When I’m With You by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 23


My dearest husband,

Another week almost gone. Thanksgiving is next week and the first without you. I want you to know that I will always love you, no matter how many years pass. You were my first love and I will treasure what we shared and had forever. I met a new friend; his name is Ben and his wife passed away a year ago from cancer. He’s a fireman and he builds beautiful furniture. It’s really nice to have someone to talk to who shares the same pain I do. The pain of losing the love of your life and trying to figure out how to move on. Until next week, my love.

Love forever,


As I folded up the letter and slipped it into the envelope, my phone rang.

“Good morning, Mom.”

“Good morning, honey. I’m right around the corner at that little French bakery and I thought if you were up, we could have pastries and coffee. I can be over in five.”

“I’m up, Mom. Come on over.”

“Great. See you soon,” she said in excitement.

I put the letter in the drawer and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. A few moments later, my mom walked through the door.

Bonjour.” She smiled as she walked into the kitchen and gave me a kiss.


She set the white box in the middle of the table while I poured us coffee. I opened the box and took out a croissant.

“Thanks for bringing these.” I smiled as I took a bite.

“Thanksgiving is next week, and dinner is at three o’clock. I was thinking that maybe you could spend the night at my house and help me with the cooking. Just like you used to when you still lived at home.”

I knew what she was doing. She didn’t want me home alone since it was my first Thanksgiving without him. I could see the desperation on her face as she looked at me.

“Sure, Mom. That sounds nice. It’s been a while since we cooked together.”

Her face lit up as she placed her hand on my arm. “It’ll be so much fun, Paisley. How’s Ben doing?”

I knew it was only a matter of time before she asked about him.

“He’s doing fine. In fact, he invited me over to his house for dinner tonight.”

“How nice. You are going, right?”

“Of course I am.” I smiled.

“I’ll be right back,” she said as she got up and went out the door.

I sat there in confusion. Where the heck did she go?

She walked back into the house with another white box in her hands. “Here, take this to Ben’s tonight. It’s that lemon tart your father loves. I’ll pick another one up on my home.”

“No, Mom. It’s okay. Take that to Dad.”

“Don’t be silly. You’re taking this and that’s all there is to it. Do you have a nice bottle of wine to bring as well? If you don’t, I can run out and grab one.”

I laughed. “Mom, sit down. Let’s enjoy these amazing French pastries you brought over. I have a bottle of wine and now I have a lemon tart. Ben will be thrilled. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She smiled. “Why don’t you ask Ben to come to Thanksgiving dinner?”

“He has his own family, Mom. I’m sure he wants to spend it with them.”

“It would have been nice to see him again.” She smiled as she pet Romeo.

I got up from the table and took our plates to the sink. “I’ll tell him you said hi.”

“All right, honey. I better get going before your dad calls and asks where his French pastries are.”

She walked over and kissed me on the cheek. “Have fun with Ben tonight and I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Bye, Mom. Thanks again for the lemon tart,” I yelled as she shut the door behind her.

* * *


I was in the produce section of the grocery store when I looked over and saw Keaton picking out some limes.

“Hey, Keaton.”

“Ben, my man. How are you?”

“I’m good. Limes?” I asked.

He looked at the one in his hand and smiled. “Yeah. My mom asked if I could pick some up. She wants to make a homemade key lime pie for Thanksgiving.”

“Ah,” I said as I nodded my head.

“What are you shopping for?”

“I’m cooking dinner tonight for your sister and I’m not sure what to make.”

“You’re cooking dinner for Paisley?” he asked.

“Yeah. Wanna help me out here and tell me some of her favorite foods?”

“She loves chicken cordon bleu.”

“I can make that.” I smiled.

“Actually, she’ll eat just about anything, but chicken cordon bleu is her favorite.”

I held up my hand for a high five. “Thanks, Keaton.”

“No problem, bro. Have fun tonight.”

I walked away with a smile on my face and bought everything I needed for dinner. As soon as I got home and unloaded the groceries, I started to prep the chicken. My phone rang, and it was Finn. I pressed the speaker button.

“Hey, Finn.”

“Do you have me on speaker?”

“Yeah. My hands are in some raw chicken at the moment.”

“Oh. What are you doing tonight?” he asked.

“I’m cooking dinner for Paisley. Why?”

“Olivia and I are going to that new Mexican restaurant that just opened up downtown and wanted you to join us.”

“Sorry, bro. I already have plans. Maybe another time and the four of us can go.”

“I like the sound of that, Ben. Get back to your chicken and have a great time tonight. I’ll talk to you later.”

As soon as I finished prepping the chicken, I cut up the potatoes and made a salad. I looked at the clock and had just enough time to hop in the shower before Paisley arrived.

* * *

“It smells delicious in here.” She smiled.

“Thank you. I hope you like it.”

I looked out the door before I shut it and noticed the large, dark clouds that loomed over the area.

“It looks like some storms are rolling in,” I commented.

“They said on the radio that it’s going to be pretty bad. Here is a lemon tart, compliments of my mom, and I brought some wine.”

I stood there and stared at her as she set the wine on the table. She was so beautiful and all I could think about was kissing her perfectly shaped mouth.

“Thank you for the wine, and lemon is my favorite. Tell your mom thank you.”

“Do you need any help?” she asked.

“Nope. You go sit down. You’re a guest in my home and I don’t want you doing a thing.”

She giggled and sat down at the table. Even her giggle was a turn-on. I took the chicken and roasted potatoes out of the oven and set it in the center of the table. After grabbing the salad and dressing from the counter, I took two wine glasses from the cupboard and then opened the bottle of wine.

“Great choice in wine.” I smiled.

“Thank you. It’s one of my favorites.”

“Here’s to a nice dinner and an amazing friend.” I held up my wine glass.

“Cheers.” She smiled brightly.

As she ate her chicken and potatoes, she wouldn’t stop telling me how good it was.

“You’re a fireman, a furniture builder, and a cook. You’re a very talented man, Ben. Oh, and by the way, I’m so happy you ran into Keaton at the grocery store.”

I smiled, and I gave her a wink. “Should I be surprised he mentioned it to you?”

“No. Not at all.” She laughed.

When dinner was over, I asked her if she wanted dessert or if she wanted to wait a while. We both agreed to wait. As Paisley got up and started to clear the table, I placed my hand around her wrist. Her skin was so soft, and she looked at me with her beautiful eyes.

“Sit down. I’ll clean up.”

“Don’t be silly. I’m helping you and that’s all there is to it. You slaved over a hot stove all day for me and the least I can do is help you clean up.”

I couldn’t deny her help. She was sincere and serious. “Fine. But it’s not necessary.”

“Yes, it is.” She smiled as she took the plates from the table.

I walked over to the picture window in the living room and looked out as the storm was approaching. The skies were gray, and the palm trees were shaking from the strong winds.

“I hope we don’t lose power,” I said as I walked back to the kitchen.

“Gee, I hope not.”

Suddenly, the rain pelted against the roof and crashed against the windows. The lights flickered and Paisley looked at me.

“I hope you have candles.” She laughed.

“I have plenty of candles. Look around. Amy loved them.”

Then it happened. The house went dark. This was not the way I wanted my night with Paisley to turn out. She turned on the flashlight on her phone and shined it in the drawer while I grabbed a lighter and followed me around the house while I lit the candles.