Fox by Harley Wylde

Chapter Sixteen


It took longer than I’d have liked for everyone to get into place. I went to get Raven and stopped when I saw the front door stood open.

“Who the fuck went outside?” I yelled over my shoulder. Anyone who’d left the sunroom had gone through that door and cut across the backs of the houses.

“No one,” Hatchet said. He fisted his hands. “Not a single fucking one of us opened that door, which means Raven did. The question is why.”

Oh, fuck. That meant she was gone. Out there somewhere alone. Had she thought we meant for her to run now? I pulled out my phone and called Archer, since I knew he had gate duty.

“What’s up, VP?” Archer asked when the call connected.

“You seen Raven?”

“No, sir. All quiet up here. Everyone’s been checking in. No one’s said anything about seeing her.” There was a pause. “Except I haven’t heard from the men at your place. They weren’t really checking in regular like the others, though.”

I hung up and faced Hatchet. Shit. “She’s gone. I don’t know how or when, but I think those fuckers got her.”

I texted out an SOS to the entire club, letting them know Raven wasn’t in the house any longer. I ran outside and scanned the area for any trace of her. It looked like the grass had been flattened just off the walkway. I followed what I hoped was a trail, and noticed it went off into the dark, toward the back of the compound.

“Think they took her this way,” I said. Hatchet stuck close as we looked for Raven. And then I heard her scream.

“I’ll text Surge to check the camera footage,” Spider said. “And I’ll make sure the damn alarm system alerts someone when the fucking door is opened.”

We broke off into a run, and I hoped like fuck we made it in time. When they came into view, it felt like someone had ripped my guts out and stomped on them. They’d taken off her clothes and tied her down, and two of them had started undressing. The other, already naked, knelt over her.

“That one’s mine,” Hatchet said, his voice ice cold.

I nodded and focused on my girl. I’d failed her, but I’d be damned if I let them hurt her more than they already had. We caught their attention when we were less than three yards away. The one kneeling over her stood. Hatchet launched himself at the man, both of them tumbling to the ground. While he pounded on that one, I went after the other two. My fist connected with Simmons’ jaw and I immediately turned on Larson.

I punched and kicked the two men until I’d taken them both to the ground. I hauled my foot back and nailed Larson in the ribs before grinding my boot into Simmons’ groin. He squealed like a little bitch, and I drew my foot back, striking him in the balls. From the sounds he made, I’d probably made his testicles rupture. Served him fucking right.

My brothers ran toward us, and I let them handle Larson and Simmons. Hatchet had made a bloody mess of Keates. I knelt next to Raven and started to untie her. Once I had her free, I shrugged off my cut and yanked my shirt over my head. I helped her put it on before I lifted her into my arms.

“I’ve got your cut,” Knox said. “Surge caught them on camera heading this way. More of our brothers will be here in a minute. The three left to guard the house were knocked out.”

I nodded and carried Raven back to the house. She hadn’t stopped crying and hadn’t spoken a word to me. My heart felt like it had been ripped from my chest. How the hell could I ask her to stay with me now? I’d claimed her, made a home with her, and then I’d let those assholes get their hands on her. I hoped like fuck they hadn’t done anything other than tie her down. If they had, I knew she’d never forgive me. Hell, I wouldn’t forgive myself.

“I’ve got you, Raven,” I murmured as I walked into the house. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

I felt my eyes burn from unshed tears as I climbed the steps and went to our bathroom. I couldn’t let her go. Instead, I kicked off my boots, tossed my phone onto the counter, and stepped into the shower. Didn’t matter I still had on my jeans, or that she wore my shirt. I twisted the knobs while holding onto her, and let the hot water run over us. Unable to remain standing, I sank to my knees and cried as I held her.

“So sorry. So fucking sorry,” I murmured over and over as I rocked her.

I felt her nails bite into me as she gripped my bicep. I didn’t care if she drew blood. I deserved nothing less.

“Josh?” Her voice was soft and low.

“I’m here, Raven. I’ve got you.”

“You still have your pants on.”

I smiled and tried to pull myself together. “It’s okay. They probably needed to be washed anyway.”

She shuddered and twisted in my arms. I eased my hold on her so she could face me. Somehow, I ended up on my ass with her in my lap.

“How did they get you?” I asked, needing to know where the security had failed. I could watch the camera footage later, but I needed to hear it in her words.

“I heard a puppy and went to let it in.” Her cheeks flushed. “I shouldn’t have opened the door. I knew better, but… I didn’t see anyone else out there. They were waiting in the shadows and grabbed me.”

“I didn’t see a dog,” I said. I smoothed her hair back. “I’ll have someone look for the puppy. Make sure it’s okay. Honey, I… I need to know. Did they…”

I couldn’t bring myself to say the words. My sweet Raven understood what I wanted to ask just the same and snuggled into me.

“They didn’t get a chance to do more than cut my clothes off me and taunt me with everything they planned to do to me. You got there before they could do anything else.” She let out a shuddering breath. “I know who the father of the baby is. Keates. I told them I was pregnant and the other two said they couldn’t have kids. He’d planned to kill me until then. He wanted to use the baby to gain favor with his father.”

