Claimed Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Jane stares at me with her mouth open, making me think about how fucking good she looked with my cock deep in her throat. I have to either fuck her soon or take care of my cock myself, because I want her so badly that I’m about to do something stupid. I can feel it.

Glancing in the backseat, I think about what it would be like to take her back there and slam into her before buying her a car. She’d fight me at first, but my cock needs her cunt, and I know that she feels the same way about me. I’ve seen it written all over her face when she looks at me and how she bites her lower lip and drags her gaze away.

“You going to suck my cock or say something?” I ask her.

Her mouth snaps shut and she swallows. “You can’t just buy a car for me to use,” she protests, shifting so that she’s looking at me. As she leans forward I get a great view down her sweater and I reach out, lightly tracing the curve of her breast through her clothes. Jane sucks in a breath and stiffens, but she doesn’t pull back.

“You missed my touch,” I tell her, running my thumb over her nipple. Even though her sweater, I feel it spring to attention. Her jaw is tight but relaxes a little bit as I touch her. “You haven’t let anyone else touch you since I fucked you, have you?”

For a moment she doesn’t move, then she shakes her head a tiny bit. It’s such a small movement that I almost don’t see it, but my eyes are locked on her face so that I don’t miss a bit of what she does.

“Nobody else has been in your cunt? Nobody’s touched your perfect curves?” Moving quickly, I tug her shirt up so that I can slip my hand inside. For a moment, I see a sliver of her skin across her stomach and I let out a soft groan as I feel her lacy bra under my fingers.

“Nobody.” Her voice is barely a whisper, more like a word floating on the softest breath, but it gives me the answer that I’ve been looking for.

Jane ran because she was scared, but she didn’t run right into someone else’s bed. I’d have to find them, have to kill them for touching her. She’s mine, has been mine from the moment I saw her at the bar. I don’t give a shit that I haven’t seen her in four years, she’s back now and there’s no way in hell that I’m ever going to let her go again.

“Good girl,” I tell her, squeezing her nipple enough to make her eyes widen. Her breathing is shallow and faster than before, and I grab her by the back of the neck, pulling her forward so that I can kiss her.

At first, she resists. I know that she’s trying to hold back, but my tongue sweeps into her mouth and she lets go, melting into me. I kiss her deeply, tasting her for the first time in years, then finally pull back, biting her lower lip hard enough to make her suck in a breath in pain.

“What was that?” She asks, reaching up and lightly touching her lip. It’s going to swell up some but I don’t care. I love knowing that I can mark her like that and there isn’t anything she can do about it.

I can’t take her and lock her away, not without raining down a world of shit on my head. Her mom is involved. Too many people know that she’s here, that she’s working for me. I have to be careful, but I also won’t let her go. Not again.

Ignoring her question, I get out of the car and walk up to the man standing outside the building. He’s been averting his eyes since he recognized who I am, and now turns to me, his hand out to shake mine.

“Mr. Bonanno, it’s always a pleasure to have you here. What can I do for you today?”

Turning, I point at Jane, who’s just now finally getting out of the car. She looks a little unsteady on her feet and I love that I can make her off balance like that. “She needs a car,” I say to the man. “Just like mine. Black. Leather. New. How quickly can you make it happen?”

“It’ll happen right now.” He glances at Jane like he wants to ask who she is but wisely keeps his mouth shut before turning and walking into the building.

“You don’t have to get me a car,” Jane says, plucking at my sleeve. “Seriously, Trevor. I know that we were together that one time and I work for you now, but you don’t own me anything. It was one night. A drunken fuck in a bar, not even a date or anything.” She starts to chew her lip but then gasps in pain before reaching up and touching it again.

I smirk at her. There’s something about seeing her marked as mine that I really love. “You don’t want a new BMW?”

In response, she shakes her head. “It’s not that. I can’t believe that you really want to buy me one, and I appreciate it, but it’s too much. You don’t have to do that.”

