Fox by Harley Wylde


Raven -- Two Weeks Later

Luciana, Violeta, and Vasha shared the table with me while the kids played nearby. The clubhouse had been scrubbed top to bottom before family day. The men were scattered around the room talking and drinking beer. Things had calmed considerably, especially since my dad had returned. He’d taken an extended leave from the Reckless Kings in order to spend time with me, but I knew he’d have to go back sooner or later.

“What’s it like?” I asked Luciana.

“You mean having Spider home all the time? Or him not being President anymore?”

“Both,” I said.

She smiled. “It’s nice. He’s more relaxed, and he’s even been sleeping in. I wish he’d stepped down sooner.”

“What about you?” Vasha asked. “What’s it like being the old lady of the new President?”

“Fox has been busy, but he still makes time for me.” I pressed a hand to my belly. We’d had a long talk the other day and decided to keep the baby. Even if Keates had been the sperm donor, it didn’t mean the baby would grow up to be evil. “He went to my first OB-GYN appointment yesterday and plans to attend every single one of them. They said the baby seems healthy. I’m not far enough along to tell the sex yet, but Fox and I have been discussing names.”

“What did you decide on?” Violeta asked.

“Grayson for a boy and Harlow for a girl,” I said.

Luciana leaned in and dropped her voice. “What happened with your mom? Or the doctor? Spider won’t tell me anything.”

I smiled, remembering the story my dad had shared when he’d returned. I only wished I’d been there to see it all happen in person.

“My dad went to see her. Turns out, she’d told quite a few lies to her fiancé. The senator listened as my dad told him how my mom had lied about getting an abortion, how she’d thrown me out of the house after those cowboys raped me, then made arrangements with the doctor and guards at Balmoral. Dad said the man looked horrified and couldn’t get away from her fast enough.

“And the best part? Surge provided proof of her bribes and what exactly she’d paid for. As far as society is concerned, Mom had a nervous breakdown and is getting the care she needs.”

“Where is she really?” Violeta asked.

“At Balmoral. She’s gone from designer dresses to a straitjacket. The senator didn’t want the scandal involved with Mom being arrested. He’s paying for them to keep her for the rest of her life, and she’s to remain sedated.”

“And you’re okay with that?” Vasha asked, a frown marring her face.

I shrugged a shoulder. “She can’t do anything from Balmoral. I think the senator will protect his image at all costs, which means he’s not going to let her slip away. He’ll be keeping a close eye on her.”

“And the doctor? The one she bribed?” Luciana asked.

“Surge and some of his friends handled it, even though my dad wanted to rip the man apart. They’ve drained the doctor’s accounts and left an anonymous file with the police. They picked him up and he’ll be spending a lot of time in prison, where I’m assured he’ll get special treatment.”

I smelled Fox before his arms came around me, and I felt his beard brush my neck. “What are you gossiping about over here?”

“Just reassuring the ladies Mom won’t be an issue anymore, or the doctor.”

“Come dance with me,” Fox said, helping me from the chair.

“Dance?” I couldn’t remember the last time I’d gone dancing.

Fox winked and pulled me into his arms. Someone turned up the music right as a slow song started. I pressed my cheek to his chest and swayed with him in the middle of the clubhouse. Despite everything I’d been through, I’d managed to get my fairy-tale ending. Oh, Fox might not be a prince, but he was my hero just the same.

I’d gone from being an orphan after my mother threw me out, to having a father, a husband, and a baby on the way. Counting all the men and women in the Hades Abyss, I also had a rather large extended family now. And since my dad was part of the Reckless Kings, I’d been assured I had a lot of adopted uncles waiting to meet me. I even had a puppy! Fox had located the one the guards had used to lure me from the house. Since no one had reported him missing, we decided to give him a home with us.

“What are you thinking about?” Fox asked.

“That I’m lucky.”

He stopped and pulled back to look down at me. “What?”

I waved my hand at all the people surrounding us. “I have all these people in my life, the love of the most amazing man I’ve ever met, and I finally got to meet my dad. I love you, Fox. Our lives may not be perfect, but… this is a pretty amazing happily-ever-after. Don’t you think?”

He smiled. “Yeah, I guess it is. But then I’ve known from the moment I took you home that my life would never be the same. I think I fell for you a little when you rushed over to make sure I hadn’t hurt my hand.”

I felt a hand on my shoulder and my dad spun me around, taking me into his arms and dancing me away from Fox. He glowered at my husband. “Stop hogging my daughter.”

Fox laughed and walked off.

“As much as I love having you here, you can’t stay forever,” I said. “Just give me a few days’ notice when you plan to leave so I can prepare myself. I’m probably going to bawl my eyes out when you leave.”

My dad held me closer. “I’m just a day’s ride away. Nothing can keep me away now that I have you in my life, Raven.”

“You know, in all the talking we’ve done, you haven’t said whether or not you have an old lady back home. Do I have a stepmom I haven’t met?”

He snorted, then full out laughed. “Hell, no. I don’t know a single woman who wants to put up with me.”

“Really? No one?”

He stopped dancing and glowered. “Don’t even. I’m happy with my life the way it is. I have you, and a grandbaby on the way. I don’t need a woman under my feet complicating shit.”

“Hmm.” I smiled and liked the flash of fear I saw in his eyes. Oh, he had every right to be worried, because now that I knew what happiness felt like, I wanted everyone to have it too.

Challenge accepted. I’d find the perfect woman for my dad, when he least expected it. I just needed the right damsel in distress and his instincts would take over.

Life would be interesting with the Hades Abyss and Reckless Kings as part of my family, and I couldn’t wait for the adventure to begin.