Gray by Shaw Hart



Pullingup outside the Mackelroy home is daunting. No one moves when Gray puts the car into park and I can tell that neither of the brothers wants to venture inside.

Their house isn’t too far from my old one and I can’t help but turn and stare down the street. I can just make out the imposing two-story house on the corner. My eyes stay locked on the place, the perfectly cut grass, the neat flower beds. My father was all about appearances, but I know that if you went inside, you’d notice the worn carpet, the outdated wallpaper, the chipped dishes.

“Don’t, Nora. Take a deep breath,” Gray says, grabbing my hand and urging me to look away from my old house. “We’re not going there. I’m not going to let him hurt you,” he whispers and I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart.

“Let’s get this over with,” Jasper says, climbing out of the car and I turn my attention back to where we are.

“Ready?” I ask Gray.

“Yeah,” he says, studying my face.

I can tell that he’s worried about me, so I force a smile. I’m supposed to be here to comfort him, not the other way around.

I climb out and follow Jasper up to the front door. The porch is sagging a little and Gray grabs my arm, steadying me as we hurry inside.

“We’ll have to fix that if we want to sell this place,” Jasper mumbles, glaring around the place.

There isn’t much left. I’m sure that Rod has sold or pawned everything of value. Gray is rooted to the spot, his grip firm on my elbow and I want to tell him that I’m in no danger of falling through the floor anymore but it feels like I’m anchoring him so I remain silent.

“Where should we start?” Gray asks, looking to his brother.

“I’m not sure there’s much to do. I was expecting way worse but there isn’t much left. I’ll have to hire a crew or something to make repairs and then we can list the place.”

“Do you want to look around? See if there’s anything that you want?” I ask and they both shake their heads no immediately.

“I haven’t needed anything here for the last five years so I can live without it now. Let’s just go,” Gray says and I nod, letting him help me back down the front porch steps and over to the car.

We all pile back in and drive down the mostly empty streets. I can tell that the brothers are upset, that this whole ordeal has been harder on them than they would ever admit and as we drive past my old house, I get it.

This town doesn’t hold good memories for any of us. It’s why we all were so desperate to escape it when we were younger.

“Can you pull over here?” Jasper asks from the back seat and Gray nods, turning into the nursery parking lot.

“Doing some gardening?” Gray asks dryly and Jasper just rolls his eyes.

“We’re going to need to fix up the outside to sell the house. I just want to see if they do landscaping. I’ll be right back.”

“Think he’s going to get her number?” I ask as we watch Jasper walk up to Evangeline where she’s crouched next to some plants.

“Not a chance. He’s got no game.”

I smile, thinking back to my own brother and his lack of skills with Everly.

“Maybe it’s hereditary,” I mumble.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Gray asks and I wince.

“I meant for me. Finn is terrible with the ladies too.”

“Are you trying to get with someone?” Gray asks and I can’t help but wonder about the hard edge that I can hear to his words.


“Who?” he demands, his brow furrowed as he glares at me.

I shrug, turning back to watch Jasper and Evangeline.

“You don’t want to settle down with someone?” I ask.

I keep my head turned away from him. I’m not sure that I can handle his answer and I don’t want him to see me upset if he says he’s been interested in someone.


“Anyone in particular?” I press.

It feels like my heart is teetering on the edge and I bite my lip as I wait for his response.

“Maybe,” he says and I know that he only said that because I did but it still stings.

“Anyone that I know?”


My mind races with every eligible female that I know. Could it be Cat? Or maybe someone from work?

Jasper heads back toward the car and we drive the remaining blocks back to the hotel in silence.

“What time are you leaving in the morning?” Jasper asks.

“Eight,” Gray says.

I can see him staring at me in the reflection on the elevator doors and I try not to shift. He’s watching me like I’m a puzzle and he can’t figure out how to solve me.

“Did you want to grab dinner tonight?” I ask Jasper as we stop on his floor.

“I need to make a few calls and then I have a doctor appointment in the next town over in two hours. It was good seeing you both though.”

“You too,” I say, hugging Jasper and stepping aside so the brothers can talk.

“I’ll talk to you soon. Let me know if you need any more help with the house or if you need anything else. Let me know how the doctor appointment goes,” Gray says, his voice thick with emotion.

I know that today has been hard for him. Being back here is hard for both of us, but I know that he’s also wrestling with his feelings toward his brother too. They’re going to need to have an honest conversation soon, but today doesn’t seem like the day to do that.

“I will. See you guys.”

With that, the elevator doors close and we ride up to our floor, stepping off and heading into our room in silence.

“I’m going to take a shower. Unless you wanted to first?” I ask, turning to see Gray standing right behind me.

“I…” He trails off, his eyes dipping to my lips and staying there.

I can’t help it. I lick my suddenly dry lips, my eyes locked on him. Can he feel this thing between us? Can he tell how much I want him, how much I’ve always wanted him?

Our heads start to move closer together and my breathing grows more rapid. I can feel his warm breath blow across my face and my whole body feels on edge.

Finally. Fucking finally, he sees me. He wants me too.

My eyes start to drift shut when suddenly, he pulls back.

“I’ll let you go first,” he says, his voice hoarse.

I can feel my face flame and I grab the first thing my fingers touch before I turn and bolt for the bathroom.

I lock myself inside, embarrassment flooding me and I drop my head back against the door.

Fuck, I’m an idiot.