Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



Oh my...everything.I rush to the bathroom, throwing my clothes back on along the way. My hands shake a little. Must be post orgasmic aftershocks. Because I’ve never had an orgasm like that before in my life.


Not lying. I know some women say they’ve never felt something so good, but this is the truth. I’ve never been so completely bare to another man before like that.

I’ve never had my body worked up like that. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone so badly in all my life.

Sure, I’ve fantasized about Vaughn for over half my life, but I couldn’t ever imagine anything that good.

His kisses were so needy. His hands were gentle, yet rough at the same time. Chills erupt against my skin, another aftershock of my recent orgasm, and I splash cool water over my face.

What do I say when I go back out there?


I step out of the bathroom, and tiptoe into the kitchen.

God, what a sight.

Vaughn stands in the kitchen, his back to me, no shirt, finishing dinner. His muscles, like artwork, are on full display for me. He grabs two plates from the counter, and slides a chicken breast onto each one.

I’m unable to propel myself forward, and instead I just watch. Like a stalker. Like I’ve been watching him my entire life.

And that’s the scariest part. I have been watching this man most of my life, and now that I can watch him so unabashedly, it feels almost sacred. Like I should be reverent as I stare at him.

“Did you want some wine?” he calls out over his shoulder.

“Ok,” I say, making my move to join him.

He jumps a little. “I didn’t realize you were right behind me.”

Act normal, I tell myself. I can do this. “Were you scared?”

He laughs a little, opening a bottle of white, and pouring two glasses. “You couldn’t scare me.” He hands me a glass. “This should pair well with the chicken.”

Should I tell him he terrifies me? “Thank you. I love white more than red.”

“I’ll let you in on a little unknown fact about me,” he leans closer with a smile, “me too.”

“Good to know. I can’t think of any unknown facts about me to tell you.”

He pulls out a chair at his dining room table, and then grabs the plates from the kitchen to set the table. “No need. I already know everything about you.” He rushes off down the hallway.

He comes back seconds later in a blue t-shirt. I’m a little sad he put the muscles away, but I think they’re burned into my memory well enough.

Umm. “No, you don’t,” I continue the conversation we were having before he left the room.

He shuffles around me, getting all the things we’ll need for our meal. “Yes, I do.”

I can’t possibly think of anything this man could actually know about me. “Sure, maybe things about when I was younger. Like old things. Nothing new.”

He studies me for a minute before sitting down. “Still like peas?”


“Hate pumpkin spice?”

“Naturally.” Because it isn’t natural.

“Still hate good movies?”

“I don’t hate good movies.”

He laughs. “Star Wars. Starship Troopers. Die Hard.”

I smile. “I don’t hate…” I stop talking because I do hate those movies, and my hatred grows as they keep releasing more and more movies.

He laughs at this. “See, there’s not really anything else to know.”

He doesn’t know my biggest secret. That I was majorly in love with him over half my life. “Yeah, I guess.”

It’s almost pride, or something like it that shines from his face as he smiles at me. “I forgot one,” I hold my breath, “you love to decorate homes.”

I let out the breath in a laugh. “Sure.” Relief washes over me like a cold spring on a sunny day. “Right.”

“You must be stoked doing this project, right?” he asks as he spears into his chicken.

“I really am.” I pick up my fork and knife. “Vaughn, this looks amazing.” It looks like something right out of a restaurant. I take a bite and oh, it’s even better. “This is so good,” I tell him.

“Yeah I picked up a few cooking skills growing up.”

“That’s not the only skills you’ve picked up.” I can’t believe I just said this. A warm blush creeps up my neck and my eyes go wide.

Vaughn cracks a smile with a light laugh. “Yeah? You want to see what other skills I’ve got?”

I smile, gaining my composure. He’s trying to trip me up, but I won’t let him. “Sure, I’d love to know what skills you have that aren’t sexual by nature.”

He smiles. “Ok, but I’ll tell you I’m much more skilled in the sexual arts than anything else.”

