Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



There’s justsomething about her. The way she laughs is magical. She practically floats through my condo, touching little things here and smiling at old photos there. No one has ever looked so good, and so at home here before.

Sure, I’ve brought other women home. Plenty. But none of them even hold a candle to the beauty currently in my kitchen waiting to help me cook. I can’t even process it all. And god, my dick is on high alert when she stands too close, the smell of blueberries intoxicating me.

“So, here’s a mallet. And I put the chicken in between two sheets of wax paper and beat it.” I hand her the kitchen tool and get the chicken all set up for her.

She lightly taps the chicken. “Like this?”

I tilt my head. “Well, not exactly. You have to really hit it. Beat it like it owes you money.” I laugh and she does the same.

She taps the chicken again, a little harder this time. “Better.”

I shake my head, standing behind her and placing my hand over hers on the mallet. “You want to put a little force behind it.”

“Ok.” Together we bring the mallet down on the chicken breast, flattening it out just a bit.

“There you go.” I step away from her like she’s on fire. And well, she kind of is...she’s heating me up all over.

I take another step back, leaning against the counter as she beats the chicken breast mercilessly.

“I think I’ve got it now.”

I can’t turn away from watching her. Her tight little body, standing in my kitchen. How did we get here? Why haven't I gone to my room to get another shirt yet? I’m entranced.

When I saw her house this afternoon, I almost lost it. I wanted to hurt the person who could ever call Paisley such a name. I’ve known her practically her whole life, and she has never been the type of girl to warrant being called a tramp.

But someone did.

I want to find out who. I want to be the one to bring that fucker down. I want to be the one to protect her.

The thought of protecting her slams through me and some sort of primal caveman instinct takes over. I feel like roaring around my house.

I push off the counter and grab a bowl so I can prepare the lemon sauce, and try to pretend I’m working instead of gawking at her like some pervert. I don’t want her to think she’s not safe here. The best way for her to think I can protect her is for me to not be thinking insanely sexual thoughts about her.

“When you’re done with that one, I’ll get you another,” I tell her, trying not to look at her. Looking at her is dangerous. Right now I can’t afford any danger.

I need safe and cautious.

I need the opposite of danger. The opposite of her soft lips against mine. Even though that was most likely the best thing I’ve felt in a long time.

Fuck, just thinking about it makes me want another kiss.

Maybe just one more? Maybe once I get one more kiss I can stop obsessing about her?

After a few minutes of not even glancing in her direction, everything is ready to go into the oven. She washes her hands, and I do too.

And now we’re here.



The air is stifling between us as I stare at her legs beneath the jeans she wears. My heart beats an unsteady rhythm in my chest.

“Thank you again for letting me stay.” She moves closer, and I back up. “I can’t believe how many years we’ve known each other I’ve never been here before.”

“I know.” I take another step back until I’m leaning up against the counter, needing some space between us so I don’t do something stupid like kiss her.

She leans against the other, then hops up onto it to sit.

I have to say it’s probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

I want nothing more than to move my tall frame in between her legs and kiss her like the world’s on fire, and this will be my last taste of her I’ll ever get before everything burns to ash.

My heart beat echoes in my ears.

As if she’s thinking the exact same thing, she asks, “Can I ask you why you kissed me?” Her voice is quiet, and a battle begins deep in my chest, starting with a warrior’s drum beat that leads into a symphony of chaos.

She deserves the truth.

But can I give her that?

I erase the distance between us, my body unable to break the cacophony of madness deep within, and I bring my hand up to brush through her hair, but I stop just before touching her.

“Please don’t stop this time,” she whispers.

Fuck. “I can never deny you anything.” I crash my lips to hers, moving my hands through her soft hair. This kiss should not be happening, but since it is, I’m going to enjoy the fuck out of it. I take my time with her. Exploring each and every part of her lips, nibbling on the corners, prying her mouth open with my tongue.

The fire in my chest only intensifies as the kiss grows. Before long it’ll be a wildfire and impossible to put out.

It feels so damn good when she wraps her legs around me and her fingers pull at my hair, starting at the base of my neck, and roaming all over.

I move away from her mouth, trailing kisses in my wake down her neck, throat, and the smooth skin of her shoulder. My hands explore as well, each one wanting to cover more ground than the other. Both of them wanting to go where I’ve never gone before.

