Gray by Shaw Hart



“Areyou sure that you don’t want me to come too?” my brother asks for the millionth time.

“I’m sure. I know that you have that match coming up soon and you need to train. We’re only going to be there for two days anyway.”

“If you’re sure,” Finn says but he doesn’t sound happy about it.

I know that he’s just being a protective big brother. He knows how I feel about Rosewood and he wants to be there in case anything goes wrong.

“I’m sure. Gray will be there and his brother, Jasper. We’ll be fine.”

Finn relaxes a bit at that and leans back in his side of the booth. We’re on our weekly lunch now but I’ll need to leave soon so that Gray and I can head to the airport.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to watch Moose and Marley?” Finn asks as Everly heads our way with the check.

“Yeah, Gray said that Rooney and Harvey from work are going to watch them. Thanks though.”

“Need anything else?” Everly asks and I silently will my brother to say something charming.

“No, we’re good.”

I bite back my sigh, rolling my eyes as I turn to grab my purse. It’s my week to pay and I hurry to drop some cash on the table before Finn can beat me to it.

“I better go. Gray will be waiting for me.”

“Let me know when you land. And if you need anything while you’re there,” Finn says, giving me a hard look as he bends to give me a hug.

“I will.”

We part in the parking lot and I head over to my car. Finn lives a few blocks away and I watch him walk until he turns the corner.

I try not to yawn as I start my car and head toward home. I’ve been busy all week, trying to get ahead on work since I won’t be doing any this weekend. The stress of going back home has also taken its toll on me. The thought of running into my father while I’m back has given me nightmares all week and I know that’s why Finn has been asking if I’m sure I don’t want him to go home with me.

“Ready?” Gray asks, his voice and face grim as he wheels his suitcase out of his room.

“Yeah, I’m already packed. Just need to grab my bag.”

Gray nods and I watch him head for the front door. I’m going back for the funeral to support him, but I’m not sure that I’m doing a very good job so far. He’s been distant and withdrawn all week and I’ve tried to draw him out but it seems neither of us can shake the sense of doom that comes with thoughts of Rosewood.

The trip to the airport and most of the plane ride is spent in tense silence. I try to ask him about his brother and the funeral plans but he doesn’t seem to know much. When we land, Gray grabs our bags and I follow after him to the car rental counter.

It’s after midnight and I know that both of us just want to get to the hotel and pass out. Still, driving down the streets of Rosewood is almost surreal.

The last time we were in town, we were packing up Gray’s old beat-up Honda and peeling out of town. My dad had been on another bender and we had used his unconscious state to our advantage. There’s no way that we would have been able to get out without a confrontation if he had been sober.

Gray’s dad had pulled another one of his disappearing acts. He liked to take the money that Jasper sent home and leave for a few days. He would spend it on booze, drugs, women, and God knows what else. He always came back after a few days and slept off whatever high he was on.

We pull into the hotel parking lot and I look over to see Jasper there. He’s staring across the street at a dark-haired woman. I squint, trying to see if I remember her from growing up.

“Isn’t that Evangeline?” I ask Gray and he turns to look.

“Yeah, Jasper always did have a thing for her.”

“Think he’ll make a move now that he’s home?” I ask as Gray shuts off the car.


We climb out, catching Jasper’s attention, and when he turns, I can’t hold in my gasp.

“What the fuck?” Gray growls, stalking the few feet over to his brother. “You’re hurt?”

“Yeah,” Jasper says, his hand rubbing at the back of his neck.

His other arm, from the shoulder down to his wrist, is wrapped in some kind of bandage. There are scars on his neck and a few on the side of his face, and I wonder what happened.

“My unit got hit on our last mission. I was going to tell you but then I got the call about Dad.”

“And you just decided to show me when I saw you?” Gray asks and I can tell that he’s annoyed.

“We’re just glad that you’re alright,” I say, laying my hand on Gray’s arm. “It’s good to see you again, Jasper. I’m sorry for your loss.”

Those last words don’t ring true and I know that no one thinks Rod Mackelroy’s death is any real loss.

“Thanks, Nora. It’s good to see you too. Are you guys all checked in?”

“Not yet. We’re headed in now.”

Jasper nods, following after Gray and I as we head for the hotel lobby. I let Gray check us in as I catch up with Jasper.

“Do you need me to do anything for tomorrow?” I ask, careful not to let Gray hear.

“No, I already made all of the plans. I don’t anticipate it being a big funeral. Rod wasn’t exactly a pillar of the community.”

“It starts at ten, right?”

“Yeah, then I thought we could grab lunch downtown somewhere. I need to go over to the house and clean it out.”

“Are you sure that you should be doing that?” I ask, nodding toward his injured side.

“I’ll be fine.”

“When do you go back to the Army?” Gray asks as he joins us.

“I don’t. I was medically discharged.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“I thought I’d stay in Rosewood for a little bit. I need to clean up the house and take care of a few more things.”

“Then what?” Gray asks with a frown.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I think I might like trying to figure that part out though.”

My mind flashes back to the way that he was looking at Evangeline, and I wonder if he has other reasons for wanting to stay in Rosewood.

“We’re on the fourth floor,” Gray tells me and I nod.

“I’m the third,” Jasper says as he hits the button for the elevator. “Room 314, if you need anything.”

Gray just nods, and I lean against him, my eyes starting to droop.

“See you in the morning,” Jasper says as he exits and we both nod sleepily.

“Ready for bed?” Jasper asks as he opens the hotel room door.

“Oh yeah,” I say, heading over to the bed. “Just a king?”

“What?” Gray asks as he turns from setting our luggage over by the dresser.

“It’s just one bed.”

“It was supposed to be two,” he sighs and I can tell that he’s exhausted.

“It’s alright. It’s not like we haven’t shared a bed before,” I say with a smile.

Gray mumbles something but I don’t catch it, I’m too tired. I head past him, grabbing my pajamas out of my suitcase and slipping into the bathroom. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and change before I trudge back out to the bedroom.

Gray passes me on my way and I lay down, listening to the water run in the bathroom. I’m asleep before he comes back into the room.