Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



Maybe I shouldn’t goto the house with Vaughn, but I wasn’t lying about getting more work done without the distractions.

My mother feels the need to bother me with trying to feed me every five minutes. She thinks I’m not eating enough, but I promise you, I’m eating just fine.

I’ve got an addendum I need to work on as well as order the title work on a house. So, I have plenty to keep me busy while I try not to watch Vaughn work.

Here’s the problem with my situation. As I stare at Vaughn, the more my feelings come back in full force. I loved him as a teenager. Unrequited love. I used to wish on all the stars in the sky, on all the sand on the beach, on every drop of water in the oceans that Vaughn would someday love me like I loved him.

But, those dreams never came true. And I was left wanting a man I could never have.

I mean, I’ve tried over the years. I even dated other guys, but I always felt like there was a part of me that would never let myself truly open up to them. Like a part of me was reserved only for Vaughn.

And the craziest thing is, I thought he was going to kiss me again on my parents’ front porch. Crazy, right? But when he touched me, I froze. My blood pulsed, my skin warmed. I held my breath as he ran a finger down my face.

I think he set me on fire, and as I tried to mentally put out the flames, he leaned in. That happened, right? I didn’t imagine it?

I want to believe he leaned in. I want to believe if Spencer hadn’t driven up at that exact moment we would have kissed again.

But it was probably just to prove his point.

I lied to him. When I said he wasn’t a good kisser. I mean, come on. Of course, I didn’t mean it. His kiss was life changing.

I can’t let that happen again. I have to protect my heart.

He admitted the only reason he kissed me was because that’s what he does. And he’s right. It’s his MO. It’s what he’s always done.

He’s a player, and I’m just a pawn in that game.

So, I pretend I’m not affected by him sitting so close to me and tap away on my phone. I sift through my pictures, trying to find new listings on the MLS.

I’m still waiting on Jackie to return my call.

Vaughn doesn’t speak the whole ride. His knuckles are white against the steering wheel, and I’m sure he wants to talk about something. But I just know he’ll yell more about what a good kisser he is.

And, I don’t know if I can argue anymore with him about it. Because he’ll see the lie in my heart, written clearly in my expression.

As soon as he turns down my dusty trail to my house he shifts in his seat. “What the fuck?”

I drop my phone in my lap and look up. “Oh my…”

Vaughn stops the truck and is out the door in seconds, running up the front porch steps.

Me, I’m a lot slower, assessing all the damage done to my new house. I slowly make my way up the front porch steps as Vaughn races around to the backside of the house.

The front window lies shattered on the porch, glass everywhere. ‘Tramp’ is sprawled in red spray paint along my front door.

“Who would do this?” I ask Vaughn when he rushes back to the front.

“There’s not much damage in the back. Just mainly the front window and that.” He points to the front door, and then holds out his hand. “Give me the key. I’m going to check it out first.”

The thought that someone could be inside makes my insides twist with fear. I hand over the key and then make my way back to the safety of his truck.

Once he sees I’m safely inside, he unlocks the front door and pushes it open. He moves throughout the house, and I grab my phone, putting a call through to the local police.

Vaughn exits the front door, and once I see he’s safe, I hop down from his truck, telling the dispatcher my address before hanging up.

“House is clear, and untouched.” He wraps his arms around me. “Who would do this?”

That’s exactly my question. Who even knows I’ve bought the house? I guess I told all my friends, and put pictures up on Facebook and other places. So, it’s not like it was a big secret, I guess. But I can’t think of anyone who would do this to me.

And to call me a tramp?


I think I’m the opposite of a tramp.

“I called the police.”

He nods. “Can you think of anyone who might have done this?”

I shake my head, trying to compile a list of suspects, but no one comes to mind.

“Old boyfriend?” He raises a brow. “Or, I don’t know, someone you may have sold a house to that wasn’t happy with it?”

My mind shifts to all my past clients, and yes, there may have been a few unhappy customers, but nothing to this degree. And to call me a tramp on top of that. I’m at a loss.

Vaughn wraps his arms around me, pulling me close. “Probably just some local kids playing a prank. We’ll see what the cops say when they get here.”

