Prom King by Alexa Riley

Chapter Eight


The sun is setting, and I’m sitting on the stone wall that looks out over the front lawn. The freshman rowing team is in charge of valet tonight, and I’ve gotten a kick out of watching them scramble to keep up.

I’ve been waiting for Celeste for the past twenty minutes when she said she was on the way. It’s only a ten-minute drive, so I don’t know what’s taking her so long. I feel my father’s presence come up behind me, and it’s confirmed when he places his large, heavy hand on my shoulder.

“Ready for tonight?” he says, and I turn to look up at him.

“Ready as I’ll ever be. You?” He nods, and I see a smile tug at the corner of his lips.

My dad has been different the past few days, and I wonder if it has anything to do with me seeing his car leaving Celeste’s house. The subject of my dad’s dating life is off-limits. Not that I’ve ever asked him about it before. But in all my years, I’ve never seen him bring home a woman or even take one to a formal function. He’s in his black tux tonight, but for some reason, he seems relaxed. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him so comfortable when throwing a party.

In the distance, I hear the crowd of people saying ooh and ahh. “Must be the fire dancers,” my dad says and takes a seat beside me on the wall. “I want to talk to you about something, Lo.”

When he uses the nickname only he calls me, I know something is serious.

“What?” I turn my body so that we’re facing each other and I’m no longer looking at the cars coming down the driveway.

“I’m proud of all you’ve accomplished.”

Part of me sags in relief. “I know, Dad.”

“So you know how much you’ve got riding on this final year.” I see the edges of his eyes tighten as he stares at me. “I don’t want to see you get distracted at the finish line, Lo.”

My stomach feels nervous as I think about what it is he’s trying to say without saying. When I don’t speak, he lets out a quick sigh.

“We’ve had the birds and the bees talk already,” he begins, and I open my mouth to cut him off. He holds up a hand to stop me and keeps going. “You can have your fun, but whatever this is that you’ve started, you need to remember that it can’t last.”

“Dad.” I press my lips together in a hard line. What the fuck? Is he really doing this right now?

“You’ve worked your entire life to get to this point. I don’t want you to throw it all away because there’s something shiny and new in town.”

“That’s rich coming from you,” I spit, my spine going rigid.

“You’re right. It’s coming from someone who has worked his ass off to make his fortune and a name for himself and you. When Craven Cove hears our last name, they show their respect. I’ve done all of this for you, and who I fuck is none of your business.” He leans in close and puts his hand on the back of my neck. He’s quieter now, and as angry as I am, I can see the fear in his eyes. It’s a father’s worry, and I hate seeing it. “I won’t let your future be decided by a drifter.”

“She’s not a drifter,” I say, but the words taste bitter. She might be, but that doesn’t mean she’s not important to me.

He squeezes my neck. “Have your fun, then end it.”

I can count on one hand the number of times my dad has talked to me like this. The first time was when I was seven and I asked about my mother. The second was after I’d gotten caught fighting in middle school and got suspended. The third and final time was the day I signed my scholarship papers for college. He’s not one to interfere in what I choose to do, and I know my dad is a good person.

He’s not saying this because he doesn’t like Celeste, but because she could derail all that I’ve worked toward. He loves me, and he wants me to have the best, but right now, he doesn’t understand what Celeste means to me.

Over his shoulder, I see a group of people nearby waiting to speak with him. I know right now isn’t the time to have this conversation, and nothing I’m going to say will change his mind. So even though he’s acting like a dick, I let it go and nod.

“Sure, Dad.”

He reaches up and touches my face before he smiles. “I love you, Lo. I want you to have the best opportunities possible.”

I give him a tight smile before he gets up and walks toward the party. He’s immediately surrounded by the event coordinators and work colleagues, who all need just a minute of his time. As I watch his back disappear, I feel a heavy rock sink inside of me. My dad isn’t a bad guy, and I don’t want to choose between him and Celeste.

“Hey, handsome.”

The words are like the sound of summertime and an ice cream truck in the distance. Immediately my heart swells, and the rock inside of it is forgotten. When I turn around I see Celeste standing there looking beautiful and shy. I can’t get to my feet fast enough as I stand up and pull her into my arms.

“Hey beautiful,” I say, hugging her close and pressing my nose into her hair.

