Claimed Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Ihear heels coming down the hall and I stiffen, standing up and stretching as I wait for Jane to come into view. She’s the reason that I’m at work so early and why I’ve already had three cups of coffee. I don’t want to say that it’s nerves, but I want her.

She’s mine.

I knew it from the first time I saw her at the bar, but then she disappeared. If I’d been able to find her, I would have stolen her away from whatever life she was living and brought her back home with me. Apparently it’s the Bonanno way, and while I never thought that I’d be one to kidnap the woman I wanted, I see now why both Salvatore and Marcelo did it.

Her footsteps slow as she gets closer to my office door, then there’s a soft knock before she pushes it open. I’m at my desk facing the door, and I watch with interest as she steps into my space.

Her blonde hair is pulled off her neck and into a bun, showing off the smooth curve that I nipped our one night together. I feel my cock thicken in my pants as I take in the way her sweater rests on her breasts, her delicious ass, and how her lips purse together a little bit when her eyes land on me.

“Good morning,” I tell her, finally standing. I honestly don’t care if she sees how hard I am for her right now. Jane needs to know what kind of an effect she has on me and that I want her as badly as I do. “Glad that you decided to show up for work, even though you are late.”

“I’m not late,” she says, glancing down at her watch. “It’s not even eight.”

“You must have something more important to do in the morning.” This weekend I drove past her mother’s house trying to get a peek of her, but Jane must have been inside the entire time.

She pauses, biting her lower lip, then gives her head a little shake. “No, just didn’t get moving this morning.”

“Be here tomorrow at seven.” I don’t need her here that early, but there’s something about the way she’s looking down at her feet and twisting her fingers together that makes me want to get her attention, and that’s the best way to do it.

Sure enough, her head snaps up. “You don’t mean that.”

I grin at her. “Sure, I do. If you want to get paid.”

A slight pause and I can tell that she’s trying to think of a retort that won’t land her in hotter water than she’s in now. According to some of the guys I had watch the diner, she went back later Saturday and asked her boss to give her her job back. He’s smarter than I gave him credit for, though, and turned her down.

She’s pissed. It’s obvious in the way she’s got her hands clenched tightly into fists and his narrow her eyes are as she stares at me, waiting to say something.

“You didn’t tell me how much you were going to pay me.” Her gaze takes in my suit before she looks around my office. It’s got huge windows overlooking the city, which is completely ridiculous since I don’t spend much time in here. A whiskey bar on one wall boasts some of the best whiskey in the world and her eyes linger there for a moment before she looks back at me.

I just know that she’s thinking about the whiskey we shared the night I fucked her in the bar and I grin.

“What were you making at the diner?”

A slight pause and her cheeks grow pink. It’s obvious that she doesn’t want to tell me, but I’ll wait. I’m a patient man.

“Four fifty plus tips.” Her gorgeous eyes bore into me like she’s daring me to laugh, but I’m not amused.

“Highway robbery,” I tell her, and she agrees with a jerk of her head. “How about I match that, but in the millions?”

She’s smart. I saw that the night we met and I can tell it just from looking at her. Some people have a dull expression on their face, like they can’t quite string together more than two words in a sentence, but not Jane. She’s more intelligent than people probably give her credit for.

“You’re going to pay me four and a half million dollars to work for you?” The doubt in her voice is obvious and she squints at me like she’s trying to see what game I’m playing.

I nod. “Plus tips.”

“And how do I get those tips?” She licks her bottom lip, the pink tip of her tongue so sexy that I groan and reach down to adjust myself. Jane’s eyes flick to my crotch and I enjoy watching them widen as I shift position a little bit.

“I’m more than confident that the two of us can come up with some system,” I tell her. “If you have any thoughts on what that could be, just speak up.”

She gives her head a little shake and I looks like she’s not only disagreeing with me but also clearing her mind and I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. Fuck. When did I start smiling this much at any person? There’s just something about Jane that makes me happy.

And horny. I want to strip her down and fuck her up against the windows in my office. I’d love for the entire town to be able to look up and see her spread eagle in front of them, naked, with my cock thrusting in and out of her.

“If you don’t have anything right now then I need you to do some filing.” Turning, I grab a box from the corner of my desk. It’s all useless shit, old receipts that have nothing to do with the family business, paperwork and warranties for equipment and vehicles that I found scattered in my office, but at least it will give her something to do.

For a moment, she hesitates, then she steps forward and takes the box from me. “Where’s the filling cabinet?”

“In the corner,” I tell her, jerking my head so that she has to look behind her. She turns slowly, then nods her head in an effort to convince herself that this is a good idea. A moment later she’s clicking her way across the room and I get to watch her ass as she goes.

“When you’re done with that,” I tell her, “I have some errands for you to run. You do have a car, I’m assuming?”

Jane shakes her head but doesn’t turn around from where she’s pulled open the top drawer of the filing cabinet. She’s so short that the top drawer is almost too tall for her to see in, and I appreciate the way she goes up even further on her toes to peek in. “No car,” she tells me, finally turning to look at me. “I took the bus back here.”

“The bus.” She nods and I roll my eyes. “Okay, when you’re done I’ll make sure that you have a car. Just finish it up quickly, I have a meeting in a few hours.”

The next hour is spent watching her ass while she works. I’m sure that my cousins would tell me that I’m wasting my time just keeping an eye on her like this, but I don’t want to look away. I love the way she looks bending over to get files from the box before carefully putting them where they go. She moves quickly but never glances over her shoulder at me.

While I wait, I reach out to a few contractors that we work with to make sure that everything is still on for our new construction. My company is in charge of a new government building going in right outside town. It’s going to house not only the library, but also a post office, and some offices for various officials.

The fact that the Bonanno family is in charge of it and that we’ll probably have someone buried in the foundation is ironic. This is what happens when you’re part of the most dangerous crime family in the area. Nobody would dare tell us that they won’t work with us, and we get to handle whatever business we want.

“I’m done.” Jane appears at my side, holding the empty box. She glances at my face for a moment but then drops her gaze like she can’t quite figure out where to look. Standing, I take the box from her and put it on the floor.

“Great. Come with me and I’ll get you set up with a car.”

“You guys have company cars?” She asks, following me from my office. With her this close to me, it’s difficult for me to think straight. I get it now—why my cousins did what they had to. It’s maddening smelling her and knowing that I can’t touch her right now.

We get into the elevator before I respond. The doors shut and I turn to her, making her back up with her back against the wall. Immediately, her gaze locks on my lips and I reach out to brush some hair back behind her ear.

“Don’t worry about the car,” I tell her. “I want to know why you really came home.”

She swallows hard. “I told you. My mom said that she was sick.”

“Mmhmm.” My fingers trace along her jaw, sending sparks through my body. I could fuck her right here. It would be easy to push the stop button and get the time alone with her that I need to feel her from the inside. I haven’t forgotten how incredible she felt when I was in her.

“I’m serious. I came home for her.”

“Not for me?” While I wait for her to respond, I rest my fingers on the hollow of her neck, feeling her pulse beat there. “You didn’t come back home because you missed my cock?”

Fuck, Jane’s doing everything that she can to hold it all together. Swallowing hard, she shakes her head. “No,” she says, her voice a whisper.

The elevator comes to a stop on the first floor and dings. I wait until the doors are fully open before stepping back from her. “Well, I missed your sweet little cunt, Jane. Can’t wait until I get to fuck you again.”