My mind clouds as I keep tasting her skin. As I keep kissing her everywhere. “You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about this exact thing,” I tell her on a whisper.

She pulls back, her hands tugging at my hair. “You’ve thought about this?”

“Over a million times.” I nuzzle my nose into the crook of her neck, kissing her soft skin, pulling her body closer to me.

Her skin’s hot to the touch, and I wonder if she’s as turned on as I am.

She moans as I continue marking her skin with my lips, making sure she knows exactly how turned on I am in this moment.

We only have tonight. Only have this exact second right now, and I’m going to memorize every single detail of her body.

“I need to taste you.”

She leans her head back, closing her eyes. “Yes, this can’t really be happening.”

“Oh, it’s happening, Pea. I can’t believe it either.” I tug at her jeans, and she lifts her ass so I can pull them down her long silky legs.

And then before I know it, I’m staring at the sight of Paisley in nothing but a pair of black panties with a pretty little bow at the top.

Fuck, I’m so turned on at the sight of her. My pulse quickens, my body hardening in an instant.

I bring my mouth down, tugging on the ribbon with my teeth. “I love these,” I tell her, hooking my thumbs into the waistband of her panties to bring them down her legs.

Her eyes trap mine, and she holds my head with one hand in my hair. “I’ve imagined this so many times too.” She closes her eyes, leaning her head back.

And my chest fucking swells. Hell, I think my dick swells just as large. Because now my mind is occupied with nothing but thoughts of Paisley on her bed, picturing us together. I don’t know what to do with this new information. I don’t know how to handle the rage of heat pooling into my chest at the sight of her.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I breathe out. I run my nose along her skin. “You smell so good.”

She spreads her legs just a bit, and I step back so I can admire all of her. Damn, this woman.

I slowly move my tongue up her skin, letting myself get acquainted with her, and not wanting to rush a single second of this. My hands wrap around her silky thighs and I bring her closer to me.

“Vaughn,” she says, her body bucking as my tongue makes contact with her clit.

I circle my tongue over it, moving my head deeper into her, letting the pad of my tongue create enough pressure against her. Then, I swipe my tongue over her wetness, bringing my attention back to her clit.

We’re both panting.



She arches her back, and I repeat the circuit again. But now my fingers want their chance at touching her, and I slide one finger into her and her nails dig into my scalp.

I can’t get enough.

The rhythm picks up, and Paisley grinds against my face, eagerly wanting more.

I keep toying with her clit as I slip another finger in, and hook it to reach that certain spot deep within her that will drive her crazy.

And oh god, it does the trick.

Such a major turn on.

She bucks beneath me, her moans growing louder by the second. I fucking love this.

I still can’t believe any of this is happening, and I’m as hard as a fucking rock.

The powerful need to come consumes me.

I want nothing more than to slide my dick deep inside her over and over again. But I know I won’t go that far.

Hell, I’m already taking this too far, but I just needed one taste of her.

After this, I’ll be good, and I’ll put this memory into my spank bank and ride the waves for years to come.

I know she’s so goddamn close and I push her a little more, my tongue nudging at her clit until she almost tips. I keep licking and sucking, nibbling and torturing her as I slide my tongue over her wetness. My fingers work their magic too, pushing in and out of her, and within a matter of minutes she’s screaming out my name at top volume.

I wish I was riding out this orgasm with her, my dick inside her, our eyes connected, but I push that thought away and focus back on this gorgeous woman’s desire at my fingertips.

She feels so good when she really lets loose. When she’s right on the brink. When her mouth opens and her eyes close.

My heart hammers in my chest and I gasp for air, my body almost to its breaking point. One touch from her and I’ll be a goner.

I will my body to relax.

I pepper her with kisses as she recovers before I move up her body and back to her mouth.

“Vaughn,” she whispers before I kiss the ever loving fuck out of her.

I give it my all too, because I know this kiss is the last one. The last of so many more I’ll always want to do and never get.

I’m going to jerk off hard to this kiss later, and for the rest of my life, because Paisley and I can never happen.

The timer dings, and I break the kiss.

“Fuck,” I whisper out. “Guess I should get that.”