“I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to, but I want to. I want you, Jane.” Grabbing her wrist, I pull her closer to me, pressing my hand against her lower back so that she’s held tightly against my body. “I want to move you in with me and fuck you all night long.”

Shaking her head, she tries to pull away from me. “You can’t do that. I need to be with my mom.”

“Your mom isn’t sick.” I whisper the words into her ear and she shivers, but I’m not going to let her pull back from me. I’m stronger than her and I rather like her pressed up against my body like this. “She doesn’t need you to take care of her.”

With her pressed this close to my body, I can feel her heart slamming in her chest. Behind me, the door opens again but I don’t turn around. Not until I get an answer from Jane.

“I need to be with her. Ever think of that?”

She’s lying about something. I don’t know what it is, and I don’t know how I missed it before, but there’s something that Jane simply isn’t telling me. Pulling back from her, I study her face, trying to get a bead on what it is that she wants to keep hidden from me, but she won’t meet my eyes.

Grabbing her chin, I force her to look up at me. She does, letting out a gasp, but doesn’t try to shift away from me.

“What’s the truth here, Jane?” I ask. “I don’t like being lied to and I certainly can find out what it is that you’re hiding, but I’d rather you tell me yourself. You came home for a reason and it wasn’t because you needed mommy.”

“You want me to move in with you?” She lifts her chin and stares at me. “Is that what you want? Fine. I’ll move in with you, Trevor. Just back the fuck off.”

“Oh, I can’t do that.” Reaching down, I circle her wrist with my fingers, then pull it up to my mouth to lightly kiss her palm. “But yes, Jane, you’re moving in. Tonight. I’ll have someone come by your house to get your stuff and move you out.”

She shakes her head. “I’ll bring it myself. You want me to move in, then I get to make some of the rules.”

This makes me laugh. Jane is braver than most people would be in her position. “Yeah, and what rules do you think that you get to make?”

“You leave my mom out of this. I go home on weekends, all weekend. You don’t get to ask me questions about what I’m doing.” She’s thinking on her toes now and I drop her wrist to cup her ass and pull her into me so that she can feel my cock.

“Is that it?”

“No. My personal life is personal, and I leave work at four every day. I’ll be at your house at five.”

“What the hell do you need that time for?”

“I said that you don’t get to ask me questions.”

“And I never agreed to it. Tell me what you need that time for and maybe I’ll agree.”

She pulls back, her nostrils flaring a little as she looks at me. “Fine. I quit. You want to play this game, Trevor? I quit your stupid fucking job.”

Oh, like hell she does. She’s turning away from me but I reach out and grab her shoulder before she can stalk off, pulling her so that she’s facing me again. She trips a little in her heels and I grab her hip, steadying her.

“You don’t get to quit, Jane.” My voice is lower and darker than it’s ever been with her and she shivers. Good. I’ve been gentle with her so far, but she needs to know that that’s over now. “You belong to me. I’m sorry that you don’t realize it yet, but I knew it from the moment I fucked you in that bar. You’re mine.”

“I don’t belong to anyone,” she says, but there isn’t much fight left in her voice. She’s giving up and I’m glad. I’ll break her. I’ll tear her spirit apart and put her back together if that’s what it takes for her to realize that she honestly belongs to me.

This world means nothing to me, and I’m not afraid to destroy it and burn it all down so that I can get what I want.

And what I want is Jane.

“You fucking do, and you know it. Your mouth knows it. Your cunt knows it.” I slip my hands down her sweet curves and cup her ass, squeezing it hard. “Every part of your body knows that you belong to me, Jane. I’ve been gentle about it up until now, but that’s over. You’re mine and I’ll be damned if I let you think that you belong to anyone else. Do you understand?”

She nods, tears glistening in her eyes. “But my mom,” she says, and I cut her off.

“Fuck your mom. She doesn’t need you, Jane, not like I do. She doesn’t want you like I do. You’re mine.” Turning to the man, who’s standing outside the door with a key dangling from his finger, I snatch it from him and slip it into my pocket. “You want that key, darling? You want out of my house? You better fucking prove that you understand who you belong to.”