Breaking the Ice by Esme Taylor



I was in my office working on an idea that had been spinning around in my head all evening, avoiding sleep like I did on most nights. The only difference was that this wasn’t most nights. Tonight, the thought of my empty bed or another nightmare without Hettie here by my side felt… well, for lack of a better word, depressing. So much so, I didn’t even want to think about sleep.

Last night was unexpected. But it had also changed things. And now, sitting here, I wasn’t entirely sure how to go back to the way it was before her. Do I even want to go back? I was so lost in thought, I nearly didn’t notice my phone ringing.

I glanced at the clock on my desk and saw that it was nearly 2:30AM. And that’s when I saw the name flashing on the screen of my phone.

“Etta, what’s wrong?”

I could hear the tears in her voice before she even spoke. “Reid, there’s someone here. It sounds like they’re trying to get in the front door. I can hear them trying a key in the lock. I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do,” her voice shuddered as another sob wracked her body.

“Etta, listen to me really carefully. I want you to hang up the phone and call the police. I’m coming over right now. Okay?”

Through her tears, I heard her mumble a soft, nearly inaudible, “O–Okay.”

Without a second thought, I hung up the phone and sprinted to grab my keys and coat before hurrying to the garage at the side of the house. I flipped on the light and secured my helmet before stepping on to my custom-built Ducati. Normally, this wouldn’t have been my go-to vehicle, but I figured it would get me to Hettie the quickest.

I pressed the button on my keys to open the garage and front gate and sped out, not bothering to check if they closed behind me. At that moment, my only care in the world was making sure Hettie was okay.


Thankfully, the roads were virtually empty, giving me the perfect opportunity to open her up. I watched as the speedometer climbed higher and higher, my rage levels right along with it. If I ever get my hands on whoever is trying to hurt her, I will fucking end them, I thought, gripping the handlebars tightly.

Ten minutes later, I found myself standing outside her house, not far from the alleyway where I’d found her the night before. What was once a pitch-black street was now lit up with flashing red and blue lights from the nearby police car. Killing the engine, I pulled off my helmet and ran my fingers through my hair as I hurried to her front door.

“Etta?” I shouted as I stepped through the already open front door, bypassing the police officer who motioned toward what I discovered was the kitchen.

Upon entering, I found Hettie leaning against the sink, eyes bloodshot and face stained with tears, wearing what looked like the clothes I had given her to wear last night. She nervously rubbed her hands together while she talked to the policewoman taking her statement. As soon as our eyes met, she came running, launching herself into my arms.

“Reid! You came,” she sobbed, arms and legs wrapped around me tightly. “I didn’t know who else to call. I was so scared.”

I held her body against mine and ran my hands up and down her back softly. “Shhhhhh––it’s okay. You’re safe now. What did the police say?”

“They think it may have been the person who mugged me last night trying to see what else they could get their hands on. I’m sure they didn’t expect I would have had the locks changed so quickly. I–I can’t thank you enough,” she stammered, emotion swelling in her throat. “If it weren’t for you, they would have gotten in. Who knows what could have––”

“It’s okay, Etta. You’re safe now,” I interrupted before her thoughts could get too far away from her. I took her hand and led her back to where the police officer was standing near the kitchen sink.

“Miss Saunders, do you have somewhere you can go tonight?” the officer questioned. “Perhaps someone who could stay here with you?” Hettie looked at me nervously, a terrified expression on her face.

“As a precaution, we will be sending a car by every hour to keep an eye on the property. One of our officers will be over first thing in the morning to see if we can find anything more in the daylight. That being said, I don’t think it’s a good idea that you be here on your own.”

“I can stay here with her, Officer,” I stated matter of fact. “I’ll make sure she’s safe.”

The policewoman looked me up and down, smiling. “Oh, I’m sure you will, Mr––?”

“Hudson. Reid Hudson,” I offered, extending my hand. The officer returned the gesture before returning to her notes.

“Are you sure?” Hettie asked in disbelief. “You don’t have to do that. I know my house is nowhere near as fancy or as huge as yours. I don’t even have a spare room you can sleep in.” I squeezed her hand in an attempt to reassure her that I wanted to be here for her.

“I’m sure.”

The police officer instructed us to call them if anything else happened before I showed her out, securely locking the door behind her.

When I returned to the kitchen, Hettie was sitting with her elbows on the table and her head in her hands, tears flowing freely down her face. “I have to be at work in about six hours,” she sniffled.

“What’s your boss’s email?” I asked.

She gave me it and I quickly drafted an email explaining what had happened and that Hettie would be needing a couple of days off to speak to the police and get over the shock. I then clicked send and tucked my phone back into my pocket.

“Right, that’s sorted. No work tomorrow. You’re in no state. Would you like some tea?”

“Please. The cups are in the cupboard above the kettle.” I nodded, busying myself with making her the weak sweet tea she loved so much. “I’ll speak to someone about those street lights tomorrow. I will also arrange to have someone come and fit some security lights and cameras around the house.”

“You don’t need to do that, Viking,” she whispered, moving to stand next to me while I finished making her tea. “You’ve done more than enough. You came and rescued me again. And you didn’t have to.”

“You only have to ask, Etta. I will always come when you need me. That’s how this works.” I brushed a strand of hair from her face, trying not to show the fear I felt at the truth in my every word. At that moment, I realized that I would do just about anything for this woman.

Hettie smiled up at me, catching her bottom lip in her teeth as she fumbled nervously with the hem of the shirt.

