When I’m With You by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 21


As I was applying my foundation, Keaton walked into the bathroom and set the coffee cup on the counter.

“Spill it, sister. I guess my little rant yesterday got to you.”

“Maybe it did, but you were out of line.”

He shrugged.

“We started off with a run and he had a semi-breakdown. Then I went with him to the cemetery.”

“You went to his dead wife’s grave? I don’t even know what to say about that.”

“Yes, and then we went surfing,” I replied as I dusted my face with some powder.

“I’m all for you being there for him, but I thought you were just going running with him.”

“I did too, but then things happened, and now I’m going out with him and his family for dinner.”

Keaton leaned up against the doorway. “Is there more to Ben that you’re not telling me?” he asked.

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. Maybe some feelings are brewing up inside you.”

I looked at him through the mirror as I dusted my cheeks with blush. “No. I don’t know. Damn you, Keaton.”

He smiled. “Damn me? What did I do? I just asked a simple question.”

I walked past him and headed to my closet. “He’s a really nice guy and we’re friends. We’re friends who understand what the other is going through.”

“Perhaps friends with benefits?”

I smacked his arm as I walked out of my closet.


“No friends with benefits. Just friends, Keaton. I’m not like you. I just can’t fuck anybody.”

“Did you just insult me? And yes you can. It’s easy.” He smiled.

“Get out of here so I can change. Go play with Romeo.”

“Fine. But this conversation isn’t over.”

He shut the door behind him and I changed into my black dress. As I walked into the family room, Keaton was sitting on the couch, holding Romeo. He looked at me and whistled.

“You look smokin’ hot for a sister.” He smiled.

“Thanks.” There was a knock on the door.

“Are you expecting someone?” Keaton asked as he jumped up from the couch.


He opened the door. “Oh look. It’s Charlotte and Piper. What are you two doing here?”

I rolled my eyes.

“We were in the neighborhood and we thought we’d stop by and say hi. We didn’t know you were here. Oh my God, Paisley, look at you. You’re dressed up. Are you going somewhere?” Piper asked.

“Cut the bullshit. I know Keaton called you,” I said as I shot him a look. “And it’s Wednesday. Don’t you two work?”

“Today happens to be my day off,” Charlotte said. “And you know Piper is in between jobs at the moment.”

“You look beautiful.” Piper smiled as she walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders.

“Thank you. But seriously, this is no big deal, so I don’t know why the two of you had to come running over.”

“Baby sister, listen to me,” Charlotte said as she walked over and took hold of my hands. “For the first time in almost a year, I’ve seen you smile. You were different at family dinner last week when Ben was there. You were Paisley again and to see that brought me more happiness than you could ever imagine.”

Tears started to fill my eyes as I stood there and listened to my sister speak those words to me. Piper smiled as her fingers lightly touched the end of my hair.

“We’re sorry, but we just want you to be happy again because we miss you.”

I looked up at the ceiling to prevent the tears from falling and ruining my makeup.

“Keaton, get us a tissue,” Charlotte commanded.

“Don’t get all weepy, sis,” he said as he handed me a tissue.

“I’m fine.”

“Now that we know you’re okay and you’re going to be okay, we’re going to go. Come on, Keaton,” Piper said.

“You better call me in the morning,” he said as Piper and Charlotte dragged him out the door.

As soon as they left, I went into the garage for a quick smoke before I headed to Ben’s house.

* * *


I picked up my bottle of Polo Blue from the dresser and, for the first time in a year, I dabbed some on. I didn’t even know why I did it. I looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was five minutes after six. Nerves started to settle inside me as I walked around the house, making sure that everything was picked up and clean. As I was straightening the pillows on the couch, the doorbell rang. I didn’t know why I was such a nervous wreck. I opened the door and gasped at the beautiful woman standing before me. She smiled, and I stood there speechless.

“Come on in. You look amazing.”

“Thank you.”

She stepped inside, and I could tell she was just as nervous as I was.

“You have a very nice house, Ben.” She walked over to the sofa table and ran her hand across it. “This is beautiful. I’d been looking for one almost like it. Where did you find it?”

“I made it.”

Paisley turned to me with a shocked expression on her face. “You made this?”

“Yeah. Remember I told you that making furniture was my hobby?”

“I do remember, but—”

I laughed. “You thought that I wasn’t really that good, right?”

Her expression turned to embarrassment. “Oh my God, no. That’s not what I meant at all.”

“It’s okay, Paisley.” I smiled. “I’m teasing you. Would you like to see what I just finished?”

“I would.” She nodded.

I led her to the garage and showed her the finished dining set.

“Oh, Ben. This is beautiful. Wow. You are really, really good.”

“Thanks.” I smiled shyly. “We better get going.”

I placed my hand on the small of her back as she walked past me. She looked so incredibly beautiful that I was having a hard time concentrating on anything else.

* * *

We walked into the restaurant and the hostess took us to the table where my family was sitting. The minute my mom and dad saw us approaching, they both stood up.

“Hi Mom, Dad. I would like you to meet Paisley Logan. Paisley, this is my mom and dad, Lucinda and John Preston.”

“It’s so nice to meet you.” She smiled as they lightly shook hands.

“You’ve already met Finn and Olivia.”

“Nice to see you both again.”

We took our seats and I noticed that my mom was eyeing Paisley.

“You aren’t by any chance Dear Paisley, are you?”

“I am.” She shyly smiled.

The smile on my mom’s face grew wide. “That’s wonderful. I really enjoy your column.”

Dinner went well, just like I expected it would, and Paisley seemed to settle in comfortably. She talked a lot with Olivia and my mom and everyone seemed to really like her. No one brought up what happened one year ago today, and I was relieved.