Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



I am lion,hear me roar. I hate to be all brutish and caveman possessive on Paisley, but I do not like Colby. Sure, he’s probably a nice guy.

But, I know that look.

The look of desire he has in his eyes when he stares at my girl.

I see it. I don’t like it.

What is this about a live stream? And, people wanting to hire us to paint their homes?

“I’m just going to call Colby back.” She holds up a finger and steps into the kitchen after I’ve released her from the quick kiss I just planted on her.

I don’t like the live stream idea, only because now her stalker knows where we are. They’d be stupid to try anything with me around. Unless they have a death wish.

I clean up our mess of paint, saving the trim for another day. I’m nearly done with it when Paisley makes her way back into the main room.

“That’s what they want,” she says with a big smile. “They want to hire me to design their remodel work.”

“What do you mean? Who?”

“Remember the house we were at the other day? Well, Colby had an offer, but they’ll only buy it if they can see my plans for the place. How I would design it.” She scratches a stray strand of hair away and it causes her to smudge paint onto her forehead. “Like I would knock that wall down in the great room first thing.”

I cross my arms, watching her eyes light up as she speaks. “I think it’s a great idea.” I move closer, smiling down on her. “Only you can’t knock that wall down.”

“Why not?”

“It’s a structural wall.”

Paisley chews on her bottom lip, her eyes lighting like they do when she has a million ideas spinning around in her head. “Ok, we’ll do something else then.” She claps her hands together. “This is so exciting.”

“You’ve always loved this sort of thing.”

“What thing?”

I step closer, taking the towel in my hand and swiping away the paint from her face. “Designing. Making a house a home.”

She kisses my lips. “I really do.”

“Do you want to get dinner?” I ask her.

She nods. “Absolutely.”

I pull up to her parents’house after dinner, as the sun dips below the skyline. I feel bad Paisley is basically being handed around from home to home, but her parents insisted she stay at least one night with them. They’ve been worried too. I get it.

I walk her to the front door, and pull her up against me. “I have a few things to do tomorrow, but then we’ll work on your place and get the trim done.”

She nods. “Ok.”

There’s a yearning deep inside me that wants to take her back to my place. Hold her tight, and never let go.

But, I understand.

It makes me wonder why I was always so against serious relationships. Because I want Paisley around all the time.

“Call me if anything happens.”

“I will.”

I kiss her, but I don’t go full porno kiss. It wouldn’t be appropriate in front of her parents’ house. I laugh as I break the kiss, hugging her one last time.

“What’s so funny?” she asks me.

I smile, shaking my head. “Nothing. I was just thinking about giving you a kiss that would make a porno movie jealous.”

She glances over her shoulder, making certain no one is around. “Well, why don’t you then.”

I hiss under my breath. “You’re nothing but trouble.” And then, I kiss her. I reach down, grabbing a handful of her ass as I kiss her long and hard, hoping no one is around to watch.

She breaks the kiss. “That will definitely keep me company tonight.”

I raise a brow. “I want a phone call if you’re going to be pleasuring yourself with thoughts of me.”

Paisley’s smile is wide and bright. “I might be able to call you.”

I kiss her cheek. “You better.”

She goes inside, and I pull out my phone, bringing up Spencer’s number.

“Let’s get a drink and talk.”

“Absolutely,” he says.

“Meet you at the usual place.”

An hour later I’m sitting at one of our favorite little dive bars in the city. The music pumps a soulsy blues number through the joint, and it’s not too busy for a Saturday night.

“What’s the problem? Is it the house?” Spencer tips his beer to his lips and stares at me with concern before taking a drink.

I shake my head. “It’s everything. I don’t like that we’re losing business. I don’t like that some dumb fuck is messing with Paisley. It’s just all too much.”

“Has anything new happened?”

“No.” I pull at the label on my beer. “No, nothing’s happened.” And I’m glad. Because her safety is my number one priority.

“Maybe we scared him off?”

I laugh. “Scared him off? We haven’t done anything.” I set my beer aside. “No, this fucker is biding his time. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce on her.” And I’ll be there.

“Well, that’s not going to happen.”

“I care about her.”

Spencer stares at me. “You really do, don’t you?”

I nod. “I told you I did. I’d do anything for her.”

Spencer sets his beer down. “It’s so weird.”

“What is?”

“You and Paisley. I’m still trying to get used to the idea. I do have to say this, though… I know you’ll keep her safe, so I’m happy you two are together.”

I smile, my chest puffing with pride. “Thank you. Now we need to find you a woman.”

Spencer laughs. “No way, man. I’m not ready for all of that just yet.”

I smile, taking a sip of my beer. “You’d be surprised. It’s pretty amazing.”

“What is?”

“Falling in love.”

Spencer’s eyes grow wide. “Whoa, you never mentioned love. Are you falling for Paisley?”

I stop to think for a moment, but it doesn’t take long. I’ve known for the past few days this feeling growing inside my chest is love. It’s unable to be contained and the more and more I think about it, the more and more I realize it is indeed love. Pure and simple. In every shape and form. I nod, answering his question, “Yes.”