Tea in-hand, the two of us moved into the living room where my six-foot four-inch frame filled most of the small two-seater. Tapping the seat next to me, I stretched my arm out across the back of the sofa as Hettie wedged herself in next to me and rested her head on my chest. Unconsciously, I pulled her into me, inhaling her sweet scent. Despite our size difference, the two of us fit together like perfectly designed puzzle pieces.

I wonder how our bodies would feel if we were naked in bed, the thought making my balls tighten and my cock swell. Luckily for me, Hettie didn’t notice because she had already fallen asleep.

Sighing contentedly, I relaxed back into the cushions and closed my eyes, giving myself permission to enjoy the feeling of her perfect body pressed against mine once again.


The next thing I knew it was after 10AM and the sunlight was streaming in through the lounge windows. When I looked down, a sleeping Hettie was lying on top of me, my arms wrapped around her protectively.

As I lay there, breathing her in, I realized that I’d slept. For hours. I didn’t wake up sweating, shouting, or gasping for air like I’d done every night for almost two decades. For the first time in a long time, my body felt relaxed and my mind was at ease. And it was all thanks to her––My Etta.

Staring down at the beautiful woman in my arms I couldn’t help but notice how peaceful she looked. As if the events of last night had never happened. Absentmindedly, I ran my fingers through her hair, gently brushing it away from her face. As I did so, her eyes fluttered open and her tongue flicked across her bottom lip. Almost immediately my cock twitched in response.

She smiled up at me, clearly feeling what was happening in my pants. “Morning, Viking,” she greeted me, her voice husky from sleep.

“Morning, Etta. How are you feeling?”

“Like someone who was mugged and nearly murdered in her own home. But I think I like it here.” She softly ran her hands up and down my arm. “I feel safe when you’re around. Thank you for staying. Did you sleep okay?”

I loved the fact that she even cared enough to check how I was. Especially given everything she had been through in the last 48 hours. But what I loved most was that I didn’t have to lie.

“I slept like a baby. Although this might be the smallest sofa in the world. You may need to look into some bigger furniture if you’re going to invite Vikings to visit.” She laughed as she pushed herself up off my chest and slipped off the sofa, leaving me reeling from the loss of her touch.

“What do you usually have for breakfast?” she called over her shoulder as she walked toward the kitchen, running her fingers through her messy hair.

I didn’t think it was possible, but her ass looks even better wearing my clothes, I thought to myself as I watched her perfectly shaped hips and delicious round ass saunter away. I wonder what she’d look like out of them…

Trying to focus on her question, I replied, “A protein shake, or a green juice. Occasionally, I have a quinoa porridge if I have the time.”

“Wow, health nut much? I can do you a bowl of cereal or a bacon sandwich on white bread.”

I silently freaked out for a moment as my need to control everything reared its ugly head. But then I reminded myself that I’d spent the night with her and I’d slept, so maybe loosening the reins on what I eat could be good for me too.

“Bacon sounds good.”

Within minutes the smell of bacon wafted through the kitchen. Before I knew it, two bacon sandwiches appeared in front of me. “You look like you’re a two-sandwich kind of chap,” she chuckled as she took a seat across from me.

As I bit into the sandwich, an audible groan escaped my lips. “God, this is amazing,” I muttered between bites.

“You must have had a bacon sandwich before?”

“Not in a very long time. I forgot how good actual food can taste,” I muttered, licking my fingers in between each bite.

“Don’t you cook? Or do you have a housekeeper or a personal chef or something?” she asked, taking a bite of her own sandwich.

I laughed. “I don’t have staff. Other than Mike, of course. I like my privacy too much. As for cooking, yes, I cook. But to be fair, I usually eat the same things. Chicken, fish, steamed veggies.” I shrugged. “My diet is pretty healthy and pretty bland.”

“Joyless. Your food sounds joyless, Viking. Oooooh, I’ve got a great idea,” she said, clapping her hands excitedly. “How about I cook you dinner tonight––as a way to say thank you for coming to my rescue again last night? Would that be okay? Or do you already have plans?”

“Dinner sounds perfect. Would you like me to send Mike to pick you up later?”

Confusion and disappointment flashed across her face. “You’re leaving?”

“I was going to head home to shower and do some work. Do you not want me to?”

“Honestly, you make me feel so much safer. I don’t want to be here on my own. I’m so scared they might come back,” she explained, her voice wobbling slightly.

“I have an idea. Why don’t you get some stuff together and come to my house? I have a meeting, but I can call in remotely. At least this way you won’t be alone.”

“Really? Are you sure I won’t get in the way? I know it might be lame, but I just can’t face staying here on my own.”

“Go get what you need, Etta. Since I came on my bike, I’ll call Mike and have him come and get you.”

“Your bike? As in… your motorbike?” Her eyes widened in excitement. “I’ve never been on a bike, but I’ve always wanted to try. All that power between your legs…” she closed her eyes as if imaging the feeling. “What’s not to love?”

The thought of her on my bike made it hard to swallow, let alone speak. “Well, I would let you ride on my beast, but I’ve only got one helmet. And if you’re going to be on the back, you need a suit. Mike can take you back to my place and I’ll follow right behind.” I noticed the concerned expression hiding behind her eyes.

“You know Mike will look after you, right? He’s meant to keep you safe anytime I’m not around.”

Hettie smiled softly as she nodded. “I do. And thank you again, Viking. I’m not sure what I’d do without you.” I swear my heart melted the instant her words left her mouth.


An hour later, Hettie had settled in and was curled up on my sofa in front of the fire, mug of tea in hand. Aimlessly flipping through the channels in search of something to watch, she looked as if she were made to be here.