My Five Night Fling by Maci Dillon





The mornings are icy cold, and the wind burns my skin as I run through the streets, but still, sweat drips from my hair beneath my beanie. Taking the elevator up to my fourth-floor apartment, I remove my AirPods, and as I walk out into the foyer on my floor, I see Jarett resting on the floor beside my door.

His head snaps up as the elevator doors ping. Scrambling to get off the floor and look half decent, I deliver a blow with a smile. “Good morning, male chauvinist of the year. What can I do you for?” Teasing him is the best way I know to break the ice and let him know I’m upset with him. His behavior, yes, but I know whatever he’s feeling or thinking, his heart is in the right place.

His head falls forward, and he tucks his hands into the pockets of his jeans. I unlock the door and am partway inside when he finally speaks. “Kassidy?”

“Yes, Jarett?” I answer quietly.

“I owe you a very large apology for last night.”

The look on his face could melt the Antarctic.

I want to rush forward and kiss him.

Tell him I forgive him and...

… settle down, Kassidy.

I keep quiet, my lips plastered in a thin line, waiting for the apology to come.

He shakes his head and throws his arms across the doorway in a flamboyant fashion. “I fucked up. I’m a complete douchebag, and I don’t deserve your friendship.”

I allow a few seconds to pass before I agree. “All very good points.”

Still yet to step inside the door, he looks forlorn and disappointed in himself. “Can I take you for breakfast before I head into the gallery, please?” Begging looks damn fine on him.

Part of me wants to draw this out, but I need a shower.

“Only if you’re paying,” I quip.

“Absolutely, I am.”

“Get in here.” Returning his smile, I direct him inside with a gentle nudge of my head. “Make yourself at home while I take a quick shower and change.”

The door latches shut, and Jarett takes a seat at the dining table while I run the shower, wishing he was joining me.

“Jarett, I think we need to talk about…” my finger flashes between us as we finish up our English breakfast muffins loaded with bacon and hash browns, “… whatever this is, or isn’t, between us.”

Looking resigned, Jarett agrees.

“But first, talk to me about what happened last night.”

“I overreacted. I’m very fond of you, and I tend to take on the role of protector with women in my close circle of friends. I didn’t mean to imply that you couldn’t look after yourself, Kassidy.” Jarett stretches out his legs, accidentally kicking my foot with his. “Sorry.”

I ignore the apology as I sip my second coffee of the morning.

“You’re one of the strongest and smartest women I know. Besides that, I have no right sticking my nose in your business. Even if we are together, it would be wrong of me to influence you in any way with such things.”

He gets it.

Without me saying a word, he knows he fucked up and isn’t afraid to acknowledge it.

This is something I can appreciate and value in a man.

A man I’m quite sure I want more of.

“If I can say, and it’s in no way justifying my behavior, but I was a little shocked Maxine would offer you a position like that. Usually, we discuss such matters, and especially since I introduced the both of you, it seemed a little out of place. But when Max sets her mind on something or someone, there’s no holding her back.”

I consider what he’s saying. “Maxine will usually discuss staffing matters with you before making a decision?”

“Right, I guess that seems odd. First off, I dabble in a few businesses on the side, and I may have helped to finance the buy-in for the speakeasy in the beginning.”

Now it makes sense. “Ahh, I get it. You’re like a silent partner, then?”

“We don’t refer to it that way. I invested in her business, and it’s all hers. I wiped my hands of anything to do with the running and marketing side of it. Because we’re family friends, I guess I’ve often been her sounding board for many things such as staff coming and going. As I said, it isn’t an issue. I just got my jockstrap a little twisted in the wash, is all.”

I laugh out loud at the visual.

“Maxine may have also reminded me that as the night went on, I was bitching like a little girl about men trying to get in the pants of gorgeous bartenders like yourself.” He cringes, dragging his hand over his five o’clock shadow. “I’m embarrassed to say I may have been hit with the green-eyed monster, thinking of you meeting new people… guys, in particular, and them trying to take advantage of you.”

Silently, I prompt him to continue. It improves my mood to know he was jealous.

“Truthfully, Kassidy, I trust you’d never let anybody, especially a drunk patron, take advantage of you, and God knows, I believe you can handle yourself.”

My arms relax over my full stomach as I recline in my chair. “You’re a great man, Jarett Evans. And thank you very much for explaining all this to me.”

As much as I hate how he reacted, I understand why he did. What’s more, I understand the thought processes which conjured up that type of reaction. While I’m a little perturbed by the outburst, it’s also out of character from what I’ve come to know of him. Which isn’t a big deal, I know, but Sophia and Maxine both assure me of the same thing.

“Now I’ve swallowed my pride and apologized, can I safely ask how your trial went yesterday?”

Yesterday was tough. Not the training or going to work on no sleep, but the part where I couldn’t call Jarett when I finished up to tell him all about my day. I left my phone at home when I went to work and was gone almost twelve hours. When I returned home, I fell into bed in a heap, missing the numerous missed calls from Jarett until I woke for my run this morning.

“Firstly, I’m glad to hear how happy you are about me working at Maximum because you’re looking at the newest addition.” I shoot my arms out wide, seeking attention, and I get it.

He claps his hands together and takes a small bow in his seat. “Congratulations, my love. When is your first paid shift? Do I need to rearrange my schedule so I can be there to look out for you?”

The nerve.

I shoot daggers at him from across the table. He holds his hands up in defense. “Joking, love.” He laughs, ducking to avoid the crumpled up napkin I throw at him. “I’m joking.”

“Max isn’t going to roster me on until after I have met with the new boss on Saturday. I should know more about what’s expected, where I’ll be working out of, that sort of thing.”

“Are you nervous about the big meet and greet?”

“Nope, I’m excited. As a dedicated planner, I like to know all the details, which I’m noticeably light on at present, so I can’t wait to get the full rundown. That way, I can plan other aspects of my life accordingly.”

“Hmm? What other aspects would these be?”

“I like my time to be spent efficiently. I look forward to joining a gym and planning my classes around work, and then, of course, I can start at Maximum.”

Jarett settles the check and helps me into my coat. I’m almost due to meet Sophia to find the most fabulous Gatsby creations for tomorrow evening.

With his hand on my back, we walk out of the diner. “Sounds like all that won’t allow a lot of time for anything else, but as long as you’ll be happy, I’m happy too.” His smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

We need to have that chat sooner than later.