I swallow. “I believe you.”

And boy, do I. Growing up I’ve heard stories about how he’s a serial dater time and time again from my brother.

He doesn’t say anything, just stares at me for a moment and I try not to think about kissing him again. Because I liked it way too much. I know I can’t keep doing it. Can I?

“Seriously though,” he finally says, and already I feel that sense of dread. Like he’s gearing up to tell me Santa isn’t real. “I’m sorry.” he stares down at his plate, “I shouldn’t have touched you like that.”

“But I liked it.” And I’m not lying one bit.

“I know but that can’t happen again. I mean, look at us.” He sets his cutlery down. “For starters, your brother would kill me. And your father. Your father would kill me after your brother was done with me.”

“We’re grown adults.” I give him a pointed stare.

“No, I know that. Believe me, I know you’ve grown. But, I almost feel like it would be disrespecting them.”

I nod, feeling the hurt of rejection all over again. “No, it’s ok. I get it.” And I do get it. Vaughn James doesn’t do relationships.

Plain and simple.

He can try to give me excuse after excuse, but it’s easy, he will never settle down.

He reaches out a hand, placing it over mine. “I’m sorry, Pea. But this can’t happen between us. I’m sorry I lost control.”

“No, it’s fine. It won’t happen again.” I pretend I’m not affected. Like this is kind of my thing too. I date around, sort of.

He breathes out a relieved breath. “Ok, good.”

I realize at this moment this is just the type of person he is. A man who has casual sex all day, every day. He’s one of those men who can have sex with no feelings involved. He’s a cold-hearted bachelor, who gets off on giving women orgasms and then moves them along. He’s never had a real relationship before. Or so I’ve heard.

He’s never going to want to settle down with one woman for the rest of his life.

No, this is what he’s used to. And I’m not that girl. Because one, we know each other. Our families are friends.

It would ruin a lot of people if I had a one-night stand with him.

If anything ever happened between us.

And two, I want a man who will want me forever and ever. Not just a one-time side show while he entertains others as well.

Nope. He’s right. This will never happen again.

My heart agonizes over these thoughts, but I have to be strong. I have to tell myself this will only end in heartbreak. On my part.

I’m positive Vaughn doesn’t even have a heart.

My hands shake as I finish off my meal, not really expanding the conversation from anything other than how good the meal is and how his mother taught him to cook while she worked. A fact I already knew.

But, later on, when I’m curled up on his sofa under a white blanket with a yellow diamond shaped ‘Under Construction’ sign on it, and a matching pillow that smells just like him, I let the fantasy get carried away.

I pretend we could be together. I pretend this is real.

I almost find myself wishing for it.

“I’d rather not tellSpencer about any of this,” I say, folding the blanket I used last night.

Vaughn steps out of the kitchen, a mug of coffee that reads, ‘Sawdust is Man Glitter’ in his hands. “Are you kidding? I’d never tell Spencer about going…”

I cut in, “I mean about the house.” I set the blanket down. “I’d just rather fix the mess and not worry anyone else about it.”

Vaughn takes a sip of his coffee. “I don’t know, Pea. Don’t you think your family should at least know you have some crazy psycho after you?”

“Well, we don’t really know if that’s what it is.” I head into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. “Maybe it was just some kids.”

“You can’t really believe that.” His eyes search mine, and I have to say I like this side of him.



All alpha and such.

His overprotectiveness is a huge turn on.

“What do you think I should do? Alert my whole family? Have them worry? Make them all scared and nervous when it could turn out to be nothing.”

I can picture my mother now. She’d never let me leave her side ever again. Don’t get me started on what my father would be like.

Vaughn doesn’t say anything as he stares into his coffee mug as if it holds all the answers. “Fine, but I would feel better if you stayed close to me.”

“I can’t go to work with you. Besides, I have a few houses to show this week.” My mind scrambles as I think about all the things I need to get done.

