Boost by Vi Summers


Chapter 49




What we endured as individuals was incomparable, yet our experiences united us in unimaginable ways.

I didn’t blame or resent Raf for truthfully admitting that he wouldn’t have told me about his past. How does one broach a subject like that? And how does the other receive and process it out of the blue without allowing it to alter their perception of that person?

In a way, I was thankful for the media snooping; the revelation forced us to confront the most tarnished marks on our souls. The parts we would rather conceal forever.

After having his story settle, I actually admired Raf for his actions. I didn’t condone murder, but I was an advocate for self-defense.

I looked over at Raf and caught him watching me. Offering a warm smile, I shuffled closer on the couch and I took his hand in mine.

“Doing okay?”

He sighed heavily and dipped his head a little. The action made me cautious—it contrasted the confident chin lift I normally received.

“Are you, Boss Lady?”

“I am,” I replied and grinned. “Side note, you can’t call me Boss Lady anymore.”

Raf’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Why not?”

“Because, Christian is now the overseer of the foundation. I stepped aside to avoid the conflict of interest. Ironic timing, really.”

The disappointment in Raf’s eyes had me confused. He angled toward me and cupped my cheek.

“You shouldn’t have done that, Greer.”

My frown deepened. “Why not?”

“I resigned this morning. Rang Colton and all.”

“But-” I cut off, knowing there wasn’t anything I could possibly say.

Raf had already emphasized how much he hated being thrust into the media’s spotlight. After every aspect of his teenage life being scrutinized—now for a second time, I couldn’t argue with his decision.


He looked surprised. “Okay?”

I shrugged and let go of his hand. “Yes, okay. I’m not going to question why when I already know. I respect that you like your privacy. That’s not easy to keep when in the public eye.”

“But you representing the foundation…”

“Is inconsequential right now. It’s in Tian’s capable hands, and I have another great account to pour my attention into.”

A whispered curse slipped from his mouth and he searched my expression as if seeing me for the first time. “I can’t think of anyone more selfless.”

“Stop it.” My cheeks began to heat—more so from the intensity of his stare than the compliment.

“It’s true.” Raf looked down his straight nose at me, and I smiled.

“Thank you,” I said quietly.

I leaned forward to meet him halfway for another sweet kiss.


He hummed.

“Whatever happened to your sister? You’ve hardly mentioned her.”

Pain cut through his expression. She was obviously a sore subject.

“I don’t have much to do with her now, neither do our grandparents. Lucía breezes in and out of our lives like an unexpected storm. I’ve never been able to predict when she will next blow in. Or out for that matter.”

“Does she live close?”

Raf shrugged. “Honestly, don’t know. Last I heard, she was out in DC.”

I was sad for him, and disappointed that he missed out on so much with her. I wanted to press and encourage him to reach out, but that was coming from an only child perspective. I didn’t know what it was like to have a sibling, let alone one that was estranged. I let the subject draw to a close and adjusted to lie on the couch with my head resting on his thigh.

His eyes swam with love as he gazed down at me. Fingers idly ran through my hair while the other hand rested intimately low on my belly.

“I have you now,” he said, tone soft with affection. “And that alone fills the cracks I thought never could be filled.”

I lifted his hand from my stomach and kissed the pads of his fingers.

My love affair with the tattooed, street racing King had redefined how I viewed the world, and loved for that matter. I was allowed to be happy, and Rafael just happened to be the man who opened the door to that universe. One where it was safe to speak my mind, and to love recklessly knowing that it will be echoed back at me with intensified potency.

“I love you,” I murmured while studying the intricate black ink proudly displayed along his forearm.

“And I you.”

I looked up from under my lashes and locked down a smile at the sight of his smirk.

“Say it,” I challenged.

He played coy. “Say what?”

“That you love me.”

A chuckle vibrated within his belly, close to my ear. “Demanding little Queen, aren’t you?”

“Only when I want something.”

“Sit up,” he commanded.

I complied and straddled his lap, curious to see where he would take this. Every muscle I possessed melted as Raf’s hands smoothed from my thighs, to my hips, up my back, then settled around the base of my neck. His thumbs rhythmically stroked over my jaw line, and the fidelity shining within his dark eyes made my breath still.

“You’re my favorite ride, mamacita. My ride or die. If I’m not riding with you, then I’m not riding at all. Not now that you’ve given me ideas on what the future could look like. I love you back, baby girl.”

I forced a heavy swallow as emotion filled my chest. Those beautiful words spoken from within an exterior that, on first impressions, appeared to be immune to such poetry of the heart… Those voiced thoughts were the reason a sheen of moisture formed across my eyes.

“That was beautiful,” I whispered. “You’re my favorite ride, too.”

Kissing Rafael was always a craving I easily succumbed to, and with an overpowering need to show him how full he made my heart, I took his face in my hands and kissed him with everything I had. With my entire soul, until I became heady and lightheaded, lifted from the earth and floating in that space that was specially reserved for wholeheartedly loving the one we chose. 

Firm fingers simultaneously dug into my booty and splayed across my upper back, anchoring me as if I’d vanish without warning. Each hum of approval rumbling from Raf’s throat became reciprocated with my own, and I liberally gave myself to him, severing the invisible ties of my past that always held a tiny part of me back.

Raf was the custodian of my heart and soul, and together we were proof that two broken people could make a beautiful pair.

The shrill tone of Raf’s phone cut through our bubble. The intrusion had him groaning and muttering a string of curses while continuing to kiss me.

I giggled against his lips and sat back, panting and pink-cheeked. “You going to get that?”

Raf snorted. “Does it look like I am?”

His rebelliousness was rewarded by the phone falling silent, only to start ringing again.

On a disgruntled grunt, he gripped my lower back as he rolled to the side, far enough to find his phone that had fallen from his back pocket.

“It’s Colton,” he said, then answered. “You’re coming on way too strong, bro.”

A string of laughter came through the phone and a quick-witted reply had Raf sniggering. A question then turned his expression serious.

“With Greer. Hold up.” Raf took a moment to kiss me before sliding me from his lap. “I’mma take this one outside.”

I nodded despite disquiet washing through my chest once more. I’d just started collecting our strewn belongings when the door re-opened and Raf reappeared.

“That was quick.”

“That’s because guys cut straight to it.” He shoved the phone into his back pocket and glanced around for his shirt.

I held it up for him. “You’re leaving, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I need to shoot and sign some paperwork for Colt. I want to get it over and done with.” He reached for me and smoothed his hands around my hips. “I’ll call you later; it might be late.”

“You’d better.”

“I’m a man of my word, mamacita.”

After another searing kiss, he redressed, shoved into his shoes, and sent me one last smirk before exiting my condo, leaving behind nothing but the lingering scent of his cologne.

I inhaled deeply and looked around my living space, shocked at how startlingly empty it seemed with his departure.

Souls and secrets had been purged in this room today. And despite the residual devastation yet to disperse, everything about me felt lighter. Above all, there was acceptance, and that was all either of us could ask for.