I breathe him in, letting his words soothe my overactive mind. Is that true? Will I forever have to be leery of neighborhood kids destroying my property?

I cling to Vaughn, still trying to wrap my brain around everything that’s happened. “Ok,” I agree with him.

“I don’t want you out here by yourself until they catch whoever did this.” He wraps me in his arms tighter, and I let him.

“Thank you for being here with me.” I pull back a little so I can stare into his sky-blue eyes.

He keeps his arms wrapped around me, our noses almost touching. “Of course. I don’t want to be anywhere else right now.”

His words warm me up like sunshine in the middle of summer. I want him to kiss me, but before we can do anything more the cops pull into the driveway.

For the next thirty minutes the cops take a look around, ask us both a million questions and want us both to come down to the station to fill out an official statement. Vaughn makes a makeshift window out of a cardboard box and duct tape until the window can be fixed properly.

Vaughn speaks with the officer as I take my first look around inside. It’s just like how Vaughn and I left it yesterday. Nothing’s missing.

I run my hands over the kitchen cabinets, loving the handiwork of Vaughn and everything he’s done for me. I have to say one thing. I’m so glad he’s here. It’s almost like it’s so surreal to me. Like I’m afraid to tell my parents because I know they’ll make me sell the house right away. They’ll also never let me back out of their house ever again.

Adult or not. My mother is a worrier. Big time.

“There’s a real possibility that you have a stalker,” the officer says. Officer Davison, his name reads on his uniform. His eyes are warm, and it really appears like the older man with the receding hairline may actually care about my safety.

“Has this happened to any other neighbors in the past?” Vaughn asks the officer.

He shakes his head. “No, never. This looks like a targeted act of violence. Someone you may have upset recently? An ex lover.”

I laugh. “No, none of those.”

“You don’t think some neighborhood kids are vandalizing things this close to Halloween?” Vaughn asks.

Officer Davison shakes his head, giving a nod to his partner before walking back to his car. “I don’t think so. There’s never really been many cases of that. Of course, we won’t rule it out and we’ll ask around.”

“Thank you, Officer Davison.” I just want this day to end already.

I can’t think of anyone who would do this to me. I’m a proud people pleaser, and I work very hard to earn the appreciation of others. It hurts me to think someone can hate me so much to do this.

Once Vaughnand I leave the police station, it’s pretty late in the evening. The sun has long since dipped below the mountains, and all I want is a shower and a good cry.

I don’t want to tell my parents about any of this until we have something more to go on. But how can I keep something like this from them?

“You hungry?” Vaughn asks as he opens the passenger side door for me to slide into.

“No,” I shake my head, “not really.” I hop onto the seat and turn to face him. “Vaughn, can we not tell my parents? I just know they’ll worry about me and not want me to leave their house.”

He rubs a thumb over his full bottom lip. “Well, that was my next thought, Paisley.” Ok, I love it when he uses my full name. “But I was thinking that maybe you shouldn’t stay at your parents’ place tonight.”


He shovels a hand through his hair. “Well, if you have a stalker he could be waiting for you there.”

“Where would I stay? I can call Gwen?”

“No, I have somewhere even better.” He shuts my door and heads around the back of the truck to slide into the driver’s side.


“Just sit tight. We’ll be there soon.”

I lean my head against the window and close my eyes. I must have dozed off because the next thing I remember is Vaughn waking me and telling me we’re here.

I glance out the window and see a high skyrise building, reflecting the blue lights from the city. “Is this where you live?”

“Yeah, I figure no one will find you here.”

And he’s absolutely right. No one would ever suspect I’d come here. I follow Vaughn out of the truck and into the building quietly, wondering if the doorman thinks I’m one of the many conquests Vaughn usually brings home.

I let my mind wander in that direction for a minute. What it must be like to be one of his many women. How they probably feel being led into an elevator with him. If his hands are already all over her before the doors even shut.

God, I’d give anything to have his hands on me right now.

And as I glance over at Vaughn right now, he looks terrified. “Are you ok?” I ask him. “I can stay with Gwen.”