This is exactly what I needed.

“Good to see you again,” Celeste’s mother, Anna, says as she passes us and walks into the house like she’s been here before. Maybe she has.

“Ready to see the party?” I ask as I take Celeste by the hand.

“Umm, I’m thinking I might be underdressed.” Her voice is so soft it’s almost a whisper as she looks around.

Most people are in black-tie, but there are lots of women wearing all types of dresses. I shake my head. “You look amazing.” Reaching up, I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “Come on, I want to show you around.”

She bites her bottom lip and then nods as I tug her through the gates to the lawn. The carnival theme is over the top as usual, and my dad has spared no expense. He’s even hired out a circus tent this time, and there are performers in every available spot. There’s a stage in the middle of the big top, and right now there's a Cirque Du Soleil style performance going on.

Celeste laughs after the fire breather comes by and scares her. The sound is infectious, and I find myself smiling too. She’s so happy as we get popcorn and cotton candy, then make our way through to the magician.

After we see all the main attractions, I lead her through the growing crowd and into the house.

“Where are we going?” she asks when we walk through the kitchen and see all the caterers yelling and running around.

“You’ll see.” I squeeze her hand as I take the back staircase up to the third floor.

“This place is huge.” She looks down the long hallway with the plush red carpet and paintings.

“It’s pretty good for hide and seek.” I wink at her and then show her to the door on her left. “In here.”

When I push open the door, there’s a chorus of cheers over the loud music. The senior rowers have all been partying up here in the billiards room since who knows how long. They’ve brought their dates too, and there are several couples making out in the shadows. The room is huge, with two pool tables and a long bar at the back.

“Drink?” I ask, and Celeste shakes her head only a fraction.

“There’s non-alcoholic drinks too,” I reassure her, squeezing her hand.

“Lady and gentleman, what will it be?” Jackson asks, flipping a metal shaker in his hand and mixing cocktails behind the bar.

“I’ll take a water.” I look over at Celeste and nod.

“And a cherry Coke?” She says it like a question, and Jackson nods.

“Looks like Crew won’t be the only square tonight,” Jackson teases as he passes me a bottle of water and pours Celeste her Coke. “What do you think after your first week of Craven Cove High?”

“It’s kind of outrageous.” She looks around the room as if it’s obvious.

“You’ll get used to it.” Jackson raises his shot glass in cheers and then knocks it back. “Enjoy the festivities.”

“You don’t usually drink?” Celeste asks as we walk over to the bookshelves off to the side.

“Nah, I never really liked the taste of it.” I shrug, and she smiles.

“Me too. My mom let me try wine when I was fourteen, and I’m still not over the smell of it.”

We stand there for a long time talking and listening to music as the people in the room keep on drinking and dancing. A few of the guys are playing pool, and there’s another couple on the balcony burning a joint, but I don’t pay them any attention. The only thing I’ve got eyes for tonight is my girl.

“So I’m just going to ask,” Celeste says, as if finding courage and using it for the first time. “Do you just want to be friends? I mean, you haven’t you kissed me since the first time, and I don’t know if I was bad or—”

“You think I’m not interested?” I place my water bottle down on the table beside us and put her drink next to it. “You think that I don’t want to kiss you anymore?” I move so that her back is against the bookshelves, and I put my hands on either side of her, caging her in. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to control myself around you?”

She swallows hard, and I see her cheeks turn pink. “Um, I don’t know.”

Leaning close, I brush my nose against her cheek all the way to her ear. I let my lips graze against the shell of it before whispering to her, “It’s all I can do to keep my hands off of you.” I swallow and let out a breath. “Like right now, for example. I’d love to get down on my knees, lift that pretty little dress, and find out just how wet you are.”

“Oh shit,” she says softly.

“But that’s not how I want it to go the first time.” Her breath hitches and I smile against the tender skin of her neck.

“The first time?’

“I’ve got plans for you, Celeste.” Right now, it feels dirty saying her name out loud, and I’m ready to get her alone.

“Where’s your room?” she asks, as if reading my mind.

Leaning back, I give her a cocky grin and nod toward the door. “Let’s get out of here.”

As I take her by the hand, I turn around and see Amber step in front of us. Her eyes are glassy like she’s had a few too many, and I’m wondering how long she’s been drinking. Shit, it’s not even nine o’clock.