“You won’t have to worry about any of them anymore,” I said. “Your dad took care of Keates. I’m sure he’ll handle the other two as well.”

“You didn’t want to?” she asked, lifting her head again.

I didn’t want to lie to her, even if it didn’t paint me in a favorable light. “I do, but I want to be here with you more. You need me, Raven. And I need to have you in my arms right now.”

“I was so scared no one would notice I was missing. It was stupid to open the door.”

“We’d boasted how hard it would be for them to get inside undetected. You felt safe, and you should have been. We’ll find out how they got inside and make sure no one else can slip in without us knowing about it.”

She shivered and I realized the water had already started to cool. I stood and removed the shirt, letting it fall to the tiled floor. Then I helped Raven wash. I ran my hands over every inch of her body, wanting to not only wipe away their filth, but replace the memories of their hands on her body. When I’d finished, I shut off the water and stripped out of my clothes, leaving the soggy mess in the shower. I grabbed a stack of towels from the box just outside the door and wrapped one around her before tucking one around my waist and carried her to the bed.

Raven curled into a ball when I placed her on the mattress. As much as I wanted to help her dress, and put on dry clothes, I also needed to hold her a little while longer. I lay down beside her and pulled her against my chest. Spider found us, entering the bedroom quietly.

“She okay?” he asked.

I nodded, looking at the woman who’d fallen asleep in my arms. “But she almost wasn’t. If we’d have been one minute later…”

“I fucked up,” Spider said. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Even though the plan we had seemed solid enough, I was so focused on Luciana and what those men would do to her, I lost sight of everything else just long enough that those men took your woman. Had I not been worrying about my woman and daughter, maybe I’d have thought to ask you to check on Raven. It’s time, Fox.”

“What does that mean exactly?”

“You know what it fucking means. I’m too old for this shit, and I have a family I want to spend time with. I’m not even asking the club. After tonight, I’m handing it all over to you.”

I’d known it was coming, but I’d hoped he’d remain President another year or two. The man was in his seventies, and I couldn’t blame him for wanting to step down. He might not look his age, but he wouldn’t live forever. I didn’t begrudge him wanting to spend time with his wife and kid. Wouldn’t be long before Marianna was a teenager.

“All right. Any ideas on who will be VP?” I asked.

“Rocket.” Spider shoved his hands into his pockets. “He’s not much younger than you, and he’s more than proven himself, especially since he claimed Violeta.”

“You know the club will have to vote on it. You may not be giving them a choice about me being President, but we can’t just move up Rocket and not expect some fallout.”

“Doubt anyone else wants it, but we’ll take it to a vote. It will be the last thing I do when I hand everything over to you. We’ll call Church tomorrow and take care of it.”

“The men? Did Hatchet handle them?” I asked.

“He incapacitated them long enough to get his tools. Then he made sure they were in too many pieces for anyone to find them, or at least all of them. I’ve assigned a few brothers to clean up the mess. Still need to deal with the bitch who sold her out, but we can do that later.”

“Thanks, Pres. Let Hatchet know he’s still welcome to stay here? I don’t want to leave Raven alone.”

“On it,” Spider said. “Night… Pres.”

I smiled and flipped him off. He chuckled as he walked out of the room.

Raven stirred, then settled once more. I stroked her hair and breathed in her scent. I’d nearly lost her. Even if it took the rest of my life, I’d make it up to her. Never again would I take it for granted she’d be safe. I should have known better. And they’d lured her out with a puppy of all things.

A light knock sounded on the door, and I looked over my shoulder. Hatchet stood in the doorway, his hands in his pockets and a haunted look in his eyes.

“She’s fine, Hatchet. Come see for yourself.”

He entered the room and stopped by the bed, looking down at his daughter. “I made sure they won’t hurt anyone ever again.”

I nodded. “Spider told me.”

“I saw him ripping the VP patch off your cut. Something going on?” he asked. “I know it’s not my club, but if you’re in trouble… Well, you’re my son-in-law, even if you’re older than me.”

I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips. “Shit. That will be fun to explain to the kids. And no, I’m not in trouble. Spider has decided it’s time for him to retire. I’d imagine he’s having the President patch stitched onto my cut before he gives it back.”

“Huh. How about that?” He grinned. “My little girl is the old lady to the Hades Abyss President.”

“I have a feeling she’ll sleep until morning. It’s been a hellish day,” I said.

He nodded. “It has. I, um, told Spider I’d like to handle Raven’s mom. I’ll crash here tonight. When Raven wakes up, I’ll probably be gone. Tell her I’ll come back soon as I’m done. I need to make sure no one else is going to come after her.”

“Be careful, Hatchet.”

“I will. See you soon… Pres.”

He walked out, shutting the door behind him. It would take a while to get used to people calling me that. I wondered what Raven would think about it. I’d tell her when she woke up. Until then, I’d hold her and watch her sleep. I had a feeling I’d be awake all night, too scared to close my eyes in case she disappeared.

“I love you,” I murmured, kissing her brow.