“I’m not going to work today,” he says, breaking me from my own errant thoughts.

My eyes watch his hands, remembering the way he touched me last night. “You’re not?”

He shakes his head, setting his cup down on the counter. “No, we need to check on your place.”

He has a point.

“Ok. I’ll just be a minute.” I head to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

My phone pings with a message from Jackie, and she wants to meet.

“I’ll need you to drop me by my parents’ place because I need my car for work,” I tell Vaughn once I’m all ready to go.

He comes down the hallway from his room, in jeans and a plain white tee. Damn, that look should be illegal to all other males but him. Because no one can, or will ever look as good as he does in it. “Ok, but right after, you’ll meet me at your place.”

It isn’t a question but more of a demand and I nod.

The Perks Placecoffee shop isn’t busy when I pull into the lot. Jackie waves at me as soon as I step inside the quaint space, decked out head-to-toe in Halloween decor. Black spiders hang from fake webbing. Ghosts and ghouls hang from the ceiling. I love this time of year. I wave back, making my way to the counter to put my coffee order in first. They’re pushing the pumpkin spiced junk hard, but I just order a caramel cappuccino and make my way over to Jackie to give her a hug.

“Hey, thank you so much for meeting me,” I tell her.

Jackie is tall, super tall, with long red hair that flows in one straight unit down her back. She wears a black dress that cuts off at her knees. It’s not formal, but not not formal either.

“Of course, darling. Anything for my favorite realtor.” Jackie smiles as the barista calls my name.

I grab my coffee and then take a seat at the wrought-iron table near the door. “I’ve been so busy this week getting everything started on my house renovation that I haven’t had time to rest.” Which isn’t a lie. I have been busy thinking about Vaughn, and spending time with him and the house. It feels so good to have that thought. Vaughn and I, busily working on a house I own.

Guilt and want slam through me, making me hyper aware of the fact I feel guilty for wanting a man I can never have. Or a man who will never want me.

“How’s the new house?” Jackie asks, bringing me back to the present. “I know tons of contractors in the area.” She leans over and touches my hand. “I can get you a good deal.”

I sip my piping hot coffee. “It’s wonderful. I actually have a friend who is a contractor and owns his own company.” I told Jackie about the house I purchased briefly in an email we were throwing back and forth before we met.

Jackie’s definitely an awesome client to have.

“That’s great. I’ll have to come and have a look when it’s all done.”

I take another sip. “Absolutely. I’d love to have you out there.” And it’s not a lie, although why am I silently wishing Vaughn would be standing at my side while we showcase our house to others.

Ok, seriously, girl. Pull your shit together.

“So, tell me what plans you have? Ooh, you should videotape the renovation and post it on your website. That would get phenomenal traffic.” Jackie gives me her signature business-like smile, showcasing her perfectly straight white teeth.

“I love that idea.” Thoughts about documenting Vaughn on camera has me all giddy inside.

I put the idea on the back-burner as I slip into realtor mode, showing her a few listings of some fixer-uppers in the Denver area.

She’s interested and even asks questions, which lasts longer than I expected our meeting to last. But one thing I love about Jackie is I don’t have to go to each and every listing with her. Most times she drives by and knows if she wants to make an offer or not. So I slide the list of houses in her direction.

“I’ll let you know if any strike my fancy.” Her eyes beam as she stares at me.


“I look forward to watching the renovations.”

“Yes, thank you for the idea. Maybe I’ll feature you.”

She nods. “I would love that. Gotta do every little thing to get the business going, ya know?”

I smile and shake her hand. “Yes, I do.”

She winks. “You’ve already got a booming business.”

I laugh out loud. “Yeah, right. Hardly.”

Jackie brushes off these words like they’re lies. “I know you’re doing good, and now you’ve got me as a client.” She smiles wide and I laugh.

“Thank you for everything.” I shake her hand once more and leave the shop. I've got a hottie waiting for me at my place, and I can’t wait to get there.