“Come on, Crew, it’s my turn for darts and I don’t have a partner.” She pouts and takes my free hand.

“Sorry, Amber. We’re leaving.” I pull my hand back and try to be polite. I go to move around her, but she sidesteps us.

“Is there not a black-tie dress code for tonight?” she asks pointedly, looking at Celeste and then back at me.

“That’s enough,” I warn her, because I know she’s wasted.

“Oh shit,” she says soberly and straightens. “You must be part of the help. Here, take my drink.”

And before I can stop her, Amber launches her drink in Celeste’s direction. I’m quick enough to move so that most of the contents of her margarita land on my tux and only a little of the splash gets Celeste.

“What the fuck, Amber!” I shout, and everyone turns in our direction.

“Oops,” she drunkenly giggles as Jackson appears at my side. “Sorry, Crew, that was meant for the trash.”

“Get her the fuck out of here,” I hiss through clenched teeth, and Jackson nods as he grabs her from behind and frog-marches her out of the room.

The music doesn’t stop, and nobody really reacts to Amber’s drama as the party keeps on going. Typical. These assholes are freeloaders, and seeing their reaction to Celeste is pissing me off.

I want to scream for everyone to get out of my house, but I know that wouldn’t look good for my dad. So instead, I remove us from this situation and vow not to put Celeste in it again. Have they always been dicks, or is it in the air tonight?

“Come with me, beautiful. I need to get changed.”

She nods, and I can’t read the expression in her eyes. Is it embarrassment, shame, or is she regretting being here with me? Fuck.

When we exit the billiards room, I take her to another set of stairs that leads to my bedroom. I never, ever bring people to this side of the house. Mostly because it’s farther away from everything, but really it’s because it’s private. I don’t want random people in my space. I like to have a spot where I can go to relax and clear my head if I need to.

When we go inside, I close the heavy wooden door behind us and lock it. Celeste is still quiet as I show her into the attached bath and grab a towel.

“Here, let me help you.” I start to dry off her dress, but she waves it away.

“It’s fine, really. Her drink was mostly ice anyway.” There’s a few water spots, but she’s right. There are no stains anywhere. “What are you going to do about your tux?”

“I’ll just put on another one.” I go to take off my jacket, and she watches me closely.

“So you just have several tuxes lying around?” She raises a brow, and I’m relieved to see she’s not so sad.

“A couple.” I wink as I toss the jacket in the hamper and undo my bowtie.

“Maybe I should go.” She looks to the bathroom door but doesn’t make a move to leave.

“And why would you do that? The show is just starting.” Letting my tie fall to the floor, I unbutton the dress shirt and then hold up my wrists up in front of her. “A little help?”

She smirks as she unclasps the cufflinks and places them on the bathroom counter. I finish with the front buttons and let the shirt drop to the floor. Her eyes are on my chest and then she looks away quickly. I watch her, not looking away as I go for my belt.

Celeste glances at me, then to the floor, and then the ceiling. Anywhere but at me as I undo my belt and drop that onto the pile.

“I wouldn’t be doing this in front of you if I didn’t want you to look,” I say, and her cheeks flush as her eyes meet mine. “But I’m not making you stay.”

When she nods in understanding, I lick my bottom lip and kick off my shoes and socks. My pants drop to the floor, and I step out of them, so I’m in front of her in only boxer briefs.

“Maybe getting a drink thrown at me wasn’t such a bad thing,” she says, her tone playful as I step toward her.

“It was a bad thing.” I trail my finger up her bare arm. “But I’m making the best of it.”

She’s in heels, but even with that added height, I tower over her. I love how small she is against me and the way she’s looking at me. Like she doesn't know if I’m here to save her, or if I’m the wolf that’s hunting her. To be honest, neither do I.

“Now,” I say slowly as I press my body against hers until her ass hits the bathroom counter. She has to crane her neck all the way to look into my eyes. “How about you let me clean you up down here, too.”

Reaching forward, I cup her sex over her dress and rub the pad of my palm against it. She’s soft and hot, and the sound she makes in the back of her throat is needy. My cock swells painfully, and it’s like a lead pipe in my boxer briefs.

Ever so slightly, she parts her lips and then she nods.