He tunnels his hand through his hair again, his blue eyes meeting mine with a hint of worry. “No, it’s not that. I’m just really upset.”

“I know.” I’m upset too. How could someone say those hurtful things about me? I hope the officer does look into it, and doesn’t just push it across his desk like many cops do on TV. “I’m sorry I’m cramping your style.” I try to lighten the mood.

Vaughn’s eyes deepen as they stare at me. “Cramping my style?”

“You know. I’m sure you had big plans tonight.” Ugh, I should just stop talking now.

Vaughn laughs, but there’s no humor behind it. “Yeah, right, really big plans.”

The elevator dings and he leads me down the hallway. I hold my breath as he opens his door for me, and I stare at the floor-to-ceiling wall of windows he has at the far end of the condo.

“Wow.” I move right to them, looking at the city below. “This must get them to drop their panties.”

Vaughn chokes. “What?” His eyes are big as he steps up next to me. “What did you just say, Pea?”

“The women you bring home. This view has to be your selling point by the end of the night.”

He laughs. “Paisley, I don’t need a silly window to be my selling point.”

I nod, stepping away from him so I can take a mini tour of his place with my eyes. “Where did you get this?” I ask him, zeroing in on a framed photo on his bookshelf. “This was when we were so young.” There’s a picture of Spencer, Vaughn, and me smiling and laughing.

The interesting thing is Vaughn has his arm around me in the shot. I remember exactly when this was taken. I was sixteen, and he was just turning eighteen. It was right before he and Spencer graduated.

“I got it from my mother’s house.”

“I can’t believe you have it here.”

He takes the frame from me, smiling at the picture. “I love this one.”

“Me too.” I haven’t seen that picture in so long, but seeing the smile on Vaughn’s face when he was younger makes me smile.

It brings back all the feels.

I take in his bachelor pad. Sleek hardwoods, spacious, and yet homey. A black leather couch sits facing a large flat-screen TV. Even the pictures lining the walls are minimal, creating a very modern feel to the place.

“Are you hungry yet?” he asks me, leading me into the kitchen. “I can whip you up something really quick.”

“You can cook?” Maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised. Lots of people can cook, I just know my brother can’t. So I always kind of expect all men can’t.

“Yes,” he says with a laugh, “I can do a lot of things.”

I suck in a breath at his statement. Because I’m positive he can do a lot of things. “Well, don’t go to any trouble. I’ll eat whatever.” My stomach takes this opportunity to grumble and growl.

He smiles. “Ok, let’s see what I’ve got.” He opens the fridge. “I can make a chicken piccata.”

My mouth waters. “I’d love that.” I hop up onto his kitchen counter as he pulls things out of his fridge. “Only if it’s no trouble.”

When he raises his head, he spies me on his counter and smiles. “I like this.”

“Like what?”

“How easy this is.” He busies himself with cooking, and I excuse myself to the restroom.

Once I shut the door, I lean against the wood of it. “Oh my god. I can’t believe I’m here.” I take another deep breath and release it slowly as I make my way over to the sink.

I stare at myself, trying to pull it together. You got this, Paisley. He doesn’t view you like the sophisticated woman you are.

Just breathe.

When I exit the bathroom, Vaughn stands in the middle of the kitchen, shirt off with the blue lights of the city behind him.

“I didn’t know you’d be out so soon. I spilled something on my shirt.” He scrambles to toss his shirt into a basket in the laundry room next to the kitchen.

I can’t breathe as I stare at the solid muscles of his chest. The six-pack winks back at me, begging me to touch it. Wow. I haven’t seen Vaughn without a shirt on in I can’t even remember how long. His skin appears soft over the hard muscles. I want to lick my tongue over each groove.

I have to look away before I do something silly, like drool.

“I can help you cook,” I say, hoping I can busy myself with work in the kitchen. Give me some vegetables to chop, or something. Anything.

Is it hot in here?

He smiles. “Let’s put you to work.” His eyes smolder as I step closer to him.

I swear I don’t think I’ll be able to handle being this close to him.

Please give me strength.