Claimed Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


There’s a couple waiting to get on the elevator when Trevor leads me off of it and I see the look of shock on their faces as we pass. My face is probably as red as a fucking tomato and I stare at the backs of his shoes, blindly following him out of the building and into the parking lot.

Never in my life have I had anyone talk to me like that. Never have I thought about someone the way that I have, or wished that I’d be able to see them again. How many nights did I lie awake and wonder what he’d do if I told him that he was a dad? Too fucking many, that’s how many.

I didn’t see him grab any keys, and it isn’t until we stop at a black BMW that I wonder which car I’m going to get to drive. The parking lot is full of nice cars, all of them more expensive than anything that I’ve ever driven before, but this car especially is really nice. Reaching out, I run my hand over the hood.

“Is this the car I’m going to use?” I’m excited. Annie will be thrilled to be in such a nice car and not to have to take the bus anywhere. I’ll definitely have to make the rule that there’s no eating or drinking in the car because I don’t want to have to cough up the cleaning bill.

But, damn. I can only imagine how nice it will be to drive something that doesn’t feel like it’s going to fall apart on the side of the road. My last car did just that. The engine finally gave up the ghost, but honestly, the entire thing was rust. It was a damn miracle that it hadn’t all crapped out on me before it finally died.

“This one? No, this one is mine.” Trevor hits the unlock button and slides in. Swallowing hard, I join him, enjoying the feeling of the creamy leather as I do. The car is a fucking masterpiece, and I’ve never been one to get all hot and bothered by something with wheels.

“The one I can drive must be in another lot, huh?” I ask, carefully shutting the door. I want to make sure that he sees that I’m going to be really respectful of whatever vehicle he loans me and that I don’t just slam the door every time I get in and out. After I buckle, I lean forward, running my hands over the dash.

There isn’t a speck of dust anywhere in here. It honestly looks like it was just driven off the lot, and I turn around to glance in the backseat. Yep. Just like I hoped—it’s definitely big enough for Annie and all of her things.

“You done sexually harassing my car?” Trevor’s watching me and I turn back around, tucking my hands in my lap and giving him a little nod.

“Sorry about that.”

“Nothing to be sorry for, but if you’re going to be touching things like that then I have something else I’d like you to stroke.” He starts the car and a low purr moves through my body.

Yeah, this is a hell of a lot nicer than any city bus.

We pull out of the parking lot and I turn to stare out the window, doing my best to avoid looking at him. It would be one thing if we had just slept together a while ago and nothing had ever come of it, but to know that he’s the father of my daughter...well, it complicates things.

I still want him. I swear, I can feel his body right there next to mine, the heat practically radiating off of him. He’s sexier than anyone I’ve ever seen, and I’ve definitely had more than my fair share of firefighter calendars hanging in my room in the past. He could put them all to shame with his strong arms, ridiculous abs, and his...yeah.

The last thing that I need to think about right now is his huge cock and what it felt like inside of me. Shifting a little, I squeeze my knees together and do my best to ignore him.

“You can’t pretend that I don’t exist the entire time you work for me,” he tells me, reaching out and putting his hand on my knee. Instant flames lick up through my body and my core tightens at his touch.

“I’m not ignoring you,” I lie. “I just haven’t been home in a while, so it’s nice to take it all it.”

“Nice of you to come home for your ailing mother. Tell me, why did she lie to you about that?” His hand is still on my knee, making it really fucking hard to string together a coherent thought.

All I want to do is beg him to pull over and fuck me, but that’s a terrible idea. I haven’t ever been with anyone else, and I’m not about to do something stupid and put Annie at risk. I just have to keep reminding myself that this is all for her. If he’s really going to pay me as much as he said he would, I can work for him for a bit and then get the hell out of here.

I’ll even take my mom with me, I’m that much of a good person. All I know is that I can’t let Annie grow up here, not when her father might find her.

My palms are sweaty thanks to the presence of his hand on my knee, but I don’t move to wipe them on my skirt. I feel frozen, like I need to stay completely still so that the predator doesn’t see me move. If I can keep my body and my heart from doing something stupid then I can walk out of here rich enough that Annie and I never have to worry about anything ever again.

Then I realize that he’s still waiting on me to respond to his question and I clear my throat. “I think that she just missed me,” I tell him. It’s not a lie, but I don’t want him to know that she suspected something was wrong with me. She hasn’t come right out and told me, but I think that she found the pregnancy test box after I left.

It just took her that long to finally track me down.

I’d been at work when the call came in to the main office that I had an emergency call. I’d been shocked to hear her voice on the other end of the line, telling me that I needed to come home because she was sick. Telling me that she’d been looking for me since I left.

She found me, but Trevor hadn’t. It’s obvious in my mind which one of them wanted me to come home the most.

“She thought that she could have done a better job at being there for me when I was younger, and she asked me to come home and give her the chance.” I speak quickly, wanting to fill the silence between us, and Trevor finally nods.

“So she found you and you came running back?”

“What was I supposed to do?” I turn to him and then immediately wish that I hadn’t. Being in the car like this with him was bad enough before he put his hand on my knee and made me feel lightheaded. But when I look at him, all I can see is how damn sexy he is. I remember how it felt to have him wrap my ponytail around his hand, and I reach up to touch my hair.

He shrugs in response to my question. “What I don’t understand is why you didn’t want to work at the law office again.”

There’s no way that I can tell him that the diner was willing to offer me better hours to take care of Annie. “I thought that I needed a change of pace. That was a good job for me, but coming home like this...well, I didn’t think that it would be permanent. And I didn’t think that they’d hire me back.”

There. I was honest with him about something, and I hope that that little bit of honesty will be enough that he doesn’t pick up on the things that I’m not telling him the entire truth about.

“Well, their luck sucks, because now I get you.”

The way he says it, so casually, almost like he’s claiming me, makes my heart flip a little in my chest. I know that he just means that he has me to work for him, but there’s just something about how he said that he had me now that I like.

Fucked up, right? I get knocked up by the mafia and all of a sudden I’m all googly eyes for him.

Ignoring the things that I want to say as well as his hand that’s slid a little higher on my thigh, I look out the windshield to see where he’s taking me and immediately frown. “This is a dealership.”

“Very good.” His voice is dry and sarcastic but I ignore the tone. I get enough of that at home and I’m not going to even respond to it.

“They keep your extra cars here?”

This makes him sigh as he pulls into a parking space right in front of the building. A tall man, dressed to kill in a suit, steps outside and looks at us before doing a little double take when he recognizes Trevor. “No, Jane, we don’t keep extra cars here. We just come by and buy them as we need them. Now, are you going to get out of the car or sit here and pretend that you aren’t dying for a BMW of your own?”