meet the others at Maximum instead of going with them. I hate relying on other people, especially men, for company, a good time, or an invitation.

It’s quiet when I arrive, which is what I was hoping for. Maxine has intrigued me both times I’ve met her, and while I don’t want to pry or get up in her business, I want to get to know her outside of the usual group.

“Kassidy, love. Great to see you sober,” she jokes as I sit opposite her at the bar.

I groan, covering my face. “Don’t remind me.”

She frowns. “You’re meeting Sophia and the crew, yeah?”

“Yeah, had some spare time on my hands, so I thought I’d pop in a bit earlier.”

Max calls out to Danni, a younger version of herself. “Danni, meet Kassidy.”

“Hi, Kassidy,” she offers sweetly. “I recall you from the other night with Sophia and Jarett.”

One drunken night and nobody is willing to let it go?

Note to self—drink more water, drink fewer cocktails.

“Nice to meet you,” I offer, extending my hand.

“Danni has been with us the past few years, but she’s moving up north next week, leaving me understaffed and overextended,” Max offers, her hand on her hip.

It’s obvious Max thinks the world of Danni and vice versa.

“Oh, what a shame.”

“Anyway, what can I get you tonight?”

Think mild, Kassidy.

“A classic marg for starters, please.”

She juggles the glassware and starts mixing.

The band starts up behind us, a bluesy tune echoing from their instruments.

“This is a great place, Max.”

“Thanks. It’s my baby. My life.” She studies me intently as I follow her fluid movements of shaking the margarita and straining it into a large cocktail glass. “Can you pour a drink, Kassidy?”

The question takes me by surprise. “Yeah, I used to work the bars back home when I was putting myself through college.” I scope out the bar. “Never in a lavish place like this, though… more the local pub scene with a few basic cocktails and spirits. You know.”

“I often find the types who make the best cocktails are those who have an artistic flair and, most of all, love to drink them. I see you as fitting both those categories.” Smiling, she hands me the margarita.

I reach into my shoulder bag for my phone to fix up the bill, but she waves it away. “The first one is on me. It’s a friend-with-benefits bonus system,” she adds with a laugh.

She skips along the bar to serve the next person in line when Danni stops by. With her arms on the bar, she leans closer. Quietly, she speaks with her hands cupped at each side of her mouth. “I think Max has her eye on you for my replacement.” She winks at me and disappears before I can comprehend what she said.

Maxine swings by when the rest of the customers have been served, and she starts on my next drink. Another of the same. “So, I’m running a cocktail training early tomorrow morning for all my staff. You interested in joining us?”

“You need a guinea pig for taste testing?”

Maxine bubbles over with laughter. “Nah, I was thinking more along the lines of offering you a job at the bar to coincide with your day job.”

“Wow, um, I’m honored. I’d certainly appreciate the opportunity, but…” I take the drink and tap into my phone to activate payment. Again, she waves it off.

“May I ask, why me?”

“Simple.” She waves her index finger up and down at me, “Physically, you appeal to my customers. You’re gorgeous and Australian. Men will fall in love with your accent, want to spend more time at the bar, and therefore buy more drinks and… you’re funny. Full of spunk, I like to call it. Plus, you don’t look like you’d take no shit from anyone.”

That just about sums me up. Though I don’t agree with her beauty classification, I’ll take it. The job will be perfect for me, and while I have nothing else to fill my time, the additional income is hard to pass up. While I’m living abroad, I want to make the most of traveling throughout Europe. It’s much more cost-effective to do it from here than it ever would be from home.

“Sold. What time should I be here tomorrow?”

“Training starts at seven, and you can do the eleven to five shift following that as your trial. If we’re both happy, you’re on the payroll. Cool?”

“I’m in!” I reach across the bar to shake her hand.

“You’ve made my day, Kassidy. I look forward to working with you.”

Who needs a margarita to create a little extra buzz in your life?

Maxine waves over my shoulder at Sophia, Jarett, and Roman. “This girl got a start on you guys. I like her.”

“Working with you. Wait, what did we miss exactly?” Jarett questions with concern etched in his brow.

Greetings flow, kisses and hugs are plentiful, and even Jarett gives me a peck on the lips, causing my body to quiver with need.

“Now tell me, what did Max mean about working with you?”

All eyes turn to me. “I may have agreed to a trial run in the bar tomorrow. If all goes well, you’ll be looking at the newest member of Maximum,” I boast all la-di-da.

Sophia is naturally excited for me, Roman congratulates me, and Jarett, nah, he’s not having it.

As he opens his mouth to give his opinion, Max pipes in while she’s making drinks for the group, “Jarett Christopher Evans, she is a grown-ass woman who does not need nor desire a man’s approval.” She glances at me for confirmation. “Isn’t that right, Kassidy?”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” I answer, staring directly at Jarett, daring him to open his mouth.

He holds my stare, his mouth itching to speak, but he relents. That is until we take our drinks to the usual booth. “You can’t be serious? Working in a bar when you just took on a major new contract?”

I shrug nonchalantly. “It’s extra cash, I enjoy bar work, and this place is gorgeous. Besides, it’s a lot less rowdy than previous places I’ve worked.”

Jarett continues to look at me as if I’ve lost my mind.

“Jarett, I know what I’m doing. Relax.”

“Do you?”

One thing guaranteed to get my back up is questioning the validity of my own fucking decisions. “Did you just question my ability to make decisions for myself?” I put my drink on the table and scoot across the booth to allow him in. Although right now, I don’t wish to be that close to him.

“What about the hotelier contract?”

“Many people have two jobs, Jarett. If I didn’t travel so much for work back home, I’d still be working nights at the bar. Because. I. Enjoy. It. And I want to.” I emphasize the words, hoping he’ll take the hint and end this conversation, but he continues.

“For fuck’s sake, Jarett. You’re not her keeper. Kassidy is more than capable of managing her own life.” I was surprised to hear Sophia jump in on the conversation, though I knew she was following our exchange from the opposite side of the booth.

Although I’m happy she’s not siding with her brother on his outrageous outburst, I also don’t need her to come to my rescue. I attempt to direct my attention to the others and forget about tomorrow and Jarett’s opinions.

As the group mingles and laughter ensues, I notice Jarett is less chatty than usual and spends most of his time staring at his glass. I’ve never seen this side of him, and I don’t care for it either. Soon, he makes his way to the bar and sits estranged from us for the rest of the evening.

Waving my goodbyes to everyone and kissing Sophia, I make an early escape. “Ignore Jarett, he cares for you,” she promises me. “His feelings are displaced right now, but he’ll come to see that.”

I thank her. I’m looking forward to my early morning run, and I’ve had enough for one night.

I intend to stop by the bar and say goodnight to Jarett too, but the closer I get, the clearer it becomes. Maxine is nodding and half-listening to him ramble on about men throwing themselves at female bartenders as she pours drinks and serves her patrons. I stop short of interrupting his rant and wave to her as I head back toward the stairs.

My phone rings a few times after I crawl into bed, so I silence it and turn on some music. No good will come from answering a drunken call from Jarett tonight. We do need to talk about his reaction and maybe set some ground rules for the changes in our relationship.